Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The Accident on the Motorway



Unit 1                                                                                                                        1

Unit 2                                                                                                                        3

Unit 3                                                                                                                        4

Unit 4                                                                                                                        6

Unit 5                                                                                                                        10

Unit 6                                                                                                                        12

Unit 7                                                                                                                        16

Unit 8                                                                                                                        21

Unit 9                                                                                                                        24

Unit 10                                                                                                                      26

Unit 11                                                                                                                      27

Unit 12                                                                                                                 29

Unit 13                                                                                                                      31

Unit 14                                                                                                                      33

Unit 15                                                                                                                      36

Unit 16                                                                                                                      39

Unit 17                                                                                                                      41

Unit 18                                                                                                                      45

Unit 19                                                                                                                      47

Unit 20                                                                                                                      51


Text 1                                                                                                                       58

Text 2                                                                                                                       58

Text 3                                                                                                                       59

Text 4                                                                                                                  59

Text 5                                                                                                                       60

Text 6                                                                                                                       60

Text 7                                                                                                                       61

Text 8                                                                                                                       61

Text 9                                                                                                                       62

Text 10                                                                                                                     63

Text 11                                                                                                                     64

Text 12                                                                                                                     64

Text 13                                                                                                                     66

Text 14                                                                                                                     69

Vocabulary                                                                                                                     71

Bibliography                                                                                                              85


Unit 1

1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. accident  — несчастный случай

2. drive  — вести машину

3. upside - down — перевернутый вверх ногами

4. unconscious  — бессознательный

5. ambulance — скорая помощь

6. trap  — заманить в ловушку; захватить; зажать

7. fire brigade ( firefighters ) — пожарная команда

8. emergency  — чрезвычайная ситуация

9. emergency ( service ) — служба спасения


2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What did Mr. Jones see at the side of the road?

2. What did the car behind do?

3. What did Mr. Jones and the other driver do after they got out of their cars?

4. In what condition was the driver of the crashed car?

5. What did Mr. Jones say?

6. What was the problem regarding the driver’s legs?

7. What suggestion did the driver of the second car make to Mr. Jones?

8. Why did Mr. Jones run back to his car?

9. Who answered the telephone?

10. What question did the operator ask Mr. Jones?


Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения (подразумевая отказ в сотрудничестве или отказ техники).

1. Дверь нс открывается.

2. Брат со мной не играет.

3. Она со мной не разговаривает.

4. Прибор не работает.

5. Камень не движется.

6. Лампа не включается.

7. Он не дает мне свой словарь!

8. Машина не заводится.

9. Телевизор не включается.


7. Переведите на английский язык, используя для предложения помощи как форму shall I ...?, так и форму I ’ ll ... .

1. Вам помочь?

2. Принести воды?

3. Вас перевязать?

4. Я принесу поесть.

5. Я дам вам лекарство.

6. Машина не заводится.

7. Пузырек не открывается.

8. Сообщить родственникам?

9. Номер не набирается.

10. Я присмотрю (to look after) за вашим ребенком.

11. Отвезти вас домой?

12. Вам донести чемодан (suitcase)?

13. Набрать ваш пин-код?

14. Я помогу вам выбраться (to get out).

15. Я заведу машину.


Unit 2

Выучите следующие слова:

1. announcer — диктор

2. screen — экран

3. flood  — наводнение

4. curtain — штора, занавеска

5. awake — просыпаться

6. noise — шум

7. stretch — простираться

8. stick out — торчать

9. downstairs — внизу (дома)


Выпишите из текста все фразовые глаголы и определите их значения.

5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы .

1. What do you put on after you get up?

2. What would you do before getting in the bath? (подсказ­ка: take off)

3. What must you do in order to fill the bath with water? (подсказка: turn on)

4. What do you turn off before you go to sleep?

5. If a young man was killed in an accident, who might break the news to his family?

6. What might cause someone making a speech to break off suddenly?

7. What might a doctor tell you to cut down on?

8. What might cause a village in Switzerland to be cut off suddenly?

9. What would you do if you ran out of money in a foreign country?

10. If someone cries "Look out!", what would you do?


6. Как вы думаете, чем закончится история про наводнение, ко­торую вы прочитали в упр. 2? Придумайте ее окончание , начав сло ­ вами :

So Mr. Barley put on his slippers and went downstairs...

7. Невозможно выучить фразовые глаголы списком. Разумнее запоминать их по одному в конкретной ситуации. Вот несколько примеров использования фразовых глаголов.

1. The car broke down, so I had to walk.

2. He’d had a nasty blow on a head, but he soon came round (recovered consciousness)

3. Could you kindly look after the baby for half an hour?

4. We can put you up (offer you a bed for a night)

5. The bomb was set to go off in 10 minutes (to explode)

6. I want to find out where she lives.

7. They argued for a long time, but eventually Peter gave in. (surrendered)

8. They called off the game because of the weather, (can­celled)

9. She never really got over the death of her husband.

Unit 3

Переведите на русский язык.

1. I’ve lost my key.

2. She’s treated two patients for broken legs.

3. She’s treated three patients for burns.

4. The doctor has examined two children.

5. She has worked as a doctor since 2006.

6. Peter has lived here for many years.


4. Прочитайте текст, озаглавьте его и запомните значения сле­дующих слов:

• shoot • drown • run over • fall • burn • poison • explode • tear • enjoy


David Irvin is an actor. He’s never been a star. But he’s appeared in more than fifty films since 1990.

Usually he’s played the part of a minor villain, and very often he has become an unfortunate victim of fate. In fact he has "died" in more than thirty films.

David said, "They’ve shot me thirteen times, they’ve drowned me twice, they’ve run me over with a car on seven occasions, and I’ve fallen to my death from six high buildings. Apart from that I’ve been burnt to death. I’ve died three horrible deaths from drinking poison. Finally they have exploded the bomb and I had my head torn. However, I must say I’ve enjoyed it all tremendously.


5. Задайте вопросы или ответьте на них .

1. Ask what David does.

2. Ask if he has ever been a star.

3. Answer the question.

4. Ask how many films he’s appeared in.

5. Answer the question.

6. Ask what sort of parts he has played.

7. Answer the question.

8. Ask how many times he’s died.

9. Answer the question.

10. Ask if he’s been run over with a car.

11. Answer the question.

12. Ask if he’s ever fallen from high buildings.

13. Answer the question.

14. Ask if he’s ever drunk poison.

15. Answer the question.

16. Ask if he’s enjoyed his time in the film industry.

17. Answer the question.


Unit 4


Grammar: Passive Voice

В тексте вы встретили фразу: ...a large area of tropical rain­forests has been burnt...

Пассивную форму (Passive Voice) глагола можно отличить от активной (Active Voice) благодаря наличию вспомогатель­ного глагола be перед причастием II смыслового глагола: be + Participle II (- ed , 3-я форма). Глагол be в этом случае выражает время, число, лицо и обычно не переводится (лишь иногда это­го требуют нормы русского языка). Причастие II переводится в том времени, в котором стоит вспомогательный глагол.


Ниже приводятся все формы страдательного залога в англий­ском языке.


  Present Past Future
 Simple is/am/are + Ved (V3) was/were + Ved (V3) will/shall + be + Ved(V3)
  Letters are sent every day. — Письма посылают каждый день. Letters were sent yesterday. — Письма отправили вчера. Letters will be sent tomorrow. — Письма отправят завтра.
Continuous is/am/are + being + Ved (V3) was/were + being + Ved (V3) —————————
  Letters are being sent now. — Письма отправляют сейчас. Letters were being sent at 5 yesterday. — Письма вчера отправляли в 5 часов. —————————
 Perfect has/have + been + Ved (V3) had + been + Ved (V3) will/shall + have/has+ been +Ved (V3)
  Letters have been already sent. — Письма уже отправили. Letters had been sent before he phoned. — Письма отправили до того, как он позвонил. Letters will have been sent by 5 tomorrow. — Письма отправят завтра до 5 часов.


При переводе английского сказуемого в страдательном зало­ге следует иметь в виду, что:

1. Лицо или предмет, обозначенные словом, стоящим перед сказуемым, не сами выполняют действие, а испытывают дей­ствие, выраженное глаголом:


  • I invited him. (Active)                                         Я пригласил его.
  • I am invited to all the meetings. (Passive) Меня приглашают на все встречи.


  • He asked a question. (Active)                         Он задал вопрос.
  • He was asked a question. (Passive)          Ему задали вопрос.


2. В научных текстах часто не указывается, кем или чем со­вершается действие. Акцентируется сам факт, что действие со­вершается. При переводе на русский язык используются актив­ные формы глагола:


  • The problem was not considered.            Эту проблему не рассматривали.


Следует также обратить внимание на два типа глаголов, ко­торые вызывают трудности при переводе, если используются в страдательном залоге:


а) глаголы, требующие после себя в русском и английском языках дополнения с предлогом:

· to depend on (upon) smth. зависеть от чего-л.

· to deal with smth.    иметь дело с чем-л.

· to refer to smth.       ссылаться на что-л.


Глагольное сочетание to refer to as переводится «называться»:

  • The phenomenon is referred to as greenhouse effect - Это явление называется парниковый аффект.


б) глаголы, требующие беспредложного дополнения в ан­глийском языке и предложного в русском:

  • to answer smth.          отвечать на
  • to follow smth.           следовать за


Не следует путать глаголы to affect (влиять) и to effect (вы­зывать):

  • to effect                осуществлять, вызывать
  • to affect smth.                  влиять на что-либо
  • to influence smth. влиять на что-либо
  • to approach smth.  подходить к чему-либо


Перевод предложений, включающих оба типа глаголов, сле­дует начинать с предлога:


  • Not every experiment can be relied upon. - Не на каждый эксперимент можно положиться.
  • The problem was not dealt with. - С этой проблемой не имели дело.
  • Many questions were answered correctly. - На многие вопросы были даны правильные ответы.
  • The work is often referred to in special literature. - На эту работу ссылаются в специальной литературе.


3. Преобразуйте следующие предложения, заменив действи­тельный залог на страдательный.

1. The greenhouse effect has reduced wheat yields in America.

2. The rising sea level will flood London.

3. Nuclear power stations produce electricity.

4. Poorer nations do not save energy.

5. Developed nations have damaged the environment.

6. Factories were polluting the atmosphere in the 1960s.

7. Many countries produced too much waste in the ’80s.

8. Some countries had made laws against river pollution before 1980.


G) Saving the Rainforests,

 h) Water Pollution


Unit 5

Выучите следующие слова:

1. threaten  — угрожать

2. wildlife  — природа

3. escape  — убегать; избегать (зд. утекать)

4. devastate — разрушать

5. leak  — утечка

6. hamper — затруднять


Правильный перевод:

1. В 1988 г. в Армении произошло разрушительное земле­трясение.

2. Наводнения в Санкт-Петербурге бывают каждый год.

3. В Северной Осетии часто случаются обвалы.

4. За 10 дней 2007 г. в Москве произошло более 30 пожа­ров.

5. Военные действия в Чечне возобновились в 1994 г.

6. В США часто бывают ураганы и торнадо.

7. В Эфиопии массовый голод провоцируется саранчой и засухами.


5. Пе­реведите на английский язык.

1.   Дом строится.

2. Урожаи пшеницы в Америке сокращаются вследствие парникового эффекта.

3. Электричество производится не только атомными стан­циями.

4. Рис выращивается во Вьетнаме.

5. На эту работу ссылаются многие специалисты.


Unit 6

Выучите следующие слова:

1. core — основной

2. summon — вызывать (no телефону)

3. dedicated  — предназначенный

4. firefighter  — пожарный

5. rescue  — спасать

6. crime  — преступление

7. ambulance — машина скорой помощи; санитарный транспорт

8. staff  — кадры, штат, личный состав


5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос: What are core emergency services?

Core Emergency Services

There are three services which are almost universally acknowl­edged as being core to the provision of emergency care to the popula­tion. They would generally be summoned on a dedicated Emergency telephone number, reserved for critical emergency calls. They are:

Fire service — Providing firefighters to deal with fire and rescue operations.

Police Providing community safety and acting to reduce crime against persons and property.

Emergency medical service — Providing ambulances and staff to deal with medical emergencies.






Unit 7

1. Выучите следующие слова:

1. crew n — команда

2. hazard n — опасность

3. vehicle n — транспортное средство

4. disaster n — бедствие

5. famine n — массовый голод

6. lifeguard n — спасатель на водах

7. helicopter n — вертолет


2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What civil emergencies do you know?

