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Mahadeva said:

1-15. To the east of Dugdhesvara where the river named Candrabhaga has joined (Sabhramati), there is a highly purifying holy place. There god Candresvara, always giving religious merit dwells. He is Shiva who is always all-pervading and who, the great one, gives happiness to people. Those who always bathe and meditate here, would get the fruit of that due to worshipping Shiva on (the bank of) Sabhramati. Soma (i.e. the Moon) practised penance here for a long time. Therefore, (the Phallus of) Mahesvara called Candresvara was installed here. Shukra also practised penance near Candrabhaga. Therefore, the holy place is superior to (other) holy places on the earth. O chief goddess, the Phallus fashioned by the sages is concealed in Kali(-age). Undoubtedly a golden Phallus is seen there. Those men who, coming here, bathe and drink (water) and worship Shiva, obtain religious merit and worldly prosperity. Those who especially do the act of giving a bull etc. enjoy (in) heaven, and then go to Shiva's abode. O goddess, those men who will everyday come for a bath near Candrabhaga, should be known as meritorious. Those men who go to the other bank and worship Shiva, Shri Hara, named Candresvara who cuts off sins (are meritorious). Those best men who, having come here, especially do the muttering (in honour) of Rudra etc., should be known to be of the form of Shiva. O best goddess, those men who always bathe here, should be known to be Vishnu's forms. There is no doubt about this. Those who again offer here a sraddha with Sheshamum-pinda, also go to Vishnu's position due to the efficacy of the offering of the pinda. Here gifts should be.given and a bath should be taken according to the proper rite. Having bathed here men are absolved of (the sins) like killing a brahmana. Those who especially plant a fig-tree on this bank, go, after death, to Shiva's position (and stay there) as long as the Moon and the Sun (remain there in the sky).




Mahadeva said:

1-5. Near Dugdhesvara there is a charming, highly purifying, holy place, well-known in the world by the name of (i.e. after) Pippalada. Formerly the sage desiring acquittal from the debt of his father, the noble Dadhica, practised penance here, and by the words (i.e. the order) of his mother, he produced a Krtya1 (i.e. a fearful female deity) resembling the submarine fire. A man having bathed and drunk (water) here, destroys (the sin of) the murder of a brahmana. Pippalada, the lord of gods, is concealed on the bank of Sabhramati. O goddess, by bathing there a man would enjoy salvation. The planting of fig trees should be done properly. Having done this, O great goddess, a man is free from the bondage of his deeds. Parvati said:

6-7. Explain to me why that Krtya was produced. O lord, tell me what that Krtya did formerly. Which son brought her for the acquittance of the debt of his father? Mahadeva said:

8-11. That excellent sage Dadhica (i.e. Dadhicha's son) came (here) for (practising) penance. The great-souled sage practised a great (i.e. severe) penance here. A demon named Kolasura came there to create an obstacle. He certainly caused many obstacles. That was noticed by his (i.e. Pippalada's) good son, the intelligent Kahoda. O chief goddess, for the destruction (of the demon) he produced the Krtya there. She killed the great demon named Kola. Therefore, O Parvati, the holy place is concealed in Kali(-age).




Mahadeva said:

1-11. Next to Pippalada is an excellent holy place called Picumandarka on the bank of Sabhramati, destroying disease and bad odour. Formerly in the war with (the demon) Kolahala, the demons vanquished gods. (Being) subtle, they entered trees with a desire for (saving) their life. There Sambhu remained in the bilva (tree), the immutable Vishnu in asvattha, Indra in sirisa, and god Sun in nimba (tree). Thus the gods properly remained like that in the trees. Till the powerful Vishnu killed the demon Kolahala, they remained resorting to the trees. The god that resorted to a particular tree, became one with it. Therefore, one should not destroy it. Thus due to the Sun's taking rest (here), Picumandarka is an excellent holy place which removes a disease after a man takes bath in it, and which is on the bank of Sabhramati. After going there, if a man would especially worship the Sun, he gets the desired fruit by worshipping (him). Those men who after having gone there, recite the twelve names, are meritorious till they live. There is no doubt about this. An intelligent man who would recite these twelve names, viz. Aditya, Bhaskara, Bhanu, Ravi, Visvaprakasaka, Tiksnamsu, Martanda, SQrya and Prabhakara, so also Vibhavasu, Sahasraksa and Pusan, obtains, O daughter of the (Himalaya) Mountain, wealth, sons and grandsons.

1. Kritya: A female deity to whom sacrifices are offered for destructive and magical purposes.

12-14. A brahmana who, resorting to (i, e. reciting) each name would worship (the Sun) on the earth, would be endowed with wealth and mastery of the Vedas for seven existences. A ksatriya obtains a kingdom. A vaisya would get wealth. A shudra secures devotion. Therefore, a man should recite (this) great hymn. There never was, nor there will be, a holy place superior to Nimbarka; having bathed and drunk (water) here a man would certainly enjoy salvation.



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