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Let’s talk about the mass media.

a) Which mass media are popular with the members of your family? What about you?

b) Do you agree that the Internet has successfully replaced TV, radio, printed mass media nowadays? Give your grounds.

c) What questions could you ask a person who lives without TV, radio and newspapers?

d) I’d like to watch TV tonight. What would you recommend?

e) Express your opinion on the future of mass media?


Let’s talk about the mass media.

a) Which mass media are popular with the members of your family? What about you?

b) Do you agree that the Internet has successfully replaced TV, radio, printed mass media nowadays? Give your grounds.

c) What questions could you ask a person who lives without TV, radio and newspapers?

d) I’d like to watch TV tonight. What would you recommend?

e) Express your opinion on the future of mass media?


Let’s talk about international cooperation.

a) What do you know about the participation of your country on the international arena?

b) Could you give any examples of what your country has achieved on the international arena?

c) What could you ask your British friend about the role of his/her country in the sphere of international cooperation?

d) Are there any sights in the Republic of Belarus included in the World Heritage List? What are they?

e) Are there any international festivals held in your country? Would you like to visit any of them?


Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.

a) Should or shouldn’t we believe generalizations? Why (not)?

b) What is a typical British thought to be?

c) What questions could you ask your English-speaking friend about their national character?

d) What impression do you think we, Belarusians, produce as a nation on others?

e) Do you believe we have to be tolerant nowadays? Why (not)?


Let’s talk about outstanding people.

a) What outstanding people of the Republic of Belarus and Great Britain do you know?

b) Do you think becoming outstanding is a matter of hard work or luck?

c) If you had a chance to talk to an outstanding person, what would you ask him/her about?

d) Would you like to become outstanding? Why (not)? In what sphere?

e) Can you give a recipe of how to become an outstanding person?


Let’s talk about tourism.

a) Why do people travel? Give your opinion.

b) What types of tourism do you know? Which of them do you enjoy most of all?

c) Imagine you are going abroad on holiday. What questions would you like to ask a travel agent?

d) A friend from an English-speaking country asks you for advice on how to spend summer holidays in Belarus. What would you recommend?

e) You have travelled at least once, haven’t you? Could you describe one of your journeys? If you haven’t, speak about one you’d like to have.


Let’s talk about accommodation.

a) What types of houses do you know?

b) Could you tell us about the house/flat you live in?

c) Your family is going to move. What questions would you like to ask your parents about your new place?

d) What is the difference between living in a flat & in a house?

e) Are there any things you’d like to improve in your house (flat)?


Let’s talk about your family.

a) What role does family play in each person’s life?

b) Which is better: being an only child in the family or having a lot of brothers & sisters?

c) What will you ask your British friend about his/her family?

d) What can you advise people who want to have a close & happy family?

e) Are there any traditions in your family? What is their role in your opinion?


Let’s talk about your future career.

a) What do you think about teenagers working while they are still at school?

b) Have you decided what to become? Why?

c) What questions will you like to ask your future employer about your future job?

d) Say whether you know all the advantages & disadvantages of your future profession.

e) What are dos and don’ts about a job interview?



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