2. When is Gas hazardous?

3. What does Emergency road service provide?

4. What do you think famine relief teams are used for?

5. What location specific emergency services do you know?

6. What do Park rangers look after?

7. Is there a special lifeguard service in Russia?

8. What activities are Russian emergency services involved in?


Civil Emergency Services

These are emergency services who deal with emergencies, mostly as an incidental part of their “day job”.

Public utility crews — Safeguarding Gas, Electricity and Water, which are all potentially hazardous if infrastructure fails

Emergency road service — A service providing repair or recovery for vehicles which have broken down or been involved in a collision

Emergency Social Services — A component of the Provincial Emergency Program of the Province of British Columbia. ESS are those services required to preserve the well-being of people affected by an emergency or disaster. Teams are established in local municipalities and assemble together for meetings and contingency planning.

Community emergency response teams & Certified first responders — Used for mass emergencies, organizing facilities such as rest centers

Famine relief teams


Unit 8

Выучите следующие слова:

1. liaison — связь

2. tension — напряженность, неловкость (ситуации)

3. versus — в сравнении с

4. voluntary —  добровольный

5. aid — способствовать

6. share — участвовать; разделять; присоединяться; со­вместно использовать

7. mnemonic — мнемонический

8. vehicle — транспортное средство


2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Why can there be tension between different emergency services?

2. What common protocols are shared by different services?


Working Together

Effective emergency service management requires the services to work closely together, and to have open lines of communication. Most services do, or should, have procedures and liaisons in place to ensure this. However, there can sometimes be tension between serv­ices, for a number of reasons, including professional versus voluntary crew members, or simply based on area or division.

To aid effective communication, different services may share a com­mon protocol for certain types of emergency, such as a major incident. Commonly used shared protocols include CHALET and ETHANE.


3. Соотнесите слова, расшифровывающие протокол CHALET (1—6), и их определения (А — F ).

1. Casualty

2. Hazard

3. Access

4. Location

5. Emergency

6. Type

A.  Means of entering, way in, entrance

B.  An unexpected and dangerous happening which must be dealt with quickly

C. A person hurt in an accident

D. A danger

E. A particular kind, class or group of people or things very like each other

F. A place or position


3. Прочитайте следующую информацию и ответьте на вопросы.

CHALET is a mnemonic indicating a protocol used by emergen­cy services to report situations which they may be faced with, espe­cially as it relates to major incidents. CHALET dictates the form in which the receiving control station should get information from the

first person or officer on scene. In some jurisdictions, the alternative ETHANE may be used.

It stands for:

Casualties — Approximate numbers of dead, injured and uninjured

Hazards — Present and potential

Access — Best access routes for emergency vehicles, bottlenecks to avoid etc.

Location — The precise location of the incident

Emergency — Emergency services already on scene, and what others are required

Type — Type of incident, including details of numbers of vehicles, buildings, etc., involved

In the event of this being used for a major incident, the report­ing first on scene officer would not usually get involved with the rescue work, but act as a co-ordinator on scene for arriving emer­gency vehicles. This may be achieved bv the vehicle being used by the first on scene should leave it’s lightbar running, whilst all others should turn theirs off on arrival, to make identifying the incident officer easier.

ETHANE is a mnemonic indicating a protocol used by emergen­cy services to report situations which they may be faced with, espe­cially as it relates to major incidents, where is may be used as part of their emergency action principles. ETIIANE dictates the form in which the receiving control station should get information from the first person or officer on scene. In some jurisdictions, the alternative CHALET may be used.

It stands for:

Exact Location — The precise location of the incident

Type — The nature of the incident, including how many vehicles, buildings etc. are involved

Hazards — Both present and potential

Access — Best route for emergency services to access the site, or obstructions and bottlenecks to avoid

Numbers — Numbers of Casualties, Dead and Uninjured on scene

Emergency Services — Which services are already on scene, and which others are required


1. How is CHALET deciphered?

2. What do casualties stand for?

3. What kind of hazards does the protocol imply?

4. What is meant by access?

5. What does the expression first on scene officer mean?

6. What do numbers stand for?

7. What emergency services are implied by the protocol ETHANE?


а) Внимательно прочитайте определение одного из протоко­лов и переведите. Проанализируйте, как составлено это опреде­ление, обращая особое внимание на его «функциональные» части, выделенные курсивом.


ETHANE is a mnemonic indicating a protocol used by emergency services to report situations which they may be faced with, especially as it relates to major incidents, where is may be used as part of their emergency action principles.


b ) Прочитайте следующие определения, обращая внимание на их «функциональные» части, выделенные курсивом. Переведи­те определяемые слова. Все они обозначают предметы, связанные со сферой МЧС.


A spanner (wrench) is a metal hand tool which is used for holding and turning nuts, bolts, pipes, etc.
A saw is a hand or power-driven tool of various shapes and sizes with a row of sharp tooth-like points which is used for cutting hard materials
A torch (flashlight) is a small electric light carried in the hand
An axe is a tool with heavy metal blade on the end of a long handle used for cutting dozen trees and splitting wood
A helmet is a covering to protect the head is worn by soldiers, firefighters, miners, policemen, motorcyclists, etc.
A hydraulic spreader is a tool used by emergency crews in vehicle extrication
A self-contained breathing apparatus, or SCBA is a device zoom by rescue workers, firefighters, and others to provide breathable air in a hostile environment
NOMEX is a registered trademark for flame resistant material marketed and first discovered by DuPont in the 1970s
A Nomcx hood is a common piece of firefighting equipment. It is placed on the head on top of a firefighter’s face mask to protect the portions of the head not covered by the helmet and face mask from the intense heat of the fire.
PASS device is an acronym for the Personal Alert Safety System, a device used by firefighters entering a building to alert the outside Rapid Entry Team, that the wearer of the PASS device is in need of rescue



PASS device integrated into an SCBA unit for automatic activation


6. Закройте правую колонку и дайте определение словам из ле­вой.

7. Дайте определения следующих понятий :

a pen, a drill, a computer, a camera, a clock, a screwdriver, an ex­tinguisher

(Подсказка: an instrument, a machine, a device, a tool; to pro­cess information, to write with, to take photographs, to measure time, to put out fire with, to make holes, to drive in screws)


Unit 9

1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. urgent  — срочный

2. hoax — розыгрыш

3. prank — проделка; шутка

4. waste — терять даром, тратить впустую

5. endanger — подвергать опасности

6. prosecute — преследовать судебным порядком

7. telephone directory —  телефонный справочник

8. digit — цифра, однозначное число

9. dial — набирать (номер)

10. avoid — избегать

11. overload — перегружать

12. a power outage — отключение электроэнергии {также. a power failure, a power loss)

13. queue — очередm


2. Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы.

Use of Emergency Numbers

In most areas, the emergency number is intended to be used only in an emergency. Routine and non-urgent calls as well as hoax or prank calls to emergency services numbers waste the time of both dispatchers and emergency responders and can endanger lives. False reports of emergencies are often prosecuted as crimes.

For routine and non-urgent enquiries emergency services gen­erally provide traditional telephone numbers for contact. These are normally listed in the local telephone directory. In England and Wales, for example, where serious emergencies have a three- digit number 999, the number 08454647 can be dialed for NHS Direct, a non-emergency medical service. NHS Direct is the name of a 24 hour, confidential telephone, online and interactive dig­ital TV health advice and information service provided by the National Health Service in England and Wales. NHS Direct was rolled out across England and Wales between 1998 and 2000. A similar service was introduced in Scotland in 2004. NHS Direct does not replace the British emergency service phone numbers 999 and 112.

In many areas in the North American Numbering Plan, 311 has been assigned as an urgent telephone number that may be used to contact the police and other services to report minor incidents and historic crime that does not endanger life, to avoid overloading 911. The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) is an integrated te­lephone numbering plan of 24 countries and territories: the United States and its territories, Canada, Bermuda, and 16 Caribbean na­tions. It is a system of three-digit area codes and seven-digit tele­phone numbers that directs telephone calls to particular regions on a public switched telephone network (PSTN), where they are further routed by the local network.

Other cities in North America use 311 as a general contact number for municipal government or for reporting situations such as power outages.

The telephone number 112 is the international emergency tele­phone number for GSM mobile phone networks. It does not neces­sarily work on mobile phone networks based on other technologies. In all European Union countries it is also the emergency telephone number for both mobile and fixed-line telephones.

To avoid overloading the European normal 112 number, Sweden has an automatic routing of the incoming phone calls. If the local emergency center is overloaded the call will be routed to another emergency center that’s not overloaded, thus avoiding queueing of emergency calls.


1. What is the emergency number intended for?

2. Why do you think hoax or prank calls waste the time of dispatchers?

3. How are false reports of emergences prosecuted?

4. What do emergency services provide for routine and non­urgent enquiries?

5. Where are emergency telephone numbers listed?

6. What does NHS Direct stand for?

7. What has been done to avoid overloading of 911 in the USA?

8. What does the acronym PSTN mean?

9. What does NANP stand for?

10. What number is used for reporting power outages in North America?

11. What is the international emergency telephone number for GSM mobile phone networks?

12. What has been done in Sweden to avoid overloading the European normal 112 number?


Student А

1. Ask if it’s emergency service.

2. Explain that you need a police officer and an ambulance.

3. Tell your partner that there has been a bad fight between your neighbours and one of them is badly injured.

4. Explain that your neighbour’s hands and face are badly cut.

5. Tell your partner the address of the accident.

6. Spell your name and the name of the street you live in.

Student В

1. Lift a receiver and say your number.

2. Ask your partner what service is needed.

3.  Ask your partner what happened.

4. Ask about the character of the injury.

5. Ask about the address of the accident in question.

6. Ask your partner to spell the name and address.


Unit 10

Unit 11

Выучите следующие слова:

1. goal — цель

2. safety — безопасность

3. property — собственность

4. environmental — относящийся к борьбе с загрязнени­ем окружающей среды

5. attempt — пытаться

6. simultaneous — одновременный

7. heat  — жар, теплота

8. fuel — топливо

9. allow — допускать

10. ignition — воспламенение, возгорание

11. permit — позволять

12. triage — установление очередности медицинской по­мощи

2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What does the abbreviation FAST mean?

2. What is the goal of FAST?


The three main goals in firefighting are life safety, incident sta­bilization, property conservation and environmental preservation. Firefighting is a difficult occupation.

Firefighters work closely with other emergency response agen­cies, most particularly local and state police departments. The role of firefighters in providing emergency medical services is also increasing. Most career (full time, paid) firefighters in North America are represented by the International Association of Fire Fighters.

Prevention attempts to ensure that no place simultaneously has sufficient heat, fuel and air to allow ignition and combustion. Self- preservation is critical. The basic technique firefighters use is to know where they are, and to avoid hazards.

Rescue operations consist of searching for and removing trapped occupants of hazardous conditions. Animals may also be recovered, if resources and conditions permit. Generally triage and first aid arc performed outside, as removal from the hazardous at­mosphere is the primary goal in preserving life. Search patterns include movement against room walls (to prevent rescuers from becoming lost or disoriented) and methodical searches of specif­ic areas by designated teams. Unlike a fire control team, a rescue team typically moves faster. If firefighters become lost, trapped, or injured, they will be searched and rescued by such teams. They are commonly, and often interchangeably, known as Rapid In­tervention Teams (RIT), or Firefighter Assist and Search Teams (FAST).


3. Ответьте письменно на вопросы .

1. What are the goals of firefighting?

2. Is firefighting difficult?

3. Who do firefighters work with?

4. What is the goal of prevention?

5. What is the basic technique firefighters use?

6. What do rescue operations consist of?

7. Do firefighter save animals?

8. What is the difference between a fire control team and a rescue team?

9. What does RIT mean?


Unit 12

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. Could you lend me $5?

2. Would you mind getting me a drink?

3. Can you help me move into my new flat?

4. Would you mind putting out your cigarette?

5. Would you please move your car? It’s blocking my way.

6. Would you turn off the TV?

a. Sure, no problem.

b. Are you kidding? I’m broke!

c. Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know this was a non-smoking section.

d. I'll do it right away.

e. Sorry, but I’m really busy these days.

f. I'll do it in a moment.


Unit 13

Выучите следующие слова:

1. ceiling — потолок

2. tile — кафель, плитка

3. neighbour — сосед

4. flame — пламя

5. board — правление, руководство, совет, коллегия (лю­бая организация, управление которой связано с заседа­ниями: группа людей, участвующая в таких заседаниях, и т. п.)

6. leak — утечка

7. wiring — проводка

8. destroy — разрушать

9. damage — ущерб

10. insurance — страховка

11. escape — избавление, спасение


2. Прочитайте следующий текст, стараясь минимально исполь­зовать словарь, и озаглавьте его.

