Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

developer 1;alias volup vol4; alias voldown vol2 alias vol4 volume 0.4; developer 1; echo Volume 40% [

Developer 1;alias volup vol5; alias voldown vol3" alias vol5 "volume 0.5; developer 1; echo Volume 50% [

Developer 1;alias volup vol6; alias voldown vol4" alias vol6 "volume 0.6; developer 1; echo Volume 60% [

Developer 1;alias volup vol7; alias voldown vol5" alias vol7 "volume 0.7; developer 1; echo Volume 70% [

Developer 1;alias volup vol8; alias voldown vol6" alias vol8 "volume 0.8; developer 1; echo Volume 80% [

Developer 1;alias volup vol9; alias voldown vol7" alias vol9 "volume 0.9; developer 1; echo Volume 90% [

Developer 1;alias volup vol10; alias voldown vol8" alias vol10 "volume 1.0; developer 1;echo Volume 100 [|]; developer 1;alias volup volmax; alias voldown vol9" alias volmax "developer 1; echo Volume MAX ; developer 999999999" alias volup "vol6" alias voldown "vol1" bind "PGUP" "volup" bind "PGDN" "voldown"   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "1" MP3Volume          "1" s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"           --(HuD-SeTTinG)--   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "3" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "0" scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4" gamma                   "4" brightness         "4" con_color          "300 300 1"           --(SeTTinG)-- bind "F9" "" bind "F10" "" gl_zmax "0" fastsprites        "0.000000" bottomcolor        "6" topcolor           "30" model              "gordon" viewsize           "120.000000" hpk_maxsize        "0" ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1" crosshair          "1.000000" console            "1.000000" joystick           "0.000000" graphheight       "570" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "380" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1" lambert            "-1.5" +mlook name               "Forumqs            bind "c" "AutoAim Opened" bind "x" "SXeFx! WallHack Ё[ON]"   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack ;adjust_crosshair" Bind "space" "+duck" gl_zmax "0" Bind "space" "+duck"     //==========Kontrol Ayarlarэ=========== unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "escape" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10"n bind "del" "slot1" bind "end" "slot2" bind "pgdn" "slot3" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "f" "+voicerecord" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "c" "radio3" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "k" "stopsound" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F2" "connect cs1.trumclan.net" bind "f3" "retry" bind "f4" "say S.a" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "mwheeldown" "+duck" bind "mwheelup" "+jump" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" bind "mouse1" "+attack ;adjust_crosshair" bind "LEFTARROW" "+moveleft" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+moveright" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "mouse3" "+duck"   //=================Grafik ayarlarэ=================== gl_affinemodels "0" gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "128" //gцrьntь kalitesinin artmasэnэ istiyorsanэz bu deрeri 256 yapэnэz ama fps dьюer!! gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_picmip "1" gl_playermip "999" gl_round_down "999" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_ztrick "0" //ekran kartэnэz voodoo ise bu deрeri 1 yapэnэz!! gl_wateramp "0" gl_clear "1" r_mirroralpha "0" r_wateralpha "0" r_drawentities "1" r_drivemodel "1" r_drawviewmodel "1" r_decals "0" r_dynamic "0" r_lightmap "0" r_mmx "0" //iюlmeciniz mmx teknolijisinden faydalanmэyorsa yani amd iюlemcisine sahip iseniz bu deрeri 0 yapэnэz! r_bmodelhighfrac "0" r_traceglow "0" r_bmodelinterp "0" r_glowshellfreq "0" max_shells "0" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.75" max_smokepuffs "0" violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "0" violence_hblood "0" violence_hgibs "0" mp_decals "0" fps_max "100" gunsmoke "0" //===================Ses Ayarlarэ================== _snd_mixahead "0.1" bgmvolume "0.000000" hisound "1.00000" //ses kalitesini arttэrmak iзin bu deрeri 1 yapэnэz;loadas8bit komutunuda 0 yapэnэz(fps dьюer) loadas8bit "0.00000" //ses kalitesinin artamasэ iзin 0 yapэnэz(fps dьюer) suitvolume "0.250000" volume "0.70000" s_eax "0.000000" s_a3d "0.000000" s_verbwet "0.25" s_bloat "2.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "1000000000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "100000.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "1.0" s_rolloff "1.0" //=====================Server ayarlarэ================== cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_himodels "0" cl_cmdrate "32" cl_allowupload "0" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_download_ingame "0" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_timeout "35" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_himodels "0" cl_dlmax "128" cl_lc "1" cl_lw "1" cl_updaterate "31" cl_showfps "1" cl_upspeed "400" cl_sidespeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_bob "0" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_nopred "0" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_gaitestimation "1.000000" cl_pitchup "89" cl_pitchdown "89" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay "0.05" cl_rate "8000" rate "9500" //================Hud Settings==================== hud_classautokill "0" hud_centerid "1" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_saytext_time "2.5" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "3" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_takesshots "1" scr_conspeed "99999999999" ex_interp "0.05" scr_centertime "1.5" contimes "2" con_notifytime "2" gamma "6" brightness "8" con_color "255 0 0" " //===============Diрer ayarlar=========== voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable "0" _cl_autowepswitch "1" cl_lefthand "1" sv_voiceenable "1" fastsprites "1.000000" bottomcolor "6" topcolor "30" model "gordon" name "Forumqs viewsize "120.000000" hpk_maxsize "0" sv_aim "0.000000" crosshair "1.000000" console "1.000000" joystick "0.000000" sensitivity "1.8" m_filter "1.000000" m_side "0.8" m_forward "1" m_yaw "0.022" m_pitch "0.022" graphheight "64" net_graph "9" net_graphwidth "140" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" lambert "-1.5" +mlook   developer 1     // Tuю Atamalarэ Baюlangэcэ   bind "f3" "silah yok" bind "f4" "m4a1" bind "f5" "ak47" bind "f6" "TLRGun" bind "f7" "THRGun" bind "f8" "AWMDEGun" bind "F9" "exec cross.cfg" bind "F10" "exec fps.cfg"     developer 1 drawradar   name "Forumqs   // __________ //----( Violence )---> // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ   violence_ablood "0" //enable blood (0 will improve perfomance some, but you won't see any blood) violence_agibs "0" //enable gibs (0 will improve performance some, but you won't see body chunks) violence_hblood "0" //enable more blood (0 will improve perfomance some, but you won't see as much blood) violence_hgibs "0" //enable more gibs (0 will improve performance some, but you won't see as many body chunks) condump writecfg   // __________ //----( Graphics )---> // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ   gl_clear "0" gl_nocolors "0" gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_max_size "128" gl_cull "1" //enable rendering of visible objects only (0 will slow fps) gl_dither "1" //enable dithering gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" //enable allowing slight cracks between textures, setting to 1 may look better on some video cards, but will be a bit slower gl_lightholes "0" //enable light holes (0 may improve perfomance) gl_monolights "0" gl_overbright "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_picmip "1" //set rendering quality (0,1,2, higher is faster and lower quality) see gl_playermip, gl_texturemode gl_playermip "5" //set player rendering quality (0,1,2, higher is faster and lower quality) see gl_playermip, gl_texturemode gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_round_down "5" //set texture size rounding-down value (higher rounds more, resulting in lower quality and higher FPS) gl_spriteblend "1" //enable blending sprite graphics gl_wateramp "0" //enable amplified (higher) waves in water. 1 may decrease FPS gl_ztrick "1" //speeds up renndering on some 3dfx cards (and maybe others), but may cause flickering on some video cards gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" mp_decals "0" //set max number of decals to display in multiplayer (set lower for perfomance boost, but blast marks and logos will disappear sooner) max_shells "5" r_bmodelhighfrac "5" r_decals "0" //set max number of blast mark decals in single-player (lower number will improves perfomance some, but decals wil disappear sooner) r_drawviewmodel "1" //enable drawing player weapon model (off improves perfomance a bit) r_dynamic "0" //enable dynamic lighting -- the light reflections glowing objects make on other objects nearby, such as ets and the flashlight (0 may improve fps) r_mirroralpha "0" //enable reflective textures (0 may improve performance) r_mmx "1" //force MMX calculation methods for MMX CPU's (set to 1 if your CPU supports MMX! Any p2 does, as do most newer AMD and Cyrix chips. If using 1 reduces perfomance, set back to 0) r_speeds "0" //enable display of average fps, draw speed, and polygon info r_traceglow "0" //enable inclusion of monsters in glow sprite occlusion checking (1 will decrease perfomance) con_color "255 0 0" scr_conspeed "97879978789" hud_saytext_time "10"   // _______ //----( Sound )---> // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ   s_disable_a3d s_a3d "0" s_eax "1" s_2dvolume "0.3" s_verbwet "0.25 s_geometry "1" s_reverb "1" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.42" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_occlude "1" s_occfactor "0.5" s_reflect "1" s_distance "1000" s_automin_distance "5" s_automax_distance "1500" s_min_distance "128" s_max_distance "1500" ambient_level "0.1" //ambient vol ambient_fade "1" //ambient sound distance hisound "1" _snd_mixahead "0.1" room_off "1" volume "0.2" suitvolume "1" bgmvolume "1" voice_modenable "0" voice_scale "2" voice_enable "0" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" sv_voiceenable "0"   lan2 ex_maxerrordistance "64" ex_correct "0" ex_diminishextrap "0" ex_maxaccel "2000" ex_maxspeed "750" ex_minvelocity "0" cl_lc "1" cl_lw "1" cl_nosmooth "0" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_smoothtime "0.1" cl_gaitestimation "1" //enable estimated player stepping motion -- disable (0) to decrease apparent "ice skating" and possibly increase lag cl_nopred "0" //disable client-side prediction (1 may increase lag) cl_rightland "1" // ________ //----( Client )---> // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ   cl_allowdownload "1" //enable download of maps, models, and decals on joining a server cl_allowupload "0" //enable upload of maps, models, and decals on joining a server cl_backspeed "400" cl_bob "0" cl_bobcycle "1" cl_bobup "0" cl_download_ingame "0" //enable downloads during a multiplayer game (generally not a good thing -- instead set cl_allow_download 1 and this one to 0 so downloads are between maps only) cl_fixtimerate "7.5" //sets the fixed time rate cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_sidespeed "400" cl_himodels "0" //enable high quality player models cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_movespeedkey "0.52" cl_observercrosshair "1" cl_pitchdown "89" cl_pitchspeed "225" cl_pitchup "89" cl_showfps "1" cl_solid_players "0" cl_timeout "9999" cl_righthand "0" cl_minmodels "0" cl_corpsestay "600.000000" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" _cl_autowepswitch "1" cl_yawspeed "9999" sv_maxspeed "400" // _______ //----( Other )---> // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ console "1.0" fps_max "100" fps_modem "100" crosshair "1" gamma "10" brightness "10" con_color "248 7 32" graphheight "105" net_graph "3" net_graphwidth "140" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_aim "0" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "120" mp_decals "300" max_shells "120" max_smokepuffs "0" d_spriteskip "0" gl_affinemodels "0" gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset ".1" gl_overbright "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "512" gl_cull "1" gl_picmip "0.75" gl_playermip "0" gl_round_down "9999" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_ztrick "1" gl_wateramp "0" r_mirroralpha "0" r_wateralpha "0" r_drawentities "1" r_decals "300" r_dynamic "0" r_lightmap "1" r_mmx "1" s_rolloff "0" s_doppler "0" s_distance "120" s_automin_distance "1" s_automax_distance "60" s_min_distance "4" s_max_distance "2000" s_leafnum "0" s_reverb "0" s_refgain ".4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2" s_verbwet ".25" s_a3d "0" s_eax "1" loadas8bit "1" volume "1" suitvolume ".25" hisound "0" bgmvolume "1" scr_conspeed "123456789" _snd_mixahead ".1" snd_noextraupdate "1" precache "1" developer "0" host_framerate "100" texgamma "0" lightgamma "0" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "7500" ex_maxerrordistance "0" ex_interp "0.05" cl_updaterate "21" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0" cl_solid_players "1" cl_pitchup "89" cl_pitchdown "89" cl_idealpitchscale ".8" cl_timeout "9999" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_download_ingame "0" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "0" cl_cmdrate "20" cl_bob "0" cl_bobup "0" cl_bobcycle "1" cl_nopred "0" cl_himodels "0" cl_observercrosshair "1" cl_gaitestimation "1" cl_rate "6500" violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "1" violence_hblood "1" violence_hgibs "1" lookstrafe "0" lookspring "0" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing ".05" m_pitch ".022" m_yaw ".022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "1" sensitivity "1.8" joystick "0" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "1" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" hud_classautokill "0" +mlook   // sXe Disabler 2.8 by NoLoader // only nosteam   // Tecla F12 para activar/Desactivar el Cheat. // 1 = Activate // 0 = Desactivate   nosmoke 1 localglow 1 flashlight 0 playerglow 1 nameesp 1 distesp 1 wpnesp 1 panickey 0x7B speedkey 0x14 speedvalue 50.0 norecoil 1   // _____ //----(Mouse)-----> // ЇЇЇЇЇ m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "1" sensitivity "1.8" hud_fastswitch "1" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2"   // // // clear // slist   // bind pgup drawmdl1 drawmdl1 // bind pgdn sprblend1 sprblend1 cl_gg 100 v_dark 5 condump writecfg   bind "F3" "mp5c ;bomb" bind "F4" "coltkeles ;bomb" bind "F5" "comcstc ;bomb" bind "F6" "awpc ;bomb"     // automatic burst settings // usage: setburst <weapon> <counter> <range> <attack_time> <delay_time> <start_delay> <flags> // flags are: // 1=duck 2=no_aim 4=stop 8=zoom 16=ground 32=use   setburst ak47 1 10 1 0 0.05 0 setburst ak47 2 20 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst ak47 3 50 0.15 0.45 0.05 4 setburst ak47 4 999 0.07 0.4 0.05 52 setburst aug 1 30 1 0 0.05 0 setburst aug 2 60 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst aug 3 110 0.15 0.45 0.05 4 setburst aug 4 999 0.05 0.43 0.2 12 setburst awp 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst awp 2 5 1 0 0.04 16 setburst awp 3 999 1 0 0.45 28 setburst c4 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst deagle 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst elite 1 15 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst elite 2 999 0.07 0.15 0.05 0 setburst fiveseven 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst flashbang 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst g3sg1 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst g3sg1 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst g3sg1 3 120 1 0 0.05 60 setburst g3sg1 4 999 0.05 0.4 0.05 60 setburst glock18 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst hegrenade 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst knife 1 3 1 0 0 0 setburst knife 2 999 1 0 0.1 2 setburst m249 1 45 1 0 0.05 0 setburst m249 2 999 0.05 0.5 0.05 4 setburst m3 1 999 1 0 0.2 0 setburst m4a1 1 10 1 0 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 2 20 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 3 80 0.15 0.45 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 4 999 0.07 0.4 0.05 4 setburst mac10 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst mac10 2 120 0.35 0.25 0.04 0 setburst mac10 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 4 setburst mp5 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst mp5 2 120 0.45 0.25 0.05 0 setburst mp5 3 919 0.11 0.25 0.05 4 setburst p228 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst p90 1 20 1 0 0.05 0 setburst p90 2 120 0.1 0.25 0.05 0 setburst p90 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 4 setburst scout 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst scout 2 5 1 0 0.04 16 setburst scout 3 999 1 0 0.45 28 setburst sg550 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst sg550 2 30 1 0 0.04 16 setburst sg550 3 999 0.3 0.1 0.05 60 setburst sg552 1 30 1 0 0.05 0 setburst sg552 2 60 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst sg552 3 110 0.15 0.45 0.05 8 setburst sg552 4 999 0.05 0.43 0.2 12 setburst smokegrenade 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst tmp 1 20 1 0 0 0 setburst tmp 2 100 0.3 0.3 0.02 0 setburst tmp 3 999 0.1 0.3 0.05 4 setburst ump45 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst ump45 2 120 0.45 0.25 0.05 0 setburst ump45 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 4 setburst usp 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst xm1014 1 999 1 0 0.2 0   // syntax of avadd : // first param -> 0=stand, 1=duck // second param -> height // third param -> forward // last param -> right   spk ok bind "F9" "pong" _cs_restrict 0 _debug 0 _fx 0 _gag_name 0 _ignore_immunity 1.89 _repeat_freq 600 _duration 30 // Defines the max time length in seconds of voting process. amv_vote_duration 30   // Default access rights for players not in the users.ini file. // (See documentation for access levels and information) default_access 1   // Whether to use encrypted passwords or not. // 0: disabled // 1: encrypt using Unix crypt() (Linux ONLY) // 2: encrypt using MD5 hash // 3: encrypt using MySQL PASSWORD() (MySQL ONLY)     // If enabled, the scripting file functions have read // access to files // (0=disabled, 1=enabled)     f defined _included pragma semicolon 1 enum print_type { print_console=0, print_center, print_chat, print_tty, print_pretty };   enum fsize_unit { bytes = 0, lines };   const bBanByID = 0; const bBanByIP = 1; const bBanBoth = 2;   enum uid { uid_none = 0, uid_invalid, uid_index, uid_sessionID, uid_wonID, };   /* Defined as '+ 1' so when we make an array[MAXPLAYERS], we get the range from 0 - 32. */ #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 + 1 #define TEAM_PROXY 600 #define TEAM_SPECTATOR 500   #define MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH 20 #define MAX_COMMAND_LENGTH 30 #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 33 #define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 200 #define MAX_TEXT_LENGTH 200 #define MAX_AUTHID_LENGTH 39   #define PLUGIN_HANDLED -1 #define PLUGIN_FAILURE 0 #define PLUGIN_CONTINUE 1   #define ACCESS_ALL 0 #define ACCESS_TIMELEFT 0 #define ACCESS_USERLIST 0 #define ACCESS_VERSION 0 #define ACCESS_VOTE_KICK 1 #define ACCESS_VOTE_MAP 1 #define ACCESS_FRAGLIMIT 2 #define ACCESS_MAP 2 #define ACCESS_TIMELIMIT 2 #define ACCESS_ABORT_VOTE 2 #define ACCESS_RELOAD 4 #define ACCESS_PAUSE 8 #define ACCESS_PASS 16 #define ACCESS_FRIENDLY_FIRE 32 #define ACCESS_GRAVITY 32 #define ACCESS_TEAMPLAY 32 #define ACCESS_CHAT 64 #define ACCESS_SAY 64 #define ACCESS_KICK 128 #define ACCESS_BAN 256 #define ACCESS_CONFIG 512 #define ACCESS_IMMUNITY 4096 #define ACCESS_RCON 65536 /* Define this to 512 to have Alfred's setting */ #define ACCESS_RESERVE_NICK 16384 /* This is never used in the script; just for reference */ #define ACCESS_RESERVE_SPOT 32768 /* This is never used in the script; just for reference */     forward plugin_init(); forward plugin_info(HLOldName, HLNewName, UserIndex); forward plugin_connect(HLUserName, HLIP, UserIndex); forward plugin_disconnect(HLUserName, UserIndex); forward plugin_command(HLCommand, HLData, HLUserName, UserIndex);   native access( iAccess, sName[] = "" ); native auth( sName[] = ""); native ban( sPlayer[], iTime, bBanBy = bBanByID ); native censor_words( sString[] ); native centersay( sText[], iTime, iRed, iGreen, iBlue ); native centersayex( sUser[], sText[], iTime, iRed, iGreen, iBlue ); native changelevel( sMap[], iIntermissionPause = 0 ); native cvar_exists( sCvar[] ); native check_user( sPlayer[] ); native check_words( sPlayer[] ); native consgreet( sMessage[] ); native convert_string( iHLString, sSmallString[], iMaxLength ); native currentmap( iMap[], iMaxLength ); native directmessage( sMessage[], iUserID = -1, uid:tUidType = uid:uid_sessionID ); native exec( sCommand[], bWriteLogEntry = 1 ); native execclient( sPlayer[], sCommand[] ); native get_serverinfo( sKey[], sValue[], iMaxLength ); native get_timer( iTimer ); native get_userAuthID( sPlayer[], sAuthid[], iMaxLength = MAX_AUTHID_LENGTH ); native get_userindex( sPlayer[], &iIndex ); native get_userinfo( sPlayer[], sKey[], sInfo[], iMaxLength ); native get_userIP( sPlayer[], sIP[], iMaxLength, &iPort = 0 ); native get_username( sPlayer[], sName[], iMaxLength ); native get_userorigin( sPlayer[], &iX, &iY, &iZ ); native get_userSessionID( sPlayer[], &iSessionID ); native get_userWONID( sPlayer[], &iWONID ); native get_vaultdata( sKey[], sData[], iMaxLength ); native get_vaultnumdata( sKey[], &iData ); native getstrvar( sVarname[], sValue[], iMaxLength ); native gettarget( sPlayer[], sTargetName[], iMaxLength, iRange = 2048 ); native getteamcount( iTeam ); native getvar( sVarname[] ); native glow( sTarget[], iRed = 0, iGreen = 0, iBlue = 0 ); native godmode( sPlayer[], iOnOff ); native help( sKeyword[] ); native kick( sPlayer[] ); native kill_timer( iTimer ); native list_maps( ); native log( sLogEntry[] ); native look_in_dir( sDirectory[], sMatch[], sFilename [], iNumber ); native maptime( iWhichtime, iPrintToConsole = 0 ); native maxplayercount( ); native message( sTarget[], sMessage[] ); native messageex( sTarget[],sMessage[], print_type:iMessageType ); native motd( sPlayer[], Text[] ); native nextmap( sMap[], iMaxLength ); native noclip( sPlayer[], iOnOff ); native playercount( ); native playerinfo( iPlayerIndex, sName[], iLength, &iUserID = 0, &iWONID = 0, &iTeam = 0, &iDead = 0, sAuthID[MAX_AUTHID_LENGTH] = "" ); native playsound( sTarget[], iSound[] ); native pointto( iRange = 2048 ); native rainbow( sText[], iTime, iRedStart, iGreenStart, iBlueStart, iRedEnd, iGreenEnd, iBlueEnd ); native reload( ); native say( sMessage[] ); native selfmessage( sMessage[] ); native servertime( sTimeString[], iMaxLen, sFormat[] = "none" ); native set_serverinfo( sKey[], sValue[] ); native set_timer( sFunction[], iWaitSeconds, iRepeatCount, sParameter[] = "" ); native set_vaultdata( sKey[], sData[] ); native set_vaultnumdata( sKey[], iData ); native slap( sPlayer[] ); native slay( sPlayer[] ); native speakto( sTarget[], iSentence[] ); native strtonum( sString[] ); native systemtime( ); native teleport( sPlayer[], iX, iY, iZ ); native timeleft( iPrintToConsole = 1 ); native typesay( sMessage[], iTime, iRed, iGreen, iBlue ); native unban( sWONID[] ); native userlist( sPattern[] = "" ); native valid_map( sMap[] ); native valid_mapex( sMap[], ignoreMapsFile = 0 ); native version( ); native vote( sVoteString[], ... ); native vote_allowed( );   native spawn( sClass[], iX, iY, iZ, iXAngle, iYAngle, iZAngle ); native listspawn( sClass[] ); native movespawn( iIdentity, iX, iY, iZ, iXAngle, iYAngle, iZAngle ); native removespawn( iIdentity );   native fileexists( sFilename[] ); native filesize( sFilename[], fsize_unit:Unit = 1 ); native readfile( sFilename[], sLine[], iLineNum, iMaxLength ); native writefile( sFilename[], sLine[], iLineNum = -1 ); native resetfile( sFilename[] ); native deletefile( sFilename[] );   native plugin_exec( sCommand[], sArguments[] ); native plugin_registercmd( Command[], Function[], RequiredAccess, HelpMessage[] = "" ); native plugin_registerhelp( Command[], RequiredAccess, HelpMessage[] ); native plugin_registerinfo( Name[], Description[], Version[]);   native setstrvar( cvar[], value[]); native menu(username[],text[],keys,time=0);   native get_userFrags( sPlayer[], &frags ); native get_userHealth(sPlayer[], &health ); native get_userTeam( sPlayer[], &team ); native get_userArmor( sPlayer[], &armor );   /* Core functions   ........     * * (c) Copyright 1998-2002, ITB CompuPhase * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _core_included #endinput #endif #define _core_included   native heapspace();   native funcidx(const name[]);   native numargs(); native getarg(arg, index=0); native setarg(arg, index=0, value);   native strlen(const string[]); native strpack(dest[], const source[]); native strunpack(dest[], const source[]);   native tolower(c); native toupper(c); native swapchars(c);   native random(max);   /* We use the Small versions in adminlib.inc instead native min(value1, value2); native max(value1, value2); */ native clamp(value, min=cellmin, max=cellmax);   native getproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin, string[]=""); native setproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin, const string[]=""); native deleteproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin); native existproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin)   #include <core> #include <string>   #define CHAR_INVALID -1 #define FALSE 0 #define NULL_CHAR 0 #define PERIOD_CHAR 46 #define QUOTE_CHAR 34 #define TRUE 1   /* Returns 1 if the current user has the required auth level, 0 otherwise */ stock check_auth( iAuthLevel ) { new iResult = access(iAuthLevel,""); if (iResult!