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Recipe for Making Qaliyya With a Covering

Cut up an adult crane, and throw in spices, pepper, cinnamon, onion scraped with salt, citron leaves, stalks of fennel, vinegar according to its strength, and likewise murri according to the degree of its blackness, enough oil and water, and " eyes" of thyme and sprigs of rue. Cook until done, take out the meat and fry it in oil until it is browned, then return it to a pot and cook it until the water disappears. Then cover the contents of the pot with white flour, grated breadcrumbs and eggs. Dot it with eggyolks and when you ladle it out, cut rue over it, boil eggyolks, garnish it, and present it, God willing.

Jewish Partridge

Clean the partridge and season it with salt, then crush its entrails with almonds and pine-nuts and add murri naqî ', oil, a little cilantro juice, pepper, cinnamon, Chinese cinnamon, lavender, five eggs and sufficient salt. Boil two eggs, stuff the partridge with the stuffing and insert the boiled eggs and let the stuffing be between the skin and the meat, and some of it in the interior of the partridge. Then take a new pot and put in four spoonfuls of oil, half a spoonful of murri naqî ' and two of salt. Put the partridge in it and put it on the fire, after attaching the cover with dough, and agitate it continuously so it will be thoroughly done, and when the sauce has dried, remove the lid and throw in half a spoonful of vinegar, throw in an " eye" of citron [leaves] and an " eye" of mint, and break two or three eggs into it. Then put a potsherd or copper pot full of burning coals on it until it is browned, and then turn (the contents) around so that the other side browns, and roast it all. Then put it in a dish and put the stuffing around it, and garnish it with the eggyolks with which you dotted the pot, or with roast pistachios, almonds and pine nuts, and sprinkle it with pepper and cinnamon after moistening with sugar, and present it, God willing.

The Making of Cooled Chicken

Clean the chicken, take out its entrails, and put them in a pot with two spoonfuls of oil, two of water, and the juice of one onion ground with coriander [p. 17, verso], green [that is: cilantro], and spices and and flavorings, and a little murri. Pound the entrails with almonds, breadcrumbs and flour. Beat four eggs: stuff the chicken with two, insert one in its body interior and the other in its neck. Then put the pot on a moderate fire, after sewing the birds, and when it is dried and cooked, put it in a dish. Boil two eggs and cut them over it with " eyes" of rue, pour out the surface of the pot over it, sprinkle it with fine spices, and present it, God willing.

A Jewish Dish of Chicken

Clean the chicken and take out its entrails, cut off the extremities of its thighs and wings and the neck, and salt the chicken and leave it. Take these extremities and the neck and the entrails, and put them in a pot with fine spices and all the flavorings and cilantro juice, onion juice, whole pine-nuts, a little vinegar and a little murri, good oil, citron leaves, and stalks of fennel. Put this over a moderate fire and when it is done and the greater part of the sauce has gone, cover the contents of the pot with three eggs, grated breadcrumbs and fine flour, crush the liver, add it to this crust and cook carefully until the liver and the crust are cooked and wrinkled. Then take the chicken and roast it carefully, and strike it with two eggs, oil and murri, and do not stop greasing [basting] the chicken inside and out with this until it is browned and roasted. Then take a second little pot and put in two spoonfuls of oil and half a spoonful of murri, half a spoonful of vinegar and two spoons of aromatic rosewater, onion juice, spices and flavorings. Put this on the fire so that it cooks gently, and when it has cooked, cut up...[about two words missing]... and leave it until it is absorbed. Then ladle it into a dish [and pour the rest of the sauce on it, and cut up an egg and sprinkle with spices, and ladle the preceding almonds into another dish], and garnish it too with eggyolks; sprinkle it with fine spices and present both dishes, God willing.
[Bracketed matter in Arabic but not in Huici Miranda's translation.]


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