I never did like polystyrene ceiling tiles. Apart from the fire haz­ard, they don’t look very good. So when I moved into a house whose previous owner covered every ceiling with polystyrene tiles, I really intended to take those tiles down. Now I can tell you nothing is more urgent.

For there’s the other thing about polystyrene tiles. They can turn the small fire into a killer.

Saturday, May 16, began in a usual way. I got up at about 7 o’clock, took my wife Jean a cup of tea in bed, then set off for the south coast on business, Jean rose shortly afterwards and left the house to do some shopping.

It was just as well that she did, for within an hour the house was filled with lethal smoke and fumes. Burning plastic dripped from the ceiling starting little fires in carpets and furniture. A neighbour spot­ted the smoke pouring out of the window and called the fire brigade. Another neighbour located Jean, and she and the firemen arrived simultaneously.

It was a piece of good luck, because they didn’t have to break down a door to get in. Once inside, they put out the flames in a re­markably short time and without a mess.

They also called the electricity and gas boards, who sent repre­sentatives to check the safety of respective installations.

'The wiring is all right, it must have been a gas leak," the man from the electricity board said. "There’s nothing wrong with the gas — it must have been an electricity fault" the gas man said. Both were right. The trouble started on the electrical wiring of the cooker clock.

One thing is certain: without those ceiling tiles it would have been a very localized fire. It might even have gone out by itself. However, the lire spread to the dining room. The heat shattered seven panes of glass. Two armchairs in the dining room were destroyed, but the sofa was not. The fire brigade put out the flames before they reached the hall and staircase or it might have been a more serious matter.

But the smoke damage...

Everything in the house was covered with an oily black film, al­most impossible to remove. There seemed to be nowhere the smoke hadn’t penetrated.

The insurance company paid up for the damage in the house and the interior decorations. The ceilings have been covered with the ornamental plaster which has been approved for its fire resistant qualities.

Now, four months later, things are slowly returning for normal. But nothing can make us forget that we had a very lucky escape. The fire could have started at any lime. If it had broken dining the night, we would have been killed by the fume. The discovery that you aren't fireproof is really frightening.


3. В соответствии с содержанием текста определите, истинны или ложны следующие утверждения.

1. Polystyrene tiles are dangerous.

2. The author and his wife realize they were wrong to put them on the kitchen ceiling.

3. One day they were both out a fire broke out.

4. It started with a gas leak in the cooker.

5. A neighbour saw flames coming out of the window and called the fire brigade.

6. Another neighbour told Jean that her house was on fire.

7. The firemen had to break the door down.

8. The firebrigade didn't make a mess.

9. Two armchairs in the dining room escaped damage.

10. Most of their possessions were ruined by smoke.

11. They were lucky the fire didn’t start at night.


Unit 14

1. Прочитайте следующий текст, стараясь минимально исполь­зовать словарь, и озаглавьте его.

John Farynor was baker to King Charles II. One Saturday evening in 166G he went to bed in his room leaving a flame flickering in his bread ovens. He didn’t know its significance, of course! At two o’clock on Sunday morning the fire in the bakery sparked off one of the worst fires in history, the Great Fire of London.

Sparks raising from the bakery set fire to a haystack (стог сена) in the yard. Thousands of people were soon out in the street watch­ing the blaze. If fires had not been so common on the city, people would have been more alarmed. But people realized how serious the hazard was only on Sunday.

On Sunday afternoon the blaze reached the River Thames, and the warehouses (склады) containing oil, brandy and coal exploded

like bombs. A strong wind blew from the east and the fire spread to the west. There was one stage on Sunday when the blaze might have been stopped but the firefighters smashed the waterpipes to fill their buckets more quickly and so they cut off the area’s supply of water.

The inferno continued from Sunday to Wednesday By then it had burned down 13,000 houses, destroyed 87 churches and blackened 30 acres. The greatest conflagration was in St Paul’s Cathedral.

Remarkably, only eight people died in the Great Fire of London. Most people had lots of time to escape.

On Wednesday night the fire was almost extinguished largely due to the personal intervention of the king, who ordered to knock down buildings, so as to clear the space as a fire break.


2. Выучите следующие слова и расположите их в порядке воз­растания интенсивности:

Nouns: spark, fire, conflagration, inferno, blaze, flame

Verbs: to blaze, to flicker, to burn


Unit 15


Выучите следующие слова:

1. preserve — сохранять, сберегать

2. to prevent — предотвращать, предупреждать

3. injury — рана, повреждение

4. promote — способствовать, содействовать

5. recovery — выздоровление

6. detection — выявление, обнаружение

7. summon — вызывать

8. treatment — лечение


5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What are the "3 Ps” (3 main aims) of First Aid?

2. Name the six stages of pre-hospital care.


The Purpose of EMS

An EMS exists to fulfill the basic principles of First Aid, which are to Preserve Life, Prevent Further Injury and Promote Recov­ery.

This can be built on further, and one commonly used system is outlined here:

• Early Detection (a member of the public finds the incident)

• Early Reporting (the emergency services are summoned)

• Early Response (the emergency services get to scene quickly)

• Good on Scene Care (appropriate treatment is given)

• Care in Transit (the patient is looked after on the way to hospital)

• Transfer to Definitive Care (the patient is handed to the care of a physician)

This system is signified by the Star of Life shown here, where each of the "arms” to the star represents one of the six points.


6. Внимательно прочитайте и переведите на русский язык ин­струкцию для звонящих в службу спасения.

Unit 16


An ambulance is a vehicle for trans­porting sick or injured people, to, from or between places of treatment for an illness or injury. The term ambulance comes from the Latin word ambulare, meaning to walk or move about which is a reference to early medical care where patients were moved by lifting or wheeling.

The word is most commonly associated with the land-based, emergency motor vehicles that admin­ister emergency care to those with acute illnesses or injuries, hereafter known as emergency ambulances. These are usu­ally fitted with flashing warning lights and sirens to facilitate their movement through traffic.

Other vehicles used as ambulances include trucks, vans, station wagons, buses, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft, boats, and even hospital ships.


3. Изучите типы санитарного транс­порта, наиболее часто используемые в США, и скажите, какие из них приме­няются в нашей стране.

• Van

• Car/SUV (sport utility vehicle)

• Motorcycle

• Bicycle

• All Terrain Vehicle (such as a "quad bike")

• Golf cart

• Helicopter

• Fixed-wing aircraft

• Boat

• Ship


Unit 17




Отрицательные приставки




не, недостаточно

in- incomplete
im- impossible
il- illegal
ir- irregular





отрицание/противоположиое действие




производить обратное действие




Положительные приставки




сверх, чрезмерно


Приставки размера


















Приставки местонахождения


между, среди
















Приставки времени и порядка












Приставки количества









quadri-, quandru-







Другие приставки













9. Заполните пропуски приставками из приведенных выше та­блиц.

1. ... paid volunteers are ... professional people.

2. Rescue operations include searching for and ... moving trapped occupants of dangerous conditions.

3. Ambulances ... port sick people to hospitals.

4. The ... nationally accepted symbol for first aid is the white cross on a green background.

5. Early... fibrillation is an important part of the chain of sur­vival.


Unit 18

1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. injury — травма

2. bruise — синяк, кровоподтек

3. wound — рана

4. burn — ожог

5. bone fracture — перелом кости

6. joint dislocation — вывих сустава

7. concussion — сотрясение

8. sprain  — растяжение связок


2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.    What is an injury?

2.    What are the most common types of injuries?

3.    What injuries are the most serious and dangerous?


Types of Injuries

Injury is damage or harm caused to the structure or function of the body caused by an outside agent or force, which may be physical or chemical. Injury may also refer to injured feelings or reputation rather than injuries to the body. A severe and perhaps life-threat­ening injury is called a physical trauma. The most common types of injuries are the following:

• Bruise, also called a contusion, is a kind of injury to biological tissue in which the capillaries are damaged, allowing blood to seep into the surrounding tissue. It is usually caused bv blunt impact. Bruises often induce pain but are not normally dangerous.

• Wound is a type of physical trauma where the skin is torn, cut or punctured (an open wound), or where blunt force trauma causes a contusion (a closed wound).

• Bum may be an injury caused by heat, cold, electricity, chemicals, friction or radiation (e. g. a sunburn).

• Bone fracture is a medical condition in which a bone breaks. A bone fracture can also occur as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis or certain types of cancer.

• Joint dislocation occurs when bones in a joint become displaced or misaligned. It is often caused by a sudden impact to the joint.

• Concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), is the most common and least serious type of traumatic brain injury. It is usually caused by a blow, without any penetration into the skull or brain.

• Sprain is an injury which occurs to ligaments caused by a sudden overstretching. The ligament is usually only stretched, but if it is completely torn, a longer period of immobilization and surgical repair may be necessary.

• Shock is a serious, often life-threatening medical condition where insufficient blood flow reaches the body tissues. As blood is the body’s carrier of oxygen and nutrients, this leads to a deficiency of these essential inputs to life.

• Amputation is the removal of a body extremity by trauma or surgery. As a surgical measure, it is used to control pain or a disease process in the affected limb, such as malignancy or gangrene.


Выучите следующие слова:

1. damage — вред, повреждение

2. psyche — психика

3. abuse — оскорбление; жестокое обращение

4. violence — жестокость; насилие

5. threat — опасность, угроза

6. witness — видеть, быть свидетелем

7. exposure — подвергание какому-л. воздействию

8. urge — побуждение


4. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the difference between physical and psychological traumas?

2. What events may cause a psychological trauma?


Psychological Traumas

Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that oc­curs as a result of a traumatic event. When that trauma leads to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, damage can be measured in physi­cal changes inside the brain and to brain chemistry, which affect the person’s ability to cope with stress.

Psychological trauma may accompany physical trauma or ex­ist independently of it. Typical causes of psychological trauma are sexual abuse, violence, the threat of either, or the witnessing of ei­ther, particularly in childhood. Catastrophic events such as earth­quakes and volcanic eruptions, war or other mass violence can also cause psychological trauma. Long-term exposure to situations such as extreme poverty or milder forms of abuse, such as verbal abuse, can be traumatic. In some cases, even a person’s own actions can be traumatic if the offender feels helpless to control the urge to commit such crimes.

However, different people will react differently to similar events. One person may perceive an event to be traumatic that another may not, and not all people who experience a traumatic event will be­come psychologically traumatized.


Unit 19


Epidemiology is the study of factors affecting the health and illness of populations. In the work of communicable and non- communicable diseases, the work of epidemiologists range from outbreak investigation to data collection and analysis including the development of statistical models. Epidemiologists may draw on a number of other scientific disciplines such as biology in un­derstanding disease processes and social science disciplines in­cluding sociology and philosophy in order to better understand risk factors.

Epidemiological studies are aimed, where possible, at revealing unbiased relationships between exposures such as alcohol or smok­ing, biological agents, stress, or chemicals to mortality or morbidity. Identifying causal relationships between these exposures and out­comes are important aspects of epidemiology. Modern epidemiolo­gists use informatics as a tool.

Viral epidemiology is the branch of medical science that deals with the transmission and control of virus infections in humans. Transmission of viruses can be vertical, that is from mother to child, or horizontal, which means from person to person. Examples of ver­tical transmission include hepatitis В virus and HIV (human im­munodeficiency virus) where the baby is born already infected with the virus. Horizontal transmission is the most common mechanism of spread of viruses in populations. Transmission can be exchange of blood by sexual activity, e. g. HIV, hepatitis В and hepatitis C; by mouth by exchange of saliva, e. g. Epstein Barr virus, or from con­taminated food or water, e. g. norovirus; by breathing in viruses in the form of aerosols, e. g. influenza virus; and bv insect vectors such as mosquitoes, e. g. dengue.

Epidemiology is used to break the chain of infection in populations during outbreaks of viral diseases. Most viral infections of humans and other animals have incubation periods during which the infec­tion causes no signs or symptoms. Incubation periods for viral diseases range from a few days to weeks but are known for most infections. Following the incubation period there is a period of communicability; a time when an infected individual or animal is contagious and can infect another person or animal. This too is known for many viral in­fections and knowledge the length of both periods is important in the control of outbreaks. When outbreaks cause an unusually high pro­portion of cases in a population, community or region, they are called epidemics. If outbreaks spread worldwide, they are called pandemics.


4. Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следую ­ щих выражений :

1. вирусное заболевание;

2. сбор данных;

3. здоровье населения;

4. инфекционное заболевание;

5. факторы риска;

6. распространение вирусов;

7. зараженные еда и вода;

8. инкубационный период;

9. заразить другого человека;

10. заболеваемость и смертность;

11. в форме аэрозоля;

12. вирус иммунодефицита человека;

13. незаразная болезнь;

14. современные эпидемиологи;

15. причинная связь.