=0) iResult = 1; return iResult; }   /* Returns the lesser of a and b */ stock min(a,b) { if (a<b) return a; else return b; return 1; }   /* Returns the greater of a and b */ stock max(a,b) { if (a>b) return a; else return b; return 1; }   /* Executes a command while providing the nicely formatted output */ stock execute_command(sUser[], sCommand[], sHalfLifeCmd[], sData[]) { new sRconCmd[MAX_DATA_LENGTH];   say_command(sUser,sCommand,sData); snprintf(sRconCmd, MAX_DATA_LENGTH, "%s %s", sHalfLifeCmd, sData); exec(sRconCmd); }   /* Nicely formats the current command */ stock format_command(sUser[],sCommand[],sData[],sText[]) { snprintf(sText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, "Command: %s used command %s %s", sUser, sCommand, sData); }   /* Logs a command */ stock log_command(sUser[],sCommand[],sData[]) { new sText[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH]; format_command(sUser,sCommand,sData,sText); log(sText); }   /* NumToStr courtesy of Nathan O'Sullivan (http://nathan.qgl.org/halflifeadmin/numtostr.txt) */ stock numtostr(num,str[]) { new Base = 1; new Digits = 1; new i = 0;   /* Special case: 0 */ if (num == 0) { str[i++] = '0'; str[i++] = NULL_CHAR; } else { /* If we've got a negative number, add a negative sign to the string, and multiply the number by -1 */ if (num < 0) { str[i++] = '-'; num *= -1; }   /* Ok. We've got at least one digit. Keep multiplying by 10 till we get a higher number than what we've got. Note that this will leave Digits 1 higher than what we want (eg, if Num was 7, Digits will be 2 */ while (Base <= num) { Base *= 10; Digits++; }   /* Because Digits is higher, use --Digits rather than Digits--. Also, divide Base before using it. */ while (--Digits > 0) { Base /= 10; str[i++] = '0' + (num - (num % Base)) / Base; num = num % Base; } str[i++] = NULL_CHAR; } }   /* Command to use when the person doesn't have the proper permissions. */ stock reject_message(iPublic = 0) { new sText[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH];   getstrvar("admin_reject_msg",sText,MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); if(strlen(sText) < 2) strcpy(sText, "You do not have access to this command.", MAX_TEXT_LENGTH); if (iPublic == 0) { selfmessage(sText); } else { say(sText); } }   /* Results differ upon the setting of admin_quiet. If admin_quiet is 0, says who executed what command. If admin_quiet is 1, says 'Admin' executed what command. Otherwise, simply logs. The override option allows one to ignore admin_quiet, and always display a message. */ stock say_command(sUser[],sCommand[],sData[], iOverride = 0) { new iQuiet; new sText[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH];   iQuiet = getvar("admin_quiet"); if (iQuiet==0) { format_command(sUser,sCommand,sData,sText); say(sText); } else if (iQuiet==1 || iOverride==1) { format_command("Admin",sCommand,sData,sText); say(sText); } else { log_command(sUser,sCommand,sData); } }   /* Given a string (str[]), this will attempt to break it apart at the first space that's not inside quotation marks. Quotes at the beginning and end will be stripped. Ie,   new str[20] = "This is a test" new first[20]; new second[20]; strbreak(str,first,second, 20);   first is now equal to "This", and second is now equal to "is a test". If str[] had been "^"This is^" a test", first would be "This is" and second would be "a test". At maximum maxlen characters will be copied. */ stock strbreak(str[], first[], second[], maxlen, flen=sizeof first, slen=sizeof second ) { new i = 0; new j = 0; new NullPos = CHAR_INVALID; new Quote = FALSE; new SpacePos = CHAR_INVALID; new iFirstEnd; new iSecondEnd;   if (maxlen == 0) maxlen = strlen(str);   // Find the position of the first unquoted space and the terminating NULL character for(i=0; i<=strlen(str); i++)   if (str[i] == QUOTE_CHAR) { if (Quote==FALSE) { Quote = TRUE; } else { Quote = FALSE; } } else if (str[i] == ' ' && SpacePos == CHAR_INVALID && Quote == FALSE) { SpacePos = i; } else if (str[i] == NULL_CHAR) { NullPos = i; break; } }   if (NullPos == CHAR_INVALID) NullPos = maxlen + 1;     if (SpacePos == CHAR_INVALID) { strcpy(first, str, flen); strinit(second);   } else { // Make sure we do not copy more characters into the second array // than would fit into it. If the second part of the source string // is longer than the length of the second array, truncate it to fit. new iSecondLen = NullPos - SpacePos -1; iSecondEnd = min( iSecondLen, (slen-1) );   // If maxlen is set we want to copy only max maxlen characters. // Check if this is smaller than our current limit iSecondEnd = min( iSecondEnd, maxlen );   // Make sure we do not copy more characters into the first array // than would fit into it. If the first part of the source string // is longer than the length of the first array, truncate it to fit. iFirstEnd = min( SpacePos, (flen-1) );   // If maxlen is set we want to copy only max maxlen characters. // Check if this is smaller than our current limit iFirstEnd = min( iFirstEnd, maxlen );     // Copy the first part of the string into the first array for( i = 0; i < iFirstEnd; i++) { first[i] = str[i]; } // Zero-terminate the first array first[iFirstEnd] = NULL_CHAR;     // Copy the second part of the string into the second array for( i = SpacePos+1, j = 0; j < iSecondEnd; i++, j++) { second[j] = str[i]; } // Zero-terminate the second array second[iSecondEnd] = NULL_CHAR; }     /* Strip out the quotes of the return values. */ strstripquotes(first); strstripquotes(second); }     /* Counts the number of times searchchar appears in str[] */ /* stock strcount(str[], searchchar) { new i = 0; new maxlen = strlen(str); new Count = 0;   for(i = 0; i <= maxlen; i++) { if (str[i] == searchchar) Count++; } return Count; } */   /* Returns 1 if two strings are exactly the same, including length, etc */ stock streq( strOne[], strTwo[] ) { if (strlen(strOne) != strlen(strTwo)) { return 0; } else if (strcasecmp(strOne, strTwo)==0) { return 1; } return 0; }   /* Initialize a string */ stock strinit( sString[] ) { sString[0] = NULL_CHAR; }   /* returns 1 if two strings are the same in the first Length (or less if one is smaller than Length) digits, 0 otherwise */ stock strmatch( sOne[], sTwo[], iLength) { if (strncasecmp(sOne, sTwo, iLength)==0) { return 1; } return 0; }   /* Strips the quotes from the beginning and ending, if they exist. Ignores those in the middle. */ stock strstripquotes(str[]) { new maxlen = strlen(str); new i;   if(maxlen==0) return;   if(str[maxlen - 1]==QUOTE_CHAR) str[--maxlen] = NULL_CHAR;   if(str[0] == QUOTE_CHAR) { for(i=0; i<=maxlen; i++) str[i] = str[i+1]; str[i-2] = NULL_CHAR; } }   /* I had this in the normal alphabetical order...but it caused the Small compiler to barf. So I moved it down here, and it's fine. That doesn't fill me with inspiration, but it seems to work. */ /* Returns 1 if param is '1' or 'on'...0 for anything else. */ stock check_param( sParam[] ) { new iResult = 0;   if(strlen(sParam) > 0) { if (streq(sParam, "on")==1) { iResult = 1; } else if (streq(sParam, "1")==1) { iResult = 1; } } return iResult; }   /* Returns 1 if the target has immunity */ stock check_immunity( sTarget[] ) { /* If the server doesn't honor immunity, no one is immune. */ if (getvar("admin_ignore_immunity")!=0) { return 0; /* Else, you're immune if you have that access level. */ } else if (access(ACCESS_IMMUNITY,sTarget)!=0) { return 1; } return 0; }     stock execclient_all( sCommand[] ) {   new Target[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new i; new iSessionID; new sSessionID[MAX_NUMBER_LENGTH]; new maxplayers = maxplayercount();   for(i=1; i<=maxplayers; i++) { strinit(Target); if(playerinfo(i,Target,MAX_NAME_LENGTH, iSessionID)==1) { numtostr( iSessionID, sSessionID ); execclient(sSessionID,sCommand);   } // if } // for   return 1; } // execclient_all()     /********************************** PUBLIC UTILITY FUNCTIONS *****************************/   /* Called by changelevel() by a timer call. Do not remove! Changes map to specified map by calling changelevel with specific parameters. */ public ChangeMap(Timer,Repeat,HLUser,HLParam) { new NewMap[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];   convert_string(HLParam,NewMap,MAX_NAME_LENGTH); if(strlen(NewMap) != 0) { changelevel(NewMap, -1); } }     /* Console input/output functions * * (c) Copyright 1998-2002, ITB CompuPhase * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _console_included #endinput #endif #define _console_included   enum { black, /* colours as per the ANSI Escape sequences, ISO 6429 */ red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, }   native getchar(echo=true); native getstring(string[], maxlength, boolack=false); native getvalue(base=10, end='^r', ...); native print(const string[], foreground=-1, background=-1); native printf(const format[], ...);   ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????     /* Fixed point arithmetic * * (c) Copyright 1998-2002, ITB CompuPhase * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #if defined _fixed_included #endinput #endif #define _fixed_included   enum fround_method { fround_round, fround_floor, fround_ceil }   native fixed:fixed(value); native fixed:fixedstr(const string[]); native fixed:fmul(fixed:oper1, fixed:oper2); native fixed:fdiv(fixed:dividend, fixed:divisor); native fixed:ffract(fixed:value); native fround(fixed:value, fround_method:method=fround_round);   #pragma rational fixed(3)   /* user defined operators */ native fixed:operator*(fixed:oper1, fixed:oper2) = fmul; native fixed:operator/(fixed:oper1, fixed:oper2) = fdiv;   stock fixed:operator++(fixed:oper) return oper+fixed(1);   stock fixed:operator--(fixed:oper) return oper-fixed(1);   stock fixed:operator*(fixed:oper1, oper2) return _:oper1 * oper2; /* "*" is commutative */   stock fixed:operator/(fixed:oper1, oper2) return _:oper1 / oper2;   stock fixed:operator/(oper1, fixed:oper2) return fdiv(fixed(oper1), oper2);   stock fixed:operator+(fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 + fixed(oper2); /* "+" is commutative */   stock fixed:operator-(fixed:oper1, oper2) return oper1 - fixed(oper2);   stock fixed:operator-(oper1, fixed:oper2) return fixed(oper1) - oper2;   /* forbidden operations */ forward operator%(fixed:oper1, fixed:oper2); forward operator%(fixed:oper1, oper2); forward operator%(oper1, fixed:oper2);   /* Version 1.1 (31.01.2004) */   #if defined _math_included #endinput #endif #define _math_included   #include <core> #include <fixed> #include <string> #include <adminlib>   #define LGCOUNT 15   stock fixtostr(fixed:fNumber,sNumber[],iMaxLength){ new iNumber,iFrac; new iSign=1; new sFrac[4];   if(fNumber<0.000){ iNumber=fround(fNumber,fround_ceil); } else{ iNumber=fround(fNumber,fround_floor); } iFrac=ffract(fNumber); if(iFrac<0){ iFrac*=-1; iSign=-1; } numtostr(iFrac,sFrac); switch(strlen(sFrac)){ case 2: snprintf(sNumber,iMaxLength,"%d.0%s",iNumber,sFrac ); case 1: snprintf(sNumber,iMaxLength,"%d.00%s",iNumber,sFra c); default: snprintf(sNumber,iMaxLength,"%d.%s",iNumber,sFrac) ; } if(iSign==-1 && iNumber==0){ snprintf(sNumber,iMaxLength,"-%s",sNumber); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }   stock fixed:strtofix(sNumber[]){ new fixed:fNumber;   if(strtrim(sNumber,"-",0)>0){ fNumber=fmul(fixedstr(sNumber),-1.000); } else{ fNumber=fixedstr(sNumber); }   return fNumber; }   stock matherror(iError){ new log_msg[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH];   switch(iError){ case 1: strcpy(log_msg,"No valid value for function input!",MAX_TEXT_LENGTH); case 2: strcpy(log_msg,"Number too high for allowed range!",MAX_TEXT_LENGTH); case 3: strcpy(log_msg,"Number too low for allowed range!",MAX_TEXT_LENGTH); default: return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } log(log_msg); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; }   stock fixed:f_log10(fixed:fValue,&iError=0){ new fixed:fLG[LGCOUNT]={2147482.000,10000.000,100.000,10.000,3.162,1.778 ,1.334,1.155,1.075,1.037,1.018,1.009,1.005,1.002,1 .000}; new fixed:fLGFract[LGCOUNT-1]={4.000,2.000,1.000,0.500,0.250,0.125,0.063,0.031, 0.016,0.008,0.004,0.002,0.001,0.000}; new fixed:fLocalValue=0.000; new fixed:fLower=0.000;   if(fValue<=0.000){ iError=1; return 0.000; } if(fValue==2147482.000){ iError=2; return 6.332; } if(fValue==0.001){ return -3.000; }   for(new i=1;i<4;i++){ if(fValue>=1.000){ break; } fValue=fmul(fValue,10.000); fLower=fLower+1.000; }   for(new i=0;i<LGCOUNT-1;i++){ if(fValue<fLG[i]){ if(fValue>=fLG[i+1]){ fLocalValue=fLocalValue+fLGFract[i]; fValue=fdiv(fValue,fLG[i+1]); } } else if(fValue==fLG[i]){ break; } } iError=0;   return fLocalValue-fLower; }   stock fixed:f_ln(fixed:fValue,&iError=0){ new fixed:fFactor=2.303; new fixed:fCheck; new fixed:fMultiply; new fixed:fKeepResult;   fCheck=fValue;   fValue=f_log10(fValue,iError); if(iError>0){ return fValue; }   fValue=fmul(fValue,fFactor); fKeepResult=fValue; fKeepResult=f_powere(fKeepResult,iError);   if(iError>0){ return fKeepResult; }   if(fKeepResult==fCheck){ return fValue; } if(fKeepResult>fCheck){ fMultiply=-0.001; } else if(fKeepResult<fCheck){ fMultiply=0.001; } for(new i=0;i<1000;i++){ fKeepResult=f_powere(fValue+fmul(fixed(i),fMultipl y),iError); if(iError>0){ return fKeepResult; } if(fKeepResult==fCheck){ return fValue+fmul(fixed(i-1),fMultiply); } }   return fValue; }   stock fixed:f_logab(fixed:fBase,fixed:fValue,&iError=0){   fBase=f_log10(fBase,iError); if(iError>0){ return fBase; } fValue=f_log10(fValue,iError); if(iError>0){ return fValue; }   return fdiv(fValue,fBase); }   stock fixed:f_faculty(fixed:fValue,&iError=0){ new iValue=1;   if(ffract(fValue)==0.000){ if(fValue>0.000){ if(fValue<10.000){ iValue=fround(fValue); fValue=1.000; for(new i=2;i<=iValue;i++){ fValue=fmul(fValue,fixed(i)); } return fValue; } iError=2; return 2147482.000; } } iError=1;   return -1.000; }   stock fixed:f_powere(fixed:fExponent,&iError=0){ new fixed:fEulerArray[3][10]={{1.000,1.105,1.221,1.350,1.492,1.649,1.822,2.014 ,2.226,2.460},{1.000,1.010,1.020,1.030,1.041,1.051 ,1.062,1.073,1.083,1.094},{1.000,1.001,1.002,1.003 ,1.004,1.005,1.006,1.007,1.008,1.009}}; new fixed:fSignE=1.000; new fixed:fEuler; new fixed:fLocalResult=1.000; new iKeepExponent=0;   fEuler=f_euler();   if(fExponent==0.000){ return 1.000; }   if(fExponent>14.579){ iError=2; return 2147482.000; }   if(fExponent<0.000){ fSignE=-1.000; fExponent=fExponent*fSignE; }   iKeepExponent=fround(fExponent,fround_floor); if(iKeepExponent!=0){ for(new i=0;i<iKeepExponent;i++){ fLocalResult=fmul(fEuler,fLocalResult); } }   for(new i=0;i<3;i++){ fExponent=fExponent-fixed(iKeepExponent); fExponent=fmul(fExponent,10.000); iKeepExponent=fround(fExponent,fround_floor); fLocalResult=fmul(fLocalResult,fEulerArray[i][iKeepExponent]); }   if(fSignE==-1.000){ fLocalResult=fdiv(1.000,fLocalResult); }   return fLocalResult; }   stock fixed:f_power(fixed:fBasis,fixed:fExponent,&iError =0){ new fixed:fKeepValue; new iKeep; new iSign=0;   iKeep=fround(fExponent,fround_floor);   if(fBasis<0.000){ if(fixed(iKeep)!=fExponent){ iError=1; return -1.000; } }   if(fExponent==0.500){ return f_sqrt(fBasis,iError); }   fKeepValue=fBasis;   if(fixed(iKeep)==fExponent){ if(fExponent<0.000){ fExponent=fmul(fExponent,-1.000); iKeep=iKeep*-1; iSign=1; } for(new i=1;i<iKeep;i++){ fBasis=fmul(fBasis,fKeepValue); } if(iSign){ fBasis=fdiv(1.000,fBasis); } return fBasis; }   fKeepValue=f_ln(fKeepValue,iError); if(iError>0){ return -1.000; }   return f_powere(fmul(fExponent,fKeepValue),iError); }   stock fixed:f_euler(){ return 2.718; }   stock fixed:f_pi(){ return 3.142; }   stock fixed:f_sqrt(fixed:fNum,&iError=0,fixed:fNumStart= 1.000) { new fixed:fNum2=fNum; new fixed:fOne=1.000;   if(f_abs(fNum)!=fNum){ iError=1; return -1.000; }   if(fNumStart==fNum2){ fNumStart=1.000; }   if(fNum<1.000){ fNum2=fdiv(fOne,fNum); }   for(new i=0;i<100;i++){ fNum2=fdiv(fNum2+fNumStart,2.000); fNumStart=fdiv(fNum,fNum2); if(fNum2 <= fNumStart){ break; } }   return fNum2; }   stock fixed:f_abs(fixed:fNum) { if(fNum >= 0.000) { return fNum; } return fmul(fNum,-1.000); }   stock fixed:f_max(fixed:fNum,fixed:fNum2){ if(fNum >= fNum2) { return fNum; } return fNum2; }   stock fixed:f_min(fixed:fNum,fixed:fNum2){ if(fNum < fNum2) { return fNum; } return fNum2; }   stock distance(x1,x2,y1=0,y2=0,z1=0,z2=0){ new fixed:fNumStart=-1.000; new fixed:fSum=0.000; new iDx,iDy,iDz; new iError=0;   iDx=(x1-x2)*(x1-x2); iDy=(y1-y2)*(y1-y2); iDz=(z1-z2)*(z1-z2);   fNumStart=fixed(max(max(iDx,iDy),iDz)); fSum=fixed(iDx+iDy+iDz); if(fSum==0.000){ return 0; }   fSum=f_sqrt(fSum,iError,fNumStart);   return fround(fSum); }   stock fixed:f_sin(fixed:fNum){ new iSign=1; new fixed:fDummy=0.000; new fixed:fDummy2=f_pi();   if(fNum<0.000){ fNum=fmul(fNum,-1.000); iSign=-1; }   fDummy2=fmul(fDummy2,2.000); fDummy=fdiv(fNum,fDummy2); if(fDummy>1.000){ fDummy=fixed(fround(fDummy,fround_floor)); fNum=fNum-fmul(fDummy,fDummy2); } fDummy2=f_pi(); if(fNum>fDummy2){ iSign=iSign*-1; fNum=fNum-fDummy2; }   fDummy=fNum; fDummy2=fNum; for(new i=3;i<=11;i=i+2){ fDummy=fmul(fdiv(fmul(fDummy,fmul(fNum,fNum)),fmul (fixed(i),fixed(i-1))),-1.000); fDummy2=fDummy2+fDummy; }   return fmul(fDummy2,fixed(iSign)); }   stock fixed:f_cos(fixed:fNum){ return f_sin(fNum+fdiv(f_pi(),2.000)); }   stock fixed:f_tan(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(f_sin(fNum),f_cos(fNum)); }   stock fixed:f_cot(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(f_cos(fNum),f_sin(fNum)); }   /* Calculation of the integral 1/(1+x^2) in order to get the arctan */ stock fixed:f_arctan(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){ new fixed:fDummy; new fixed:fResult; new fixed:fRange; new iNum;   if(fNum>1465.428){ iError=2; return 2147482.000; }   if(fNum==0.000){ return 0.000; }   fDummy=f_abs(fmul(fNum,1000.000)); iNum=fround(fDummy)-1; fRange=f_max(fNum,0.000);   fResult=fdiv(f_arctan_help(fRange),2.000);   fDummy=fRange+0.001; for(new i=1;i<iNum;i++){ fResult=fResult+f_arctan_help(fDummy); fDummy=fDummy+0.001; }   return fmul(fResult+fdiv(f_arctan_help(fDummy),2.000),fdi v(fNum,fixed(iNum+1))); }   stock fixed:f_arctan_help(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(1.000,1.000+fmul(fNum,fNum)); }   stock fixed:f_arcsin(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){   if(fNum>1.000){ iError=2; return 1.571; } if(fNum<-1.000){ iError=3; return -1.571; } if(fNum==1.000){ return 1.571; } if(fNum==-1.000){ return -1.571; }   return f_arctan(fdiv(fNum,f_sqrt(1-fmul(fNum,fNum)))); }   stock fixed:f_arccos(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){   if(fNum>1.000){ iError=2; return 1.571; } if(fNum<-1.000){ iError=3; return -1.571; } if(fNum==1.000){ return 1.571; } if(fNum==-1.000){ return -1.571; }   return fdiv(f_pi(),2.000)-f_arcsin(fNum); }   stock fixed:f_arccot(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(f_pi(),2.000)-f_arctan(fNum); }   stock fixed:f_sinh(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(f_powere(fNum)-f_powere(fmul(fNum,-1.000)),2.000); }   stock fixed:f_cosh(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(f_powere(fNum)+f_powere(fmul(fNum,-1.000)),2.000); }   stock fixed:f_tanh(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(f_sinh(fNum),f_cosh(fNum)); }   stock fixed:f_coth(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){ if(fNum==0.000){ iError=1; return 0.000; } return fdiv(f_cosh(fNum),f_sinh(fNum)); }   stock fixed:f_arsinh(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){ if(fNum>1465.428){ iError=2; return 2147482.000; } return f_ln(fNum+f_sqrt(fmul(fNum,fNum)+1.000)); }   stock fixed:f_arcosh(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){ if(fNum>1465.428){ iError=2; return 2147482.000; } if(fNum<1.000){ iError=3; return 0.000; } return f_ln(fNum+f_sqrt(fmul(fNum,fNum)-1.000)); }   stock fixed:f_artanh(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){ if(fNum>=1.000){ iError=2; return 0.000; } if(fNum<=-1.000){ iError=3; return 0.000; } return fdiv(f_ln(fdiv(1.000+fNum,1.000-fNum)),2.000); }   stock fixed:f_arcoth(fixed:fNum,&iError=0){ if(fNum<=1.000){ if(fNum>=-1.000){ iError=1; return 0.000; } } return fdiv(f_ln(fdiv(1.000+fNum,fNum-1.000)),2.000); }   stock fixed:f_degtorad(fixed:fNum){ return fmul(fdiv(fNum,180.000),f_pi()); }   stock fixed:f_radtodeg(fixed:fNum){ return fdiv(fmul(180.000,fNum),f_pi()); }   con_color "248 7 32"          --(CRossHaiR)--     bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair 1; adjust_crosshair 2; adjust_crosshair 3; adjust_crosshair 4" --(Client Settings)--           --(Mouse Settings)--                           m_pitch                 "0.022" m_yaw                              "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side                               "0.8" m_filter                  "1.0" sensitivity              "1.5" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2"         --(Client Settings)--     cl_solid_players     "1" cl_pitchspeed        "225" cl_nopred              "0" cl_lw                      "1" cl_lc                       "1" cl_dlmax                "128" cl_himodels           "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" cl_corpsestay      "180" cl_cmdbackup                   "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame        "0" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_allowupload                  "1" cl_cmdrate             "101" cl_upspeed            "400" cl_forwardspeed   "400" cl_backspeed         "400" cl_sidespeed          "400" cl_bob                               "0" cl_bobcycle           "0" cl_bobup                "0" cl_vsmoothing                   "0.050" cl_showfps            "1" cl_rate                    "25000" cl_updaterate         "101" cl_righthand          "1" cl_vsmoothing                   "0.05" cl_timeout             "35" cl_pitchup              "89" cl_pitchdown       "89" ex_maxerrordistance "0" ex_interp          "0.05" rate               "15000"           --(Graphic-SeTTinG)--     gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "0.1" gl_overbright      "0" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions    "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST           --(Misc Settings)--     model                    "1337" fps_max                 "101" fps_modem           "0" developer              "0" max_smokepuffs               "0" max_shells             "2" violence_ablood    "0" violence_hblood    "0" violence_agibs                   "0" violence_hgibs                  "0" fastsprites              "0" gamma                               "3" brightness              "3" mp_decals             "30" hpk_maxsize          "0" viewsize                 "120" texgamma              "0" lightgamma            "0" d_spriteskip           "0" topcolor                 "30" bottomcolor           "6" default_fov           "90" crosshair                "1" joystick                  "0" sv_aim                               "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" console                  "1" scr_conspeed         "123456789" scr_centertime                   "1.5" scr_connectmsg                 "0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5" r_drawviewmodel "1" r_dynamic             "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha         "0" r_drawentities                   "1" r_mmx                               "1" r_decals                 "1" r_wateralpha       "0"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                r_lightmap         "0" r_traceglow             "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"           --(Sound-SeTTinG)--     _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume                "0.10000" MP3Volume          "0.200000" s_eax              "0.000000" s_a3d              "0.000000" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"            --(HuD-SeTTinG)--   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "3" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "3" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "0" scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4" gamma              "4" brightness         "3" con_color          "50 250 50"           --(SeTTinG)--     fastsprites        "0.000000" bottomcolor        "6" topcolor           "30" model              "gordon" viewsize           "120.000000" hpk_maxsize        "0" ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1" crosshair          "1.000000" console            "1.000000" joystick           "0.000000" graphheight    "16 net_graph          "0" net_graphwidth     "140" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos        "1" lambert            "-1.5" +mlook volume             "0.5" name               "cevdetor`"                                                bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2; adjust_crosshair" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack ;adjust_crosshair" Bind "space" "+duck" gl_zmax "0" Bind "space" "+duck"     bind kp_rightarrow "antion" alias antioff "bind mouse1 +attack; wait; bind = em; wait; bind - em; wait; bind mwheelup em; wait; bind mwheeldown em; wait; bind kp_rightarrow antion; wait; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil DISABLED; dev1" gl_polyoffset "5000" bind kp_leftarrow "antioff"            [The New Spectator Hack 2.0 Loaded]   // WEAPON OPTION *** Not working @ 1.5 *** // USP = USP with 60 rounds. // GlockHE = Glock 18 with 110 rounds + HE grenade. // Deagle = Desert Eagle with 28 rounds. // P228 = P228 with 65 rounds. // FiveSeven = FiveSeven with 40 rounds. CT Only.   //Change Hand bind "p" sagel           --(Client Settings)--     cl_solid_players    "1" cl_pitchspeed            "600" cl_nopred            "0" cl_lw                    "1" cl_lc                    "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels            "0" cl_idealpitchscale    "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay      "180" cl_cmdbackup            "2" cl_gaitestimation    "1" cl_download_ingame    "0" cl_max_size            "256" cl_minmodels            "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload            "1" cl_cmdrate            "55" cl_upspeed           "999" cl_forwardspeed    "999" cl_backspeed            "999" cl_sidespeed            "999" cl_bob                    "0" cl_bobcycle            "0" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing            "0.050" cl_showfps            "0" cl_rate            "12000" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate            "101" cl_righthand            "1" cl_vsmoothing            "0.05" cl_timeout             "35" cl_pitchup            "89" cl_pitchdown            "89" ex_maxerrordistance "0" ex_interp          "0.1" rate               "15500"           --(Graphic-SeTTinG)--     gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "9991" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex      "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "1"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST           --(Misc Settings)--     model                    "1337" fps_max            "100" fps_modem            "0" developer             "0" max_smokepuffs            "200" max_shells            "50" violence_ablood    "0" violence_hblood    "0" violence_agibs            "0" violence_hgibs            "0" fastsprites            "0" gamma                    "3" brightness            "3" mp_decals            "30" hpk_maxsize            "0" viewsize            "120" texgamma            "0" lightgamma            "0" d_spriteskip            "0" topcolor            "30" bottomcolor            "6" default_fov            "90" crosshair            "1" joystick            "0" sv_aim                    "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" console            "1" scr_conspeed            "9999" scr_centertime            "2.5" scr_connectmsg            "0" r_bmodelhighfrac    "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic            "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha            "0" r_drawentities            "1" r_mmx                    "1" r_decals            "1" r_wateralpha       "0"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"           --(Sound-SeTTinG)--   bind "PGUP" "volup" bind "PGDN" "voldown"   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "1" MP3Volume          "1" s_eax                  "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain              "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"           --(HuD-SeTTinG)--   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "3" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "0" scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4" gamma              "4" brightness         "4" con_color          "255 0 0"           --(SeTTinG)-- bind "F9" "" bind "F10" "" gl_zmax "0" fastsprites             "0.000000" bottomcolor        "6" topcolor           "30" model              "gordon" viewsize           "120.000000" hpk_maxsize        "0" ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1" crosshair          "1.000000" console            "1.000000" joystick           "0.000000" graphheight       "570" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "380" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1" lambert            "-1.5" +mlook name               "Forumqs   bind "c" "Auto Aim Open [ BomBaCi ] " bind "x" "Sxe wallhack Open [ BomBaCi ]"   -------------------------Diger Ayarlar------------------- bind "MOUSE1" "+attack ;adjust_crosshair" Bind "space" "+duck" gl_zmax "0" Bind "space" "+duck" rate                        "25000" cl_updaterate         "101" cl_cmdrate             "101"   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   unbindall          --(Control Binds)--                         unbind             "MWHEELDOWN" unbind             "MWHEELUP" bind "a"           "+moveleft" bind "d"           "+moveright" bind "w"           "+forward" bind "s"           "+back" bind "g"           "drop" bind "ctrl"        "+duck" bind "space"       "+jump" bind "BACKSPACE"   "+showscores" bind "r"           "+reload" bind "MOUSE3"      "+voicerecord" bind "DEL"         "slot1" bind "END"         "slot2" bind "HOME"        "slot3" bind "PGDN"           "slot4" bind "KP_HOME"     "slot5"  bind "e"           "+use" bind "H"           "+commandmenu" bind "KP_PGDN"     "reconnect" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "snapshot" bind "KP_HOME"     "go" bind "KP_UPARROW"  "afirmatif" bind "KP_PGUP"     "negatif" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "spotted"   bind "F9"          "vc" bind "F10"         "Radar" bind "F11"         "kol" bind "v"           "wpnview1" bind "t"           "impulse 201" bind "shift"       "+speed" bind "F3"          "+buy_ak47" bind "F9"          "+buy_SAug" bind "F8"          "+buy_MP5" bind "F4"          "+buy_ArcticWM" bind "F5"          "+buy_ekipman" bind "F6"           "+DEagle" bind "F7"      "+USP45" bind shэft +speed bind mwheelup +jump       --(Buy Menu)--      alias BUY_MP5 "buy;menuselect 3;menuselect 1;buy;menuselect 6;buy"                                 // MP5 Navy alias BUY_AK-47 "buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 3;buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 1;buy;menuselect 6;buy" // AK-47 , m4a1 alias BUY_SCommando "buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 4;buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 2;buy;menuselect 6;buy" // Steyr-Aug , SigCommando alias BUY_KWest "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 2;buy"                                                // Helmet alias BUY_Ammunition "buy;menuselect 6;buy;menuselect 7;buy"                                             // Full ammo for all weapons alias BUY_DefKit "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 6;buy"                                               // Defuse Kit alias +USP45 "buy;menuselect 1;menuselect 1;buy;menuselect 7;buy"                                  // Usp 45 Tactical alias -USP45 "slot10 ;slot10" alias +DEagle "buy;menuselect 1;menuselect 3;buy;menuselect 7;buy"                                 // Deagle alias -DEagle "slot10 ;slot10" alias BUY_ArcticWM "buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 6;buy;menuselect 6;buy"                            // AWM/P alias BUY_HE "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 4;buy"                                                   // HE grenade alias BUY_BL "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 3;buy"                                                   // Flashbang   alias "+buy_ak47" "BUY_AK-47; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_ak47" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_SAug" "BUY_SCommando ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_SAug" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_MP5" "BUY_MP5 ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_MP5" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_ArcticWM" "BUY_ArcticWM ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_ArcticWM" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_ekipman" "BUY_Ammunition ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_ekipman" "slot10 ; slot10         --(Spriteblend)--     alias wpnview1 "wpoff" alias wpoff "gl_spriteblend 0; alias wpnview1 wpon" alias wpon "gl_spriteblend 1; alias wpnview1 wpoff"           --(Weapon-Model)--     alias wpn_view "wpnoff" alias wpnoff "r_drawviewmodel 0; alias wpn_view wpnon" alias wpnon "r_drawviewmodel 1; alias wpn_view wpnoff"           --(Hand-Model)--     alias kol "SoL" alias sag "cl_righthand 1; alias kol sol" alias sol "cl_righthand 0; alias kol sag"           --(Walk)--     alias "walk1" "developer 1; echo - +walk -; developer 0; +speed; bind shift walk2" alias "walk2" "developer 1; echo - walk -; developer 0; -speed; bind shift walk1"           --(Radio Aliases)--     alias clmenu "waitlg; waitlg; waitlg" alias waitlg "wait; slot10; wait; slot10; wait; slot10" alias go "radio2; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias afirmatif "radio3; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias negatif "radio3; menuselect 8; clmenu" alias spotted "radio3; menuselect 2; clmenu"           --(Adding Radio Control)--     alias v0 "volume 0.0; alias vc v1; developer 1; echo Volume OFF; developer 0" alias v1 "volume 0.25; alias vc v2; developer 1; echo Volume 25%; developer 0" alias v2 "volume 0.5; alias vc v3; developer 1; echo Volume 50%; developer 0" alias v3 "volume 0.75; alias vc v4; developer 1; echo Volume 75%; developer 0" alias v4 "volume 1.0; alias vc v0; developer 1; echo Volume 100%; developer 0" alias vc v1           --(Radar Toggler)--     alias RadarON "alias Radar RadarOFF; drawradar; developer 1; echo RADAR ON; developer 0" alias RadarOFF "alias Radar RadarON; hideradar; developer 1; echo RADAR OFF; developer 0" alias Radar RadarON           --(CRossHaiR)--     bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair 1; adjust_crosshair 2; adjust_crosshair 3; adjust_crosshair 4"           --(Mouse Settings)--                           m_pitch                 "0.022" m_yaw                              "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side                               "0.8" m_filter                  "1.0" sensitivity              "1" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1"           --(Client Settings)--     cl_solid_players     "1" cl_pitchspeed        "225" cl_nopred              "0" cl_lw                      "1" cl_lc                       "1" cl_dlmax                "128" cl_himodels           "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay      "180" cl_cmdbackup                   "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame        "0" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_allowupload                  "1" cl_cmdrate             "101" cl_upspeed            "999" cl_forwardspeed   "999" cl_backspeed         "999" cl_sidespeed          "999" cl_bob                               "0" cl_bobcycle           "0" cl_bobup                "0.5" cl_vsmoothing                   "0.050" cl_showfps            "1" cl_rate                    "25000" cl_updaterate         "101" cl_righthand          "1" cl_vsmoothing                   "0.05" cl_timeout             "35" cl_pitchup              "89" cl_pitchdown       "89" ex_maxerrordistance "0" ex_interp          "0.05" rate               "15000"           --(Graphic-SeTTinG)--     gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "0.1" gl_overbright          "0" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "1" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip               "2" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "1" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST           --(Misc Settings)--     model                    "1337" fps_max                 "200" fps_modem           "0" developer              "0" max_smokepuffs               "0" max_shells             "2" violence_ablood    "0" violence_hblood    "0" violence_agibs                   "0" violence_hgibs                  "0" fastsprites              "0" gamma                               "400" brightness              "3" mp_decals             "30" hpk_maxsize          "0" viewsize                 "120" texgamma              "0" lightgamma            "0" d_spriteskip           "0" topcolor                 "30" bottomcolor           "6" default_fov           "90" crosshair                "1" joystick                  "0" sv_aim                               "0" sv_voiceenable     "1" console                  "1" scr_conspeed         "123456789" scr_centertime                   "1.5" scr_connectmsg                 "0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5" r_drawviewmodel "1" r_dynamic             "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha         "0" r_drawentities                   "1" r_mmx                               "1" r_decals                 "1" r_wateralpha       "0"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                r_lightmap         "0" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"           --(Sound-SeTTinG)--     _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "2.7" MP3Volume          "0.200000" s_eax              "0.000000" s_a3d              "0.000000" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "35.0" s_automin_distance "3.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.0000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"           --(HuD-SeTTinG)--     hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "3" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "3" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "0" scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4" gamma              "4" brightness         "3" con_color          "500 404 300"           --(SeTTinG)--     fastsprites        "0.000000" bottomcolor        "6" topcolor           "30" model              "gordon" viewsize           "120.000000" hpk_maxsize        "0" ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1" crosshair          "1.000000" console            "1.000000" joystick           "0.000000" graphheight    "16 net_graph          "0" net_graphwidth     "140" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "3" lambert            "-1.5" +mlook echo               "nth > Freddie" _____________________   unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores;clear" bind "ENTER" "impulse 101;say ;sendres;clear" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+cjump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1;clear" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3;clear" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "podbotmenu" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use;timeleft" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+ah" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" "impulse 201" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "l" "defusekit" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "+an" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv;clear" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F4" "+af4" bind "F5" "+af5" bind "F6" "+af6" bind "F7" "+af7" bind "F8" "+af8" bind "F9" "+af9" bind "F10" "+af10" bind "F11" "+af11" bind "F12" "+af12" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "DEL" "console_toggle" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "HOME" "radomspec" bind "END" "centerview" bind "KP_END" "deagle" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "colt" bind "KP_PGDN" "awp" bind "KP_PLUS" "adjust_crosshair" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE3" "buy_pistol" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "1" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" console "1" fps_max "101" fps_modem "0" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "3" brightness "9999" con_color "255 300 255" net_graph "3" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_aim "0" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "110" ati_subdiv "0" ati_npatch "0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" mp_decals "0" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_flipmatrix "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2" s_automax_distance "30" s_min_distance "5" s_max_distance "1000" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0" s_eax "0.0" volume "2.7" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.800000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" team "" model "gordon" skin "" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "15000.000000" cl_updaterate "101" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "35" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "101" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_righthand "0" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0" sensitivity "1" joystick "0" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "3" _cl_autowepswitch "0" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_righthand "0" cl_minmodels "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" voice_modenable "1" hud_classautokill "0" +mlook +jlook unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "podbotmenu" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "0.750000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" console "1.0" fps_max "99.9" fps_modem "0.0" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "3.000000" brightness "1.000000" con_color "255 155 50" net_graph "0" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_aim "0" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "120.000000" ati_subdiv "2.0" ati_npatch "1.0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" mp_decals "300.000000" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "-0.001" gl_overbright "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_monolights "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_max_distance "1000.0" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0.000000" s_eax "0.000000" volume "0.800000" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1.000000" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.800000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" team "" model "gordon" skin "" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "3500.000000" cl_updaterate "20" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "60" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_righthand "0" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "30" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0.000000" sensitivity "1" joystick "0.000000" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "600.000000" _cl_autowepswitch "1" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" hud_fastswitch "0" hud_centerid "0" voice_modenable "1" hud_classautokill "1" +mlook +jlook ambient_level "0.000" ati_npatch "0" ati_subdiv "0" 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r_glowshellfreq "0" sv_aim "0" s_eax "0.0" s_a3d "0.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_bloat "2.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "10000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000" s_min_distance "5" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0.0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_verbwet "0.25" snd_mixahead "0.1" suitvolume "0.250000" scr_conspeed "9999" scr_centertime "1.5" scr_conspeed "9999999999" sensitivity "1.7" spec_autodirector_internal "1" spec_drawcone_internal "1" spec_drawnames_internal "1" spec_drawstatus_internal "1" spec_mode_internal "3" _snd_mixahead "0.1" texgamma "0.01" topcolor "30" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable "1" voice_scale "1" violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "0" violence_hblood "1" violence_hgibs "0" viewsize "110" volume "2.7" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" +mlook +jlook drawradar bind "mouse3" "buy_pistol" bind "MOUSE1" cl_autowepswitch "0" cl_bobcycle 0 fps_max 101 sensitivity 1 bind mouse1 "+attack" zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 net_graph 3 bind z "radio1" bind x "radio2" bind c "radio3" gamma "3" brightness "1" console "1" hud_fastswitch 1 scr_conspeed 9999 hud_centerid 1 cl_corpsestay 3 cl_bobcycle "0" cl_sidespeed 400 cl_bobcycle 0 cl_righthand "1" cl_forwardspeed 400 cl_backspeed 400 con_color "255 300 255" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" brightness "9999" bottomcolor "6" cl_bobcycle 0 sensitivity 1.7 bind "mwheeldown" "+duck" unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" "cheer" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "v" "buyequip" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck" bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE3" "+voicerecord" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "0.750000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" console "1.0" fps_max "101" fps_modem "0" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "3.000000" brightness "1.000000" con_color "255 155 50" net_graph "3" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_aim "1.000000" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "110.000000" ati_subdiv "2" ati_npatch "1.0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" mp_decals "300" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_flipmatrix "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2" s_automax_distance "30" s_min_distance "5" s_max_distance "1000" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0.000000" s_eax "0.000000" volume "0.700000" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1.000000" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.800000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" team "" model "gordon" skin "" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "25000.000000" cl_updaterate "101" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "35" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "101" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "1.000000" sensitivity "1.000000" joystick "0.000000" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "600" _cl_autowepswitch "0" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" voice_modenable "1" hud_classautokill "1" +mlook bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack ;cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect ;cl_bobcycle 0 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "SPACE" "+jump ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "0" "slot10 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "1" "slot1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "2" "slot2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind "a" "+moveleft ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "b" "buy ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "c" "radio3 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "d" "+moveright ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "e" "+use ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "f" "+voicerecord ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "g" "drop ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "m" "chooseteam ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "o" "buyequip ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "q" "lastinv ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "r" "+reload ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "s" "+back ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "t" "impulse 201 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 " bind "u" "messagemode2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0cl_bobcycle 0 ; ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "w" "+forward ; cl_bob 0 ;cl_bobcycle 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "x" "radio2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "y" "messagemode ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "z" "radio1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "`" "toggleconsole ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "~" "toggleconsole ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 3; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "UPARROW ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" ;bind "CTRL" "+duck" ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "ALT" "+strafe ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE3" "+use ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE4" "slot5 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE5" "slot4 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" d_spriteskip "0.000000 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" hud_classautokill "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" voice_modenable "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" hud_centerid "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" hud_fastswitch "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" cl_minmodels "1" cl_righthand "0" hud_draw "1" hud_capturemouse "1" ex_interp "0" sv_maxrate "30000" sv_minrate "20000" sv_maxupdaterate "101" sv_minupdaterate "90" _cl_autowepswitch "1" cl_corpsestay "600" fastsprites "0" hud_takesshots "0" joystick "0.000000" sensitivity "1.3" m_filter "0.000000" m_side "0.8" m_forward "1" m_yaw "0.022" m_pitch "0.022000" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" lookspring "0.000000" lookstrafe "0.000000" cl_observercrosshair "0" cl_allowupload "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_download_ingame "0" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_timeout "60" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_dlmax "128" cl_lc "1" cl_lw "1" cl_sidespeed "999" cl_backspeed "999" cl_forwardspeed "999" cl_hidefrags "0" rate "15000" cl_cmdrate "100" cl_updaterate "100" cl_showfps "1" bottomcolor "6" topcolor "30" model "gordon" _snd_mixahead "0.1" MP3Volume "0.800000" bgmvolume "1.000000" hisound "1.000000" suitvolume "0.250000" volume "0.600000" r_mmx "1" s_eax "0.000000" s_a3d "0.000000" s_verbwet "0.25" s_bloat "2.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "10000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000.0" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.4" s_min_distance "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0.0" s_rolloff "1.0" scr_centertime "6.0" scr_conspeed "9999" hud_deathnotice_time "6.0" hud_saytext_time "3" gl_monolights "0" gl_cull "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_overbright "0.000000" gl_polyoffset "4" gl_dither "1" mp_decals "300" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" ati_npatch "1.0" ati_subdiv "2.0" viewsize "120.000000" hpk_maxsize "0" sv_aim "0.000000" sv_voiceenable "1" net_graphpos "2" net_scale "5" net_graph "4" con_color "444 444 444" brightness "7.000000" gamma "7.000000" crosshair "1.000000" fps_modem "100" fps_max "100" console "1.000000" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" voice_enable "1" voice_scale "1.000000" +jlook +mlook /adjust_crosshair cl_rate 35 unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "podbotmenu" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "l" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 4; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 8; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 0; stopsound; menuselect 0 " bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "p" "wpnview" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "v" "+voicerecord" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F3" "buy_aug" bind "F4" "buy_colt" bind "F5" "buy_awp" bind "F6" "buy_pistoL" bind "F7" "buy_Grenade+FLasH+defuse+helmet" bind "F8" "buy_mp5" bind "F9" "reconnect" bind "F10" "retry" bind "F11" "admin_vote_map de_dust2" bind "F12" "wws" bind "INS" "countsspex" bind "DEL" "tersspex" bind "PGDN" "voldown" bind "PGUP" "volup" bind "HOME" "rasdomspex" bind "END" "centerview" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "antioff" bind "KP_RIGHTARROW" "antion" bind "KP_ENTER" "reconnect" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invprev" bind "MWHEELUP" "invnext" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE4" "+voicerecord" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "2.000000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" console "1.0" fps_max "100" fps_modem "0" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "3" brightness "1" con_color "133 133 133" net_graph "9" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "0" sv_aim "1.000000" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "120.000000" ati_subdiv "2.0" ati_npatch "1.0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" mp_decals "300" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_flipmatrix "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2" s_automax_distance "30" s_min_distance "5" s_max_distance "1000" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "1000000000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0" s_eax "0.000000" volume "1" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1.00000" bgmvolume "0.000000" MP3Volume "0.200000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" name "Forumqs" team "" model "gordon" skin "" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "25.000" cl_updaterate "101" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "35" cl_cmdbackup "6" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "101" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.1" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0" sensitivity "1.656541337" joystick "0" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "0" _cl_autowepswitch "1" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" voice_modenable "1.000000" hud_classautokill "1" +mlook +jlook rate 25.00 unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "escape" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+commandmenu" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" gl_affinemodels "0" gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "128" gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_picmip "0" gl_playermip "999" gl_round_down "999" gl_spriteblend "1" gl_ztrick "0" gl_wateramp "0" gl_clear "1" r_mirroralpha "0" r_wateralpha "0" r_drawentities "1" r_decals "0" r_dynamic "0" r_lightmap "0" r_mmx "1" r_bmodelhighfrac "0" r_traceglow "0" r_bmodelinterp "0" r_glowshellfreq "0" max_shells "0" max_smokepuffs "0" violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "0" violence_hblood "0" violence_hgibs "0" mp_decals "0" fps_max "100.0" gunsmoke "0" _snd_mixahead "0.1" bgmvolume "0.000000" hisound "0.00000" loadas8bit "1.00000" suitvolume "0.250000" volume "0.60000" s_eax "0.000000" s_a3d "0.000000" s_verbwet "0.25" s_bloat "2.