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Task 2.11 Learn these words by heart.

Job interview, culture, knowledgeable, IT manager, resource, creative, accomplishment, competitive, professional interest, employer, hiring manager, signature, academic background, step-by-step process, specific, certification, gap, responsibility, qualification, to be reasonable, to accept, objective, degree, profile, position, framework, natural leader, volunteer experience, to match it up with a job, credentials, flexible, position, few bullet point, tip, bulleted list.



By the end of this Unit you will be able to:

- distinguish between various types of Cover letters;

- organize and structure a Cover letter;

- understand what and how employers use Cover letters for;

- know the differences between a Cover letter and a Resume;

- know the rules of writing an effective Cover letter.

Successful job interview to follow Cover letter

It sounds obvious, but a person really must prepare before the interview. It is reasonable to find out as much as it is possible about the person one is going to interview and the subject matter of the interview and to prepare questions in advance. The order of the questions is also important. A rule of thumb is to ask questions about facts first, leaving opinion questions until later. Most people find questions about facts much easier to answer, so they start to feel more at ease. It is reasonable to spend a little time imagining how the interview will go and to visualize the situation.

It is good to think about where the interview will take place and to interview the person in a place which is appropriate to the interview –the place of work, for example. Interviewing a person on his territory can put him at ease, and also provide the interviewer with color for the story. The beginning of the interview can influence how successful it will be. The interviewer is to be confident and courteous. He is to start by introducing himself, and stating the reason for the interview. Set of ground rules – is great! For example, the interviewer may want to insist that the interviewee says in advance if he wants what he says to be off the record.    

Being polite but firm during the interview is important. The questions should be asked in a confident manner and the answers should be listened carefully to. Very often an inexperienced interviewer will simply go through the list of questions, not realizing that some of them have already been answered. In this case a list of questions as a base for the interview seems to be better than a rigid script. It is good to ask follow-up questions and task for evidence to support any claims made by the interviewee and not to be afraid to ask ‘How do you know that? ’ It is not good to ask leading questions. Let the person say what he wants to say, not what the interviewer wants him to say.

When ending the interview, it is necessary to go back over the main things that have been said. This gives a chance to review the notes. Then it is good to ask the interviewee if he wants to add anything else. And finally, to ask for his contacts if there is a wish to meet once again.

So the interview is over, but there is one last task. As soon as possible, the interviewer is to sit down and look at the notes. Are they clear? Is there anything else to add to them? It is necessary to do this while interviewer can still remember what was said. And the last step is to write down all the color, which is remembered – about the person and the place [8].



1. Why is it so important to get ready for the interview?

2. What are the main secrets of a successful interview?

3. Why is it important to be polite but firm during the interview?

4. Would you like to be an interviewer once upon a time?


Answer some questions.

1. Do you know what a Cover letter is?

2. Have you ever written a Cover letter?

3. What is a Cover Letter written for?

4. Do you know the rules of writing a Cover letter?

5. Are you really sure that it is important to write a Cover letter?

6. Have you ever read professionally written Cover letters?



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