  1. В тексте несколько раз встретилось сокращение е. g ., озна­чающее например (= exempli gratia ). Изучите другие латинские со­кращения, часто встречающиеся в английском языке.
• etc . (= et cetera) — и тому подобное, и так далее • N . В. (= nota bene) — обрати внимание (ставится на по­лях книги для выделения важной информации) • N . N. (= nomen nominandum) — некое лицо (ставится в качестве подписи, если автор неизвестен) • Р. S. (= post scriptum) — после написанного, послесло­вие • Q . E . D . (= quoderat demonstrandum) — что и требовалось доказать • vs или v. (- versus) — против • cf (- confer) — сравните • a . m. (- ante meridiem) — до полудня • р. m. (- post meridiem) — после полудня • et al . (= etalii) — и другие (употребляется в научных ста­тьях, библиографических описаниях) • viz (= videficit) — а именно, то есть • i . е. (= idest) — то есть

6. Заполните пропуски изученными латинскими сокраще­ниями.

1. The report on the diagnosis of infectious diseases was writ­ten bv John Smith ....

2. Tom had much to learn about pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi,....

3. Peter devoted his life to the study of factors affecting the health and illness of population ... epidemiology.

4. Edward rarely got up before 2 ... as he only went to bed at 6

5. Зд: — 26 = 100, so Зx = 126, therefore x = 42 ....



Hygiene refers to the set of practices associated with the preven­tion of illness and preservation of health and healthy living through cleanliness. Hygiene is a concept related to medicine as well as to personal and professional care practices related to most aspects of living. The term "hygiene" is derived from Hvgieia, the Greek god­dess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. Hygiene is also the name of the science that deals with the promotion and preservation of health, also called hygienics.

Personal hygiene pertains to hygiene practices performed by an individual to care for one’s bodily and spiritual health and well-be­ing through cleanliness. Motivations for personal hygiene practice include reduction of personal illness, healing from personal illness, optimal health and sense of well-being, social acceptance and pre­vention of spread of illness to others.

Personal hygiene practices include: seeing a doctor, seeing a dentist, regular washing (bathing or showering) of the body, regular hand washing, brushing and flossing of the teeth, ba­sic manicure and pedicure, feminine hygiene, healthy eating, exercise and spiritual development. Personal grooming extends personal hygiene as it pertains to the maintenance of a good personal and public appearance which need not necessarily be hygienic.

Personal hygiene is achieved by using personal hygiene prod­ucts including soap, hair shampoo, hair conditioner, toothbrush­es, tooth paste, cotton swabs, deodorant, chapstick, cream, lo­tion, facial tissue, hair clippers, nail clippers, mouthwash, nail files, skin cleansers, razors, shaving cream, skin cream and toilet paper.


Unit 20

Выучите следующие слова:

1. evident  — явный, очевидный, наглядный

2. fungus (мн. ч. fungi) — грибы

3. protozoan (мн. ч. protozoa) — простейшее животное

4. multicellular — многоклеточный

5. aberrant — отклоняющийся от нормального типа, аберрантный

6. prion  — прион (вирусный агент, вызывающий заболе­вания нервной системы)

7. pathogen — патоген, болезнетворный организм

8. species (мн. ч. species) — представитель какого-л. био­логического вида

9. diverse — разнообразный, разный

10. contaminated — зараженный

11. airborne  — воздушно-капельный, переносимый по воздуху

12. vector-borne  — трансмиссивный, передаваемый перенос­чиком

13. spread - распространение

14. benign — доброкачественный, в легкой форме


Infectious Diseases

An infectious disease is a clinically evident disease resulting from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including pathogenic viruses, pathogenic bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular parasites, and aberrant proteins known as prions. These pathogens are able to cause disease in animals and/or plants. Infectious pathologies are usually qualified as contagious diseases (also called communicable diseases) due to their potentiality of transmission from one person or species to another. Transmission of an infectious disease may oc­cur through one or more of diverse pathways including physical contact with infected individuals. These infecting agents may also be transmitted through liquids, food, body fluids, contaminated ob­jects, airborne inhalation, or through vector-borne spread.

The term injectivity describes the ability of an organism to enter, survive and multiply in the host, while the infectiousness of a disease indicates the comparative ease with which the disease is transmitted to other hosts.

Diagnosis of infectious disease sometimes involves identifying an infectious agent either directly or indirectly. In practice most minor infectious diseases are diagnosed by their clinical presentation. Con­clusions about the cause of the disease are based upon the likelihood that a patient came in contact with a particular agent, the presence of a microbe in a community, and other epidemiological considera­tions. Given sufficient effort, all known infectious agents can be spe­cifically identified. The benefits of identification, however, are often greatly outweighed by the cost, as often there is no specific treat­ment, the cause is obvious, or the outcome of an infection is benign.

Specific identification of an infectious agent is usually only de­termined when such identification can aid in the treatment or pre­vention of the disease, or to advance knowledge of the course of an illness prior to the development of effective therapeutic or preventa­tive measures. For example, in the early 1980s, prior to the appear­ance of AZT (azidothimidine) for the treatment of AIDS (Acquired

Immune Deficiency Syndrome), the course of the disease was close­ly followed by monitoring the composition of patient blood samples, even though the outcome would not offer the patient any further treatment options.



Immunity is a medical term that describes a state of having suf­ficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other un­wanted biological invasion. Immunity involves both specific and non-specific components. The non-specific components act either as barriers or as eliminators of wide range of pathogens irrespective of antigenic specificity. Other components of the immune system adapt themselves to each new disease encountered and are able to generate pathogen-specific immunity.

Adaptive immunity is often subdivided into two major types de­pending on how the immunity was introduced. Naturally acquired immunity occurs through contact with a disease-causing agent, when the contact was not deliberate, where as artificially acquired immunity develops only through deliberate actions such as vaccina­tion. Both naturally and artificially acquired immunity can be fur­ther subdivided depending on whether immunity is induced in the host or passively transferred from a immune host. Passive immunity is acquired through transfer of antibody or activated T-cells from an immune host, and is short-lived, usually lasts only a few months, whereas active immunity is induced in the host itself bv antigen, and lasts much longer, sometimes life-long.


Unit 21


A virus (from the Latin virus meaning toxin or poison) is a sub- microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell. Viruses infect all cellular life. The first known vi­rus, tobacco mosaic virus, was discovered by Martinus Beijerinck in 1898, and now more than 5,000 types of virus have been described. The study of viruses is known as virology, and is a branch of micro­biology.

Viruses consist of two or three parts: all viruses have genes made from either DNA (deoxyribonucleicacid) or RNA (ribonucleic acid), long molecules that carry genetic information; all have a protein coat that protects these genes; and some have an envelope of fat that sur­rounds them when they are outside a cell. Viruses vary in shape from simple helical and icosahedral shapes to more complex structures.

They are circa 100 times smaller than bacteria. Most viruses that have been studied have a diameter between 10 and 300 nanometres. The origins of viruses are unclear: some may have evolved from plas­mids — pieces of DNA that can move between cells, others may have evolved from bacteria.

Examples of common human diseases caused bv viruses include the common cold, influenza, chickcnpox, and cold sores.

Not all viruses cause disease, as many viruses reproduce without causing any obvious harm to the infected organism. Some viruses such as hepatitis В can cause life-long or chronic infections, and the viruses continue to replicate in the body despite the hosts’ defense mechanisms. However, viral infections in animals usually cause an immune response, which can completely eliminate a virus. These immune responses can also be produced by vaccines that give life­long immunity to a viral infection. Microorganisms such as bacteria also have defenses against viral infection, such as restriction modi­fication systems. Antibiotics have no effect on viruses, but antiviral drugs have been developed to treat life-threatening and more minor infections.



Text 1 .

Прочитайте следующий текст и расскажите об отличительных особенностях службы спасения в Австралии.

National Emergency Services

The national telephone number for all emergency services in Aus­tralia including AMBULANCE, FIRE and POLICE is "000".

How 000 works

000 calls are answered by a Telstra Operator who will ask which service you require — Police, Fire or Ambulance. The operator will ask relevant questions, and arrange an appropriate response from the local Police, Ambulance or Fire Service.

Calls From Mobile Phones

000 calls are free on all mobile phones. From analogue phones, 000 will connect callers, although many newer digital phones re­quire the user to dial 112, the international standard emergency number. Consult your carrier if you are uncertain how to access the 000 emergency network.

Non Emergencies

If you require the assistance of these services for routine matters and non emergency situations, then you should call the local number of the required service nearest you. These numbers and other 24-hour emergency numbers can be found in the local White Pages telephone directory or you can search the Australian White Pages online.

Text 2

Прочитайте следующий текст. Какие виды транспорта могут быть использованы в качестве машины скорой помощи? Переведи­те их названия на русский язык с помощью словаря (или препода­вателя).

Ambulance Vehicle Types

Ambulances can be based on many types of vehicle, although emergency and disaster conditions may lead to other vehicles serv­ing as makeshift ambulances:

1. Van — A typical ambulance is of a van construction, based on a standard chassis, usually with a maximum road weight loaded of between 3.5 and 7.5 tonnes. In North America, the large box type ve­hicles are referred to as "mods" (modular) and the smaller van type vehicle is often called a "high-top".

2. Car/SUV — Used either as a fly-car for rapid response or for patients who can sit, these are standard car models adapted to the requirements of the service using them. Some cars are capable of taking a stretcher with a recumbent patient, but this often requires the removal of the front passenger seat, or the use of a particularly long car. This was often the case with early ambulances, which were converted (or even serving) hearses, as these were some of the few vehicles able to accept a human body in a supine position).

3. Motorcycle — In developed areas, these are used almost exclu­sively for rapid response in an emergency as they can travel through heavy traffic much faster than a car or van, although in the develop­ing world, trailer or sidecar adaptations make these patient trans­porting units.

4. Bicycle — Also used for response, but usually in pedestrian­ised areas where road vehicles find access difficult.

5. All Terrain Vehicle — Such as a "quad bike", these are used for response off road, especially at events. Some ATVs are modified to carry a stretcher, and are used for tasks such as mountain rescue in inaccessible areas.

6. Golf cart — Also used for rapid response at events. Function similar to ATVs, with less rough terrain capability, but also less noise.

7. Helicopter Usually used for emergency care, either in plac­es inaccessible bv road, or in any area where speed is of the essence, as they are able to travel significantly faster than a road ambulance.

8. Fixed-wing aircraft - These can be used for either acute emer­gency care in remote areas (such as in Australia, with their "Flying Doctors") or for patient transport over long distances (usually a re­patriation following an illness or injury in a foreign country).

9.    Boats & Ships — In some areas boats may serve as ambulanc­es, especially in island areas. Some lifeboats or lifeguard vessels may also fit the description of an ambulance. There are also hospital ships, mostly in the military, which meet the definition of ambulances as they provide transport to the sick and wounded (along with treatment). These are often sent to disaster or war zones to provide care for the casualties of these events.


Text 3

Text 4

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1.   К какому жанру принадлежит этот текст?

2.   О какой организации рассказывается в тексте?

3.   Как можно пройти курс, о котором идет речь?


Text 5

Прочитайте текст с помощью словаря, озаглавьте его и расска­жите по-английски или по-русски, о чем идет речь.

About the agency: Krasnodar Krai Agency of Emercom (an acronym for Emergency Control Ministry, officially known as the Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief of the Russian Federation; the closest Western analogue is the US Federal Emergency Management Agency) started in 1983 as the Krasnodar Krai Civil Defense HQ. After series of reorganization it was incorpo­rated into the federal Emercom structures.

The role of the agency has significantly changed over the last 30 years. There are no longer the major threats of WMD as they were seen in the 1980s, but the challenges remain no less crucial, be it in the form of localized terrorism or technological and natural dis­asters. The major function of emergency management is the prepara­tion for and response to disasters, both natural and man-made. The agency staff participated in S&R operations and clean-up works at Chernobyl nuclear power complex (1986), in Armenia (1988) and the region (floods of 2001 and 2002); last years the staff has been on numerous humanitarian missions in Abkhazia and Chechnya.

Professional holidays: Rescuers Day (December 27) and Fire­fighter’s Day (April 30).