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "1000000000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "100000.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "1.0" s_rolloff "1.0" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_himodels "0" cl_cmdrate "30" cl_allowupload "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_download_ingame "0" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_timeout "35" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_himodels "0" cl_dlmax "128" cl_lc "1" cl_lw "1" cl_updaterate "20" cl_showfps "1" cl_upspeed "400" cl_sidespeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_bob "0" cl_bobcycle "1" cl_nopred "0" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_gaitestimation "1.000000" cl_pitchup "89" cl_pitchdown "89" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" cl_corpsestay "0.05" rate "5000" hud_classautokill "0" hud_centerid "1" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_saytext_time "2.5" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "3" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_takesshots "0" scr_conspeed "77777" scr_centertime "1.5" contimes "2" con_notifytime "2" gamma "4" brightness "3" con_color "251 168 231" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable "0" _cl_autowepswitch "1" cl_righthand "1" sv_voiceenable "1" fastsprites "1.000000" bottomcolor "6" topcolor "30" model "Forumqs" name "" viewsize "120.000000" hpk_maxsize "0" sv_aim "0.000000" crosshair "1.000000" console "1.000000" joystick "0.000000" sensitivity "4" m_filter "1.000000" m_side "0.8" m_forward "1" m_yaw "0.022" m_pitch "0.022" graphheight "64" net_graph "3" net_graphwidth "140" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" lambert "-1.5" +mlook echo "=================================================" echo " " echo " -------- EquaL.* ------- " echo "=============== [email protected] ==============" spk "hello" exec ping.cfg   PING.CFG iзin yazэlacak olan komutlar   spk ok bind "F9" "pong" alias pong "developer 1;echo <<<Normal Ayar >>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 20;cl_cmdrate 30;rate 5000;cl_rate 6000;bind F9 pong1" alias pong1 "developer 1;echo <<<56k-dialup(Digital Hat)>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 20;cl_cmdrate 30;rate 5000;cl_rate 6000;bind F9 pong2" alias pong2 "developer 1;echo <<<56k-dialup(Analog Hat)>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 20;rate 3500;cl_rate 4000; bind F9 pong3" alias pong3 "developer 1;echo <<<DuSuK Ping>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 12;cl_cmdrate 15;rate 2000;cl_rate 3000; bind F9 pong4" alias pong4 "developer 1;echo <<<Cable-Adsl(64-K)>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 25;cl_cmdrate 35;rate 10000;cl_rate 10000; bind F9 pong5" alias pong5 "developer 1;echo <<<Cable-Adsl2(64-K)Ustu>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 25;cl_cmdrate 40;rate 12000;cl_rate 12000; bind F9 pong6" alias pong6 "developer 1;echo <<<Cable-Adsl3(64-K)Ustu>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 30;cl_cmdrate 45;rate 13500;cl_rate 13500; bind F9 pong7" alias pong7 "developer 1;echo <<<Lan game Baglanti Ayarlari>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 30;cl_cmdrate 45;rate 13000;cl_rate 14000; bind F9 pong8" alias pong8 "developer 1;echo <<<Lan game Baglanti Ayarlari2(Cok iyi server ve Ag эn olmasэ lazэm>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 40;cl_cmdrate 60;rate 20000;cl_rate 20000; bind F9 pong9" alias pong9 "developer 1;echo <<<56k-dialup(2)>>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 23;cl_cmdrate 25;rate 4000;cl_latency -64;cl_rate 2500;bind F9 pong10" alias pong10 "developer 1;echo <<<---ISDN--->>>;developer 0;cl_updaterate 25;cl_cmdrate 35;rate 7000;cl_latency -32;cl_rate 3000;bind F9 pong"   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------     --(Control Binds)--                         unbind             "MWHEELDOWN" unbind             "MWHEELUP" bind "a"           "+moveleft" bind "d"           "+moveright" bind "w"             "+forward" bind "s"           "+back" bind "g"           "drop" bind "ctrl"        "+duck" bind "space"       "+jump" bind "BACKSPACE"   "+showscores" bind "r"           "+reload" bind "MOUSE3"      "+voicerecord" bind "DEL"         "slot1" bind "END"         "slot2" bind "HOME"        "slot3" bind "PGDN"        "slot4" bind "KP_HOME"     "slot5" bind "n"           "say neoldu :)="  bind "e"           "+use" bind "H"           "+commandmenu" bind "KP_PGDN"     "reconnect" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "snapshot" bind "KP_HOME"     "go" bind "KP_UPARROW"  "afirmatif" bind "KP_PGUP"     "negatif" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "spotted"   bind "F9"          "vc" bind "F10"         "Radar" bind "F11"         "kol" bind "v"           "wpnview1" bind "t"           "impulse 201" bind "shift"       "+speed" bind "F3"          "+buy_ak47" bind "F9"          "+buy_SAug" bind "F8"            "+buy_MP5" bind "F4"          "+buy_ArcticWM" bind "F5"          "+buy_ekipman" bind "F6"           "+DEagle" bind "F7"      "+USP45" bind shэft +speed bind mwheelup +jump       --(Buy Menu)--      alias BUY_MP5 "buy;menuselect 3;menuselect 1;buy;menuselect 6;buy"                                 // MP5 Navy alias BUY_AK-47 "buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 3;buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 1;buy;menuselect 6;buy" // AK-47 , m4a1 alias BUY_SCommando "buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 4;buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 2;buy;menuselect 6;buy" // Steyr-Aug , SigCommando alias BUY_KWest "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 2;buy"                                                // Helmet alias BUY_Ammunition "buy;menuselect 6;buy;menuselect 7;buy"                                        // Full ammo for all weapons alias BUY_DefKit "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 6;buy"                                               // Defuse Kit alias +USP45 "buy;menuselect 1;menuselect 1;buy;menuselect 7;buy"                                  // Usp 45 Tactical alias -USP45 "slot10 ;slot10" alias +DEagle "buy;menuselect 1;menuselect 3;buy;menuselect 7;buy"                                 // Deagle alias -DEagle "slot10 ;slot10" alias BUY_ArcticWM "buy;menuselect 4;menuselect 6;buy;menuselect 6;buy"                            // AWM/P alias BUY_HE "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 4;buy"                                                   // HE grenade alias BUY_BL "buy;menuselect 8;menuselect 3;buy"                                                   // Flashbang   alias "+buy_ak47" "BUY_AK-47; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_ak47" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_SAug" "BUY_SCommando ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_SAug" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_MP5" "BUY_MP5 ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_MP5" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_ArcticWM" "BUY_ArcticWM ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_ArcticWM" "slot10 ; slot10" alias "+buy_ekipman" "BUY_Ammunition ; BUY_KWest ; BUY_HE ; BUY_BL ; BUY_BL ; BUY_DefKit ; BUY_RA; wait; weapon_knife" alias "-buy_ekipman" "slot10 ; slot10"           --(JumP-DucK)--     alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"           --(Spriteblend)--     alias wpnview1 "wpoff" alias wpoff "gl_spriteblend 0; alias wpnview1 wpon" alias wpon "gl_spriteblend 1; alias wpnview1 wpoff"           --(Weapon-Model)--     alias wpn_view "wpnoff" alias wpnoff "r_drawviewmodel 0; alias wpn_view wpnon" alias wpnon "r_drawviewmodel 1; alias wpn_view wpnoff"           --(Hand-Model)--     alias kol "SoL" alias sag "cl_righthand 1; alias kol sol" alias sol "cl_righthand 0; alias kol sag"           --(Walk)--     alias "walk1" "developer 1; echo - +walk -; developer 0; +speed; bind shift walk2" alias "walk2" "developer 1; echo - walk -; developer 0; -speed; bind shift walk1"           --(Radio Aliases)--     alias clmenu "waitlg; waitlg; waitlg" alias waitlg "wait; slot10; wait; slot10; wait; slot10" alias go "radio2; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias afirmatif "radio3; menuselect 1; clmenu" alias negatif "radio3; menuselect 8; clmenu" alias spotted "radio3; menuselect 2; clmenu"           --(Adding Radio Control)--     alias v0 "volume 0.0; alias vc v1; developer 1; echo Volume OFF; developer 0" alias v1 "volume 0.25; alias vc v2; developer 1; echo Volume 25%; developer 0" alias v2 "volume 0.5; alias vc v3; developer 1; echo Volume 50%; developer 0" alias v3 "volume 0.75; alias vc v4; developer 1; echo Volume 75%; developer 0" alias v4 "volume 1.0; alias vc v0; developer 1; echo Volume 100%; developer 0" alias vc v1           --(Radar Toggler)--     alias RadarON "alias Radar RadarOFF; drawradar; developer 1; echo RADAR ON; developer 0" alias RadarOFF "alias Radar RadarON; hideradar; developer 1; echo RADAR OFF; developer 0" alias Radar RadarON           --(CRossHaiR)--     bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair 1; adjust_crosshair 2; adjust_crosshair 3; adjust_crosshair 4"           --(Mouse Settings)--                           m_pitch                 "0.022" m_yaw                              "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side                               "0.8" m_filter                  "1.0" sensitivity              "2" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1"           --(Client Settings)--     cl_solid_players     "1" cl_pitchspeed        "225" cl_nopred              "0" cl_lw                      "1" cl_lc                       "1" cl_dlmax                "128" cl_himodels           "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay          "180" cl_cmdbackup                   "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame        "0" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload "0" cl_allowupload                  "1" cl_cmdrate             "101" cl_upspeed            "999" cl_forwardspeed   "999" cl_backspeed         "999" cl_sidespeed          "999" cl_bob                               "0" cl_bobcycle           "0" cl_bobup                "0.5" cl_vsmoothing                   "0.050" cl_showfps            "1" cl_rate                    "25000" cl_updaterate         "101" cl_righthand          "1" cl_vsmoothing                   "0.05" cl_timeout             "35" cl_pitchup              "89" cl_pitchdown       "89" ex_maxerrordistance "0" ex_interp              "0.05" rate               "15000"           --(Graphic-SeTTinG)--     gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "0.1" gl_overbright      "0" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "1" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "2" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "1" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode          GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST           --(Misc Settings)--     model                    "1337" fps_max                 "200" fps_modem           "0" developer              "0" max_smokepuffs               "0" max_shells             "2" violence_ablood    "0" violence_hblood    "0" violence_agibs                   "0" violence_hgibs                  "0" fastsprites              "0" gamma                               "400" brightness              "3" mp_decals             "30" hpk_maxsize          "0" viewsize                 "120" texgamma              "0" lightgamma            "0" d_spriteskip           "0" topcolor                 "30" bottomcolor           "6" default_fov           "90" crosshair                "1" joystick                  "0" sv_aim                               "0" sv_voiceenable     "1" console                  "1" scr_conspeed         "123456789" scr_centertime                   "1.5" scr_connectmsg                 "0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5" r_drawviewmodel "1" r_dynamic             "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha         "0" r_drawentities                   "1" r_mmx                               "1" r_decals                 "1" r_wateralpha       "0"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                r_lightmap         "0" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"           --(Sound-SeTTinG)--     _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "2.7" MP3Volume          "0.200000" s_eax              "0.000000" s_a3d              "0.000000" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "35.0" s_automin_distance "3.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.0000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"           --(HuD-SeTTinG)-- hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "3" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "3" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "0" scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4" gamma              "4" brightness              "3" con_color          "500 404 300"           --(SeTTinG)--     fastsprites        "0.000000" bottomcolor        "6" topcolor           "30" model              "gordon" viewsize           "120.000000" hpk_maxsize        "0" ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1" crosshair          "1.000000" console            "1.000000" joystick           "0.000000" graphheight    "16 net_graph          "0" net_graphwidth     "140" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "3" lambert            "-1.5" +mlook name               "Forumqs" echo               "Forumqs" _____________________   unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores;clear" bind "ENTER" "impulse 101;say ;sendres;clear" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+cjump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1;clear" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3;clear" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "podbotmenu" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use;timeleft" bind "f" "+duck" bind "g" "drop" bind "h" "+ah" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "j" "impulse 201" bind "k" "+voicerecord" bind "l" "defusekit" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "+an" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv;clear" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F4" "+af4" bind "F5" "+af5" bind "F6" "+af6" bind "F7" "+af7" bind "F8" "+af8" bind "F9" "+af9" bind "F10" "+af10" bind "F11" "+af11" bind "F12" "+af12" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "DEL" "console_toggle" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "HOME" "radomspec" bind "END" "centerview" bind "KP_HOME" "say SLMN ALeykm" bind "KP_END" "deagle" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "colt" bind "KP_PGDN" "awp" bind "KP_PLUS" "adjust_crosshair" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "MOUSE3" "buy_pistol" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "1" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" console "1" fps_max "101" fps_modem "0" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "3" brightness "9999" con_color "255 300 255" net_graph "3" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_aim "0" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "110" ati_subdiv "0" ati_npatch "0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" mp_decals "0" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_flipmatrix "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2" s_automax_distance "30" s_min_distance "5" s_max_distance "1000" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0" s_eax "0.0" volume "2.7" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.800000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" name "Forumqs team "" model "gordon" skin "" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "15000.000000" cl_updaterate "101" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "35" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "101" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_righthand "0" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0" sensitivity "1.7" joystick "0" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "3" _cl_autowepswitch "0" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_righthand "0" cl_minmodels "1" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hud_centerid "1" voice_modenable "1" hud_classautokill "0" +mlook +jlook unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "podbotmenu" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" voice_scale "0.750000" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1.000000" console "1.0" fps_max "72.0" fps_modem "0.0" crosshair "1.000000" gamma "3.000000" brightness "1.000000" con_color "255 155 50" net_graph "0" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" sv_voiceenable "1" sv_aim "0" hpk_maxsize "0" viewsize "120.000000" ati_subdiv "2.0" ati_npatch "1.0" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" mp_decals "300.000000" gl_dither "1" gl_polyoffset "-0.001" gl_overbright "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_monolights "0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_doppler "0.0" s_distance "60" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_max_distance "1000.0" s_leafnum "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_polysize "10000000" s_numpolys "200" s_bloat "2.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_a3d "0.000000" s_eax "0.000000" volume "0.800000" suitvolume "0.250000" hisound "1.000000" bgmvolume "1.000000" MP3Volume "0.800000" _snd_mixahead "0.1" name "Forumqs" team "" model "gordon" skin "" topcolor "30" bottomcolor "6" rate "3500.000000" cl_updaterate "20" cl_lw "1" cl_lc "1" cl_dlmax "128" cl_himodels "0.000000" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_timeout "60" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_righthand "0" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_allowupload "1" cl_cmdrate "30" lookstrafe "0.000000" lookspring "0.000000" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" m_pitch "0.022" m_yaw "0.022" m_forward "1" m_side "0.8" m_filter "0.000000" sensitivity "3.000000" joystick "0.000000" hud_takesshots "0" fastsprites "0" cl_corpsestay "600.000000" _cl_autowepswitch "1" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_draw "1" cl_righthand "1" cl_minmodels "0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "1" hud_fastswitch "0" hud_centerid "0" voice_modenable "1" hud_classautokill "1" +mlook +jlook ambient_level "0.000" ati_npatch "0" ati_subdiv "0" bgmvolume "1.000000" brightness "2" bottomcolor "6" contimes "2" con_color "255 180 30" con_notifytime "0" con_notifytime "4" crosshair "1.000000" console "1" cl_himodels "0" cl_solid_players "1" cl_showfps "1" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_himodels "0" cl_cmdrate "101" cl_righthand "0" cl_rate "15000" cl_allowupload "1" cl_corpsestay "180" cl_allowdownload "1" cl_download_ingame "1" cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_timeout "35" cl_idealpitchscale "0.8" cl_himodels "0" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_dlmax "128" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_lc "1" cl_lw "1" cl_minmodels "1" cl_updaterate "101" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_showfps "1" cl_upspeed "400" cl_sidespeed "400" cl_backspeed "400" cl_forwardspeed "400" cl_righthand "1" cl_bobup "0" cl_bobcycle "0.8" cl_nopred "0" cl_weather "1" cl_vsmoothing "0.05" cl_gaitestimation "1.000000" cl_pitchup "89" cl_pitchdown "89" _cl_autowepswitch "0" developer "0" ex_maxerrordistance "0" ex_interp "0.05" fps_max "101.0" fps_modem "0" fastsprites "0" gl_affinemodels "0" gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "256" gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_playermip "20" gl_round_down "99" gl_ztrick "0" gl_wateramp "0" gl_clear "1" gunsmoke "0" gamma "3" graphheight "16" hisound "1" hud_classautokill "0" hud_centerid "1" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_draw "1" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_saytext_internal "1" hud_takesshots "0" hud_fastswitch "1" hpk_maxsize "0" joystick "0" loadas8bit "0.00000" lookspring "0.000000" lookstrafe "0.000000" lightgamma "2" m_filter "0" m_side "0.8" m_forward "1" m_yaw "0.022" m_pitch "0.022" mp_decals "0" max_shells "120" max_smokepuffs "120" net_graph "3" net_scale "5" net_graphpos "1" net_graphwidth "140" r_mirroralpha "0" r_wateralpha "0" r_drawentities "1" r_decals "0" r_detailtextures "0" r_dynamic "0" r_lightmap "0" r_mmx "1" r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0" r_traceglow "0" r_bmodelinterp "0" r_glowshellfreq "0" sv_aim "0" s_eax "0.0" s_a3d "0.0" s_verbwet "0.25" s_bloat "2.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "10000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_refdelay "4" s_refgain "0.4" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "1000" s_min_distance "5" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance "60" s_doppler "0.0" s_rolloff "1.0" s_verbwet "0.25" snd_mixahead "0.1" suitvolume "0.250000" scr_conspeed "9999" scr_centertime "1.5" scr_conspeed "9999999999" sensitivity "1.7" spec_autodirector_internal "1" spec_drawcone_internal "1" spec_drawnames_internal "1" spec_drawstatus_internal "1" spec_mode_internal "3" _snd_mixahead "0.1" texgamma "0.01" topcolor "30" voice_enable "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable "1" voice_scale "1" violence_ablood "1" violence_agibs "0" violence_hblood "1" violence_hgibs "0" viewsize "110" volume "2.7" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" +mlook +jlook drawradar bind "mouse3" "buy_pistol" bind "MOUSE1" cl_autowepswitch "0" cl_bobcycle 0.8 fps_max 101 sensitivity 1.5 bind mouse1 "+attack" zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 net_graph 3 bind z "radio1" bind x "radio2" bind c "radio3" gamma "3" brightness "1" console "1" hud_fastswitch 1 scr_conspeed 9999 hud_centerid 1 cl_corpsestay 3 cl_bobcycle "0" cl_sidespeed 400 cl_bobcycle 0 cl_righthand "1" cl_forwardspeed 400 cl_backspeed 400 con_color "255 300 255" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext" bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck" bind "a" "+moveleft ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "b" "buy ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "c" "radio3 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "d" "+moveright ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "e" "+use ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "f" "+voicerecord ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "g" "drop ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "m" "chooseteam ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "o" "buyequip ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "q" "lastinv ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "r" "+reload ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "s" "+back ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "t" "impulse 201 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 " bind "u" "messagemode2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0cl_bobcycle 0 ; ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "w" "+forward ; cl_bob 0 ;cl_bobcycle 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "x" "radio2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "y" "messagemode ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "z" "radio1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "`" "toggleconsole ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "~" "toggleconsole ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 2; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 3; wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "UPARROW ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" ;bind "CTRL" "+duck" ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "ALT" "+strafe ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "CAPSLOCK" "+speed ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE3" "+use ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE4" "slot5 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MOUSE5" "slot4 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+duck ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" d_spriteskip "0.000000 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" hud_classautokill "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" voice_modenable "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" hud_centerid "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" hud_fastswitch "1 ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" ; cl_bob 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0" brightness "9999" bottomcolor "6" cl_bobcycle 0 sensitivity 1.2 bind mwheeldown +jump volume 1 bind mwheelup +duck bind f9 retry bind k "+voicerecord" rate 25000 cl_updaterate 101 cl_cmdrate 101 /scr_conspeed 9999 net_graph 0 gamma 3 rate 25000 cl_cmdrate 101 cl_updaterate 101 fps_max 101 hud_fastswitch 1 _cl_autowebswitch 0 cl_dynamiccrosshair 0 "bind" "l" "name" "Forumqs "bind" "j" "name" "Forumqs" name "Forumqs   unbindall bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "escape" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "+voicerecord" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "showbriefing" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F10" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" bind "MWHEELUP" "+duck" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack ; adjust_crosshair" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause" name "Forumqs" bottomcolor "6" topcolor "30" model "Gordon" rate "12000" cl_rate "9800" cl_cmdrate "43" cl_updaterate "40" s_eax "0.000000" s_a3d "0.000000" volume "0.800000" hisound "1.000000" suitvolume "0.250000" bgmvolume "1.000000" gamma "32332" brightness "32332" viewsize "120.000000" sensitivity "1" d_spriteskip "0.000000" cl_himodels "0.000000" console "1.000000" sv_aim "1.000000" joystick "0.000000" m_filter "0.000000" _windowed_mouse "0.000000" crosshair "1.000000" lookspring "0.000000" m_pitch "0.022000" lookstrafe "0.000000" default_fov "100" +jlook +mlook zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.6"   echo "                _                                                                      " echo "                 ** +--^----------,--------,-----,----------------------^-, ____ () () ()" echo "                 * | `--------'     EquaL.