Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The point is for you to determine what you actually value. Here is the list of values important to you.

health                                          commitment                                being responsible

wealth                                helping others                    status

beauty                               civic mindedness               work

integrity                             freedom                             personal growth

success                              recreation                          learning

happiness                          wisdom/intelligence           making others happy

family                                friendship                          being loved

respect                               fairness                              family vacations

self-worth                          ownership                         self-confidence

empathy                            self-assertion                     creativity

power/authority                education                           cooperation

harmony                            prestige                              sensory pleasure

curiosity                            security                              honesty

interdependence                 tools/technology                food/warmth/shelter

self-preservation                solitude                              justice

self-control                        being self                           wholeness

What are do you value most? Explain your top five.


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You have surveyed your family. Now read each statement in family strengths assessment and circle the choice how you feel about it. It’s time to come to the conclusion how strong your family is.

Almost       Sometimes    Almost

        never true       true                always  



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