Achievements: Recently, a complex of disaster prevention measures along with the professional skills of rescue workers have the effect of reducing the social and economic costs of disasters. One of the key tasks carried out by the agency in 2003, along with development of rescue teams, was organization of three-level sys­tem of emergency respond. The system unites and coordinates ac­tivities of the following bodies: three federal firefighting units, the Coordination Center, the Southern specialized firefighting unit, the Southern regional and the Krasnodar S&R teams, the Center of S&R Sea Works and the Tuapse office of the State Emercom Mo­bile Team: 45 regional firefighting units, the Kuban-Spas regional clean-up team; 12 municipal first-respond teams: the State Inspec­tion on Small Craft.


Text 6

Прочитайте следующий текст с минимальной помощью слова­ря, озаглавьте его и перескажите по-русски.

The Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) is an internationally agreed-upon set of safety procedures, types of equip­ment, and communication protocols used to increase safety and make it easier to rescue distressed ships, boats and aircraft.

GMDSS consists of several systems, some of which are new, but many of which have been in operation for many years. The system is intended to perform the following functions: alerting (includ­ing position determination of the unit in distress), search and res­cue coordination, locating (homing), maritime safety information broadcasts, general communications, and bridge-to-bridge com­munications. Specific radio carriage requirements depend upon the ship’s area of operation, rather than its tonnage. The system also provides redundant means of distress alerting, and emergency sources of power.

Recreational vessels do not need to comply with GMDSS radio carriage requirements, but will increasingly use the Digital Selec­tive Calling (DSC) VIIF radios and offshore vessels may elect to equip themselves further. Vessels under 300 Gross tonnage (GT) are not subject to GMDSS requirements and vessels from 300 to 500 GT have less restrictive carriage requirements than vessels 500 GT and over.

Text 7

Text 8

Прочитайте следующий текст с минимальным использованием словаря. Какие типы машин скорой помощи существуют в Велико­британии?

Ambulance Functional Types

Ambulances can be grouped into types depending on their func­tion; that is whether or not they transport patients, and under what conditions.

Emergency Ambulance The most recognized type of ambu­lance, which provide care to patients with an acute illness or injury. These can be road going vans, helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft (known as air ambulances) or even converted vehicles such as golf carts.

Patient Transport Ambulance — A vehicle which has the job of transporting patients to, from or between places of medical treat­ment, such as hospital or dialysis center, for non-urgent care. These can be vans, buses or other vehicles.

Response Unit — Also known as a fly-car, which is a vehicle which is used to reach an acutely ill patient quickly, and provide on scene care, but lacks the capacity to transport the patient from the scene. Response units may be backed up by an emergency ambulance which can transport the patient, or may deal with the problem on scene, with no requirement for a transport ambulance. These can be a wide variety of vehicles, from standard cars to modified vans, mo­torcycles, pedal cycles, quad bikes or horses. In some services, these units also function as supervisors’ vehicles (similar to a fire chiefs vehicle, but for ambulance services).

Charity Ambulance A special type of patient transport am­bulance is provided by a charity for the purpose of taking sick chil­dren or adults on trips or vacations away from hospitals, hospices or care homes where they are in long-term care. Examples include the United Kingdom’s "Jumbulance” project. These are usually some form of bus.


Text 9

Прочитайте следующий текст с минимальным использовани­ем словаря. Кто входит в состав команды скорой помощи в Вели­кобритании? Составьте реферат текста на русском языке.

Ambulance Crew

There are several different levels of qualification that the ambu­lance crew may hold, from holding no formal qualification to having a fully qualified doctor on board. Most ambulance services require at least two crew members to be on every ambulance (one to drive, and one to attend the patient), although response cars may have a sole crew member, possibly backed up by another double-crewed ambu­lance. It may be the case that only the attendant need be qualified, and the driver might have no medical training.

Common ambulance crew qualifications are:

First Responder — A person who arrives first at the scene of an incident, and whose job is to provide early critical care such as CPR or using an AED. First responders may be dispatched bv the ambu­lance service, may be passers-by, or may be dispatched to the scene from other agencies, such as the police or fire departments.

Ambulance Driver — Some services employ staff with no med­ical qualification (or just a first aid certificate) whose job is to simply drive the patients from place to place.

Ambulance Care Assistant — Have varying levels of training across the world, but these staff are usually only required to perform patient transport duties (which can include stretcher or wheelchair cases), rather than acute care. Dependent on provider, they may be trained in first aid or extended stills such as use of an AED, oxygen therapy and other live-saving or palliative skills. In some services, they may provide emergency cover when other units are not avail­able, or when accompanied by a fully qualified technician or para­medic.

Emergency Medical Technician — Also known as Ambulance Technician. Technicians are usually able to perform a wide range of emergency care skills, such as defibrillation, spinal care, and oxygen therapy. Some countries split this term in to several levels (such as in the US, where there is EMT-I and EMT-II).

Paramedic This is a high level of medical training and usually involves key skills not permissible for technicians, such as cannulation (and with it the ability to use a range of drugs such as morphine), intubation and other skills such as performing a circothyrotomy. In many countries, this is a protected title, and use of it without the relevant qualification may result in criminal prosecution. In Ireland this level is known as an Advanced Paramedic.

Emergency Care Practitioner — This position, sometimes called "Super Paramedic" in the media, is designed to bridge the link between ambulance care and the care of a general practitioner. ECPs are already qualified paramedics who have undergone further train­ing, and are authorised to prescribe medicines (from a limited list) for longer term care, such as antibiotics, as well as being trained in a range of additional diagnostic techniques.

Registered Nurse (RN) — Some services use nurses for am­bulance work, and as with doctors, this is mostly as air-medical res­cuers or critical care transport providers, often in conjunction with a technician or paramedic. They may bring extra skills to the care of the patient, especially those who may be critically ill or injured in locations that do not enjoy close proximity to a high level of defini­tive care such as trauma, cardiac, or stroke centers.

Doctor — Some ambulance services — most notably air am­bulances — will employ physicians to attend on the ambulances, bringing a full range of additional skills such as use of prescription medicines.


Text 10

Прочитайте следующий текст и письменно составьте его рефе­рат на английском языке. Перескажите свой реферат .

The British Red Cross is offering a unique opportunity to stay abreast of imminent changes to the rules governing first aid at work.

Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations will soon face their big­gest shake up in 25 years. The Health and Safety Executive has con­sulted with industry stakeholders about changes that could see the four-day first aid at work qualification being replaced by a three-day course and the introduction of an HSE accredited one-day course named Emergency First Aid at Work.

To ensure compliance with the new regulations, employers will be required to carry out an assessment of first aid needs. This in­volves consideration of workplace hazards and risks, the size of the organisation and other relevant factors. Such risk assessments have always been a legislative requirement, but the HSE guidelines have been revised to better complement the updated courses.

The changes are expected to be implemented in mid 2009. leaving companies limited time to familiarise themselves with the new rules and decide upon any appropriate action for their business. British Red Cross First Aid Training is promising to help industry over­come this information gap by offering an email updates sendee that will bring the latest information on the changes, and how they may affect your business, directly to your desktop.

Figures published by the IISE last month state that 2006—07 was the worst period for injury and ill health at work for four years, with one in every one hundred employees experiencing a non-fatal report- able injury at work. These are not surprising figures when placed in the context of research conducted bv the British Safety Council which suggests that as many as 62% of workers had received little or no health and safety training. The result is that employers face an annual bill of £7.8 billion for pay outs and costs for accidents and injuries at work, the equivalent of £250 a second.

All businesses are required to provide "adequate and appropri­ate" equipment and personnel to provide first aid should an em­ployee become ill or injured at work. This obligation will remain unchanged following the introduction of the new courses, but with­out a hard and fast rule to dictate the number and category of first aider required, many become confused about what is considered ap­propriate to their place of work, often leading to no training at all being offered.

The Red Cross has been offering advice on remaining compliant with health and safety obligations and a full portfolio of first aid at work courses for the past twenty-six years and is promising to make the transition as painless as possible for businesses by providing clear, straightforward explanations of the new requirements.


Text 11

Прочитайте со словарем следующий текст. Составьте его рефе­рат на русском языке.

A lifeboat is a boat designed to save the lives of people in trouble at sea. This term is predominantly used in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and may refer to special shore-based vessels manned by vol­unteers, designed to quickly reach a ship or individuals in trouble at sea. Lifeboats may be rigid or inflatable vessels.

The first boat specialized as a lifeboat was tested on the River Tyne on January 29, 1790. William Wouldhave and Lionel Lukin both claimed to be the inventor of the first lifeboat. One example of an early lifeboat was the Landguard Fort Lifeboat of 1821, designed by Richard Hall Gower.

In U.S. waters, rescue-at-sea is part of the duties of the United States Coast Guard, which employs its multipurpose ships and air­craft in this role.

Modern motor life boats (MLB) originated as life boats that had been modified with the addition of an engine and provided more power to get in and out of the swell area inside the surf. They can be launched from shore in any weather and perform res­cues further distances out. Older lifeboats relied on sails and oars, which are slower and dependent on wind conditions or manpower. Both types remain in use. All lifeboats of this type generally have modern electronic devices such as radios and radar to help locate

the party in distress and carry medical and food supplies for the survivors.

The MLB was initially developed by the United States Life Sav­ing Service in 1899, of which models derived from this hull design remained in use until 1987. The United States Life Saving Service later would become the United States Coast Guard and continue in its original mission of saving lives.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution (or RNLI) maintains lifeboats around the coasts of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, manned by unpaid volunteers with equipment funded through voluntary donation — web-site at www.rnli.org.uk. Most Scandinavian countries also have volunteer lifeboat societies. The local branch of a society generally schedules practices, maintains a lifeboat and shed, and is contacted by commercial marine radio op­erators when a rescue is needed.

In Australasia, surf lifesaving clubs operate inflatable rescue boats (IRB) for in-shore rescues of swimmers and surfers. These boats are best typified bv the rubber Zodiac and are powered by an outboard motor. The rescue personnel wear wet suits.

The Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat (RIB) is now seen as the best type of craft for in-shore rescues as they are less likely to be tipped over by the wind or breakers. Specially designed Jet rescue boats have also been used successfully. Unlike ordinary pleasure craft, these small to medium sized rescue craft often have very low freeboard so that victims can be taken aboard without lifting. This means that the boats are designed to operate with water inside the boat hull and rely on flotation tanks rather than hull displacement to stay afloat and upright.

Lifeboat tender of the Oosterdam showing the "face mask" over the front windows, and the rolled-up tarp that can be brought down over the entry port to make the boat watertight.

The Dutch lifeboat association (KNRM) has put many efforts in developing jet-driven RIB lifeboats. This has resulted in 3 class­es. The largest is the "Arie Visser-class": length 18.80 m, twin jet, 2 x 1,000 hp, max. speed 35 kts, capacity 120 persons.

Lifeboats are also operated inland at specific events, organisations such as the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS UK) provide coverage of rivers, lakes and such like.


Text 12

Прочитайте следующий текст, озаглавьте его и передайте его содержание на английском языке.

The September 11, 2001 attacks (often referred to as 9/11 pronounced "nine eleven") consisted of a series of coordinated ter­rorist suicide attacks by Islamic extremists on that date upon the United States of America.

That morning, 19 terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners. Each team of hijackers included a trained pilot. The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airlin­ers (United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11) into the World Trade Center in New York City, one plane into each tower (WTC1 and WTC2), resulting in the collapse of both build­ings soon afterward and irreparable damage to nearby buildings. The hijackers crashed a third airliner (American Airlines Flight 77) into the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, near Washing­ton, D.C. Passengers and members of the flight crew on the fourth aircraft (United Airlines Flight 93) attempted to retake control of their plane from the hijackers; that plane crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania. In addition to the 19 hijackers, 2,974 people died as an immediate re­sult of the attacks, and the death of at least one person from lung disease was ruled by a medical examiner to be a result of exposure to WTC dust. Another 24 people are missing and presumed dead. The victims were predominantly civilians.

The area surrounding the World Trade Center became the site of the greatest number of casualties and missing, and physical de­struction. This region became known in the ensuing days as "ground zero".

When American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower (WTC1) of the World Trade Center, a standard announcement was given to tenants in the South Tower (WTC2) to stay put and that the building was secure. However, many defied those instructions and proceeded to evacuate the South Tower.

Standard evacuation procedures for fires in the World Trade Center called for evacuating only the floors immediately above and below the fire, as simultaneous evacuation of up to 50,000 workers would be chaotic.