*   ()()() |____\" echo "                   `+---------------------------^------------------------|" echo "                    `\_,---------,---------,--------------'" echo "                    / EquaL. /'|  /'" echo "                   / EquaL. / `\ /'" echo "                  / EquaL. /`-------'"                                       echo "                 / EquaL. /"                           echo "                / EquaL. /"                           echo "               (_________) "                          scr_conspeed "9999999999999999999999999999999" con_color "333 333 333" gl_max_size "128" net_graph "3" fps_max "101" cl_showfps "9999" bind "v" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 1;buyequip; menuselect 4;buyequip; menuselect 3;buyequip; menuselect 3;buyequip; menuselect 6;clmenu"     ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "TAB"       "+showscores ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ENTER"     "+attack ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ESCAPE"    "escape ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SPACE"     "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "'"         "+moveup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "+"         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ","         "buyammo1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "-"         "sizedown ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "."         "buyammo2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "/"         "+movedow ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlookn" bind "0"         "slot10 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "del"       "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "end"       "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "pgdn"      "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "1"         "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "2"         "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "3"         "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "4"         "slot4 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "5"         "slot5 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "6"           "slot6 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "7"         "slot7 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "8"         "slot8 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "9"         "slot9 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ";"         "+mlook ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "a"         "+moveleft" bind "b"         "buy ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "c"         "radio3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "d"         "+moveright" bind "e"         "+use ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "f"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "g"         "drop ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "h"         "+commandmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "i"         "showbriefing ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "k"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "m"         "chooseteam ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "n"         "nightvision ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "o"         "buyequip ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "q"         "lastinv ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "r"         "+reload ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "s"         "+back" bind "t"         "impulse 201 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "u"         "messagemode2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "w"           "+forward" bind "x"         "radio2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "y"         "messagemode ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "z"         "radio1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "podbotmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "["         "cl_righthand 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "]"         "cl_righthand 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "`"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "~"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ALT"       "+strafe ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SHIFT"     "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "CAPSLOCK"  "+speed ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Jump Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "space" "+jump;wait;-jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELDOWN"  "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELUP"    "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Buy Menu Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "F9"          "" bind "F10"         ""   bind "F11"         "" bind "F12"         ""   bind "UPARROW" "" bind "DOWNARROW" "" bind "LEFTARROW" "" bind "RIGHTARROW" ""   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair; sv_aim 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE3" "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   m_pitch              "0.022" m_yaw                "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side               "0.8" m_filter             "1" sensitivity          "4" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Client ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   cl_solid_players    "1" cl_nopred           "0" cl_lw               "1" cl_lc               "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels         "0" cl_idealpitchscale  "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay       "180" cl_cmdbackup        "2" cl_gaitestimation    "1" cl_download_ingame  "0" cl_max_size         "256" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload      "1" cl_cmdrate          "99999" cl_pitchspeed       "225" cl_upspeed          "400" cl_forwardspeed     "400" cl_backspeed        "400" cl_sidespeed        "400" cl_bob              "0" cl_bobcycle         "0.8" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.050" cl_showfps          "0" cl_rate             "999999" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate       "101" cl_righthand        "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.05" cl_timeout          "9999" cl_pitchup          "89" cl_pitchdown        "89" cl_logocolor        "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile         "skull"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Graphic ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "9999" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Misc ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   model              "1337" fps_max            "101" fps_modem          "0" developer          "0" max_smokepuffs     "200" max_shells         "50"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Violence ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   violence_ablood    "1" violence_hblood    "1" violence_agibs     "1" violence_hgibs     "1" mp_decals          "300"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hpk_maxsize        "0" viewsize           "120" d_spriteskip       "0" topcolor           "30" bottomcolor        "6" default_fov        "90" model              "gordon" +jlook +mlook ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sv ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ sv_aim             "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" sv_cheats               "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ConsoL ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   console            "1" scr_conspeed       "99999999999999999999999" scr_centertime     "50" scr_connectmsg     "0" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹® ModeLs ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   r_bmodelhighfrac   "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic          "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha      "0" r_drawentities     "1" r_mmx              "1" r_decals           "300" r_wateralpha       "0" r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0" hisound            "0" loadas8bit         "0" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.5" MP3Volume          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000" s_min_distance     "8" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1"   ambient_level      "0" voice_scale        "2" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable    "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Hud ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "10" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "1" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Net Graph ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   graphheight        "30" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "105" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Scr ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Gamma ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   lambert            "-1.5" texgamma           "0" lightgamma         "0" gamma                   "9999.0000" brightness         "9999.0000" con_color          "244 249 89"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Auto Buy ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 2;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ATI ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1"   c_maxpitch "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_maxyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_minyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT"   bind "SHIFT" "+speed"   name player speak "fvox/beep" awp 1 5 0 0 4 default 1 7 0 0 8 key_panic  F12 key_menu  F11 key_screen F10   esp_mode  2     // 1 = engfuncs, 2 = opengl esp_box                 1 esp_boxsize 15 esp_boxwidth 1 esp_dynamic 1 esp_visible 1 esp_visual  1 esp_health  2     // 1 = text, 2 = bar esp_far                   1 esp_fartimeout      3.5 esp_farsmooth       0 esp_hit       2 esp_hittimeout       1.0 esp_step     2 esp_stepdist 100 esp_steptimeout    1.0   col_ct         0 120 255 255 col_t           255 60 60 255 col_visible  0 255 0 255 col_visual   255 255 60 255 col_health  255 255 255 150 col_hit        255 255 255 255 col_step     50 50 50 255   aim_type    1     // 1 = silent, 2 = setviewangle, 3 = pixel aim_fov                 360 aim_distance 1 aim_through 0 aim_delay  0 aim_time    0 aim_prediction      0 aim_smoothness    3.7  // only if aim_type > 1 aim_key                 mouse1      // only if aim_type > 1   vis_wallhack 1     // 1 = asus, 2 = xqz vis_lambert 1 vis_noflash 1 vis_nosmoke 1 vis_noftb   1   misc_norecoil 1 misc_bhop 1 misc_rusduck 1 misc_stats  2 misc_sshot 1 misc_maxrounds   12   mdl clear_models   mdl new GSG9\gsg9.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new SAS\sas.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new arctic\arctic.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new gign\gign.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new guerilla\guerilla.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new leet\leet.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new terror\terror.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 19 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 42 43 0.5 mdl add_spot 48 49 0.5   mdl new urban\urban.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5 // ================================================== =========== // AUTOSHOOT CONFIG // ================================================== =========== // automatic burst settings // usage: setburst <weapon> <counter> <range> <attack_time> <delay_time> <start_delay> <flags> // flags are: 1=duck 2=no_aim 4=stop 8=zoom 16=ground 32=use setburst ak47 1 10 1 0 0.05 0 setburst ak47 2 20 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst ak47 3 50 0.15 0.45 0.05 36 setburst ak47 4 999 0.07 0.4 0.05 52 setburst aug 1 30 1 0 0.05 0 setburst aug 2 60 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst aug 3 110 0.15 0.45 0.05 0 setburst aug 4 999 0.05 0.43 0.2 12 setburst awp 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst awp 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst awp 3 999 1 0 0.2 60 setburst c4 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst deagle 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst elite 1 15 1 0 0.02 0 setburst elite 2 999 0.07 0.15 0.05 0 setburst fiveseven 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst flashbang 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst g3sg1 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst g3sg1 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst g3sg1 3 120 1 0 0.05 60 setburst g3sg1 4 999 0.05 0.4 0.05 60 setburst glock18 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst hegrenade 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst knife 1 3 1 0 0 0 setburst knife 2 999 1 0 0.1 2 setburst m249 1 45 1 0 0.05 0 setburst m249 2 999 0.05 0.5 0.05 0 setburst m3 1 999 1 0 0.2 0 setburst m4a1 1 10 1 0 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 2 20 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 3 80 0.15 0.45 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 4 999 0.07 0.4 0.05 0 setburst mac10 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst mac10 2 120 0.35 0.25 0.04 0 setburst mac10 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst mp5 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst mp5 2 120 0.45 0.25 0.05 0 setburst mp5 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst p228 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst p90 1 20 1 0 0.05 0 setburst p90 2 120 0.1 0.25 0.05 0 setburst p90 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst scout 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst scout 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst scout 3 999 1 0 0.05 60 setburst sg550 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst sg550 2 30 1 0 0.04 16 setburst sg550 3 999 0.3 0.1 0.05 60 setburst sg552 1 30 1 0 0.05 0 setburst sg552 2 60 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst sg552 3 110 0.15 0.45 0.05 8 setburst sg552 4 999 0.05 0.43 0.2 12 setburst smokegrenade 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst tmp 1 20 1 0 0 0 setburst tmp 2 100 0.3 0.3 0.02 0 setburst tmp 3 999 0.1 0.3 0.05 0 setburst ump45 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst ump45 2 120 0.45 0.25 0.05 0 setburst ump45 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst usp 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst xm1014 1 999 1 0 0.2 0     // ================================================== ===========   // COLORS   // ================================================== ===========   color back                0 0 0 256 color bombtimer      255 40 40 255 color chat_bg           10 10 30 150 color chat_team       100 100 100 100 color con_back                    10 10 30 128 color con_edit                     255 255 255 255 color con_text                     255 255 30 255 color con_text2       160 160 222 128 color cross               100 100 255 166 color cross             2 0 0 0 255 color death              100 100 0 255 color esp                  255 255 0 255 color hud                 333 40 40 255 color irc_back                      70 0 0 132 color irc_top            100 100 200 132 color irc_users         70 0 0 132 color lambert           255 255 255 255 color menu_back     56 62 274 344 color menu_select   150 70 10 128 color menu_text      255 255 255 255 color nade 100                    255 160 255 color on_armc4                   100 255 160 255 color on_reload       50 255 50 255 color on_throw                    255 50 0 255 color radar1             80 150 30 110 color radar2 150      150 150 60 color snake_back     0 0 0 128 color snake_body   0 200 66 200 color snake_item     0 55 222 200 color snake_wall      222 66 22 200 color snd_default   222 255 222 255 color snd_hit 222   100 61 254 color snd_special     222 111 111 254 color snd_step                     255 255 255 255 color snd_weapon   144 155 255 255 color sound              68 68 255 255 color special             155 155 155 255 color systime           255 255 255 255 color target              102 204 51 255 color team1              255 40 40 255 color team2              40 80 255 255 color team3              200 200 0 255 color team4              20 222 100 255 color text             50 100 255 255 color text_back        0 0 0 100 color tlight               222 111 111 255 color wire                0 0 255 255 color armingc4color  255 0 0 255 color terror               255 40 40 255 color counter           40 80 255 255 color special             155 155 155 255 color target              102 204 51 255 color text                 50 100 255 255 color color sound     68 68 255 255 color bombtimer      255 40 40 255 color esp                  255 255 0 255 color back                0 0 0 128 color radar1         80 50 30 110 color radar          2 x x x -4 color bg             0 0 0 100 color border1        255 255 255 255 color border2        0 0 0 255 color cross            250 250 250 200 color effectborder1  255 255 255 255 color effectborder2  0 0 0 255 color gui_sel        255 130 0 128 color gui_task       30 30 30 255 color gui_text       255 255 255 255 color gui_win        0 0 160 255 color hud            50 100 255 255 color hudcolor       120 120 255 200 color meter_five     0 255 0 255 color meter_four     128 255 0 255 color meter_one      255 0 0 255 color meter_six      0 255 0 255 color meter_three    255 255 0 255 color meter_two      255 128 0 255 color meter_zero     165 0 165 255 color rback1         40 65 90 192 color rback2         40 65 90 192 color reloadcolor    0 255 0 255 color sound          68 68 255 255 color sound_hit      225 100 60 252 color sound_special  220 110 110 250 color sound_weapon   140 150 250 250 color specialcolor   0 250 255 200 color targetcolor    50 250 50 200 color team1          255 40 40 255 color team2          0 40 150 255 color throwgrencolor 0 255 255 255 color unassigned     50 100 255 255 color weaponcolor    255 255 0 200   // ================================================== ===========   // CVARS aim 1 aimspeed 1 aimthru 1 alive 1 alive_method 0 am_followmode 0 am_interceptmode 0 am_nade_dodge 2 am_nade_mindist 400 am_player_maxdist 60 am_player_mindist 10 antiscreenshot 1 antizoom 1 aspeed 6 autoburst 1 autocrosshair 1 autowall 1 avdraw 1 barrel 0 beamlife 0.001 beamtype 0 blockactive 0 blood 0 bombtimer 0 bone 0 box 2 boxsize 5 boxthickniss 1 burstflags 0 chase_cam 0 chaseofs 0 chat_active 0 chat_block 0 chat_h 600 chat_mode 0 chat_namelength 8 chat_team 0 chat_w 524 chat_x 500 chat_y 0 con_h 600 con_slidespeed 5 con_w 524 con_x 500 con_y 0 confont 0 console_active 0 cross 3 czoom 0 death 0 distance 1 dtime 0 duck 0 esp 1 esp_background 0 esp_line 0 esp_offs 0 esp_wrap 0 flash 1 fov 25 friendlyesp 1 ftime 1 glextra 0 glow 1 grenadeshell 5000 gsaim 1 height_correction 0 hl_vol1 0.2 hl_vol2 0.7 hud 1 ignore 0 info 1 inpvs 100 inverse 0 jump 0 knifeaim 1 lambert 0 lambertsens 2.3 light 0 lock 1 log 0 menu_keyrepeat 0.5 menu_w 160 menu_x 240 menu_y 245 mode 0 modelaim 1 newrecoil 0 nosky 1 nospread 1 onlyhit 0 ov_alpha 1 ov_blend 1 ov_radar 0 ov_zoom 30 pistol 1 pointsize 4 pred 0 predahead 0.2 predback 1 radar 1 radar_range 3500 radar_size 67 radar_x 52 radar_y 161 randmax 0 randspeed 0.02 rdelay 0.25 recoil 0.5 reload 1 reloadbars 1 saystats 0 sdelay 0.05 sec_check 1 sec_dump 0 sec_hash1 754830775 sec_hash2 305748378 sec_size 45893 sesp 1 sglow 0 shoot 0 smoke 1 smooth 0 sniper 1 soundaim 1 soundaiming 0 sounddisplay 0 soundmax 12 soundmode 0 soundradar 0 soundtime 0.5 soundtol 200 speed 131 speedmode 1 speedoff 600 spiked 0 spinhack 1 spinspeed 100 stasisextension 1 stats 0 systime 0 target -1 team 0 text_background 0 tglow 1 tlight 128 trans 0 wa_active 1 wa_autovolume 0 wa_title 1 wa_voicepause 1 wa_vol1 0 wa_vol2 255 wa_xfadeinspeed 10 wa_xfadeoutspeed 3 wall 1 wallsens 1 weapon 1 weaponsettings 0 xstatspos 100 ystatspos 100 aim         0aimspeed    1.2aimthru     0alive       1alive_method 0am_followmode   3am_interceptmode 0am_nade_dodge 2am_nade_mindist 400am_player_maxdist 60am_player_mindist 30antiscreenshot 1HeartBunny; init "1" "HeartBunny" humaim1; init "aimr" "humaim0" smooth1; init "aims" "smooth0"   cdon 1 allow 0 warn 1 norecoil 2.000000 plglow 1 light 0 plname 1 plweapon 1 distance 0 plbox 1 aimvec 2 aimvecparam 2.000000 4000.000000 0.010000 0.000000 wepglow 1 fullbright 1 transent 1 entesp 1 nosmoke 0 noflash 1 wall 1 autospec 1 plhbox 1 plhboxwall 1 plhboxwire 1 scope 60 aimhelp 3 aimhelpcol 100 255 100 255 bot 1 botlock 1 bothbox 11 botbone 8 botteam 1 botfov 360.000000 botpred 0.000000 botpredme 0.000000 fill 1 plglowamt 50 plboxsize 200 plboxwidth 80 wepglowamt 10 transentamt 60 plbone 0 plnametercol 255 0 0 0 plnamectcol 153 204 255 0 plboxtercol 255 30 30 150 plboxctcol 30 30 255 150 plhboxtercol 255 0 0 255 plhboxctcol 0 0 255 255 plbonetercol 255 0 0 255 plbonectcol 0 0 255 255 aimvectercol 255 0 0 255 aimvecctcol 0 0 255 255 wepglowcol 20 100 100 0 plglowtercol 255 0 0 0 plglowctcol 0 0 255 0 lighttercol 255 0 0 100 lightctcol 0 0 255 100 entespcol 153 255 153 0 allowkey 152 consolekey 148 nosmoke 1 localglow 1 flashlight 0 playerglow 1 nameesp 1 distesp 1 wpnesp 1 panickey 0x7B speedkey 0x14 speedvalue 50.0 norecoil 1   //Client Variable Ayarlari fps_max "100" v_kickpitch "0"                      v_kickroll "0" v_kicktime "0" chase_active "1" con_color "225 215 255" gl_spriteblend "0" cl_forwardspeed "9999" cl_sidespeed "9999" cl_backspeed "9999" cl_upspeed "26.685" cl_pitchspeed "2.658" cl_yawspeed "8.724" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_bob "0" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_bobup "0" cl_bob 0 v_centerspeed "9999" hud_centerid "1" hud_fastswitch "1" cl_minmodels "1" hud_classautokill "0" m_filter "0" m_forward "0" m_side "0" cl_himodels "1" cl_rate "9999" cl_dlmax "128" rate "25000" sv_aim "1" sv_cheats "1" r_mirroralpha "0" r_wateralpha "0" r_drawentities "1" r_decals "0" r_dynamic "0" r_lightmap "0" r_mmx "1" r_bmodelhighfrac "0" r_traceglow "0" r_bmodelinterp "0" r_glowshellfreq "0" alias sv_aim alias sv_cheats cl_latency "-210" cl_timeout "99999" cl_updaterate "101" violence_ablood "0" violence_agibs "0" violence_hblood "0" violence_hgibs "0" cl_cmdrate "101" cl_allowdownload "1" r_drawviewmodel "1" cl_righthand "1" crosshair "1" cl_nopred "1" cl_nosmooth "1" cl_smoothtime "0" cl_predict_player "0" cl_solid_players "1" cl_observercrosshair "1" cl_radartype "0" cl_crosshairscale 1700 cl_crosshairusealpha 1 cl_crosshairalpha 10000 cl_bob 0.0 max_smokepuffs "0" max_shells "0"            net_graph "3" net_graphpos "2" net_graphwidth "140" scr_conspeed "999999" scr_centertime "6" scr_ofsx "200" scr_ofsy "200" scr_ofsz "200" graphheight "64" sys_ticrate "100.0" cl_corpsestay "10" net_scale "5" v_dark "1" brightness "1" gl_d3dflip "0" vid_d3d "0" cl_gaitestimation "0" cl_download_ingame "0" cl_allowupload "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" ati_subdiv "2"   ex_interp "0.05" ex_maxerrordistance "0" room_delay "0" room_feedback "0" room_left "0" room_lp "0" room_mod "0" room_off "1" room_refl "0" room_size "0" room_type "0" ati_subdiv 2 gl_max_size 128 gl_zmax 8192 gl_ztrick 1 gl_nocolors 0 gl_overbright 999999 gl_texsort 0 gl_clear 0 gl_d3dflip 0 gl_lightholes 0 gl_affinemodels 1 gl_cull 1 gl_keeptjunctions 1 gl_smoothmodels 1 gl_dither 0 gl_spriteblend 0 gl_alphamin 999999 gl_flashblend 0 gl_polyblend 1 gl_polyoffset 0.1 gl_picmip 1 gl_playermip "1" gl_wateramp "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_occfactor "0.25" s_verbwet "0.25" s_distance "60" s_a3d "0" s_eax "0" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "100000.