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Three-room flat трехкомнатная квартира


Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

Flat                                                                                        квартира

Three-room flat                                                                     трехкомнатная квартира

House                                                                                     дом

High-storied house                                                                многоэтажный дом

To wove                                                                            (зд.) переезжать

Floor                                                                                      этаж, пол

To face (the park, the square)                                   ( зд .) выходить на ( парк ,


Ground floor                                                                         первый этаж (брит.)

First floor                                                                  второй этаж (брит.)

Elevator                                                                            лифт

Modern conveniences                                           современные удобства

Gas                                                                                        газ

Central heating                                                                     центральное отопление

Running water                                                                       водопровод

Pretty                                                                                    миленький

Cozy                                                                                      уютный

Roomy                                                                              просторный

Living-room                                                                           гостиная

Carpet                                                                                   ковер

Arm chair                                                     кресло

Furniture                                                                          мебель

Bedroom                                                      спальня

Double bed                                                                        двухместная кровать

Single bed                                                                  одноместная кровать

Wardrobe                                                             шкаф для одежды

Dressing table                                                                       туалетный столик

Bedside stand                                                                        прикроватная тумбочка

Shelf                                                                                      полка

Sunny side                                                                        солнечная сторона

Kitchen                                                                                  кухня

Electric appliance                                                                 электроприбор

Refrigerator                                                                     холодильник

Microwave oven                                                       микроволновая печь

Stove                                                                                     плита

Mixer                                                                                   миксер

Mincer                                                                                    мясорубка

Coffee-maker                                                                         кофеварка

Dish washer                                                                           посудомоечная машина

Bathroom                                                             ванная

Washing machine                                                  стиральная машина

Sink                                                                                       раковина

Glass shelf                                                                         стеклянная полка

Toilet articles                                                               туалетные


Mirror                                                                                   зеркало

Hot whirlpool                                                              джакузи

Ceramic                                                                     керамический

Hall                                                                                        (зд.) прихожая

Rack                                                                                      крючок

Key rack                                                                                крючок для ключей

Hall stand                                                                              вешалка для одежды

Umbrella stand                                                                      стойка для зонтов

Corner                                                                              угол

Pleasant                                                                                приятный

Atmosphere                                                                      атмосфера

Friendship                                                                  дружба

Mutual                                                                              взаимный

Understanding                                                                       понимание

To move                                                                                 переезжать

To face                                                                                   выходить фасадом на

That is why                                                                       поэтому

Задание 2. Запомните употребление предлогов в следующих выражениях:

on the first floor                                                                        - на втором этаже

on the sunny side                                                                        - на солнечной стороне

in the middle of smth                                                                 - посредине чего - либо

in the corner                                                                  - в углу

on the left                                                                                  - налево

on the right                                                                    - направо

on the wall                                                                                 - на стене

at the window                                                                            - у окна

to the left of                                                                   - налево от …

in front of the door                                                        - перед дверью

around the table                                                                        - вокруг стола

above the table                                                                          - над столом

Задание 3. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание.


My family lives in a large town. There are many modern high-storied buildings in it. Recently we moved into a new flat of the eight-floor house. Our flat is on the seventh floor. It faces the park. There is an elevator and all conveniences in our house. We have gas, central heating, hot and cold running water. They make our life more comfortable.

We live in a three-room flat. It is not very large but pretty, comfortable and roomy. Our flat is on the sunny side of the house and each room has a wide window. That is why all rooms of it are light.

The living-room is the largest in our flat. The walls of it are light-green. There is a big red-and-green carpet on the floor in the middle of the room. To the right of the window there is a sofa and two armchairs. The furniture in the living-room is very comfortable. In front of the sofa there is a TV set and a DVD recorder. On the window there are nice stripped red and green curtains.

In my parents’ bedroom there is a double bed with bedside stands, a wardrobe and a dressing table with a mirror above it. On the walls of coral colour there are some pictures of flowers. There are two lamps on the wall above the bed. The curtains on the window are white.

My own room is very cozy. There is a single bed and a desk in it. The wall papers of it are coloured. The ceiling is blue with many single lamps. I like music very much, that is why I have a CD player. There is a computer to the left of the desk. On the wall behind the computer there are two shelves with books on them. On other walls there are many photos of my friends, my family, and me.

Our kitchen is modern equipped, too. There is a refrigerator, microwave oven, stove, mixer, mincer, coffee-maker, and dish washer in it. Of course, all these electric appliances make our life easier and more comfortable. To the right of the door there is a table and six chairs around it.

In the bathroom there is a washing machine. To the right of the washing machine there is a sink and a glass shelf for toilet articles with a mirror above it. To the right of the door there is a big hot whirlpool. The floor and the walls of the bathroom are ceramic.

I like my flat very much. It is so pleasant to come home, when working day has gone. Of course, for me my home is not only a flat or a house, but also it is people who live there and the atmosphere of love and mutual understanding.


Задание 1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Where does your house face?

What floor is your flat on?

What is your room?

What is there in your hall?

What is your house for you?

Задание 2 . Вставьте необходимые предлоги:

1. My family lives … a large town.

2. Recently we moved … a new flat.

3. Our flat is … the seventh floor.

4. Our flat is … the sunny side of the house.

5. There is a big red-and-green carpet … the floor.

6. To the right … the window there is a sofa and two armchairs.

7. … the bedroom of my parents there is a double bed.

8. There is a dressing table with a mirror … it.

9. There are two lamps … the wall … the bed.

10. There is a computer … the left … the desk.

11. There are many photos … my friends.

12. To the right there is a table and six chairs … it.

Задание 3. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам и ответьте на них.

My own room is very cozy.

Задание 5. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

Задание 1. Повторяйте за диктором слова и словосочетания. Запомните их значения:

Suburb                                                                   пригород

Lavatory                                                                 туалет

Fireplace                                                                           камин

Garden                                                                             сад

Tulip                                                                                  тюльпан

A lawn                                                                  газон

Garage                                                                             гараж

Castle                                                                                 крепость

Задание 2. Прослушайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание.

Suburban House

The fireplace warms the house. In front of the house there is a small garden in which roses, tulips and many flowers are grown. At the back of the house there is a large garden with a lawn and some fruit trees. At the side of the house there is a garage.

What warms the house?

Where is a small garden?

Задание 4. Закончите предложения, исходя из содержания текста.

1. Most people live in houses in …

2. Suburban houses … of only two floors.

3. In the hall there is a … for hats, coats and umbrellas.


Задание 1. Прослушайте диалог. Воспроизведите его в парах:

- Good afternoon, Ann.

- How do you do, Kate? I am glad to see you.

- Where are you going?

- The lecture is over, and I'm going home. We moved into a new flat in Mira Street.

- My great congratulations to you. What floor is your flat on?

- It is on the fifth floor in a new six-storeyed house.

- How many rooms are there in your flat?

- Our flat has three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a corridor.

- Are there all modern conveniences in your flat?

- Of course, there is gas, electricity, running water and a central heating in it.

- Have you got your own room in the flat?

- Yes, I have got it. I like my room very much. There is a sofa, a bookcase, a small desk, and a wardrobe in it. It is very cozy.

- Is it enough for you?

- Yes, it is quite enough for me.

- It's no use to describe our flat. I invite you to our house.

- Thank you very much. I'll visit you with pleasure.



Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания.

Flat                                                                                        квартира

three-room flat                                                                     трехкомнатная квартира

House                                                                                     дом


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