Firefighters from the New York City Fire Department rushed to the World Trade Center minutes after the first plane struck the North Tower. Chief Joseph Pfiefer and his crew with Battalion 1 were among the first on the scene. At 8:50 a.m., an incident com­mand post was established in the lobby of the North Tower. By 9:00 a.m., the FDNY chief had arrived and took over command of the response operations. Due to falling debris and safety concerns, he moved the incident command center to a spot located across West Street, but numerous fire chiefs remained in the lobby which contin­ued to serve as an operations post where alarms, elevators, commu­nications systems, and other equipment were operated. The initial response by the FDNY was on rescue and evacuation of building occupants, which involved sending firefighters up to assist people that were trapped in elevators and elsewhere. Firefighters also were required to ensure all floors were completely evacuated.

Numerous staging areas were setup near the World Trade Center, where responding fire units could report and get deployment instruc­tions. However, many firefighters arrived at the World Trade Center without stopping at the staging areas. As a result, many chiefs could not keep track of the whereabouts of their units. Numerous firefight­ers reported directly to the building lobbies, and were ordered by those commanding the operating post to proceed into the building.

Problems with radio communication caused commanders to lose contact with many of the firefighters who went into the buildings. The repeater system in the World Trade Center, which was required for portable radio signals to transmit reliably, was malfunctioning after the impact of the planes. As a result, firefighters were unable to report to commanders on their progress, and were unable to hear evacuation orders. Also, many off-duty firefighters arrived to help, without their radios. FDNY commanders lacked communication with the NYPD (New York City Police Department), who had heli­copters at the scene, or with EMS dispatchers. The firefighters on the scene also did not have access to television reports or other outside information, which could help in assessing the situation. When the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m., firefighters in the North Tower were not aware of exactly what had happened. The battalion chief in the North Tower lobby immediately issued an order over the radio for firefighters in the tower to evacuate, but many did not hear the order, due to the faulty radios. 343 firefighters died in the collapse of the towers.

The command post located across West Street was taken out when the South Tower collapsed, making command and control even more difficult and disorganized. When the North Tower collapsed, falling debris killed Peter Ganci, the FDNY chief. Following the collapse of the World Trade Center, a command post was setup at a firehouse in Greenwich Village.

The FDNY deployed 200 units (half of all units) to the site, with more than 400 firefighters on the scene when the buildings collapsed. This included 121 engine companies, 62 ladder companies, and other special units. The FDNY also received assistance from fire depart­ments in Nassau, Westchester County, and other neighboring juris­dictions, but with limited ability to manage and coordinate efforts.

The FDNY deployed 200 units (half of the department) to the site, whose efforts were supplemented by numerous off-duty fire­fighters. NYPD Emergency Service Units (ESU) and other police personnel, along with numerous EMTs (Emergency Medical Tech­nicians) rushed to the scene. NYPD helicopters were soon at the scene, reporting on the status of the burning buildings. Though, FDNY commanders lacked communication with the NYPD, as well as with 911 dispatchers to provide good situational awareness. FDNY commanders also had difficulties communicating evacua­tion orders to firefighters inside the towers due to malfunctioning repeater systems in the World Trade Center.

Within hours of the attack, a massive search and rescue (SAR) operation was launched. Initially, only a handful of wounded people were found at the site, and in the weeks that followed it became evi­dent that there were no survivors to be found. Rescue and recovery efforts took months to complete. It took several weeks to simply put out the fires burning in the rubble of the buildings, although there was smoldering and smoke for 99 days, before the fire was complete­ly out. The clean-up was not completed until May 2002. Temporary wooden "viewing platforms" were set up for tourists to view con­struction crews clearing out the gaping holes where the towers once stood. All of these platforms were closed on May 30, 2002.

Many relief funds were immediately set up to assist victims of the attacks, with the task of providing financial assistance to the survivors and the families of victims. By the deadline for victim's com­pensation, September 11,2003,2,833 applications had been received from the families of those killed.

For the first time in history, all nonemergency civilian aircraft in the United States and several other countries including Canada were immediately grounded, stranding tens of thousands of passen­gers across the world.

Contingency plans for the continuity of government and the evacuation of leaders were also implemented almost immediately after the attacks. Congress, however, was not told that the US was under a continuity of government status until February 2002.


Text 13

Understanding Seism icily

In order to facilitate the development of effective earthquake plans, emergency planners and other decision-makers will find it advantageous to possess a basic understanding of the local seismic hazards, including the location, frequency, and magnitude of earth­quakes that may be expected to result from the rupture of local faults. Just as a competent firefighter understands basic science in order to accurately anticipate the behaviour of fire, so should fire/rescue pro­fessionals understand enough about seismology to link ground mo­tion with possible damage to the community and, therefore, remain better prepared to manage those consequences.

One model of interdisciplinary collaboration between fire/res- cue professionals and scientists is found in Southern California, where urban search and rescue technicians from the County of Los Angeles Fire Department and other public safety agencies have de­veloped close contacts with seismologists from the California Insti­tute of Technology and the University of Southern California (via the Southern California Earthquake Centre), in order to ensure that earthquake planning and training is consistent with the true seismic hazards. Among members of the local fire/rescue services, this is leading to a better understanding of the forces that drive the seismic disasters that periodically strike Southern California. It is a relatively new partnership that will enhance the planning process for earthquakes that are certain to strike the region. The old adage "know you enemy" is an appropriate analogy here.

This collaboration has also helped seismologists to gain a better understanding the needs of emergency responders (e.g. probabili­ties of future seismic events and their possible magnitude, advanced warning systems, rapid identification of the location and magnitude of ground fault rupture in order to rapidly deploy resources, etc.). As a result, we are finding that there are ways in which seismolo­gists and other earth scientists can enhance the ability of fire/rescue agencies to react to earthquakes.

Experience and Training

The level of experience required to properly evaluate rescue op­portunities and conduct effective search and rescue in collapse dis­asters is a rare commodity. Collapse rescue training courses provide the basis for this expertise, but nothing beats hand-on experience conducting emergency operations in actual collapse disasters ranging from earthquakes to explosions.

Consequently, well-organized teams of highly experienced res­cuers are often a rarity at earthquake disasters around the world, and locals are often left to their own devices, which may include the most basic tools and methods, which aren’t necessarily applicable for locating victims in void spaces, stabilizing the collapse, tunneling through the collapse, or lifting heavy materials from collapsed buildings.

In many cases, emergency responders lack the experience to recognize that people may be trapped alive within piles of rubble and in­side badly damaged buildings. As a result untold numbers of trapped victims have been abandoned for dead when officials prematurely declared an end to the Search and Rescue phase and the beginning of the so-called "Recovery Phase". Make no mistake — in a disaster, the term Recovery Phase is often shorthand for "we are going to begin bulldozing buildings with heavy equipment without regard for the potential of survivors trapped within them".

Text 14

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы по-английски.

1. What event is this text devoted to?

2. When did it happen?

3. What problems were considered during the conference?

4. What problems were exhibition sections devoted to?

5. Would you like to take part in this kind of event? What sec­tion are you most interested in?

The Forum is aimed at:

1. Demonstration of Russian and foreign projects, achievements and experience in the sphere of assistance to the population at the occurrence of emergency situations.

2. Representation by Russian and foreign designers and manu­facturers of their rescue equipment, projects and achievements in the sphere of high technologies.

3. Attraction of attention of specialists and public to the activ­ity and problems of services engaged in assisting the population in emergency situations.

4. Demonstration of potentialities of services and subdivisions of the MES to the participants, visitors and guests of the Forum.

Basic Forum arrangements

First Specialized Exhibition "Emercom in Russia "

The exhibition makes it possible for governmental, commercial and public structures to demonstrate their achievements, projects and experience in the sphere of development and manufacture of specialized equipment for the MES, to set new contacts and con­clude mutually profitable contracts. Services, which are directly en­gaged in assisting the population in emergency situations, are given

a chance to get familiar with the recent technical achievements in the field of development and manufacture of rescue equipment, as well as to exchange experience and demonstrate potentialities to their colleagues and visitors.

Scientific and Practical Conference

"Problems and their possible solution in the organization and car­rying out rescue works at the occurrence of emergency situations of natural and man-caused character"

The Conference seminars and round tables will be devoted to the discussion of issues concerning efficiency of interaction of different subdivisions of MES services in emergency situations, equipping of MES specialists with up-to-date specialized equipment and other pressing themes.

Exhibition sections

Rescue equipment

• Russian and foreign companies and manufacturers of rescue equipment will represent up-to-date equipment for the MES. Representatives of the companies will consult specialists of rescue services and, if they have a chance, demonstrate operation of the equipment exhibited by them.


• Pictures made by rescuers will be represented here, which have not been shown before. This section is of undoubted interest both for specialists and for the Forum visitors.





abandon v               покидать

aberrant а                 отклоняющийся от нормального типа, аберрант­ный

abreast adv               в ряд, на одной линии

abuse n                     оскорбление; жестокое обращение

access n                    доступ

accident n                     несчастный случай

accidental а                  случайный

achievement n              достижение

acute а                          острый, сильный

adage n                         афоризм, изречение, поговорка

adapt v                         адаптировать, приспосабливать

addition n                     дополнение, присоединение, увеличение

adhesive                       bandage лейкопластырная повязка

adhesive  tape                   лейкопластырь

adult а                                      взрослый

advice n                        совет

advise v                        советовать

affect v                         влиять

affiliate (with) v           присоединяться

afloat adv                          на воде, на море; на поверхности {воды)

aftermath n               последствие; состояние после {случившегося) a

gree v                                соглашаться

airborne а                      воздушно-капельный, переносимый по воздуху

aid                            1. n  помощь; 2. v способствовать

alarm n                     сигнал тревоги

alert v                       предупреждать {об опасности и т. п.)

allow v                     допускать, позволять

ambulance n               машина скорой помощи, санитарный транспорт

anesthetic n               обезболивающее

animal n                   животное

announcement n           объявление

announcer n               диктор

annual а                   годовой, ежегодный

antibiotic n                   антибиотик

anticipate v                   предвосхищать; ожидать; предвкушать

antihistamine а                  антигистамиппый (противоаллергический)

antipyretic tablets              жаропонижающие таблетки

antiseptic wipes                 антисептические (обеззараживающие) сал­фетки

appliance n                        пожарная машина; приспособление

approach v                         приближаться

appropriate а                     соответствующий area п район,область

arrange v                           устраивать, организовывать; договариваться

arrival n                             прибытие

arrive v                              прибывать

artificial blood circulation искусственное кровообращение

artificial respiration           искусственное дыхание

attempt v                           пытаться

attention n                         внимание

attitude n                           отношение

attract v                             привлекать

authorize v                        уполномочивать; поручать; разрешать; находить оправдание

available а                         доступный, имеющийся в распоряжении avoid v избегать

awake (awoke, awoken) v просыпаться

axe n                                  топор



back up v                           поддерживать

ban v                                 запрещать

bandage n                          повязка, бинт

be on fire                           гореть

belt n                                 ремень; портупея

benign а                             в легкой форме; доброкачественный

ereave v                             лишать, отнимать

bereavement n                   тяжелая утрата

bill n                                  счет

bleed v                              кровоточить

blood n                              кровь

blunt а                               тупой

board n                              правление, руководство; совет; коллегия

body n                               тело; орган (административный)

boil v                                 кипеть

bomb disposal                   обезвреживание неразорвавшихся бомб

bone n                                           кость

book v                               резервировать, бронировать

branch n                            ветвь, отрасль

break (broke, broken) v     разрушать, ломать

breath n                             дыхание

breathe v                           дышать

bridge                                1. n мост; 2. v преодолевать препятствия

broadcast v                        передавать по радио или телевидению

bruise n                              синяк, кровоподтек

bum n                                ожог



cable n                               кабель; канат, трос candle п свеча

cannulation n                     канюлирование, катетеризация

capability n                        способность; потенциал     

capacity n                          мощность, возможность

carbon dioxide                  двуокись углерода

cardiac arrest                     остановка сердца

cardiopulmonary resuscitation восстановление сердечной деятельности и дыхания

cardiovascular а                сердечно-сосудистый

саге n                                забота; уход (медицинский)

career service                     профессиональная служба

carry out v                         выполнять

cart n                                 тележка

casualty n                          несчастный случай; потеря

catch fire                           загореться

causal relationship             причинная связь

cause v                              вызывать, являться причиной

caution                              1. п предостережение; 2. v предостерегать

ceiling n                             потолок

certain а                             определенный

challenge n                        вызов; трудная задача

chaos n                              хаос

chaotic а                            хаотичный

(be in) charge (of)             отвечать за что-л.

