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Read and translate the text. Accommodation in Britain (Part I). Words and expressions

Accommodation in Britain (Part I)

The choice of accommodation available in Britain is vast. It includes hotels, inns,bed and breakfasts’, farmhouses and self-catering establishments - the list goes on and on. Stay at a castle that’s been converted into a hotel, or at a historic country inn, with low, wood-beamed ceilings — at some establishments you can even sleep in a four-poster bed! Wherever you stay, you’ll be pleased with the quality, friendly service and value-for-money.

How to book

You can book accommodation with your local travel agent or direct with hotels or hotel group representatives. Most Tourist Information Centres (TIC) in Britain can book accommodation for you on arrival, and there are hotel booking desks at airports and main railway termini. Also, the British Travel Centre in London offers an accommodation booking service and can provide up-to-date information on availability.


For travel on the cheap, there are two main options: youth hostels and bed & breakfasts (B&Bs), although over the past few years several independent backpack­ers’ hostels have opened and the number is growing, particularly in popular hiking regions.

In the middle range, superior B&Bs are often in beautiful old buildings and some rooms will have private bathrooms with showers or baths. Guesthouses and small hotels are more likely to have private bath­rooms, but they also tend to be less personal. If money’s no object, there are also some superb hotels, the most interest­ing in converted castles and mansions.


The national tourist boards operate a classification and grading system; participating hotels, guesthouses and B&Bs have a plaque at the front door. If you want to be confident that your accommodation reaches basic standards of safety and cleanliness, the first classification is ‘listed’, which denotes clean and comfortable accommodation. One crown means each room will have a washbasin and its own key. Two crowns means washbasins, bedside lights and a TV in a lounge or in bedrooms. Three crowns means at least half the rooms have private bathrooms and that hot evening meals are available. And so on up to five crowns.

In addition there are also gradings (‘approved’, ‘commended’, ‘highly commended’ and ‘deluxe’) which may actually be more significant since they reflect a judgment on quality.

In practice there’s a wide range within each classification and some of the best B&Bs don’t participate at all because they have to pay to do so. A high-quality ‘listed’ B&B can be 20 times nicer than a low-quality ‘three crown’ hotel. In the end actually seeing the place, even from the outside, will give the best clue as to what to expect. Always ask to look at your room before deciding. As ever, single rooms are in short supply. The worst value accommodation tends to be in big towns where you often pay more for inferior quality (abrupt service, chaotic décor, ropey fittings).


Words and expressions

abrupt - внезапный, непредвиденный

accommodation - жильё, номер в гостинице

approved - одобренный; принятый

availability - наличие

available - имеющийся в распоряжении, наличный

basic standards - основные нормы

country inn - сельская гостиница, сельский постоялый двор

crown - корона

deluxe - дорогой, роскошный

establishment - учреждение, организация

fitting - меблировка, оснащение помещения

four-poster bed - кровать с балдахином

grading - классификация

guesthouse - гостиница, предоставляющая номер с завтраком

hostel - студенческое общежитие, турбаза

inferior - плохой

judgment - суждение; оценка

listed - включённый в список

lounge - гостиная,  холл

mansion - большой особняк

operate - работать, функционировать

option - выбор, альтернатива

plaque - дощечка с названием учреждения

quality - качество

range - диапазон

representative - представитель

ropey - плохой, скверный

significant - значительный

single room - номер на одного человека

superior - лучший

termini - мн.ч. от terminus - конечная станция; вокзал

to book - заказывать

to convert (into) - переоборудовать, перестраивать

to denote - обозначать; различать,

to offer - предлагать

to reach - достичь, добиться

to reflect - отражать, свидетельствовать (о чём-л.)

travel agent - агент бюро путешествий

up-to-date - современный, новейший

vast majority - подавляющее, абсолютное большинство

washbasin - (умывальная) раковина

wood-beamed - с деревянными балками, перекладинами



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