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "1000000000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "1.0" s_rolloff "1.0" hisound "0" bgmvolume "0" loadas8bit "1" s_reverb "0" precache "1" gl_max_size       "128" brightness              "5" cl_shadows            "0" cl_weather "0" gl_spriteblend  "0" gl_lightholes "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_polyoffset "-0.1" gl_monolights        "0" gl_overbright "999999" r_dynamic             "0" r_lightmap             "1" r_traceglow           "1" gl_affinemodels "0" gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "256" gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_playermip "20" gl_round_down "99" gl_spritebl gl_round_down "9" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_smoothmodels "0" gl_texsort "0" gl_ztrick "0" gl_wateramp "0" gl_clear "1" gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "256"    gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_playermip "20" gl_round_down "99" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_ztrick "0"        gl_wateramp "0" gl_polyoffset 2800 hud_classautokill "0" hud_centerid "99999" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_takesshots "0" hud_fastswitch "1" scr_conspeed "7777" scr_centertime "1.5" con_notifytime "0" developer "0" contimes "2" con_notifytime "4" gamma "9999" ati_subdiv 2 gl_max_size 128 gl_zmax 8192 gl_ztrick 1 gl_nocolors 0 gl_overbright 999999 gl_texsort 0 gl_clear 0 gl_d3dflip 0 gl_lightholes 0 gl_affinemodels 1 gl_cull 1 gl_keeptjunctions 1 gl_smoothmodels 1 gl_dither 0 gl_spriteblend 0 gl_alphamin 999999 gl_flashblend 0 gl_polyblend 1 gl_polyoffset 0.1 gl_picmip 1 gl_playermip "1" gl_wateramp "0" alias sv_aim alias sv_cheats alias SIR3 "avadd 0 20 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimSupreme "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR3; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- Supreme;" // Tylers Aim Vector 4 alias lostsoulaimvec4 "avadd 0 19.5 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias lostsoulaim4 "avclear;avadd 0 19.35 7.1 2;avadd 1 17.05 1.95 3.95;lostsoulaimvec4;init 0 lostsoulaim4;txt *** Aim 4: NH-|ostsou| ***" //2-Shot-Burst-Fire-Head //SIR-Aim 2-Shot alias SIR5 "avadd 0 21 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIR6 "avadd 0 19 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 15 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimTS "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR5;SIR6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- 2-Shot;" //sargent: head alias SargentHead1 "avadd 0 21 7 2 ;avadd 1 23 7 3" alias SargentHead "avclear;SargentHead1;init 0 HeadBunny;txt sargent: head;" //SIR-smoke alias SIR9 "avadd 0 23 6 2.7 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 2 3.7 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRsmoke "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR9; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- smoke;" //gift: shot alias GiftShot "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 20.15 7.5 1.45; avadd 1 23.5 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: shot" //gift: money alias GiftMoney "avclear 0; avadd 1; avadd 0 21.85 6.5 1.40; avadd 1 24 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: money" //gift: whore alias GiftWhore "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 21.95 6.5 2.8; avadd 1 18 3 4; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: whore" //silentscope alias silent "avclear 0; avadd 0 23 7 -6; avadd 1 27 0 6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt silentx" // syntax of avadd : // first param -> 0=stand, 1=duck // second param -> height // third param -> forward // last param -> right alias HeadBunnySD "avadd 0 20 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias HeadBunny "avclear;HeadBunnySD;init 0 HeadBunny;txt *** Aiming: HEADSHOT DELUXE (bunny771) ***" alias HeartBunny "avclear;avadd 0 10 5 0;avadd 1 15 0 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 HeartBunny ;txt *** Aiming: aim for HEART (bunny771) ***" alias StomachBunny "avclear;avadd 0 0 0 0;avadd 1 7 -5 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 StomachBunny;txt *** Aiming: aim for STOMACH (bunny771) ***" alias TestieBunny "avclear;avadd 0 -7.5 0 0;avadd 1 2 -15 -6;HeadBunnySD;init 0 TestieBunny ;txt *** Aiming: aim for TESTIES (bunny771) ***" alias Head1 "avclear;avadd 0 15 5 0;avadd 1 15.3 1 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 Head1 txt *** Headaim ***" alias Headaim "avclear;avadd 0 16 6 0;avadd 1 17 3 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 Headaim ;txt *** Head ***" alias 100Stomach "avclear;avadd 0 2 2 0;avadd 1 10 -3 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 100Stomach ;txt *** 100% Aim ***" alias Head2 "avclear;avadd 0 19.7 5.8 3 0;avadd 1 20 4.1 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 Head2 ;txt *** Head2 ***" alias HitemUp "avclear;avadd 0 19.8 5.8 2;avadd 1 15.9 5 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 HitemUp ;txt *** HitemUp***" alias wild "avclear;avadd 0 4 4 0;avadd 1 13 -5 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 wild ;txt *** Wild *** alias HitmansAim "avclear;avadd 0 20 6.1 0;avadd 1 17.6 4 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 HitmansAim ;txt *** HitmansAim ***" alias random "avclear;avadd 0 19.0 4.4 0;avadd 1 14.1 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 random ;txt *** This is MADASS ***" alias C4mSD "avadd 0 20 6.2 2 avadd 13.7 5.9 -6 15.1 6 6 11.1 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5.1 -4.4; avadd 1 19.9 3 2 18 -2 -5 13 -4.8 8.2 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias C4mHEAD1 "avadd;C4mSD;init 0 C4mHEAD1;txt *** Aiming: C4m HEAD1 *** alias C4mHEAD2 "avclear;avadd 0 20 6.2 2;avadd 1 17 5.6 2;C4mSD;init 0 C4mHEAD2 ;txt ***Aiming: C4mHEAD2 *** alias C4mCHEST "avclear;avadd 0 18 6.2 2;avadd 1 16 5.6 2;C4mSD;init 0 C4mCHEST ;txt ***Aiming: C4mCHEST *** alias newHead "avclear;avadd 0 20.7 8.01 3.6 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 22.4 6.01 3.6 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5 txt *** Aiming: new Head (bunny771) ***" avclear; avadd 0 20 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" // randomized aiming alias humaim0 "randmax 0; init 3 humaim0;alias humaim humaim1; txt *** Randomized aiming turned OFF ***" alias humaim1 "randmax 5; init 3 humaim1;alias humaim humaim0; txt *** Randomized aiming turned ON ***" humaim0 // smooth aiming alias smooth0 "smooth 0; init 6 smooth0;alias smooth_t smooth1; txt *** Smooth aiming turned OFF ***" alias smooth1 "smooth 5; init 6 smooth1;alias smooth_t smooth0; txt *** Smooth aiming turned ON ***" smooth0 // color alias color_ogc "color terror 255 40 40 255 counter 40 80 255 255 special 155 155 155 255 target 102 204 51 255 text 50 100 255 255 hud 255 160 0 0;color_ogc2" alias color_ogc2 "hud 0;color sound 68 68 255 255 bombtimer 255 40 40 255 systime 255 255 255 255 esp 255 255 0 255 back 0 0 0 128 radar1 80 50 30 110 radar2 10 10 10 55" alias color_new "color terror 255 255 0 255 counter 50 80 255 255 special 200 200 200 255 target 255 80 80 255 text 200 120 50 255 sound 200 99 99 255;color_new2" alias color_new2 "hud 1;color bombtimer 200 120 50 255 systime 100 100 255 255 esp 70 80 70 255 back 0 0 20 128 radar1 30 50 150 150 radar2 10 10 50 100 hud 130 130 255 0" alias color_1 "color_ogc;alias color_t color_2;init 2 color_1;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC" alias color_2 "color_new;alias color_t color_1;init 2 color_2;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC-new" color_1 color terror 255 40 40 255 counter 40 80 255 255 special 155 155 155 255 target 102 204 51 255 text 50 100 255 255 hud 255 160 0 0 // xqz2 style alias +doaim "aim 1" alias -doaim "aim 0" // temporary aim thru wall alias +thru "aimthru 1" alias -thru "aimthru 0" // hlh style alias +doshoot "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshoot "#-attack; aim 0" // Ping Aiming // By Ender alias 0991 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 18 10 0;avadd 0 10 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 0992 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 0993 "avadd 1 21.3 3 0;avadd 1 15 -5 -4;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 0994 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 099 "0991;0992;0993;0994; recoil 1.7; pred 0; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 0-149 ***" alias 1001 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 17.92 10 0;avadd 0 9.8 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 1002 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 1003 "avadd 1 19 3 0;avadd 1 16.8 -4 -2;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 1004 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 100 "1001;1002;1003;1004; recoil 2.2; pred 1; predmax 1; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 150-249 ***" alias 2001 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 17.71 9.89 0;avadd 0 10 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 2002 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 2003 "avadd 1 19.8 3 0;avadd 1 16.4 3 0;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 2004 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 200 "2001;2002;2003;2004; recoil 2.6; pred 1; predmax 5; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 250-349 ***" alias 3001 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 17.02 10.09 0;avadd 0 10 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 3002 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 3003 "avadd 1 19.7 -5 -4;avadd 1 15.8 3 0;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 3004 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 300 "3001;3002;3003;3004; recoil 3.1; pred 1; predmax 8; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 350-400+ ***" //CS Aiming alias CSavheadf "avclear; CSavSheadFc; avSchest; aimSrest; CSavheadf2" alias CSavheadf2 "TFavDheadFc; avDchest; aimDrest; txt *** Aiming: CS Medium Head" alias CSavhead "avclear; CSavSheadbc; avSchest; aimSrest; CSavhead2" alias CSavhead2 "CSavDheadbc; avDchest; aimDrest; txt *** Aiming: CS Low Head" alias CSavheadb "avclear; CSavSheadc; avSchest; aimSrest; CSavheadb2" alias CSavheadb2 "CSavDheadbc; avDchest; aimDrest; txt *** Aiming: CS High Head" //Absolution F -medium alias CSavDheadFc "avadd 1 19 4 4" //crouching Absolution F Center alias CSavSheadFc "avadd 0 21 8 4" //standing AbsolutionF Center //Absolution B -high alias CSavDheadc "avadd 1 19 4 4" //crouching AbsolutionB Center alias CSavSheadc "avadd 0 23 8 4" //standing AbsolutionB Center //Absolution A -low alias CSavDheadbc "avadd 1 19 4 4" //crouching Absolution Center alias CSavSheadbc "avadd 0 19 8 4" //standing Absolution Center //new aiming (zer0) alias zbaddass "avadd 0 20 9 4" alias zbaddass2 "avadd 1 17 2 4" alias zbadass3 "avadd 0 22 5 4;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6; avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zero1 "avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6;avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zbadass4 "avadd 1 26 3 3;avadd 1 13 -2 -5;avadd 1 11 -5 8;avadd 1 -21 0 -8;avadd 1 -19 -16 5" alias zbaddass5 "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd alias zbaddpair1 "zbaddass;zbaddass2;zbadass3;zero1;zbadass4;zbadda ss5" alias zbadassdone "zbaddpair1; txt z_Bad-Ass Aiming Loaded" alias zeroheadSD "avadd 0 22 5 4 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 26 3 3 13 -2 -5 11 -5 8 -21 0 -8 -19 -16 5" alias zeroHead "avclear;zeroheadSD;init 0 zeroHead; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;txt *^*zer0s Secret-Aiming (you^will^own)*^*" //4c1ds alias 4c1dh34daim1 "avadd 0 20.7 8.01 3.6; avadd 1 22.4 6.01 3.6" alias 4c1dh34daim2 "avadd 0 20.7 8.3 0.8; avadd 1 22.5 6.2 0.8" alias 4c1d1337aim "avclear;4c1dh34daim1;4c1dh34daim2; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup; txt --| 1337 Aim |--" //[JAPS]~Stoner4Life~ alias omfg "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 25 6 3;avadd 0 25 6 -3;avadd 0 25 6 2;avadd 0 25 6 -2;avadd 0 25 6 1;avadd 0 25 6 -1;avadd 0 25 6 0;avadd 0 25 6 4;avadd 0 25 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 7.5;avadd 0 21 6 -7.5;avadd 0 22 6 7.5;avadd 0 22 6 -7.5" alias omfg1 "avadd 0 24 6 0;avadd 0 24 6 1;avadd 0 24 6 -1;avadd 0 24 6 2;avadd 0 24 6 -2;avadd 0 24 6 3;avadd 0 24 6 -3;avadd 0 24 6 4;avadd 0 24 6 -4;avadd 0 24 6 5;avadd 0 24 6 -5;avadd 0 24 6 6;avadd 0 24 6 -6;avadd 0 24.5 6 0" alias omfg2 "avadd 0 24.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg3 "avadd 0 23 6 0;avadd 0 23 6 1;avadd 0 23 6 -1;avadd 0 23 6 2;avadd 0 23 6 -2;avadd 0 23 6 3;avadd 0 23 6 -3;avadd 0 23 6 4;avadd 0 23 6 -4;avadd 0 23 6 5;avadd 0 23 6 -5;avadd 0 23 6 6;avadd 0 23 6 -6;avadd 0 23.5 6 0" alias omfg4 "avadd 0 23.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg5 "avadd 0 22 6 0;avadd 0 22 6 1;avadd 0 22 6 -1;avadd 0 22 6 2;avadd 0 22 6 -2;avadd 0 22 6 3;avadd 0 22 6 -3;avadd 0 22 6 4;avadd 0 22 6 -4;avadd 0 22 6 5;avadd 0 22 6 -5;avadd 0 22 6 6;avadd 0 22 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 8;avadd 0 21.5 6 -8" alias omfg6 "avadd 0 22.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg7 "avadd 0 21 6 0;avadd 0 21 6 1;avadd 0 21 6 -1;avadd 0 21 6 2;avadd 0 21 6 -2;avadd 0 21 6 3;avadd 0 21 6 -3;avadd 0 21 6 4;avadd 0 21 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 5;avadd 0 21 6 -5;avadd 0 21 6 6;avadd 0 21 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 0;avadd 0 22.5 6 0" alias omfg8 "avadd 0 21.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg9 "avadd 0 20 6 0;avadd 0 20 6 1;avadd 0 20 6 -1;avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 20 6 -2;avadd 0 20 6 3;avadd 0 20 6 -3;avadd 0 20 6 4;avadd 0 20 6 -4;avadd 0 20 6 5;avadd 0 20 6 -5;avadd 0 20 6 6;avadd 0 20 6 -6;avadd 0 20.5 6 0" alias omfg0 "avadd 0 20.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -1.5" alias omfga "avadd 0 19 6 0;avadd 0 19 6 1;avadd 0 19 6 -1;avadd 0 19 6 2;avadd 0 19 6 -2;avadd 0 19 6 3;avadd 0 19 6 -3;avadd 0 19 6 4;avadd 0 19 6 -4;avadd 0 19 6 5;avadd 0 19 6 -5;avadd 0 19 6 6;avadd 0 19 6 -6;avadd 0 19.5 6 0" alias omfgb "avadd 0 19.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgc "avadd 0 18 6 0;avadd 0 18 6 1;avadd 0 18 6 -1;avadd 0 18 6 2;avadd 0 18 6 -2;avadd 0 18 6 3;avadd 0 18 6 -3;avadd 0 18 6 4;avadd 0 18 6 -4;avadd 0 18 6 5;avadd 0 18 6 -5;avadd 0 18 6 6;avadd 0 18 6 -6;avadd 0 18.5 6 0" alias omfgd "avadd 0 18.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgD "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 0 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 19.3 4;avadd 1 -20 -6 6;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 3 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 23 6 0;avadd 1 22 6 0" alias omfghead " omfg; omfg1; omfg2; omfg3; omfg4; omfg5; omfg6; omfg7; omfg8; omfg9; omfg0; omfga; omfgb; omfgc; omfgd; omfgD; recoil 2.0; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt [JAPS]~Stoner4Life Head" //********************************************* //****{UNI-Joolz-Aiming}****{Test-6 By UNI}**** //********************************************* alias UNI-T6aSD "avadd 0 22.5 7 2 19.5 5.6 -3.6 16.5 -3 3.7 14.5 6 -6 9.7 -3 0 -30 -6 6;avadd 1 23 4 -2 20 4.6 3 18 -3 -3 15.4 6 4 -12 0 -6 -10 -16 6" alias UNI-T6bSD "avadd 0 20.9 5 2 18.7 8.2 -4 16.5 3 6 10.5 -2.6 -4 20 6 2 17.9 5 6;avadd 1 22 6.01 3.5 17.7 -3 -3 16.3 3 -5 10.5 0 8 -15 -16 -4 -32 6 2" alias UNI-T6cSD "avadd 0 20.5 8 2.5 17.5 4 -3 15.4 -2 3.2 13 -4 0 -9.8 2 -2 -30 6 3;avadd 1 23 4 -2 17 2 3 15 -2 -3.4 8.9 0 3 -7 -6 -4 -25 6 4.5" alias UNI-T6dSD "avadd 0 21.4 8 3 18.6 5 -4 16.4 6 3.5 12.3 2 -2.4 8.9 0 3.7 -27 8 -3;avadd 1 22 5 2 17 4 -3 15 -3 3 10 -6 -4 5 -3 1 -30 6 -3" alias UNI-T6eSD "avadd 0 23 6 2 18.5 8 -3 17 11 2.5 14.7 4 -5 -6 -3 4 -28 -6 -2.8;avadd 1 22 5 3 17.9 6 -1 14.9 7 3.5 -16 -3 -6 -31 -6 5.4 -31 7 -3.3" alias UNI-T6fS "avclear;recoil 2.0;avadd 0 22 5 2 18 5 -2 15 8 3;recoil 2.2;avadd 0 10 9 -3.9 -20 -3 6 -32 -6 -3" alias UNI-T6fD "avclear;recoil 2.0;avadd 0 23 7 3 16.8 3 -5 15.5 5 6;recoil 2.2;avadd 1 12 -3 -4 -6 4 3 -30 -4 -4" alias UNI-T6a "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 2.0;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR1;UNI-T6aSD;init 0 UNI-T6a;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6a***{Lv1}***" alias UNI-T6b "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 1.9;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR2;UNI-T6bSD;init 0 UNI-T6b;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6b***{Lv2}***" alias UNI-T6c "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 2.0;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR3;UNI-T6cSD;init 0 UNI-T6c;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6c***{Lv3}***" alias UNI-T6d "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 1.9;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR4;UNI-T6dSD;init 0 UNI-T6d;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6d***{Lv4}***" alias UNI-T6e "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 2.0;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR5;UNI-T6eSD;init 0 UNI-T6e;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6e***{Lv5}***" alias UNI-T6f "better_pi 1;recoil 1.5;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNI-T6fS;UNI-T6fD;init 0 UNI-T6f;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6f***{Lv6}***" alias UNIT5BUR1 "sdelay 0.04;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.10;ftime 0.2" alias UNIT5BUR2 "sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.01;dtime 0.17;ftime 0.2" alias UNIT5BUR3 "sdelay 0.04;rdelay 0.005;dtime 0.14;ftime 0.25" alias UNIT5BUR4 "sdelay 0.02;rdelay 0.031;dtime 0.10;ftime 0.3" alias UNIT5BUR5 "sdelay 0.04;rdelay 0.005;dtime 0.14;ftime 0.25" alias UNIT5BUR6 "sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.042;dtime 0.24;ftime 0.27" alias UNIT5SET "autoburst 0;burstflags 0" alias UNIT5RESET "autoburst 0;sdelay 0.03;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.0;ftime 1.0;burstflags 0" // ********************** // This sets up rotation :) // You can add up to 20 entries here! rot_addalias 1 UNI-T6a rot_addalias 2 UNI-T6b rot_addalias 3 UNI-T6c rot_addalias 4 UNI-T6d rot_addalias 5 UNI-T6e rot_reset recoil 0.001 -StaRtinq|a1m- /Aiming Aliases alias +$nonup "+lookdown;$w;+lookdown;$w;+lookup;$w;+lookdow n" alias -$nonup "-lookdown;$w;-lookdown;$w;-lookup;$w;-lookdown" alias +$spread "-mlook;$w;$nospread" alias -$spread "+mlook;$w;$nospread" alias +$koraim "+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;+attack" alias -$koraim "-attack" alias +$nxshotsil "+$koraim;impulse 100" alias -$nxshotsil "-$koraim;impulse 100" alias +$nxhead "+$setsens;wait;+speed;wait;+moveup;wait;+$nxa im" alias -$nxhead "-$setsens;wait;-speed;wait;-moveup;wait;-$nxaim" alias +$nxhead2 "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxhead2 "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxmasta "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxmasta "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxshtpwn "-reload;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxshtpwn "-attack;wait;-attack;+reload;wait;wait;-reload" alias +$setsens "sensitivity 1.0" alias -$setsens "sensitivity 5.0" alias +$nxaim "+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxaim "-attack" alias $naimac "$naim;bind del $naimkapa;$d1;echo Continius Firing Enabled;$d0" alias $naimkapa "$anaim;bind del $naimac;$d1;echo Continius Firing Disabled;$d0" alias $naim +attack alias $anaim -attack alias $bnaimac "$bnaim;bind end $bnaimkapa;$d1;echo Continius Special Attack Enabled;$d0" alias $bnaimkapa "$abnaim;bind end $bnaimac;$d1;echo Continius Special Attack Disabled;$d0" alias $bnaim +attack2 alias $abnaim -attack2 alias $aimon "bind mouse1 +$koraim ;bind ins $aimoff" alias $aimoff "bind mouse1 +attack ;bind ins $aimon" //End Of Aiming Aliases //Fast AWP alias $awpfs "$fson" alias $fson "bind mouse1 $fsatt; $d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: On; $d0; alias $fast $fsoff" alias $fsoff "bind mouse1 +attack; $d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: Off; $d0; alias $fast $fson" alias $fsatt "+attack; wait; -attack; $fson; slot2; slot1; +attack2; wait; -attack2; $fsoff" //Throwing Armor (Thnx to Diablos for an idea and OGC Staff) alias $thraskev "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms1" alias $thraskevhelm "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms2" alias $thrashed "$thraskev;$d1;echo Throwed Armor Only Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" alias $thrashed2 "$thraskevhelm;$d1;echo Throwed Armor Only Helm-Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" //End Of Throwing Armoralias $nxwall_1 "gl_polyoffset 2800;$d1;echo Simple and Decal WallHacks Enabled.;echo Now You Can See Bloods,Sprays,Shells through walls;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_0" alias $nxwall_0 "gl_polyoffset 0.1;$d1;echo Simple and Decal WallHacks Disabled.;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_1" alias $nxwall "$nxwall_1" alias $devcom_1 "$devbug_on;bind kp_plus $devcom_0;$d1;echo Overview Bug is Enabled Now You Can See Attacks and Enemies within your range;echo You Can Turn Off It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0" alias $devcom_0 "$devbug_off;bind kp_plus $devcom_1;$d1;echo Overview Bug is Disabled You Can Turn On It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0" alias $devbug_on "dev_overview 1" alias $devbug_off "dev_overview 0" //Awp Aliases alias nospread "m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0" alias norecoil_5 "cl_pitchspeed 10" alias norecoil_4 "cl_pitchspeed 7" alias norecoil_3 "cl_pitchspeed 5" alias norecoil_2 "cl_pitchspeed 3" alias norecoil_1 "cl_pitchspeed 1" alias norecoil_0 "cl_pitchspeed 999999" alias +nxspnr "+spread;w;+attack;w;+nonup" alias -nxspnr "-spread;w;-attack;w;-nonup" alias +banr "+attack;wait;+lookdown" alias -banr "-attack;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +konr "+koraim;wait;+lookdown" alias -konr "-koraim;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +shtpwnr "+nxshtpwn;wait;+lookdown" alias -shtpwnr "-nxshtpwn;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxnr "+nxaim;wait;+lookdown" alias -nxnr "-nxaim;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxhnr "+nxhead;wait;+lookdown" alias -nxhnr "-nxhead;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxsnr "+nxhead2;wait;+lookdown" alias -nxsnr "-nxhead2;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxmaster "+nxmasta;wait;+lookdown;+lookdown;+lookup" alias -nxmaster "-nxmasta;wait;-lookdown;-lookdown;-lookup;wait" //Sniper Blackout Remover alias snp "snp1" alias snp1 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 0; alias snp snp2;d1;echo -[Zoom 1]-;d0" alias snp2 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;alias snp snp3;d1;echo -[Zoom 2]-;d0" alias snp3 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 1;weapon_knife;lastinv; alias snp snp1;d1;echo -[Unzoom]-;d0" alias sec "sniper_1" alias sniper_1 "bind mouse2 snp; alias sec sniper_0;d1;echo Sniper Blackout Loaded;d0" alias sniper_0 "bind mouse2 +attack2; alias sec sniper_1; hud_draw 1;d1;echo Sniper Blackout Unloaded;d0" //End Of Blackout Remover //Buying Restricted AWP alias rawp "buy;ms4;ms6;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;slot10 " //End Of Buying Restricted Awp //Fast AWP alias awpfs "fson" alias fson "bind mouse1 fsatt; d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: On; d0; alias fast fsoff" alias fsoff "bind mouse1 +attack; d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: Off; d0; alias fast fson" alias fsatt "+attack; wait; -attack; fson; slot2; slot1; +attack2; wait; -attack2; fsoff" ; w5;slot2;menuselect 0;slot2;slot2;w5;slot2" //Sound Ambience Remover alias stpsnd "stopsound; room_delay 0;room_feedback 0;room_left 0;room_lp 0;room_mod 0;room_off 1;room_refl 0;room_size 0;room_type 0" alias saroff "stpsnd;d1;echo Ambience Remover Enabled;d0" //End Of Sound Ambience Remover //Invisibling alias z1 "slot1" alias z2 "slot2" alias z3 "slot3" alias h1 "+attack" alias h2 "-attack" alias h3 "wait" alias invis "z3;h3;h3;h1;h3;h3;h2;h3;h3;h3;z1;h3;h3;h1;h3;h3;h 2;h3;h3;h3;z2;h3;h1;h3;h3;h2" //End Of invisibling //Demo Recorder alias RecDemo "RecOn" alias RecOn "record CSDemo1;d1;echo Recording Demo;d0;alias RecDemo RecOff" alias RecOff "stop;d1;echo Recording Complete;d0;alias RecDemo RecOn" //End of Demo Recorder //Jumping Aliases alias matrix "+attack;w;-attack;w5;+reload;w10;w;slot5;w5;+jump;w;-jump;w;-jump;w5;slot3;w5;slot2;w5;slot1;-reload;w;-reload;w;-reload" alias +jumpduck "+duck;wait;+jump" alias -jumpduck "-duck;wait;-jump" alias jump_1 "bind space pulo;alias pulo_t pulo_0;d1;echo BunnyHop Enabled;d0;speak fvox/beep" alias jump_0 "bind space +jump;alias pulo_t pulo_1;d1;echo BunnyHop Disabled;d0;speak fvox/beep" alias pulo "+pulo; wait; -pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;+pulo;wait;-pulo" alias pulo_t "pulo_0" alias +pulo "+jump" alias -pulo "-jump" alias +strjump "+strafe;wait;+jump" alias -strjump "-strafe;wait;-jump" //End Of Jumping Aliases //Money Increaser alias moneyinc_t "chooseteam;wait;ms1;wait;ms0;wait;ms0;d1;echo Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;d0" alias moneyinc_ct "chooseteam;wait;ms2;wait;ms0;wait;ms0;d1;echo Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;d0" alias moneyinc_r "chooseteam;wait;ms5;wait;ms0;wait;ms0;d1;echo Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;d0" //End Of Money Increaser //Aiming Aliases alias nonup "+lookdown;w;+lookdown;w;+lookup;w;+lookdown" alias -nonup "-lookdown;w;-lookdown;w;-lookup;w;-lookdown" alias +spread "-mlook;w;nospread" alias -spread "+mlook;w;nospread" alias +koraim "+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;+attack" alias -koraim "-attack" alias +nxshotsil "+koraim;impulse 100" alias -nxshotsil "-koraim;impulse 100" alias +nxhead "+setsens;wait;+speed;wait;+moveup;wait;+nxaim " alias -nxhead "-setsens;wait;-speed;wait;-moveup;wait;-nxaim" alias +nxhead2 "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxhead2 "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +nxmasta "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxmasta "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +nxshtpwn "-reload;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxshtpwn "-attack;wait;-attack;+reload;wait;wait;-reload" alias +setsens "sensitivity 1.0" alias -setsens "sensitivity 5.0" alias +nxaim "+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxaim "-attack" alias naimac "naim;bind del naimkapa;d1;echo Continius Firing Enabled;d0" alias naimkapa "anaim;bind del naimac;d1;echo Continius Firing Disabled;d0" alias naim +attack alias anaim -attack alias bnaimac "bnaim;bind end bnaimkapa;d1;echo Continius Special Attack Enabled;d0" alias bnaimkapa "abnaim;bind end bnaimac;d1;echo Continius Special Attack Disabled;d0" alias bnaim +attack2 alias abnaim -attack2 alias aimon "bind mouse1 +koraim ;bind ins aimoff" alias aimoff "bind mouse1 +attack ;bind ins aimon" //End Of Aiming Aliases //Spawn in enemy base alias +nbase_t "chooseteam;ms6;chooseteam;ms1;ms5;wait;chooseteam ;ms6;chooseteamms2;ms5;wait;chooseteam;ms6;chooset eam;ms1;ms5" alias -nbase_t "ms5;wait;ms5;wait;ms5;d1;echo Respawned as Terrorist in CT Base;d0" alias +nbase_ct "chooseteam;ms6;chooseteam;ms2;ms5;wait;chooseteam ;ms6;chooseteam;ms1;ms5;wait;chooseteam;ms6;choose team;ms2ms5" alias -nbase_ct "ms5;wait;ms5;wait;ms5;d1;echo Respawned as CT in Terrorist Base;d0" alias nbase_r "chooseteam;ms6;chooseteam;ms5;ms5;wait;chooseteam ;ms6;chooseteam;ms5;ms5;wait;chooseteam;ms6;choose team;ms5;ms5;d1;echo Respawned as Randomized in Randomized Base;d0"" //End Of Spawn in enemy base //End Of Configuration //Statsme bug alias statsme "statsme_menu root" //End Of Others //Con Colors Colorized Consoles :p alias color_20 "con_color 255+155+50;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Default HL;d0" alias color_19 "con_color 110+110+333+0;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: New OGC;d0" alias color_18 "con_color 128+255+0;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Green 2;d0" alias color_17 "con_color 223+240+19;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Yellow;d0" alias color_16 "con_color 255+255+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: White;d0" alias color_15 "con_color 225+215+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Silver;d0" alias color_14 "con_color 32+218+227;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Gear Blue;d0" alias color_13 "con_color 157+236+70;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Peanut Green;d0" alias color_12 "con_color 253+53+53;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Flame Red;d0" alias color_11 "con_color 62+255+51;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Gear Green;d0" alias color_10 "con_color 155+120+100;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Gray;d0" alias color_9 "con_color 130+130+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Ice Blue;d0" alias color_8 "con_color 333+150+000;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Dark Orange;d0" alias color_7 "con_color 321+231+132;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Tan;d0" alias color_6 "con_color 280+111+369;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Light Purple;d0" alias color_5 "con_color 179+179+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: NukedX Special;d0" alias color_4 "con_color 274+084+198;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Pink Red;d0" alias color_3 "con_color 222+200+000;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Neon Orange;d0" alias color_2 "con_color 175+255+45;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Hi-Tech Green;d0" alias color_1 "con_color 128+255+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: New Sky Blue;d0" alias color_0 "con_color 000+255+000;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Green;d0" //developers alias d1 "developer 1" alias d0 "developer 0" alias dev1 "d1" alias dev0 "d0" alias echos_1 "developer 1;alias d1 nop;alias d0 nop;alias b1 nop;alias b0 nop" alias echos_0 "developer 0;alias d1 nop;alias d0 nop;alias b1 nop;alias b0 nop" //end of developers alias nxd3d "vid_d3d 1;gl_d3dflip 1;gl_polyoffset -0.001" alias nxgl "vid_d3d 0;gl_d3dflip 0;gl_polyoffset 0.1" //HeadShot Script by CR0N0S //Thanks to fortesscheats.com / BondOO7 / Megavol //Cvars hud_fastswitch "1" alias hud_fastswitch cl_bob "0" alias cl_bob cl_bobup "0" alias cl_bobup cl_bobcycle "0" alias cl_bobcycle cl_pitchspeed "1" alias cl_pitchspeed // :[ AutoLycuS ]: alias +thru "aimthru 1" alias -thru "aimthru 0" bind "pgdn" "aspeed 0;speed 0" alias aim1 "shoot 0;alias auto2_t shoot1;txt Autoshoot Off" alias shoot1 "shoot 1;alias auto2_t aim1;txt Autoshoot On" shoot1 fov 9000 alias wsec "#slot2" alias nop ";" alias aswitch0 "alias sigswitch nop ;txt -]|AUTO SWITCH: OFF|[-;alias aswitch aswitch1;init aswitch aswitch0" alias aswitch1 "alias sigswitch wsec;txt -]|AUTO SWITCH: ON|[-;alias aswitch aswitch0;init aswitch aswitch1" aswitch0 //server crash alias crash "#impulse 102;later 0.000001 crash;txt server status: crashing in 6.. 