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Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

The British Isles…from the European continent by the North Sea, and the English Channel.

A) are separated;

B) is separated;

C) are separate;

D) is separate;

E) can separate.

Вопрос 7 54

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

The UK … as a highly developed industrial country.

A) is known;

B) has known;

C) known;

D) is know;

E) knew.

Вопрос 7 55

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

The UK …. by the elected government with the prime minister at the head

A) is ruled;

B) rules;

C) is rule;

D) ruled;

E) has ruled.

Вопрос 756

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

 English kings and queens … in Westminster Abbey.

A) have been crowned;

B) are crowned;

C) had crown;

D) crowns;

E) has crowned.

Вопрос 7 57

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

Washington … after the first president of the USA, George Washington.

A) was named;

B) is named;

C) had been named;

D) will be named;

E) must be named.

Вопрос 7 58

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

New York … in the natural harbor of the mouth of the Hudson River.

A) is located;

B) located;

C) was located;

D) can locate;

E) will be located;

Вопрос 759;

Choose the Russian equivalent:

New-York is known for its restaurants.

A) В Нью -Йорке очень много ресторанов;

B) Нью -Йорк известен своими ресторанами;

C) Все знают, что в Нью -Йорке очень много ресторанов;

D) Я знаю хороший ресторан в Нью –Йорке;

E) В Нью -Йорке нет хороших ресторанов.

Вопрос 7 60

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

Skyscrapers … to build in Washington.

A) is not allowed;

B) are not allowed;

C) has been not allowed;

D) had been not allowed;

E) will be not allow.

Вопрос 7 61

Choose the English equivalent

Ученикам объяснили правило.

A) The pupils were explained the rule;

B) The rule was explained to pupils;

C) The rules was explained to pupils;

D) The teacher explained the rule to the pupils;

E) A pupils was explained to the rule.

Вопрос 7 62

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

Don’t come in! Students … examined

A) are been;

B) are being;

C) has being;

D) will;

E) can.

Вопрос 7 63

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

It was noisy. He.. not being listened to

A) is;

B) was;

C) has;

D) have;

E) will.

Вопрос 764

Put the phrase in Active voice into Passive voice

 Everybody listened to him with great attention.

A) Everybody was listened to him with great attention;

B) He was listened to with great attention;

C) Everybody has listen to him with great attention;

D) He listened to everybody with great attention;

E) No one listened to him.

Вопрос 7 65

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

He … after in the hospital much better

A) will look;

B) will be looked;

C) had looked;

D) has looked;

E) will be look. 

Вопрос 7 66

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

Does he realize that he …at.

A) was being laughed;

B) is being laughed;

C) has being laugh;

D) will be laugh;

E) is being laugh.

Вопрос 7 67

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

When the fire brigade came, the building … destroyed by the fire already.

A) has been;

B) had been;

C) is been;

D) will been;

E) was been.

Вопрос 7 68

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

All the business letters … answered by noon.

A) have been;

B) will have been;

C) had been;

D) was been;

E) is been.

Вопрос 7 69

Choose the Russian equivalent

The papers will have been received by tomorrow.

A) Мы получим бумаги к утру;

B) К утру бумаги будут на столе;

C) Бумаги будут получены к утру;

D) Бумаги пропали утром;

E) Бумаги были доставлены туром.

Вопрос 7 70

Choose the Russian equivalent

The doctor has been sent for.

A) Доктор сейчас подойдёт;

B) Доктор только что выехал;

C) За доктором уже послали;

D) За доктором сейчас пошлют;

E) Вам вызвать врача?

Вопрос 7 71

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

The successful performance of the young actress … much about.

A) will talk;

B) must talk;

C) will be talked;

D) is talk;

E) talk.

Вопрос 7 72

Choose the correct form of the verb in Passive.

Where are the magazines …?

A) are keep;

B) keep;

C) kept;

D) has kept;

E) will keep.

Вопрос 7 73


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