charity n                            благотворительность

chassis n                            шасси

chest n                               грудная клетка

chill n                                озноб

choice n                             выбор

cholera n                            холера

circumstance n                  обстоятельство

civil а                                 гражданский

civilian а                            гражданский

clutch n                             захват

coast n                               береговая линия, морское побережье

collapse v                          разрушаться; обваливаться

commit v                           совершать (преступление)

common cold                    простуда

communicable=contagious а инфекционный, заразный

community work               общественная работа complete v завершать

comply (with) v                 выполнять, осуществлять; подчиняться

concern n                           забота

concussion n                      сотрясение мозга

conduct v                          вести, проводить

confidential а                    доверительный; пользующийся доверием; на дежный

confirm v                           подтверждать

conjunction n                    соединение

connect v                           связывать

consequence n                   последствие

conservation n                   сохранение

consider v                          рассматривать

consistent а                       последовательный; стойкий; совместимый, сoгласующийся

contaminate v                               заражать

contingency n                               случайность; непредвиденное обстоятельство

continuity n                       непрерывность, целостность; связность

соре v                                справляться

core а                                 основной

cough                                1. n кашель; 2. v кашлять

creature n                          создание; животное

crescent n                          полумесяц

crew n                                           команда

crime n                              преступление

cross n                               крест

crucial а                             важный, ключевой, решающий                                                   

curtain n                            штора, занавеска

cutaneous а                       кожный



damage n                           вред, повреждение, ущерб dead а мертвый

deadline n                          предельный срок (окончания какой-л. работы, завершения проекта и т. п.)

debris n                             осколки, обломки; развалины, руины

decongestant tablets         слабительное

dedicated а                       предназначенный; преданный

defense n                           оборона

defibrillation n                  восстановление ритма сердца; дефибрилляция

definitive а                        окончательный; решающий; характерный; определенный

defy v                                бросать вызов, не поддаваться

deliver v                            доставлять

demolition n                      разрушение; снос

dengue n                           тропическая лихорадка

depend (on) v                               зависеть

deploy v                            использовать; развертывать

derive v                             получать; выводить (путем умозаключений)

destroy v                           разрушать

destruction n                     разрушение

detergent n                        моющее средство

detriment n                        ущерб, вред

devastate v                        истощать, опустошать, разорять

develop v                          развивать

device n                             устройство, прибор

diagnosis n                        диагноз

dial v                                 набирать (телефонный номер)

dialysis n                           диализ

diarrheal disease                расстройство пищеварения

digit n                                цифра; однозначное число

digital а                             цифровой

disaster n                           бедствие, катастрофа

disease n                            болезнь

disinfectant n                    дезинфицирующее средство

dislocation nп                   вывих

dismantle v                        демонтировать

dispatch v                          посылать; справляться (с делом)

dispensation n                   освобождение от обязательства

displacement n                  смещение, сдвиг; перемещение

disposable а                       одноразовый

distress n                           недомогание; бедственное положение

diverse а                            разнообразный, разный

donation n                         дар, пожертвование

doubt v                              сомневаться

downstairs adv                  внизу {дома)

dressing n                          перевязочный материал

drill n                                 учения, тренировка

drive v                               вести машину

drought n                          засуха

drown v                             тонуть

drug n                                медикамент, лекарственный препарат; наркотик

drum n                               цилиндр; барабан

dust n                                пыль

duty n                                долг, обязанность



earthquake n                      землетрясение

elastic wrap                       эластичный жгут

eliminate v                         устранять, уничтожать

emergency n                      чрезвычайная ситуация

emergency department      отдел по чрезвычайным ситуациям

Emergency Medical Service неотложная медицинская служба

emergency service             служба спасения службы МЧС

emit v                                излучать, выделять; выбрасывать, извергать (пепел, дыму лаву)

encompass v                      окружать; заключать

endanger v                        подвергать опасности

engage v                            занимать(ся), вовлекать

enhance v                           увеличивать, усиливать; улучшать (особ, качество, значимость, ценность, важность, привлекательность чего-л.)

enjoy v                              испытывать; отличаться

ensure v                             обеспечивать, гарантировать

environmental а                 относящийся к борьбе с загрязнением окру­жающей среды

equip v                              оборудовать, оснащать, экипировать

erupt v                               извергать(ся), выбрасывать

escalate v                           обостряться), усугублять

escape                                1. n избавление, спасение; 2. v убегать, избегать (зд. утекать)

event n                              событие

evidence n                         доказательство, свидетельство; ясность, нагляд­ность

evident а                           явный, очевидный, наглядный

exclaim v                           восклицать

executive а                        исполнительный

exhaust n                           выхлоп

exhibit n                            экспонат

exhibition n                       выставка

explain v                            объяснять

explosive а                         взрывчатый; разрывной, взрывной (о снарядах, боеприпасах, веществах и т. д.)

exposure n                          подвергание какому-л. воздействию; выставление, оставление (на солнце, под дождем и т. п.)

extend v                            простирать(ся), тянуть(ся); длиться

extinguish = put out v       тушить



face n                                лицо

facilitate v                         облегчать

facility n                            возможность; оборудование

familiarize v                      ознакомлять, знакомить

famine n                            массовый голод

fast а                                 быстрый

fat n                                   жир

fatal а                                смертельный

faulty а                              ошибочный

fear n                                 страх

feces n                               экскременты, фекалии

fever n                               жар, лихорадка

filter n                                           фильтр

fine v                                 штрафовать

fire brigade (firefighters) пожарные

firefighter n                       пожарный

fire service

fire brigade - fire department пожарная команда

first-aid kit n                     аптечка

flame n                              пламя

flatter v                             выставлять в выгодном свете

flood n                              наводнение

floor n                                           этаж

flu = influenza n                грипп

follow v                             следовать, идти за

foot {pi. feet) n                 ступня; фут {мера длины)

forecast (forecast, forecast) v прогнозировать

fracture n                           перелом

free а                                 бесплатный

frequency n                       частота, частотность

frequent а                          частый, частотный

frustrate v                          расстраивать; срывать {планы); препятствовать

fuel п                                 топливо

fungus {pi. fungi) n          гриб



gain v                                извлекать пользу, выигрывать, добиваться;

 ~ access                       по­лучать доступ

gap n                                 разрыв; пролом; дыра; ущелье

gauze n                              марля

gene n                                ген

general practitioner           врач общей практики genuine а подлинный, реальный

glacier n                             ледник

glean v                     подбирать, собирать (факты, сведения; по мелочам, обрывкам)

goal n                                цель

government n                    правительство

greenhouse n                     парник, теплица

grief n                                горе

grip n                                 зажатие, схватывание, захватывание       

ground n                            земля, грунт, почва

guideline n                    директива, руководящие указания, направление



hamper v                           затруднять

hands-on training              практические знания

hard а                                трудный; жесткий; тяжелый

harm n                               вред

hazard n                            опасность

hazardous а                       опасный

headache n                        головная боль

headlight n                        фара

headrest n                          подголовник

health n                             здоровье

hearse n                             катафалк

heat n                                жар; теплота

helical а                             спиральный, винтообразный

helicopter n                       вертолет

helmet n                            каска, шлем

hijack v                              угонять, похищать (какое-л. транспортное средство)’,

заниматься воздушным пиратством

historic а                            зд. установленный, совершенный

HIV - human immunodeficiency virus                            ВИЧ

hoax n                                           розыгрыш

honeycomb v                     изрешетить, продырявить; приобретать струк­туру наподобие ячеек; ослаблять

 hook n                              крюк, захватка

horn n                                гудок, сирена

horse n                               лошадь

hose n                                шланг; брандспойт

host cell                             клетка-хозяин

hull n                                 корпус (корабля, танка): каркас, остов (какой-л. громоздкой кон струкции); чехол, оболочка

human а                             человеческий

hurricane n                        ураган

hydrant n                           водоразборный кран

hydrogen peroxide            перекись водорода



icosahcdral а                     двадцатигранный, икосаэдральный

ignition n                           воспламенение, возгорание

immediately а                    немедленно, непосредственно

imminent а                        надвигающийся, нависший, неизбежный {об опасности и т. п.)

immune response               иммунная реакция impact v влиять

implement v                      выполнять, осуществлять

implication n                     результат, последствие

improve v                          совершенствовать, улучшать

include v                           включать

independent а                               независимый

inflatable а                        надувной

influenza = flu n                грипп

injure v                     травмировать

injury n                              травма

inlet n                                входное отверстие, впуск

instant a                             немедленный, незамедлительный; мгновенный

instant-activating              быстро активируемый

insurance n                        страховка

intubation n                       интубация

invasive а                          агрессивный; насильственный

invent v                             изобретать

investigation n                   исследование, изучение

involve и                           втягивать, вовлекать; затрагивать

irreparable а                       непоправимый; безвозвратный

issue n                               вопрос, проблема, результат



jack n                               домкрат

jet 1. n                               сильная струя; 2. а реактивный

joint n                                сустав

jump v                               прыгать

justify v                             оправдывать


key n                                 переключатель

knock down v                   сбивать с ног, сваливать

keep (kept, kept)               одержать; иметь; хранить



lack (for) v                        испытывать недостаток, нуждаться; не иметь; не хватать

ladder n                             лестница

launch v                             запускать; начинать

layer n                               слой

layperson n                        дилетант, любитель

lead (led, led) v                 вести

leak n                                 утечка

legislative а                       законодательный

liaison n                             связь

lifeboat n                           спасательная шлюпка

lifeguard n                         спасатель па водах

Iifesafer n                          спасатель

limb n                                конечность

link n                                 связь, звено

liquidate v                         ликвидировать, уничтожать

load v                                грузить, нагружать

local а                                местный

lorry n                                грузовик

lung n                            легкое {орган)



magnitude n                      величина

maintain v                         поддерживать, сохранять; обслужи­вать; содержать в исправности

makeshift а                        временный; импровизированный

mammal n                          млекопитающее

marine а                             морской

mean (meant, meant)         означить

means n                             средство

measles n                           корь

measure n                          мера

medium n                          способ, средство

message n                          сообщение

miracle n                            чудо

misaligned а                      некоаксиальный; разрегулированный

miss v                                терпеть неудачу, не достичь желаемого результата; те­рять

mission v                           поручение; командировка

mitigate v                          смягчать, уменьшать (строгость, наказание)-, об­легчать (боль, страдание)

mnemonic а                       мнемонический

monitor v                           контролировать, проверять; советовать

morbidity n                       заболеваемость, болезненность

mortality n                         смертность, летальность

motion n                            движение

mudslide n                        оползень

multicellular а                    многоклеточный

mutual а                            общий, взаимный


nausea n                            тошнота

neighbour n                       сосед

network n                          сеть noise n шум

numerous а                        многочисленный

nurse n                               медсестра, медбрат



oаr  n                                 весло

obligation n                       обязанность

occupant n                         житель, обитатель

occur v                              происходить

occurrence n                      случай

offer v                               предлагать

ointment n                         мазь

order v                               заказывать, приказывать

overcome v;                       преодолевать

outbreak n                         вспышка; внезапное появление

outcome n                         результат, итог

overload v                         перегружать

own v                       владеть

oxygenated blood             обогащенная кислородом кровь



pain n                                боль

pancake n                          блин

paramedic n                       медик со средним образованием {медсестра, фельдшер)

parcel n                              пакет; сверток

participant n                      участник

pathogen n                        патоген, болезнетворный организм

pay (paid, paid) v              платить

pedestrian n                       пешеход

perform v                          исполнять

permanent brain damage   необратимое повреждение мозга

permit v                             позволять

personnel n                        штат; кадры

pertussis n                         коклюш

physician n                        врач, терапевт

pile n                                 куча, груда; кипа {бумаг)

pit n                                   яма; шахта

plague n                             чума

poultry n                            домашняя птица

power failure = power loss = power outrage отключение элек­троэнергии

prank n                              проделка; шутка

predominant а                   преобладающий, доминирующий (over); ши­роко распространенный

premature а                       преждевременный, ранний

prescribe v                         прописывать

prion n                               прион (вирусный агент, вызывающий заболевания

нервной системы)

priority n                           приоритет

probability n                      вероятность

promise v                           обещать

properly adv                      должным образом; как следует; правильно

property n                          собственность

prosecute v                        преследовать судебным порядком

prosecution n                     преследование по суду

protect v                            защищать

protein n                            белок, протеин

protozoan (/;/. protozoa) n простейшее животное

proximity n                        близость

psyche n                            психика

public safety                      общественная безопасность

pump n                              насос

puncture n                         прокол

purify v                             очищать

purpose n                           цель

put out v                            тушить



quake v                         трястись, дрожать; качаться, колебаться (о земле)

queue v                         стоять в очереди



rabies n                              бешенство

radiate v                            излучать, испускать

raise v                                поднимать, повышать

range n                              ассортимент; сортамент; номенклатура; ряд

rapid а                               быстрый

rarity n                               редкость, раритет

ray                                     луч

reach                                  достигать

rear view mirror = rear vision mirror - зеркало заднего вида

receive v                            получать

recognize v                        признавать

recover v                           поправляться, выздоравливать

recreational а                     относящийся к отдыху или развлечениям

recumbent а                       лежачий; лежащий, откинувшийся на что-л.

