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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

You should put all relevant data into the template. Completed template should be saved on your computer and downloaded to the journal website on the Step 2 of the manuscript submission process.

The template is offered for preparation of the paper presenting the results of original research. It couldn’t be used for other types of manuscripts (risk factors analysis, quality of life research, etc.).


· Black color is used for titles and subtitles. All of them should remain the same in the final version of the manuscript.

· Blue color is used for explanations on the content and examples of the text design.

Change blue color to black one without changing titles.

You should put all relevant data into the template. Completed template should be saved on your computer and downloaded to the journal website on the Step 2 of the manuscript submission process.

NB!  To participate in the conference, you must fill out the form of the participant:

https: //connect.yandex.ru/forms/5c0d3773b8975203beac0719/

(full-time participation on April 19, 2018. Oral presentation regulations - 7 minutes.)



Title should reflect the subject, the topic and the main goal of the article.


Firstnameone I. Lastnameone1, Firstnametwo I. Lastnametwo2, Firstnamethree I. Lastnamethree1, 3, …, ….


1Author’s workplace (University/Research Institute, City, Country)

2Another author’s workplace (University/Research Institute, City, Country)


Structured abstract

Abstract shouldn’t be less than 150 words and more than 350 words.

Background: The short description (not more than 1-3 sentences) of the challenge caused the research. Scale, effects and research gaps of the challenge could be described here.

Aim: The main goal of the research should be described.

Methods: Describe the research design, object of analysis, medical procedure characteristics, research duration, onset, and estimation methods of the research.

Results: In this section the research sample (enrolled participants) should be described shortly as well as the research results estimation. In a study including groups, the description of the primary finding(s) should be supplemented with an analysis of the detected differences between the groups. Any undesirable phenomena occurring during the research should be mentioned obligatory.

Conclusion: The summary of the research (not more than 1-3 sentences) without using generalizations; an author should keep the balance between positive and negative estimations of research results.

Key words: Term 1; term 2; term 3. Minimum – 3, maximum – 7 key words. Key words should be chosen only from MeSH thesaurus (http: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh)


Author should state the research question, describe its relevance, scale (prevalence, incidence, etc.), indirect effects (social and economic one), and define resolved and unresolved aspects of the issue analyzing previously published data.

Each statement excluding generally known ones should have references (no more than 3 for each statement).


In this section the main objective of the research should be formulated.


Research design

Author in this section should define the design of a study and report the study type, its duration, enrollment procedure, supposed medical intervention, research question, hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental design, and, if applicable, data collection methods and statistical analysis plan. Randomized research requires a detailed description of randomization procedure.

Conformity criteria

Author should mention and describe if necessary the set of criteria (formulated before the study) for inclusion, non-inclusion, and exclusion criteria.

Research facilities

Authors should provide detailed information on the venue of the research, indicating the location and departmental affiliation of the center taking part in the research. Along with the venue for the research, authors should clarify some specific factors (social, economic, cultural) that can influence the external generalizability of the research findings.

Research duration

The whole procedure should be described in details: any manipulations with participants/respondents, their tissues or data; experimental administration of medical agents; blood tests; questionnaires, etc. Surgical interventions require full description of the peculiarities of preoperative preparation, surgery itself and postoperative patient management. If the manuscript reports the results of non-drug medical procedure its description is also necessary.

Research findings

The main research outcome

In this section the description of the primary endpoints should be made. They could be “true” (lethal outcome, serious adverse effects, etc.) or “substitute” finishing point (biochemical parameters, quality of life assessment scores). Usually the main outcome of the research is characterized by safety, efficiency, and affordability.

Subgroup analysis

Subgroup analysis is conducted when it is necessary to evaluate the effects of a medical intervention, or the influence of other factors in various subgroups formed on the basis of sex, age, and clinical and other characteristics.

Ethical review

Author(s) should provide the information on the verification protocol results by Ethical Committee of any level by a) citing its resolution in this section, b) specifying the document’s ID, c) indicating the date of its signing, and d) citing the official name of the Ethics Committee.

Statistical analysis

The principles of samples size calculating: It means description of samples size calculation procedure. In case of absence of such procedure it should be stated that the samples size was not calculated previously.

Statistical data analysis methods: author(s) should mention the statistical software package used in our research; the form of quantitative data presentation and describe statistical criteria used in our analysis.


In the section the detailed description of the studied sample (including the presentation of the research scheme, the description of the initial characteristics of research participants) should be provided. For the retrospective studies data sources (medical records, databases, etc.) become the objects of a study.

Primary findings

Author(s) should describe the main result of the study and the associated results of the statistical data analysis. Illustrative reporting (tables, figures) is encouraged but the duplication of data in tables and figures is not allowed.

Additional findings

The subsection describes additional results of the study, results of the evaluation of effects in subgroups and (or) mechanisms of the described effects. The analysis should be limited to only those subgroups listed in the " Subgroup analysis".

Undesirable phenomena

In this part all the undesirable phenomena occurring during the medical procedure should be described. Undesirable phenomena include any medical events (diseases, injuries, unplanned surgical interventions, etc.) whose connection with the medical intervention (preventative, diagnostic, therapeutic or any other) cannot be ruled out. The absence of such phenomena should also be mentioned.


A discussion of the results related to the hypothesis (the main objective) of the research should be carried out, in the context of previously known data, opinions and theories, including additional research results and subgroup analysis results. If necessary, authors should discuss the key mechanisms of the implementation of the medical intervention effects.

Research limitations


In this part we should summarize our results shortly (in 1-3 sentences) without duplicating the “Discussion” part, identify key unsolved aspects of the challenge (in 1-3 sentences as well) and describe the role of our own results in the solving of the challenge (in 5-7 sentences). Conclusion should be a text, not a list of results.

Additional information

Source of funding. The source(s) of funding (it could be a grant) should be indicated specifying with the following statement: “The research was conducted with the financial support of … ”. If the research had no financial funding the section should be left blank.

Conflict of interests. The section indicates the presence of explicit and potential conflicts of interests, i.e. the facts and conditions that may affect results of the study or their interpretation. In case of conflict of interest’s absence it is recommended to use the following phrase: “Authors declare no explicit and potential conflicts of interests associated with the publication of this article”.

Authors involvement. The role of each author in the current study and article preparation should be described in this section.

Acknowledgements. This part provides an opportunity to express the gratitude to those people who took part in the research and/or manuscript preparation but are not co-authors of the paper.


The list of references should include only published materials (Internet links are allowed as well). Self-citation should be avoided except those cases which require it (if there are no other sources of information, or the present work is based on the previous studies of your own). The limit is no more than 3 self-citations.

Contact information

The template is offered for preparation of the paper presenting the results of original research. It couldn’t be used for other types of manuscripts (risk factors analysis, quality of life research, etc.).


· Black color is used for titles and subtitles. All of them should remain the same in the final version of the manuscript.

· Blue color is used for explanations on the content and examples of the text design.

Change blue color to black one without changing titles.

You should put all relevant data into the template. Completed template should be saved on your computer and downloaded to the journal website on the Step 2 of the manuscript submission process.

NB!  To participate in the conference, you must fill out the form of the participant:

https: //connect.yandex.ru/forms/5c0d3773b8975203beac0719/

(full-time participation on April 19, 2018. Oral presentation regulations - 7 minutes.)




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