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The purposes of research.

The purposes what we set is to:

-Find popular 2D game engines.

-Analyze them: find general advantages and disadvantages.

-Ask professionals to reveal additional advantages and disadvantages.

The hypothesis of research.

For 2D games, the best game engine will be an engine with a helpful community, a big amount of tools, frequent updates, and low price.


Popular 2D game engines.


Pros and cons of popular 2D game engines.


Our methods of investigating will be an interview, analysis.


Game engine - a software-development environment designed for people to build video games.

Indie game - an independent video game, or an indie game, is a video game that is often created without the financial support of a publisher by individuals, small teams, or small independent companies.

Main parts.

Our work consists of two parts.

In the first part, we will find information about popular game engines and will reveal general pros and cons.

The second part deals with the analysis of the interview. We will take an interview with qualified game developers among all over the world to find additional advantages and disadvantages of each of them based on their professional experience. After that, we will analyze them.

Part 1.1.

Different game engines.

Nowadays, there is a lot of game engines. They all differ: starting with payment for them and ending with required skills. They can be used to create only 2D games, 3D games, or both. Our indie game development team is consists of a junior developer, a manager, an artist, a QA.

The question about choosing which game engine we should use is hard. To become a confident user of a computer program, you could spend even a couple of years. So, if your choice is incorrect, all your spent time will be wasted. Let's get closer to game engines.

There are about 170 different tools to choose among, and the number keeps increasing steadily as the game industry continues to grow. Choosing a game development engine can be a tough decision.

Each game developer has different goals and feature requirements. At first, we narrowed down the range of game development engines from 170 to five, based on popularity [1].

First game engine in our list will be Construct 2.

· Construct is an HTML5-based 2D game editor, developed by Scirra Ltd. It is aimed primarily at non-programmers, allowing quick creation of games in a drag-and-drop fashion using a visual editor and a behavior-based logic system.

The primary method of programming games and applications in Construct is through 'event sheets', which are similar to source files used in programming languages. Each event sheet has a list of events, which contain conditional statements or triggers. Once these are met, actions or functions can be carried out [2]. Event logic such as OR and AND, as well as sub-events (representing scope), allow for sophisticated systems to be programmed without learning a comparatively more difficult programming language [3]. Groups can be used to enable and disable multiple events at once, and to organize events [4].

Unlike many traditional development environments, Construct eschews selecting specific instances of objects when adding events, in favor of filtering through all instances of an object type on the screen. When adding events, the editor allows the user to specify conditions or checks that must be fulfilled by each object instance on the screen before the event will be added or run by it. Events can be chained together using sub-events, allowing for more complicated behaviors to be created [2].

Clickteam Fusion 2.5

· This tool used by many multimedia professionals, game creators, and creative people from all walks of life. With CF2.5’s event editor system you are able to quickly generate games or apps without mastering a traditional programming language [5].

GameMaker Studio

· GameMaker accommodates the creation of cross-platform and multi-genre video games using a custom drag-and-drop visual programming language or a scripting language known as Game Maker Language, which can be used to develop more advanced games that could not be created just by using the drag and drop features. GameMaker was originally designed to allow novice computer programmers to be able to make computer games without much programming knowledge by use of these actions. Recent versions of the software also focus on appealing to advanced developers [6].


· Unity gives users the ability to create games in both 2D and 3D, and the engine offers a primary scripting API in C#, for both the Unity editor in the form of plugins and games themselves, as well as drag and drop functionality. Prior to C# is the primary programming language used for the engine, it previously supported Boo, which was removed in the Unity 5 release, and a version of JavaScript called UnityScript, which was deprecated in August 2017 after the release of Unity 2017.1 in favor of C# [7].


· Godot is an advanced, feature packed, multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine. It provides a huge set of common tools, so you can just focus on making your game without reinventing the wheel. Godot is is completely Free and Open Source under the very permissive MIT License. It allows developers to create a game from scratch needing no other tools beyond those used for content creation (art assets, music etc.). The architecture is built around the concept of a tree of nested " scenes". All game resources, from scripts to graphical assets, are saved as part of the computer's file system (rather than in a database). This storage solution is intended to make it easier for game development teams to collaborate on script code using version control [8].

Part 1.2.


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