recycle v повторно использовать; возвращать в оборот {от­ходы производства )

redundant а                       избыточный; дополнительный; запасной

refer v                                ссылаться, отсылать

reflect v                             отражать

regain heart beat                восстановить сердцебиение

regulation n                       правило; постановление, директива

rehash                                1. n перефразирование, изложение другими словами;

2. v переводить в новую форму; излагать новыми словами

release v                            освобождать

relevant а                           важный; релевантный

relief n                               облегчение; помощь; утешение

rely on                               полагаться (на кого-л.)

remain n                            оставаться

remote а                            отдаленный

removal а                           устранение, удаление; ликвидация

remove v                           устранять, снимать

renown n                           известность, популярность, слава

repeat v                         повторять

replace v                            заменять

replicate v                          воспроизводить

representative n                 представитель

require v                            требовать

requirement n                    требование

rescue v                             спасать

research v                          исследовать

respiratory а                      дыхательный

response n                         ответ; реагирование

restriction n                       ограничение; препятствие

resuscitation n                   реанимация

reveal v                              открывать, обнаруживать

rigid а                                жесткий, негибкий; несгибаемый, неподатливый

road n                                дорога

roll v                                  катить(ся); вертеть(ся)

горе n                                веревка, канат

rough а                              грубый, жесткий, суровый

rule n                                 правило

rupture n                            разрыв; пролом

rush v                                бросаться; мчаться, нестись



safety n                             безопасность

sail v                                  плавать {под парусом, па корабле)

saliva п                              слюна

salvation п                         спасение

schedule п                         график; план, расписание

science п                           наука

scientist п                          ученый

scissors п                           ножницы

screen п                             экран

screw п                              болт; скрепление

sea level                             уровень моря

search v                             искать

secretion п                         выделение, секреция

self-rescue п                      самоспасение

sequence п                        последовательность

service п                            служба; услуга

severe а                             серьезный; тяжелый

shake (shook, shaken) v    трясти(сь); качать(ся); колебаться, вибрировать

share v                                делить(ся), распределять: участвовать; разделять, присоединять ся, совместно использовать

sharp а                               острый

shed п                                           навес; сарай

sheet п                               полотно; простыня

shore п                              берег

sick п                                 больной

sign п                                знак; вывеска

significant а                       значительный

simultaneous а                   одновременный

site п                                 участок

size п                                 размер

skill п                                навык, умение

skin п                                кожа

sling n                                перевязь, повязка

smallpox n                         оспа

smell n                               запах

smoke n                             дым

smolder v                          медленно гореть, тлеть

sneeze                                1. и чиханье; 2. v чихать

society п                            общество

sole а                                 единственный

source и                             источник

species (pi. species) п        представитель какого-л. биологическо­го вида

spill (spilt, spilt) v              проливать; рассыпать

splint п                              лубок, шина

split (split, split) v             раскалывать(ся); расщеплять(ся); трес­каться, разбиваться на части

sprain п                             растяжение связок

spread (spread, spread) v распространяться)

squad n группа; команда; отделение

squeeze v сжимать; сдавливать; стискивать

staff п штат, персонал; кадры, личный состав

stakeholder п организатор совместного дела; акционер

stanch (staunch)                1. п кровоостанавливающее вещество; 2. v останавливать кровотечение

stand-pipe п                      водонапорная труба; водозаборная колонна

state п                                      государство; штат

station wagon                               многоместный легковой автомобиль (с откид­ными сиденьями и задним откидным бортом)

sterile а стерильный

stick п                                           палка

stick out v                         торчать

sticking plaster                  лейкопластырь

stomach п                          желудок

straightforward а              прямой; откровенный; простой

strain п                              деформация

stretch v                            простираться

stretcher п                         носилки

strike (struck, struck) v     ударять(ся), наносить удар, бить (фи­зически)

strive (strove, striven) v    стараться, прилагать усилия; бороться

subsequent а                      последующий

success п                           успех

suction п                           всасывание; всасывающая труба

sufficient а                   достаточный

suggest v                           предлагать

suicide п                            самоубийство

summon v                          вызывать (по телефону)

supine а                             лежащий навзничь, на спине

suppress v                          подавлять

surf                                    зд. переходить с одного сайта на другой

surprise v                           удивляться

survival п                          выживание

suspicious а                       подозрительный

sustain v                            поддерживать (морально и материально)-, придавать силы; способствовать (осуществлению чего-л.); обеспечивать

swell п                               опухоль


team п                               команда

 tear (tore, torn)v               рвать

tension n                            напряженность, неловкость (ситуации)

tetanus п                           столбняк

thigh п                               бедро

threat п                              опасность, угроза

threaten v                          угрожать

throw (threw, thrown) v   бросать

tide n                                 морской прилив или отлив

tie v                                   связывать

tile п                                  кафель, плитка

tip                                      кончик (ножниц)

tissue п                              ткань

torch п                               фонарь

tourniquet п                      жгут

tow v                               тянуть, тащить; буксировать

traffic laws                        правила дорожного движения

transmission n                   передача, перенос

transmitter n                      (радио)передатчик

trap v                                 заманивать в ловушку; захватывать» зажимать; погло­щать; улавливать

treat v                                обращаться; лечить

triage п                              установление очередности медицинской помощи

trigger v                             инициировать, запускать

truck п                               грузовой автомобиль

tweezers п                         пинцет

typhus п                            тиф



unbiased а                         беспристрастный, объективный unconscious а бессознательный

undertake (undertook, undertaken) v предпринимать, брать на себя ответственность (за выпол нение чего-л. — for)

upside-down а                  перевернутый вверх ногами

urban а                              городской

urge п                                побуждение

urgent а                             срочный, неотложный


valve п                              клапан

van п                            фургон

vector-borne а                   трансмиссивный, передаваемый переносчи­ком

vehicle н                            транспортное средство

versus prep                        в сравнении с

victim п                             пострадавший, жертва

vigilance п                         бдительность

violence п                          жестокость

voluntary п                        добровольный

volunteer п                        доброволец

vomiting п                         рвота

vulnerable п                      уязвимый


warehouse п                      товарный склад; пакгауз

warn v                               предупреждать

wart n                                бородавка

waste v                              терять даром, тратить впустую

weakness п                   слабость

welfare п                           благосостояние

well-being п                      благосостояние

wildlife п                          природа

winch п                             ворот, лебедка

wiring п                             проводка

witness v                           видеть, быть свидетелем

workforce п                      рабочая сила, кадры

wound п                       рана



X-ray п                              рентген


year п                                год

yoke-bone п                      скуловая кость


Z-hour (zero) решительный час; час испытаний

zink п                                цинк

zone п                                           зона, полоса





1. Квасова Л.В. Английский язык в чрезвычайных ситуациях - Professional English in Emergency: учебное пособие /Л. В. Квасова, О.Е. Сафонова. А. А. Болды­рева. М.: КНОРУС. 2011.- 152 с.

2. Abbs В. Blueprint (Upper intermediate). Longman, 1999.

3. Bridge X. New Way. Cambridge University Press 2005.

4. Edited Appleton Encyclopaedia: энцикл. — электрон, дан­ные (523 Мб). М.: Интерсофт, 2001.

5. GrayJ. Discovering English. Cassel Publishers Ltd., 1999.

6. Thom M. Exploring English. Cassel Publishers Ltd., 1992.

7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki.

8. http://www.preparingforemergencies.gov.uk/voluntary/ index.shtm.





Unit 1                                                                                                                        1

Unit 2                                                                                                                        3

Unit 3                                                                                                                        4

Unit 4                                                                                                                        6

Unit 5                                                                                                                        10

Unit 6                                                                                                                        12

Unit 7                                                                                                                        16

Unit 8                                                                                                                        21

Unit 9                                                                                                                        24

Unit 10                                                                                                                      26

Unit 11                                                                                                                      27

Unit 12                                                                                                                 29

Unit 13                                                                                                                      31

Unit 14                                                                                                                      33

Unit 15                                                                                                                      36

Unit 16                                                                                                                      39

Unit 17                                                                                                                      41

Unit 18                                                                                                                      45

Unit 19                                                                                                                      47

Unit 20                                                                                                                      51


Text 1                                                                                                                       58

Text 2                                                                                                                       58

Text 3                                                                                                                       59

Text 4                                                                                                                  59

Text 5                                                                                                                       60

Text 6                                                                                                                       60

Text 7                                                                                                                       61

Text 8                                                                                                                       61

Text 9                                                                                                                       62

Text 10                                                                                                                     63

Text 11                                                                                                                     64

Text 12                                                                                                                     64

Text 13                                                                                                                     66

Text 14                                                                                                                     69

Vocabulary                                                                                                                     71

Bibliography                                                                                                              85


Unit 1

1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

1. accident  — несчастный случай

2. drive  — вести машину

3. upside - down — перевернутый вверх ногами

4. unconscious  — бессознательный

5. ambulance — скорая помощь

6. trap  — заманить в ловушку; захватить; зажать

7. fire brigade ( firefighters ) — пожарная команда

8. emergency  — чрезвычайная ситуация

9. emergency ( service ) — служба спасения


2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What did Mr. Jones see at the side of the road?

2. What did the car behind do?

3. What did Mr. Jones and the other driver do after they got out of their cars?

4. In what condition was the driver of the crashed car?

5. What did Mr. Jones say?

6. What was the problem regarding the driver’s legs?

7. What suggestion did the driver of the second car make to Mr. Jones?

8. Why did Mr. Jones run back to his car?

9. Who answered the telephone?

10. What question did the operator ask Mr. Jones?


The Accident on the Motorway

It was winter and there was ice on the roads. Mr. Jones was driving down the motorway when he saw a car, upside-down, at the side of the road. Another car drove to the side of the road and stopped too.

Mr. Jones and the other driver hurried to the spot where the car lay.

"The driver is still inside. He is unconscious," said Mr. Jones. I’ll telephone for an ambulance."

"I’m afraid his legs are trapped. You’d better go and telephone for the police and fire brigade as well," suggested the other man.

"Right." Mr. Jones ran back to his car, jumped in, found his cel­lular phone and dialed 999.

"Emergency, which service do you require?” asked the operator.

"All three," replied Mr. Jones.


Обратите внимание на следующее предложение: I’ll telephone for the ambulance. Форма I'll (I will) + инфинитив употребляется, когда со­беседнику предлагают какую-л. услугу ( offer ).


3. Представьте, что мистер Джонс — это вы. Предложите по-английски помощь водителю машины, попавшей в аварию, напри­мер: Я принесу воды.

1. The driver says he is thirsty.

2. The driver would like you to send message to his wife.

3. The driver is worried about some important papers in his briefcase.

4. The driver would like you to come and visit him in the hos­pital.

5. The driver wonders if you could stay with his car till the breakdown truck comes.

6. The driver asks you to look after his case which is in the boot.


Услуги можно предложить с помощью другой формы — Shall I + инфинитив, например: Shall I get you some water? — Принести воды ?


4. а) Предложите свою помощь в следующих ситуациях (в скоб­ках даны подсказки):

1. You work in the same office as Doris. There is bad news: her boyfriend has been hurt in the accident. Someone must tell her. Offer your help, (tell)

2. You and your friend feel thirsty, (get)

3. You and your friend are hungry.

4. Your friend is trying to open a bottle of wine and having problems, (open)

5. Mary is finding it difficult to start her car. You know a lot about cars, (start)

6. Your mother wants to hear news on TV (turn on/up)

7. Your grandfather finds it is very dark in the room, (switch on)

8. Your friend says it is very hot in the room, (open)


b ) Используйте форму shall I , чтобы предложить помощь мисте­ру Джонсу (см. упр. 4

Отрицательная форма won ’ t ( will not ) + инфинитив часто употребляется, когда констатируется отказ человека в сотруд­ничестве (the refusal to be cooperative) либо отказ техники, на­пример: The car won ’ t start . — Машина не заводится.


5. Обратите внимание, что пишут will not , а читают won ’ t . Про­читайте правильно следующие предложения.

1. Susan will not be early tomorrow.

2. I’m afraid Peter will not lend you his flash.

3. Mary will not go to the post-office with this parcel.

4. Frank will not get the tickets.

5. Tom will not take Sally to the station.

6. Kathy will not type this letter today.


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