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The Creation of a New Powerful Weapon by Shiva

Yudhitfhira said:

1. О best brahmana, what did Indra and other gods, van­quished by Jalandnara, do then, when the kingdom of the heaven was snatched (by him)?

Narada said:

2-7. The gods, having abandoned heaven, met with a bad condition. They (had) neither ambrosia, nor (the portions in the offerings made at) sacrifices. They went to the place of the Selfborn (Brahma). In Brahma’s house they saw Brahma, Paramesthin, who had engaged his mind through suspension of his breath in the Supreme Soul. All the careful gods praised him with true words. Then the lord who was pleased, said: “What should I do? ” Then the gods again told Brahma, all (the acts) of Jalandhara, and (about) their own defeat. Thinking for a moment, Brahma along with the gods went to Kailasa. They, full of surprise, remained by the side of Kailasa; and the gods, led by Brahma and Indra praised (Shiva): “Salutation to you, Bhava, Sarva, Nilagriva. Salutation to you, Sthula, Sukshma, Bahurupa (having many forms).”

8-1 la. Shiva, turning his face to all sides, and having heard (these) words, said to Nandin: “Quickly bring the gods (here).” Hearing the words of Shiva, Nandin quickly called the gods. The gods having entered the inner apartment, with their eyes full of wonder, saw there, seated on a seat, Shiva who conferred happi­ness on the world, who was waited upon by crores of devout attendants who were greyish due to dust.

llb-15a. Having first, along with the gods, saluted him, the grandsire (i.e. Brahma) said: “Since this Indra had a malady he has foolishly come here. О great god, to whom those who seek his refuge, are dear, favour (us).” Then having heard the loud laughter of the Trident-holder (i.e. Shiva), Brahma said to the lord of gods: “See the condition of the residents of heaven.” Then the lord of all, the highest god (Shiva) having known the desire of Brahma’s (i.e. in Brahma’s) mind, and having known Indra’s insult for the sake of gods, and being affectionately requested by Parvati, spoke (these) words, О king:

15b-18. “How can I kill that enemy who is not killed by Vishnu? О grandsire, the weapons like the thunderbolt have been fashioned in olden times. That demon Jalandhara would not at all be killed with those weapons. Even I cannot kill him with weapons fashioned in olden times. Let gods fashion a weapon bearing my energy and strong.” Having heard this reply of Shiva, Brahma said to him: “You (please) fashion the great weapon. You know your own power.”

19-23. Hearing these words of him, Shiva spoke to him: “O Brahman, with gods you discharge your lustre united with wrath.” Then Brahma, the teacher of the Brahmastra (Brahma’s missile), discharged (his) lustre. Then Rudra (i.e. Shiva) himself discharged the lustre produced in his three eyes. All gods also angrily discharged a mass of lustres. In the meantime, Vishnu who was remembered by Shiva, came (there). Shiva, who was addressed by him, ‘What should I do? ’ spoke to Vishnu: “O Vishnu, why was Jalandhara not killed by you in the war? How is it that leaving the gods you have gone to the Ocean of Milk, for lying there? ”

Shri Viftfu said:

24-25. О lord of gods, if I kill him, how (can I say) Lakshmi is dear to me? Therefore, О you, husband of Parvati, you(should) kill Jalandhara in a battle.

Vishnu who was told by Shiva, ‘Discharge your lustre due to anger’, discharged the lustre of Vishnu (i.e. his own lustre) and all that increased. Seeing the lustre to have increased and to have become extensive, (Shiva) spoke to Vishnu:

Shiva said:

26-29. Please fashion my missile with this lustre.

Hearing those words of Shiva, Visvakarman and others, looking at one another, thought: ‘What should we do? ’ Seeing them to be silent, and knowing what was in their mind, Brahma said: “The deities cannot bear your lustre which they are un­able to look at. Who can curb your lustre? ” Then jumping over the lustre, lord Shiva danced by roving in all directions with the hinder part of his left foot.

30-38. Then gods like Indra and others, seeing Shiva dancing over the lustre, joyfully sounded musical instruments. Since then, in dances roving in all directions is practised. Then due to the crushing caused by Shiva’s dance, a disc was produced, which had three lakhs of spokes, and which was full of a crore of bones. Due to being crushed by the foot of Shiva, particles went out from the lustre. And with that Visvakarman fashioned a missile and aeroplanes. О king, the ageless gods, seeing that Sudarsana disc, said, through fear, to the lord of gods: “Protect us, protect us.” The earth received hardness due to the bright metals. The sheath that was fashioned by Visvakarman was reduced to ash. With that weapon which was fashioned, Kala, being burnt, fell on the ground. Then Shiva gave that disc into Brahma’s hand. The lord of Uma, Shiva, seeing that the beard (of Brahma) was burnt by the masses of lustre from the disc, laughed, and quickly taking it (back) from Brahma’s hand, kept it under his arm-pit, as a poor man keeps a treasure. Then, the disc, remaining under the arm-pit of Shiva was not seen, as the fruit of the gift which is given by a great fool.




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