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Kerchens'kyy Fishing Port


General information. Kerchens'kyy Fishing Port (45°20'N, 36°28'E), a major fishing port, lies in the W part of Kerchenskaya Bukhta.

Limiting conditions. Least depth in the approach channel is 6-9 m (1994). Vessels in excess of 110 m in length are only handled in daylight hours.

Pilotage is compulsory and available 24 hours.

Tugs are available and their use is compulsory. The number being dependent on a vessels length, displacement and draught.

 Directions. From a position about 9 cables SSE of Kerch', in the Kerchenskiy Approach Channel, the alignment (255 ½ °) of leading lights leads WSW through a dredged channel to a basin dredged to 7-4 m (1991).

Berths. There are 10 berths.

Repairs to fishing vessels are available.


Ex.1. General understanding:

1. How is canal divided into?

2. What is the topography?

3. Where is the large number of dangers?

4. How is canal marked?

5. What can you tell about least depth and width?

6. What are the main regulations in rail ferry crossing zone?

7. What are the lights situated in Burunskoye koleno?

8. What can you tell about Buhta Kamysh-Burunskaya and Arshyntsevo? (position, caution, berth)

9. What is the population in Kerch?



Ex.2. Find in the text the following words and expressions, translate them into Russian and use in the sentences of your own.


Sandy spit; coast is indented by a number of bays; lateral buoys; cardinal marks; limited visibility; steep rocky point; buoyed channel; light buoys; alignment; rear light; leading light; ropeway; fairway; precipitous cliff; floating dry-dock; the repair berth; a dredged channel; fog is experienced in spring.


Ex. 3. Translate from Russian into English


1. Керчь-Еникальский канал прорыт в Керченском проливе и предназначен для прохода больших судов.

2. Канал состоит из четырех колен: Павловского, Бурунского, Еникальского и Чушкинского.

3. Керчь-Еникальский канал оборудован светящими и несветящими буями, которые имеют нумерацию с №1-52, ведущуюся от Черного моря к Азовскому.

4. Судну, лишенному возможности управляться, вход в каналы Керченского пролива и плавание по ним запрещаются.

5. Все малотоннажные суда обязаны заблаговременно уступать дорогу всем крупнотоннажным судам и действовать так, чтобы не мешать их движению.

6. Проходная осадка судов, допускаемых для плавания по каналам Керченского пролива, объявляется приказом начальника морского торгового порта Керчь.

7. Скорость движения судов на всем протяжении Керчь-Еникальского канала не должна превышать 9 уз; суда с осадкой менее 5 м должны идти со скоростью 11 узлов.

8. В условиях ограниченной видимости движение судов осуществляется только с помощью береговой радиолокационной станции.

9. Постановка судов на якорь в каналах Керченского пролива запрещается.




 General information

Charts 2234, 2242



Recommended routes Nos 87 and 88, which are shown on the chart, lead N and S, respectively, between the N entrance of Kerch Strait and the traffic roundabout (46°30'N, 36°48'E) situated 8 miles SSE of the S extremity of Berdyans'ka Kosa.




Berdyans'ka Kosa is a sandy spit which extends about 6 miles SSW from the general run of the shore. The spit is low-lying and its narrow central portion has an elevation of only about 0, 3 m. There are a number of high buildings on the spit which are visible from about 10 miles.


Traffic regulations


Traffic separation schemes, which are shown on the chart, are situated at the N and S ends of Recommended routes Nos 87 and 88. These schemes are not IMO-adopted but the Ukrainian Authorities advise that the principles for the use of the routeing system defined in Rule 10 of The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (1972), apply.


Principal marks



Hora Khrony (45°23'N, 36°36'E) (8.47).

Hora Temyroba (45°24'N, 36°33'E), rounded with regular shape.

 Major lights:

Akhillconskiy Light (45°26'N, 36°47'E) (8.48).

Yenykal'skyy Light (45°23'N, 36°38'E) (8.48).

Mys Zyuk Light (black rectangle, 13 m in height) (45°29'N, 36°21'E).

 Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light (white 8-sided tower, red band, on white 2-storey building; 19 m in height) (46°38'N, 36°46'E).

Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light (8.71)


Other navigational aids



Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light — as above.

Bilosarays'ka Light (46°53'N, 37°19'E) (8.104).


Yenykal'skyy Light — as above. See Admiralty List of Radio Signals Volume 2 for details.


  Radar reflectors, which are charted, have been erected on 3 beacons near the SW extremity of Berdyans'ka Kosa, within 6 cables of the lighthouse.




 Initial position. 45°27'N, 36°44'E, in the N entrance of Kerch Strait.

Recommended route No 87, shown on the chart, leads N for about 65 miles to the traffic roundabout centred on 46°30'N, 36°48'E, passing (with positions from Berdyanskiy Nizhniy Light):

W of a wreck with a depth of 7-5 m over it, (38 miles SSE), thence:

Into the N-bound TSS in vicinity of 46°20'N, 36°50'E,


E of a wreck with a depth of 9,0 m over it, (14 miles S). Thence:

Clear of a wreck with a depth of 9-2 m over it, (8 miles SSE), thence:

Into the NE-bound TSS.



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