Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии



In order to see the verdict of referees, there should be a light signaling system organized. Each referee shall have two options: either to press a white or a red signal after the attempt. White light means, it is a " good lift". Red light means " no lift". It shall be done in such a way that when referees press their respective buttons, the results are lighted simultaneously. It is best if the signals on the display are located in accordance with the sitting places of the referees.


It is good to have a set of white and red flags for each referee, just in case there is not electricity in the building and the light signaling system is not working.


Alternatively, the decision of referees is indicated by hands: the thumb up means " good lift", the thumb down means " no lift".



In case the bar or other equipment gets dirty with the blood or other substances, the bar should immediately be cleaned by a 50% hydrogen peroxide solution. Then the bar or other equipment should be wiped dry.

Shall the athlete get dirty with blood or other substances, he should clean himself right away and the wound should be wrapped in order to avoid further pollution of the bar and other equipment.




All personal equipment and costume of the athlete shall be clean and shall have no scrapes and breaks.

The costume

The athlete shall wear sports pants or shorts, which shall not touch the equipment neither at the start or during the lift.


T-shirt (half-sleeve T-shirt)

A t-shirt or a shirt with short sleeves or without sleeves. The shirt should be a separate piece of clothing. The shirt may be multi-layer, but shall be a one single part of clothing.


The sleeves should not be longer than elbows, when the arms are put down. It is forbidden to artificially thicken the t-shirt.


T-shirt, T-shirt (a half-sleeve, T-shirts or T-shirts, or " stretch" with short sleeves, or without them. It should be a separate piece of clothing. Mike can be multi-layered, but in general should be a single piece of clothing.

Sleeves should not be lower than the elbows, with the athlete's arm down. Artificial " thickening" of T-shirts is prohibited.

A T-shirt may be of any color, monophonic or multi-colored, inscriptions of an offensive nature or contrary to the spirit of the competition are not allowed.



Wearing socks is permitted. Socks should be of such length that they do not come into contact with the winding of the knee or the knee pad.

Belt (belt).

A competitor may apply a belt (belt). It should be worn over a suit.


Materials and construction:

The belt is made of leather, vinyl or other similar, non-stretchable material from one or several layers glued together and (or) stitched together. No metal parts other than those described below are allowed.


The belt should not have additional soft pads, fasteners or supports of any other material outside or inside the belt.

Buckle, rivets and stitches are the only non-leather parts that are permissible in the belt. The buckle should be attached to one end of the belt with rivets and / or sewn. The belt should not have additional padding material outside or inside the belt.

The loop for the tongue of the belt should be attached to the belt in close proximity with rivet buckle and / or sewn. On the outside of the belt you can put the name of the athlete, the name of the country or club for which he stands. The belt can have a buckle with one or two teeth (forks) or a special type of lever lock (carbine).


6.5 Sizes Belt width - maximum 10 cm. Belt thickness in its main part - maximum 13 mm.


During the exercise, the athlete, in addition to socks, must wear shoes. The only restrictions apply to shoes with metal spikes or slats.


Do not use the medical tape or its equivalent anywhere on the body without the official permission of the judge or WAA designated competition officials. Medical tape or patches should not help the athlete hold the projectile in his hand.

With the permission of the judges or the jury, the official doctor on duty or the assistant doctor on duty may apply a band-aid or bandage to the injured parts of the body. Likewise, medical patches and bandages can be applied in case of hand injuries, but under no circumstances should these patches be wrapped around the palm.

General requirements.

It is strictly forbidden to use oil, ointment or any other lubricant except MAGNESIA on hands or body parts and a suit that may come in contact with projectiles. This does not apply to ointments and rubbing used for therapeutic purposes on the body under clothing. However, these tools should not be visible during exercise. It is forbidden to use any foreign substances for processing equipment: a platform or a neck.


All attributes of the form and personal equipment of the athlete must be clean and tidy and not contain elements or inscriptions that have an offensive, extremist or other type that does not fit into the common sports ethics. In case of non-observance of this requirement, the athlete, by decision of the judges and organizers, may not be allowed to further participate in the competition.

Judges may require that excessive " psychostimulation" techniques (cursing, prayers, slaps, and strikes) be limited to athletes.


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