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Unit 3: Saturday night – September, Thursday

Step 1


1. Read the letters dated Saturday night – September, Thursday.


2. Write a summary of what happened to Jerusha during that period of time. 4


Look up the pronunciation and learn the following words:

scenery, intrigue, ancient, rehearsal, gown, innocent, amiable, exhilarating, scarcely (p. 56), to acclimate (p. 58), to fascinate (p. 61), monotonous (p. 61), bargain, playwright.


4. a) Find the following word combinations. Look them up in a dictionary, learn their pronunciation and give the Russian equivalents.

b) Write out the sentences they are used in. 4


1. used to

2. to feel at home

3. to make up one’s mind

4. (not) to be alike

5. to run for (class) president

6. no matter (who, how)

7. to be exited at/over smth

8. they don’t count, it doesn’t count

9. to be displeased

10. to do one’s shopping, to go shopping

11. to recover from smth

12. to devote one’s life to smth

13. to appreciate smth


5. Reproduce the situations in which the above suggested word-combinations are used.


State which of the following sentences are right and which are wrong. Correct the wrong ones.

· One of Mrs. Semple’s faults was that she was a poor housekeeper.

· Judy was longing for some one to talk to, as Mrs. Semple was getting monotonous.

· Master Jervie looked and behaved like a true Pendleton.

· Judy got accustomed to Master Jervieand missed him when he had gone.

· Master Jervie praised all the seven stories that Judy had written.


7. Explain or comment on the following:

1. I am beginning in fact to feel at home in the world – as though I really belonged in it and had not just crept in.

2. There are advantages…about rooming with Julia.

3. It is a dizzying experience…to pass eighteen years in the John Grieg Home, and then suddenly to be plunged into the world.

4. …if I ever have any children of my own…I am not going to let them have any cares until they grow up.

5. It’s a funny thing about the people here. Their world is just this single hilltop.



Step 2


8. a) Find the following word combinations. Look them up in a dictionary, learn their pronunciation and give the Russian equivalents.

b) Write out the sentences they are used in. 4


1. to care for smb

2. to change one’s mind

3. to put oneself in other people’s places

4. to accept smb’s invitation

5. to learn housekeeping

6. to live up to smth

7. a hard bargain

8. to long for smth

9. to miss smth, smb

10.  at first glance

11.  to be wet (soaked) through

12.  not to have the slightest idea of smth

13.  to make it up


9. Reproduce the situations in which the above suggested word-combinations are used.


11. Translate the following passage into Russian: 4

“There is a March wind blowing…I don’t care.”


12. a) Write out the new information about Judy Abbot and Mr. Pendleton.    4 b) Underline key-phrases in the passages that you write out. Translate and transcribe unfamiliar words.


13. a) Read the letters for the second time and get ready to answer the following questions using your own plans and the suggested word-combinations. Chose additional vocabulary items that you will need to answer the questions. Use as many word-combinations from exercises 4 and 8, as possible.

1. How did Judy like it on the farm?

heavenly, on the top of a hill, meadow, a hired girl, honey, jelly-cake, pickles, adorable, old-fashioned furniture, mahogany


2. Who used to own the farm? How did Judy spend the summer?

rhetorical, to be curious to know, used to, a funny coincidence, a curl, to rise in smb’s opinion, the cream of the family, inferior, entertaining, piglets, turkey, to live on a farm, daily business, scenery, immortal, to keep smb busy, to pick blackberries, to pick smth up, to drop smth, to remind smb of smth, affectionate, to be weighed, to gain weight, a health resort


3. Why was it a pleasant sensation for Judy to come back to college? Who did she room with?

familiar, to feel at home, in command of the situation, to make up one’s mind, not a bit alike


4. How was Sallie elected class president?

to run for class president, an atmosphere of intrigue, politicians, a torchlight procession, no matter, ancient history


5. Where did Judy spend the Christmas vacation? Why did she call it the most beautiful vacation?

to be exited at the prospect, a brick house, curiously, restful, homelike, all over curls, good-looking, a junior, to say grace, a relief, to give a dance for smb, doesn’t count, an evening gown, drawback, to de displeased


6. What contest did Judy win? What did the fact prove?

a short-story contest, a Sophomore, contestants, to post smth, after all (p. 55)


7. Who invited Judy and her friends to New York? Describe her impressions of the city.

to do some shopping, (to go shopping), to stop at a hotel, to be exited over a prospect, scarcely, to recover from, bewildering effect, amazing, entertaining, to devote one’s life to smth, to wear clothes, crockery, to give smb smth, lily-of-the-valley, to care for smb, to change one’s mind


8. What were Judy’s impressions of the play “Hamlet” [‘hWmlIt] ?

to have no idea, to suspect smb of smth, dazzling, marvelous, unbelievable, to dream about, to appreciate, to mind, across the footlights


9. How did the book “Jane Eyre” [‘dGeIn’ER] impress Judy? What was the deadly likeness between the two charity institutions?

to fascinate, to be outraged, to intimate, sufficient, monotonous, uneventful, to stamp out smth


10. What was Judy’s idea of a happy childhood? Why did she think imaginations should be cultivated in children?

quality, to put oneself in other people’s places, sympathetic, understanding, to plan smth out to the littlest detail, no matter, to look back upon, cares


11. What invitation did Judy get from the McBrides? Was she allowed to accept the invitation? Summarize Judy’s reasons for going there. (Choose key word-combinations and additional vocabulary by yourself.)


12. In what way does the letter of the 9th of June differ from the others. What does the change in style indicate? (Note the form of address and the choice of words typical of formal (business) correspondence.)


13. Was Judy disappointed at having to give up the McBrides’ invitation? What hurt her most about her guardian’s instructions to go to Lock Willow Farm?

to regard smb’s wishes, couldn’t see any reason, to order smb to some place, impersonality, the slightest hint, to live up to one’s side of the bargains, a hard bargain, lonely, to care for, humiliating, arbitrary, peremptory, omnipotent, providence


14. What enabled Judy to write that she was an author? What scholarship was Judy to have?

to accept, to cover board and tuition, marked knowledge of, general excellency, to win a scholarship, to apply for, on account of burden, for sale at all news stands



Unit 4: September 26th – Thursday morning

Step 1


1. Read the letters dated September 26 – Thursday morning.


2. Write a summary of what happened to Jerusha from September 26 to Thursday morning. 4



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