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Can people get yersiniosis?And how?

 Yersiniosis is an infectious disease causea by a bacterium of the genus Yersinia.

Infection with Yersinia enterocolitica occurs most often in young children. The infection is thought to be contracted throught the consumption of undercooked meat products, unpasteurized milk, or water contaminated by the basteria.

41} what organs of the animal body can you name?

Animal body parts: fur, tail, claws, beak, wing, fins, shell, feathers


42} what is osteology?

 Osteology the description of the skeleton


43} what are the cat’s ears for?

44} when was virus of dog’s plague opened?

The plague of dogs is an infectious disease. It amazes dogs of young age, about one year.


45} how many teeth have the sheep got?

 Sheep has 20 teeth, mature sheep have 32 teeth

46} what treatment for bird flu do the birds have?

Treatment may include antiviral medication and often requires intensive supportive care. Control efforts, including culling infected birds and vaccination healthy birds.


47} can people get salmonellosis? And how?

Salmonellosis is a type of food poisoning caused by the salmonella enterica bacterium. Young children, older adults, and people who have impaired immune severe infection.


48} what does rabies attack?

The animal inflicted malady that inspires the most fear id rabies, a virus that attacks the nervous system. Thr saliva of an infected animal contouns the deadly virus and comes to us through a bite or open sore or wound.


49} what symptoms of psoroptose do sick animals have?

The infection mostly often occurs when sick animals contact with healthy ones.

Usually the first symptoms of the disease in herbs are revealed in animals with chronic dermatitis.

50} how many teeth has the horse got?

A fully developed horse of around five years of age have berween 36 and 44 teeth.


51} what should the patients do if they have yersiniosis?

52} are cattle ruminants?


53} what symptoms of rabies do three stages of the disease include?

Anxiety, excitement and aggressive attitude towards other animals and people.

54} how is bird flu spread?

  Bird flu spreads quickly and lethally within a flack and is inadvertently transported

From farm to farm on tractors and other equipment, on cages, and on worker’s shoes and clothing.


55} what measures should be recommended for anthrax?

Chlorine dioxide has emerged as the preferred biocide against anthrax – contaminated sites having been employed in the treatment of numerous government buildings over the past decade.

56}  what is pathological anatomy?

Pathological or morbid anatomy which is concerned with the study of the sick organism and the morbid changes in its organs.


57} what insects the development of psoroptose and how?

Parasites on animals bodies, they provoke irritation of skin neural ends and itch and make better conditions for accustoming of ticks. Coetaneous ticks pierce epidermis with their proboscis and secrete toxic secretion, provoke the development of inflammation process and itch.

58}what is reproductive system? What are the reproductive organs? What function have they got?

Produced hormones is also important accessories to the reproductive system. The major organs of the external genitalia as well as a number of internal organs including the gamete producing gonads.

59} how does brucellosis spread?

Commonly it is transmittd through abrasions of the skin from handling infected mammals. It occurs more frequently by ingesting unpasteurized milk ordairy products at the abattoir workers, meat inspectors, animal handler, veterinarians, and laboratorians.


60} what is skeleton comprosed of?

Domestic animals have 210 bones. The skeleton consist of the vertebrae column, the scull, the sternum and the thoracic and pelvic limbs. The vertebrae column consist of vertebra, the ribes, the scapula, the clanicles and the sternum which from the thoracic cavity and the pelvic bones.


61} what should be patients do if they have salmonellosis?

62} what disease is anthrax?

 Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by bacterium Bacillus anthracis and is highly lethal in some forms.


63}what is physiology?

Physiology is the study of the phenomen presented by living organism. It is primarily a study of the function in the organs and the living animal.


64} what measures should be taked to prevent infectious disease?


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