5.." //all cheats by M0rt$L //Aims Speed Hack And Some Cheats //Voice Annoying alias $vtoggle "$va_1" alias $va_1 "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias $vtoggle $va_0;alias $va_ echo [NukedX] $va_ is : 1" alias $va_0 "-voicerecord; voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; alias $vtoggle $va_1;alias $va_ echo [NukedX] $va_ is : 0" $va_0 //End of Voice Annoying //Bomb Timer (Thnx to NaXiMuZ For an Idea and Examples) alias $bombstyle "echo " alias $bombtimer_0 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch ;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 0 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_0;$bombtime_off" alias $bombtimer_1 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_0;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 1 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_2 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_1;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 2 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_3 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_2;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 3 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_4 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_3;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 4 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_5 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_4;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 5 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_1" alias $bombtimer_6 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_5;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 6 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_7 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_6;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 7 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_8 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_7;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 8 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_9 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_8;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 9 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_10 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_9;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 10 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_2" alias $bombtimer_11 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_10;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 11 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_12 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_11;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 12 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_13 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_12;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 13 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_14 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_13;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 14 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_15 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_14;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 15 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_3" alias $bombtimer_16 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_15;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 16 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_17 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_16;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 17 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_18 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_17;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 18 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_19 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_18;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 19 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_20 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_19;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 20 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_4" alias $bombtimer_21 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_20;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 21 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_22 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_21;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 22 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_23 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_22;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 23 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_24 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_23;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 24 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_25 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_24;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 25 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_5" alias $bombtimer_26 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_25;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 26 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_27 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_26;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 27 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_28 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_27;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 28 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_29 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_28;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 29 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_30 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_29;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 30 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_6" alias $bombtimer_31 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_30;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 31 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_32 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_31;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 32 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_33 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_32;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 33 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_34 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_33;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 34 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_35 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_34;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 35 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_7" alias $bombtimer_36 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_35;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 36 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_37 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_36;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 37 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_38 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_37;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 38 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_39 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_38;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 39 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_40 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_39;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 40 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_8" alias $bombtimer_41 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_40;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 41 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_42 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_41;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 42 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_43 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_42;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 43 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_44 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_43;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 44 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_45 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_44;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 45 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_9" alias $bombtimer_46 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_45;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 46 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_47 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_46;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 47 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_48 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_47;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 48 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_49 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_48;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 49 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombspeak_0 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb0.rc" alias $bombspeak_1 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb1.rc" alias $bombspeak_2 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb2.rc" alias $bombspeak_3 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb3.rc" alias $bombspeak_4 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb4.rc" alias $bombspeak_5 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb5.rc" alias $bombspeak_6 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb6.rc" alias $bombspeak_7 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb7.rc" alias $bombspeak_8 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb8.rc" alias $bombspeak_9 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb9.rc" alias $b1 "developer 1;clear" alias $b0 "developer 0" alias $bombtime_off "bind capslock $bombtime;alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3" alias $boop $bombtime_w1 alias $bombtime_w1 "alias $boop $bombtime_w2" alias $bombtime_w2 "alias $boop $bombtime_w3" alias $bombtime_w3 alias $bombtime "$bombtimed;bind capslock $bombtime_off" alias $bombp_1 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_49" alias $bombp_2 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_44" alias $bombp_3 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_40" alias $bombp_4 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_34" alias $bombtype_1 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_1;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 50 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 1" alias $bombtype_2 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_2;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 45 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 2" alias $bombtype_3 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_3;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 40 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 3" alias $bombtype_4 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_4;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 35 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 4" alias $bombtype_0 "alias $bombtimed $nop;unbind capslock;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Disabled.;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 0" //Throwing Armor (Thnx to Diablos for an idea and OGC Staff) alias $thraskev "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms1" alias $thraskevhelm "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms2" alias $thrashed "$thraskev;$d1;echo [NukedX] Throwed Armor Only Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" alias $thrashed2 "$thraskevhelm;$d1;echo [NukedX] Throwed Armor Only Helm-Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" //End Of Throwing Armor //NukedX's Decal WallHack (CD,HLG,WWCL,VAC Prooved) a.k.a SpriteWH alias $nxwall_1 "gl_polyoffset 2800;$d1;echo [NukedX] Simple and Decal WallHacks Enabled.;echo [NukedX] Now You Can See Bloods,Sprays,Shells through walls;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_0;alias $nxwall_ echo [NukedX] $nxwall_ is : 1" alias $nxwall_0 "gl_polyoffset 0.1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Simple and Decal WallHacks Disabled.;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_1;alias $nxwall_ echo [NukedX] $nxwall_ is : 0" alias $nxwall "$nxwall_1" //End Of Decal WallHack //DevOverView bug alias $devcom_1 "alias $devbug_t $devcom_0;$devbug_on;bind kp_plus $devcom_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Overview Bug is Enabled Now You Can See Attacks and Enemies within your range;echo [NukedX] You Can Turn Off It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0;alias $devcom_ echo [NukedX] $devcom_ is : 1" alias $devcom_0 "alias $devbug_t $devcom_1;$devbug_off;bind kp_plus $devcom_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Overview Bug is Disabled You Can Turn On It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0;alias $devcom_ echo [NukedX] $devcom_ is : 0" alias $devbug_on "dev_overview 1" alias $devbug_off "dev_overview 0" alias $devbug_t "$devcom_1" $devcom_0 //End Of DevOverView Bug //SilentWalk alias $fasted1 "$d1;echo [NukedX] FastWalking: Enabled;$d0" alias $fasted0 "$d1;echo [NukedX] FastWalking: Disabled;$d0" alias $wwclwed1 "$d1;echo [NukedX] AntiWWCL Walking: Enabled;$d0" alias $wwclwed0 "$d1;echo [NukedX] AntiWWCL Walking: Disabled;$d0" alias $wwclw_0 "bind shift +$swalk;alias $wwclw_ echo [NukedX] $wwclw_ is : 0;alias $wwclw_t $wwclw_1;alias $wwclwstatus $wwclwed1" alias $wwclw_1 "bind shift +$wwclswalk;alias $wwclw_ echo [NukedX] $wwclw_ is : 1;alias $wwclw_t $wwclw_0;alias $wwclwstatus $wwclwed0" alias $fastwalk_1 "ex_maxspeed 999999;wait;ex_maxaccel 999999;wait;cl_movespeedkey 999999;alias $fastwalk_ echo [NukedX] $fastwalk_ is : 1;alias $fastwalk_t $fastwalk_0;alias $faststatus $fasted1" alias $fastwalk_0 "ex_maxspeed 750;wait;ex_maxaccel 2000;wait;cl_movespeedkey 0.520;alias $fastwalk_ echo [NukedX] $fastwalk_ is : 0;alias $fastwalk_t $fastwalk_1;alias $faststatus $fasted0" alias +$wwclswalk "+speed" alias -$wwclswalk "-speed" alias +$swalk "$fastwalk_0;+speed" alias -$swalk "$fastwalk_1;-speed" //end of silentwalk //Glow models alias $glowtog "$glow_1" alias $glow_1 "brightness 50;gamma 150;alias $glowtog $glow_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Glow Models: Enabled;$d0;alias $glow_ echo [NukedX] $glow_ is : 1" alias $glow_0 "brightness 9999999;gamma 9999999;alias $glowtog $glow_1,$d1;echo [NukedX] Glow Models: Disabled;$d0;alias $glow_ echo [NukedX] $glow_ is : 0" //Weapon Viewer / Unviewer alias $wpnview "$wpn_0" alias $wpn_0 "r_drawviewmodel 0;alias $wpnview $wpn_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Weapon Showing: Disabled;$d0;alias $wpn_ echo [NukedX] $wpn_ is : 0" alias $wpn_1 "r_drawviewmodel 1;alias $wpnview $wpn_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Weapon Showing: Enabled;$d0;alias $wpn_ echo [NukedX] $wpn_ is : 1" $wpn_1 //End Of Weapon Viewing //Whitewall hack alias "$wws" "$wws1;$wws2;$wws3;$wws4;$wws5" alias "$wws1" "gl_max_size 1;gl_dither 1;gl_flipmatrix 0;gl_lightholes 1;gl_monolights 0" alias "$wws2" "gl_overbright 0; gl_polyoffset 0.1;gl_smoothmodels 1;gl_spriteblend 0" alias "$wws3" "gl_cull 1;gl_palette_tex 0;gl_keeptjunctions 0 ;gl_wireframe 1; " alias "$wws4" "gl_picmip 1;gl_playermip 1000;gl_round_down 6;gl_wateramp 0" alias "$wws5" "gl_ztrick 1;gl_alphamin 0.25;r_dynamic 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;vid_wait 0;$cdblocker;$recwws" alias "$recwws" "$d1;echo [NukedX] Reconnecting For Enabling Setting Of WhiteWall Hack;$d0;reconnect" //End Of Whitewall hack //Script Advertising alias $advert "say I'm using NukedX 8.1.05 English Edition grab it at nuker.net.tc;say NukedX the face of shadow" //End Of Script Advertising //Awp Aliases //No-Recoiler alias $turnrec "$norecoil_0;bind mouse1 +$koraim;$d1;echo [NukedX] NoRecoil Status: Disabled;echo [NukedX] NoRecoil Attacking Mode: Korbom Shooter (Default);$d0" //Levels alias $nospread "m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0" alias $norecoil_5 "cl_pitchspeed 10;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 5" alias $norecoil_4 "cl_pitchspeed 7;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 4" alias $norecoil_3 "cl_pitchspeed 5;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 3" alias $norecoil_2 "cl_pitchspeed 3;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 2" alias $norecoil_1 "cl_pitchspeed 1;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 1" alias $norecoil_0 "cl_pitchspeed 999999;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 0" // No Spread + No Recoil alias +$nxspnr "+$spread;$w;+attack;$w;+$nonup" alias -$nxspnr "-$spread;$w;-attack;$w;-$nonup" //Basic Attack alias +$banr "+attack;wait;+lookdown" alias -$banr "-attack;wait;-lookdown;wait" //With Korbom Shooter alias +$konr "+$koraim;wait;+lookdown" alias -$konr "-$koraim;wait;-lookdown;wait" //With Shotgun Pwnage alias +$shtpwnr "+$nxshtpwn;wait;+lookdown" alias -$shtpwnr "-$nxshtpwn;wait;-lookdown;wait" //With NukedX Aimers //Safe Aimer alias +$nxnr "+$nxaim;wait;+lookdown" alias -$nxnr "-$nxaim;wait;-lookdown;wait" //Head Aimer alias +$nxhnr "+$nxhead;wait;+lookdown" alias -$nxhnr "-$nxhead;wait;-lookdown;wait" //NukedX Header2 alias +$nxsnr "+$nxhead2;wait;+lookdown" alias -$nxsnr "-$nxhead2;wait;-lookdown;wait" //NukedX New Master Recoil alias +$nxmaster "+$nxmasta;wait;+lookdown;+lookdown;+lookup" alias -$nxmaster "-$nxmasta;wait;-lookdown;-lookdown;-lookup;wait" //Silent Shot alias +$ssnr "+$nxshotsil;wait;+lookdown" alias -$ssnr "-$nxshotsil;wait;-lookdown;wait" //End Of No-Recoil //Sniper Blackout Remover alias $snp "$snp1" alias $snp1 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 0; alias $snp $snp2;$d1;echo -[Zoom 1]-;$d0" alias $snp2 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;alias $snp $snp3;$d1;echo -[Zoom 2]-;$d0" alias $snp3 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 1;weapon_knife;lastinv; alias $snp $snp1;$d1;echo -[Unzoom]-;$d0" alias $sec "$sniper_1" alias $sniper_1 "bind mouse2 $snp; alias $sec $sniper_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Sniper Blackout Loaded;$d0;alias $sniper_ echo [NukedX] $sniper_ is : 1" alias $sniper_0 "bind mouse2 +attack2; alias $sec $sniper_1; hud_draw 1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Sniper Blackout Unloaded;$d0;alias $sniper_ echo [NukedX] $sniper_ is : 0" $sniper_0 //End Of Blackout Remover //Buying Restricted AWP alias $rawp "buy;$ms4;$ms6;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;slot10" //End Of Buying Restricted Awp //Fast AWP alias +$awpattack "+attack" alias -$awpattack "-attack;$w;$p4;$w;$p3;$p1" alias $p2 "weapon_usp;weapon_glock18;weapon_deagle;weapon_p228;weapon_elite;weapon_fiveseven" alias $p1 "weapon_awp;weapon_scout" alias $p3 "lastinv" alias $p4 "weapon_knife" alias $awptog "$awp_1" alias $awp_1 "bind mouse1 +$awpattack;alias $awptog $awp_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Shooting Option: Fast Sniper Attack;$d0;alias $awp_ echo [NukedX] $awp_ is : 1" alias $awp_0 "bind mouse1 +attack;alias $awptog $awp_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Shooting Option: Normal HL Attack;$d0;alias $awp_ echo [NukedX] $awp_ is : 0" alias $awp_ "echo [NukedX] $awp_ is : 0" //End Of Fast AWP //Skinhacks (Thanx Leviathan for giving idea) alias "$t1" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 1;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;weapon_knife;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$ct1" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 2;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;weapon_knife;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$t2" "wait;wait;unbind kp_end;bind kp_end $t1;$t1;wait;wait;wait;wait;unbind kp_end;wait;wait;bind kp_end $t2" alias "$ct2" "wait;wait;unbind kp_downarrow;bind kp_downarrow $ct1;$ct1;wait;wait;wait;wait;unbind kp_downarrow;wait;wait;bind kp_downarrow $ct2" alias "$vip1" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 3;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;weapon_knife;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$vip2" "wait;wait;unbind kp_del;bind kp_del $vip1;$vip1;wait;wait;wait;wait;unbind kp_del;wait;wait;bind kp_del $vip2" alias "$t3" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 1;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$w" "wait" alias "$w5" "$w;$w;$w;$w;$w" alias "$w10" "$w5;$w5" alias "$team1s" "chooseteam; $w5;slot1;menuselect 0;slot1;slot1;$w5;slot1" alias "$team2s" "chooseteam; $w5;slot2;menuselect 0;slot2;slot2;$w5;slot2" //End of Skinhacks cl_lc 1;cl_lw 1 //Ping Fixers alias $rate_0 "cl_rate 11000.0528;rate 7500;cl_latency -50;cl_updaterate 55;cl_cmdrate 55;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: DSL;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 0" alias $rate_1 "cl_rate 11000.0528;rate 8200;cl_latency -90;cl_updaterate 40;cl_cmdrate 40;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: Cable;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 1" alias $rate_2 "cl_latency -150.0528;cl_rate 11000.0528;rate 5075; cl_updaterate 28;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: 56k;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 2" alias $rate_3 "rate 3000;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 25;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: 33k;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 3" alias $rate_4 "rate 2500;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 25;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: 28k;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 4" //End Of Ping Fixers //Server Crasher alias $lag1 "timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft" alias $lag2 "$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1" alias $lag3 "$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2" alias $lag4 "$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3" alias $lag5 "$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4" alias $lag6 "$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5" alias $lag7 "$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6" alias $lag8 "$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7" //End Of Server Crasher //CD Blocker alias $cdblocker "exec nukedx/nxblocker.cfg;$d1;echo [NukedX] AMX/CD/HLG/WWCL Blocker Enabling...;$d0" //End Of CD blocker //Sound Ambience Remover alias $stpsnd "stopsound; room_delay 0;room_feedback 0;room_left 0;room_lp 0;room_mod 0;room_off 1;room_refl 0;room_size 0;room_type 0" alias $saroff "$stpsnd;$d1;echo [NukedX] Ambience Remover Enabled;$d0" //End Of Sound Ambience Remover //Demo Recorder alias $RecDemo "$Rec_1" alias $Rec_1 "record CSDemo1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Recording Demo;$d0;alias $RecDemo $Rec_0;alias $rec_ echo [NukedX] $rec_ is : 1" alias $Rec_0 "stop;$d1;echo [NukedX] Recording Complete;$d0;alias $RecDemo $Rec_1;alias $rec_ echo [NukedX] $rec_ is : 0" $rec_0 //End of Demo Recorder //Jumping Aliases alias $matrix "+attack;$w;-attack;$w5;+reload;$w10;$w;slot5;$w5;+jump;$w;-jump;$w;-jump;$w5;slot3;$w5;slot2;$w5;slot1;-reload;$w;-reload;$w;-reload" alias +$jumpduck "+duck;wait;+jump" alias -$jumpduck "-duck;wait;-jump" alias $duckset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 1;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $duckset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $jumpset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 1;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $jumpset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $strjumpset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 1;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $strjumpset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $eqbunnyset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 1" alias $eqbunnyset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $duck_1 "bind space +$jumpduck;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_0;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: DuckJump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$duckset1" alias $duck_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$duckset0" alias $duck_t "$duck_1" alias $jump_1 "bind space $pulo;alias $jump_t $jump_0;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: BunnyHop;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$jumpset1" alias $jump_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$jumpset0" alias $pulo "+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo" alias $jump_t "$jump_1" alias +$pulo "+jump" alias -$pulo "-jump" alias +$strjump "+strafe;wait;+jump" alias -$strjump "-strafe;wait;-jump" alias $strjump_1 "bind space +$strjump;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_0;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: StrafedJump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$strjumpset1" alias $strjump_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$strjumpset0" alias $strjump_t "$strjump_1" alias $eq "+duck;$w;-duck" alias +$eqj "+jump" alias -$eqj "-jump" alias +$eqbunny "+$eqj;$w;$eq;$w;$eq;$w;+$eqj;$w;$eq;+$eqj" alias -$eqbunny "-$eqj;$w;$eq;$w;-$eqj" alias $eqbunny_1 "bind space +$eqbunny;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Earthquake Bunny;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$eqbunnyset1" alias $eqbunny_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$eqbunnyset0" alias $eqbunny_t "$eqbunny_1" //End Of Jumping Aliases //Money Increaser alias $money_1 "chooseteam;wait;$ms1;wait;$ms0;wait;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;$d0;alias $money_ echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 1" alias $money_2 "chooseteam;wait;$ms2;wait;$ms0;wait;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;$d0;alias $money_ echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 2" alias $money_0 "chooseteam;wait;$ms5;wait;$ms0;wait;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;$d0;alias $money_ echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 0" alias $money_ "echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 0" //End Of Money Increaser //Aiming Aliases alias +$nonup "+lookdown;$w;+lookdown;$w;+lookup;$w;+lookdown" alias -$nonup "-lookdown;$w;-lookdown;$w;-lookup;$w;-lookdown" alias +$spread "-mlook;$w;$nospread" alias -$spread "+mlook;$w;$nospread" alias +$koraim "+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;+attack" alias -$koraim "-attack" alias +$nxshotsil "+$koraim;impulse 100" alias -$nxshotsil "-$koraim;impulse 100" alias +$nxhead "+$setsens;wait;+speed;wait;+moveup;wait;+$nxaim" alias -$nxhead "-$setsens;wait;-speed;wait;-moveup;wait;-$nxaim" alias +$nxhead2 "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxhead2 "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxmasta "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxmasta "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxshtpwn "-reload;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxshtpwn "-attack;wait;-attack;+reload;wait;wait;-reload" alias +$setsens "sensitivity 1.0" alias -$setsens "sensitivity 5.0" alias +$nxaim "+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxaim "-attack" alias $naimac "$naim;bind del $naimkapa;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Firing Enabled;$d0" alias $naimkapa "$anaim;bind del $naimac;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Firing Disabled;$d0" alias $naim +attack alias $anaim -attack alias $bnaimac "$bnaim;bind end $bnaimkapa;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Special Attack Enabled;$d0" alias $bnaimkapa "$abnaim;bind end $bnaimac;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Special Attack Disabled;$d0" alias $bnaim +attack2 alias $abnaim -attack2 alias $aimon "bind mouse1 +$koraim ;bind ins $aimoff" alias $aimoff "bind mouse1 +attack ;bind ins $aimon" //End Of Aiming Aliases //Respawn Cheat alias $revive "$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawning as Random;$d0;chooseteam;$ms6;$ms5;$ms5;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Randomized;$d0" alias +$revive_t "$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawning as Terrorist;$d0;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Terorist;$d0" alias +$revive_ct "$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawning as Counter-Terrorist;$d0;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Ct;$d0" alias -$revive_t "$ms5" alias -$revive_ct "$ms5" //End Of Respawn Cheat //Spawn in enemy base alias +$nbase_t "chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5" alias -$nbase_t "$ms5;wait;$ms5;wait;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Terrorist in CT Base;$d0" alias +$nbase_ct "chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5" alias -$nbase_ct "$ms5;wait;$ms5;wait;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as CT in Terrorist Base;$d0" alias $nbase_r "chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms5;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms5;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms5;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Randomized in Randomized Base;$d0"" //End Of Spawn in enemy base //No Ammo Hack alias $ammo "$ammo_1" alias $do "+attack;lastinv;lastinv;wait;wait;wait;wait;-attack" alias $ammo_1 "bind mouse1 $do;$d1;echo [NukedX] No Ammo On;$d0;alias $ammo $ammo_0;alias $ammo_ echo [NukedX] $ammo_ is : 1" alias $ammo_0 "-attack;bind mouse1 +attack;$d1;echo [NukedX] No Ammo Off;$d0;alias $ammo $ammo_1;alias $ammo_ echo [NukedX] $ammo_ is : 0" alias $ammo_ "echo [NukedX] $ammo_ is : 0" //End Of No Ammo Hack //Configuration Of HL CVARS alias $speeds "cl_forwardspeed 600;cl_sidespeed 600;cl_yawspeed 999999;cl_backspeed 600;cl_upspeed 999999;cl_minmodels 999999;cl_dynamiccrosshair 0" alias $himodeds "cl_himodels 999999;cl_solid_players 999999;cl_observercrosshair 999999;cl_showfps 999999;cl_timeout 999999.233;hud_takesshots 999999;fastsprites 1;hud_fastswitch 999999" alias $mycheats "$speeds;$himodeds;$d1;echo [NukedX] NukedX HL/CS CVARS LOADED Succesfully.;$d0" //End Of Configuration //Statsme bug alias $statsme "statsme_menu root" //End Of statsme bug //End Of hacks //NukedX Server List //no won servers alias $frcs "connect" alias $jpcs "connect" alias $hlpd1 "connect cs.pdclan.org:27015" alias $hlpd2 "connect cs2.pdclan.org:27015" alias $gpcs "connect cs.griport.com:27015" alias $icss "connect" alias $trconcs "connect" alias $zoner3 "connect" alias $zoner2 "connect" alias $zoner1 "connect" alias $fgcs "connect" alias $rics "connect" alias $kbcs "connect" alias $btcs "connect" alias $brcs "connect" //End Of Others //Con Colors Colorized Consoles :p alias $color_20 "con_color 255+155+50;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Default HL;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 20" alias $color_19 "con_color 110+110+333+0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: New OGC;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 19" alias $color_18 "con_color 128+255+0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Green 2;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 18" alias $color_17 "con_color 223+240+19;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Yellow;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 17" alias $color_16 "con_color 255+255+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: White;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 16" alias $color_15 "con_color 225+215+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Silver;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 15" alias $color_14 "con_color 32+218+227;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Gear Blue;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 14" alias $color_13 "con_color 157+236+70;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Peanut Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 13" alias $color_12 "con_color 253+53+53;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Flame Red;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 12" alias $color_11 "con_color 62+255+51;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Gear Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 11" alias $color_10 "con_color 155+120+100;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Gray;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 10" alias $color_9 "con_color 130+130+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Ice Blue;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 9" alias $color_8 "con_color 333+150+000;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Dark Orange;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 8" alias $color_7 "con_color 321+231+132;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Tan;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 7" alias $color_6 "con_color 280+111+369;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Light Purple;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 6" alias $color_5 "con_color 179+179+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: NukedX Special;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 5" alias $color_4 "con_color 274+084+198;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Pink Red;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 4" alias $color_3 "con_color 222+200+000;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Neon Orange;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 3" alias $color_2 "con_color 175+255+45;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Hi-Tech Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 2" alias $color_1 "con_color 128+255+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: New Sky Blue;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 1" alias $color_0 "con_color 000+255+000;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 0" alias $contog_inc "$con2" alias $contog_dec "$con0" alias $con20 "alias $contog_inc $con0;$color_20;alias $contog_dec $con19" alias $con19 "alias $contog_inc $con20;$color_19;alias $contog_dec $con18" alias $con18 "alias $contog_inc $con19;$color_18;alias $contog_dec $con17" alias $con17 "alias $contog_inc $con18;$color_17;alias $contog_dec $con16" alias $con16 "alias $contog_inc $con17;$color_16;alias $contog_dec $con15" alias $con15 "alias $contog_inc $con16;$color_15;alias $contog_dec $con14" alias $con14 "alias $contog_inc $con15;$color_14;alias $contog_dec $con13" alias $con13 "alias $contog_inc $con14;$color_13;alias $contog_dec $con12" alias $con12 "alias $contog_inc $con13;$color_12;alias $contog_dec $con11" alias $con11 "alias $contog_inc $con12;$color_11;alias $contog_dec $con10" alias $con10 "alias $contog_inc $con11;$color_10;alias $contog_dec $con9" alias $con9 "alias $contog_inc $con10;$color_9;alias $contog_dec $con8" alias $con8 "alias $contog_inc $con9;$color_8;alias $contog_dec $con7" alias $con7 "alias $contog_inc $con8;$color_7;alias $contog_dec $con6" alias $con6 "alias $contog_inc $con7;$color_6;alias $contog_dec $con5" alias $con5 "alias $contog_inc $con6;$color_5;alias $contog_dec $con4" alias $con4 "alias $contog_inc $con5;$color_4;alias $contog_dec $con3" alias $con3 "alias $contog_inc $con4;$color_3;alias $contog_dec $con2" alias $con2 "alias $contog_inc $con3;$color_2;alias $contog_dec $con1" alias $con1 "alias $contog_inc $con2;$color_1;alias $contog_dec $con0" alias $con0 "alias $contog_inc $con1;$color_0;alias $contog_dec $con20" //End of Colorized Console //Server Screwing alias $sersc "setinfo name SuxToBe%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%." alias $sersc2 "cmd name Server%Was%Got%A%Screw%From%NukedX" //End Of Server Screwing //Alias For Team Say Reloading alias +$reload1 "+reload;wait;say_team Team Cover Me. Im Reloading..."  alias -$reload1 "-reload" alias $rel_1 "bind r +$reload1;alias $reltog $rel_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Reload Option: NukedX Reload;$d0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rel_ echo [NukedX] $rel_ is : 1" alias $rel_0 "bind r +reload;alias $reltog $rel_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Reload Option: Normal Reload;$d0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rel_ echo [NukedX] $rel_ is : 0" alias $reltog "$rel_1" $rel_0 //End Of Reloading //Quick bomb planter / Defuser alias $defset1 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 1;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 0" alias $defset0 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 0;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 0" alias $plantset1 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 0;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 1" alias $plantset0 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 0;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 0" alias $defuse_1 "bind j +$defuse1;alias $deftog $defuse_0;alias $plantog $plant_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Defuser on J button;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$defset1" alias $defuse_0 "bind j cheer;alias $deftog $defuse_1;alias $plantog $plant_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Blank;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$defset0" alias $deftog "$defuse_1" alias $plant_1 "bind j +$bomb;alias $plantog $plant_0;alias $deftog $defuse_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Planter on J Button;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$plantset1" alias $plant_0 "bind j cheer;alias $plantog $plant_1;alias $deftog $defuse_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Blank;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$plantset0" alias $plantog "$plant_1" alias +$bombtime "$nop" alias -$bombtime "$bombtime" alias +$bomb "weapon_c4;wait;+duck;wait;+attack;wait;say_team Cover Me Im Planting Bomb;radio1;wait;$ms1;+$bombtime" alias -$bomb "-duck;wait;-attack;wait;$ms0;$ms0;-$bombtime" alias $c4 "+$bomb" alias $ac4 "+$defuse1" alias "+$defuse1" "+use;wait;say_team Cover me Im Trying defuse the bomb.;radio1;wait;$ms1" alias "-$defuse1" "-use;wait;$ms0"    //End Of Planter / DEfuser //Name Toggle alias $nametog "$namet_0" alias $namet_0 "$name_0;alias $nametog $namet_1" alias $namet_1 "$name_1;alias $nametog $namet_2" alias $namet_2 "$name_2;alias $nametog $namet_3" alias $namet_3 "$name_3;alias $nametog $namet_4" alias $namet_4 "$name_4;alias $nametog $namet_5" alias $namet_5 "$name_5;alias $nametog $namet_6" alias $namet_6 "$name_6;alias $nametog $namet_7" alias $namet_7 "$name_7;alias $nametog $namet_8" alias $namet_8 "$name_8;alias $nametog $namet_9" alias $namet_9 "$name_9;alias $nametog $namet_10" alias $namet_10 "$name_10;alias $nametog $namet_0" //Menuselecters alias "$ms1" "menuselect 1" alias "$ms2" "menuselect 2" alias "$ms3" "menuselect 3" alias "$ms4" "menuselect 4" alias "$ms5" "menuselect 5" alias "$ms6" "menuselect 6" alias "$ms7" "menuselect 7" alias "$ms8" "menuselect 8" alias "$ms9" "menuselect 9" alias "$ms0" "slot10;wait;wait;slot10;slot10;wait;wait;slot10;slot10;wait;wait;slot10;slot10;wait;wait;slot10" //End Of Menuselecters //ToKnife Options alias $toknife "$nop" alias $toknife_1 "$d1;echo [NukedX] BuyBot: OGC Style Switch To Knife Mode Enabled;$d0;alias $toknife $kop;alias $toknife_t $toknife_0;alias $toknife_ echo [NukedX] $toknife_ : 1" alias $toknife_0 "$d1;echo [NukedX] BuyBot: OGC Style Switch To Knife Mode Disabled;$d0;alias $toknife $nop;alias $toknife_t $toknife_1;alias $toknife echo [NukedX] $toknife_ : 0" alias $toknife_t "$toknife_1" alias $nop alias $kop "wait;weapon_knife" //Alias For Easy Buying Weapons alias +$deagle "buy;$ms1;$ms3;$ms0" alias -$deagle "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$mp5 "buy;$ms3;$ms1;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought a mp5navy" alias -$mp5 "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$teambest "buy;$ms4;$ms2;$ms0;$ms0;$ms4;$ms4;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought a Team Best: SG552/AUG" alias -$teambest "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$teamrifle "buy;$ms4;$ms3;$ms0;$ms0;buy;$ms4;$ms1;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought a Team Rifle: M4A1 Colt/AK47" alias -$teamrifle "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$sniper "buy;$ms4;$ms6;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought an AW/M" alias -$sniper "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$ammo1 "buy;$ms6;$ms0;$ms0" alias -$ammo1 "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$ammo2 "buy;$ms7;$ms0;$ms0" alias -$ammo2 "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$koruma "buy;$ms8;$ms2;$ms0" alias -$koruma "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$flashbomb "buy;$ms8;$ms3;$ms0" alias -$flashbomb "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$bomba "buy;$ms8;$ms4;$ms0" alias -$bomba "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$smoke "buy;$ms8;$ms5;$ms0" alias -$smoke "$ms0;$toknife" //End of Easy buying weapons alias $cvarlist "$ammo_;$awp_;$bombtype_;$color_;$defuse_;$devcom_;$duck_;$echos_;$eqbunny_;$fastwalk_;$gl_;$glow_;$jump_;$money_;$norecoil_;$nxwall_;$plant_;$rate_;$rec_;$rel_;$sniper_;$toknife_;$va_;$wpn_;$wwclw_" alias $help "exec nukedx/nxecho.cfg" //developers alias $d1 "developer 1" alias $d0 "developer 0" alias $dev1 "$d1" alias $dev0 "$d0" alias $echos_1 "developer 1;alias $d1 $nop;alias $d0 $nop;alias $b1 $nop;alias $b0 $nop;alias $echos_ echo [NukedX] $echos_ is : 1" alias $echos_0 "developer 0;alias $d1 $nop;alias $d0 $nop;alias $b1 $nop;alias $b0 $nop;alias $echos_ echo [NukedX] $echos_ is : 0" alias $echos_ "echo [NukedX] $echos_ is : 0" //end of developers //NukedX's Special d3d Config alias $gl_0 "vid_d3d 1;gl_d3dflip 1;gl_polyoffset -0.001;alias $gl_ echo [NukedX] $gl_ is : 0" alias $gl_1 "vid_d3d 0;gl_d3dflip 0;gl_polyoffset 0.1;alias $gl_ echo [NukedX] $gl_ is : 1" //end of Nukedx's Special d3d Config // syntax of avadd : // first param -> 0=stand, 1=duck // second param -> height // third param -> forward // last param -> right // randomized aiming alias humaim0 "randmax 0; init aimr humaim0;alias humaim humaim1; txt *** Randomized aiming turned OFF ***" alias humaim1 "randmax 5; init aimr humaim1;alias humaim humaim0; txt *** Randomized aiming turned ON ***" humaim0 // smooth aiming alias smooth0 "smooth 0; init aims smooth0;alias smooth_t smooth1; txt *** Smooth aiming turned OFF ***" alias smooth1 "smooth 5; init aims smooth1;alias smooth_t smooth0; txt *** Smooth aiming turned ON ***" smooth0 alias n4 "echo Once a Mouse Mode is changed it is set to that, if you need to change it hit ~ and type rbf89" alias hson2 "bind mouse1 +hson;bind f10 hson3;devon;echo HeadShot = On;devoff;hsdto1" alias hson3 "bind mouse1 +hsoff;bind f10 hson2;decon;echo HeadShot = Off;devoff;hsdto2" alias +awpshoot "+attack" alias -awpshoot "-attack; wait; wait; slot2" alias awpshoot_aus "alias awp_tg awpshoot_an; bind mouse1 +attack; developer 1; echo AWP-Shoot AUS" alias awpshoot_an "alias awp_tg awpshoot_aus; bind mouse1 +awpshoot; developer 1; echo AWP-Shoot AN" alias "awp_tg" "awpshoot_an" alias SIR3 "avadd 0 20 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimSupreme "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR3; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- Supreme;" // Tylers Aim Vector 4 alias lostsoulaimvec4 "avadd 0 19.5 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias lostsoulaim4 "avclear;avadd 0 19.35 7.1 2;avadd 1 17.05 1.95 3.95;lostsoulaimvec4;init 0 lostsoulaim4;txt *** Aim 4: NH-|ostsou| ***" //2-Shot-Burst-Fire-Head //SIR-Aim 2-Shot alias SIR5 "avadd 0 21 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIR6 "avadd 0 19 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 15 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimTS "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR5;SIR6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- 2-Shot;" //sargent: head alias SargentHead1 "avadd 0 21 7 2 ;avadd 1 23 7 3" alias SargentHead "avclear;SargentHead1;init 0 HeadBunny;txt sargent: head;" //SIR-smoke alias SIR9 "avadd 0 23 6 2.7 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 2 3.7 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRsmoke "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR9; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- smoke;" //gift: shot alias GiftShot "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 20.15 7.5 1.45; avadd 1 23.5 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: shot" //gift: money alias GiftMoney "avclear 0; avadd 1; avadd 0 21.85 6.5 1.40; avadd 1 24 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: money"   //gift: whore alias GiftWhore "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 21.95 6.5 2.8; avadd 1 18 3 4; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: whore"   //silentscope alias silent "avclear 0; avadd 0 23 7 -6; avadd 1 27 0 6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt silentx"   / color alias color_ogc "color terror 255 40 40 255 counter 40 80 255 255 special 155 155 155 255 target 102 204 51 255 text 50 100 255 255 hud 255 160 0 0;color_ogc2" alias color_ogc2 "hud 0;color sound 68 68 255 255 bombtimer 255 40 40 255 systime 255 255 255 255 esp 255 255 0 255 back 0 0 0 128 radar1 80 50 30 110 radar2 10 10 10 55" alias color_new "color terror 255 255 0 255 counter 50 80 255 255 special 200 200 200 255 target 255 80 80 255 text 200 120 50 255 sound 200 99 99 255;color_new2" alias color_new2 "hud 1;color bombtimer 200 120 50 255 systime 100 100 255 255 esp 70 80 70 255 back 0 0 20 128 radar1 30 50 150 150 radar2 10 10 50 100 hud 130 130 255 0" alias color_1 "color_ogc;alias color_t color_2;init 2 color_1;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC" alias color_2 "color_new;alias color_t color_1;init 2 color_2;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC-new" color_1   //new aiming (zer0) alias zbaddass "avadd 0 20 9 4" alias zbaddass2 "avadd 1 17 2 4" alias zbadass3 "avadd 0 22 5 4;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6; avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zero1  "avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6;avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zbadass4 "avadd 1 26 3 3;avadd 1 13 -2 -5;avadd 1 11 -5 8;avadd 1 -21 0 -8;avadd 1 -19 -16 5" alias zbaddass5 "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd alias zbaddpair1 "zbaddass;zbaddass2;zbadass3;zero1;zbadass4;zbaddass5" alias zbadassdone "zbaddpair1; txt z_Bad-Ass Aiming Loaded" alias zeroheadSD "avadd 0 22 5 4 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 26 3 3 13 -2 -5 11 -5 8 -21 0 -8 -19 -16 5" alias zeroHead "avclear;zeroheadSD;init 0 zeroHead; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;txt *^*zer0s Secret-Aiming (you^will^own)*^*"    //4c1ds alias 4c1dh34daim1 "avadd 0 20.7 8.01 3.6; avadd 1 22.4 6.01 3.6" alias 4c1dh34daim2 "avadd 0 20.7 8.3 0.8; avadd 1 22.5 6.2 0.8" alias 4c1d1337aim "avclear;4c1dh34daim1;4c1dh34daim2; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup; txt --| 1337 Aim |--"   //[JAPS]~Stoner4Life~ alias omfg "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 25 6 3;avadd 0 25 6 -3;avadd 0 25 6 2;avadd 0 25 6 -2;avadd 0 25 6 1;avadd 0 25 6 -1;avadd 0 25 6 0;avadd 0 25 6 4;avadd 0 25 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 7.5;avadd 0 21 6 -7.5;avadd 0 22 6 7.5;avadd 0 22 6 -7.5" alias omfg1 "avadd 0 24 6 0;avadd 0 24 6 1;avadd 0 24 6 -1;avadd 0 24 6 2;avadd 0 24 6 -2;avadd 0 24 6 3;avadd 0 24 6 -3;avadd 0 24 6 4;avadd 0 24 6 -4;avadd 0 24 6 5;avadd 0 24 6 -5;avadd 0 24 6 6;avadd 0 24 6 -6;avadd 0 24.5 6 0" alias omfg2 "avadd 0 24.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg3 "avadd 0 23 6 0;avadd 0 23 6 1;avadd 0 23 6 -1;avadd 0 23 6 2;avadd 0 23 6 -2;avadd 0 23 6 3;avadd 0 23 6 -3;avadd 0 23 6 4;avadd 0 23 6 -4;avadd 0 23 6 5;avadd 0 23 6 -5;avadd 0 23 6 6;avadd 0 23 6 -6;avadd 0 23.5 6 0" alias omfg4 "avadd 0 23.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg5 "avadd 0 22 6 0;avadd 0 22 6 1;avadd 0 22 6 -1;avadd 0 22 6 2;avadd 0 22 6 -2;avadd 0 22 6 3;avadd 0 22 6 -3;avadd 0 22 6 4;avadd 0 22 6 -4;avadd 0 22 6 5;avadd 0 22 6 -5;avadd 0 22 6 6;avadd 0 22 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 8;avadd 0 21.5 6 -8" alias omfg6 "avadd 0 22.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg7 "avadd 0 21 6 0;avadd 0 21 6 1;avadd 0 21 6 -1;avadd 0 21 6 2;avadd 0 21 6 -2;avadd 0 21 6 3;avadd 0 21 6 -3;avadd 0 21 6 4;avadd 0 21 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 5;avadd 0 21 6 -5;avadd 0 21 6 6;avadd 0 21 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 0;avadd 0 22.5 6 0" alias omfg8 "avadd 0 21.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg9 "avadd 0 20 6 0;avadd 0 20 6 1;avadd 0 20 6 -1;avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 20 6 -2;avadd 0 20 6 3;avadd 0 20 6 -3;avadd 0 20 6 4;avadd 0 20 6 -4;avadd 0 20 6 5;avadd 0 20 6 -5;avadd 0 20 6 6;avadd 0 20 6 -6;avadd 0 20.5 6 0" alias omfg0 "avadd 0 20.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -1.5" alias omfga "avadd 0 19 6 0;avadd 0 19 6 1;avadd 0 19 6 -1;avadd 0 19 6 2;avadd 0 19 6 -2;avadd 0 19 6 3;avadd 0 19 6 -3;avadd 0 19 6 4;avadd 0 19 6 -4;avadd 0 19 6 5;avadd 0 19 6 -5;avadd 0 19 6 6;avadd 0 19 6 -6;avadd 0 19.5 6 0" alias omfgb "avadd 0 19.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgc "avadd 0 18 6 0;avadd 0 18 6 1;avadd 0 18 6 -1;avadd 0 18 6 2;avadd 0 18 6 -2;avadd 0 18 6 3;avadd 0 18 6 -3;avadd 0 18 6 4;avadd 0 18 6 -4;avadd 0 18 6 5;avadd 0 18 6 -5;avadd 0 18 6 6;avadd 0 18 6 -6;avadd 0 18.5 6 0" alias omfgd "avadd 0 18.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgD "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 0 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 19.3 4;avadd 1 -20 -6 6;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 3 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 23 6 0;avadd 1 22 6 0" alias omfghead " omfg; omfg1; omfg2; omfg3; omfg4; omfg5; omfg6; omfg7; omfg8; omfg9; omfg0; omfga; omfgb; omfgc; omfgd; omfgD; recoil 2.0; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt [JAPS]~Stoner4Life Head"   / Zyplayynca Ayaklary Yukary Зekme alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck" " // Zyplayarak Yanly?lykla Aзylan Menьleri Kapatma alias clmenu "waitlg; waitlg; waitlg" alias waitlg "wait; slot10; wait; slot10; wait; slot10" alias +jumpclr "+jump; clmenu" alias -jumpclr "-jump" bind "space" "+jumpclr"   //Anti-Recoil script by ERASER alias dev1 "developer 1" alias dev0 "developer 0" alias att "+attack" alias +on "+attack; +lookdown" alias -on "-attack; -lookdown" alias em "" alias antion "bind kp_leftarrow antioff; wait;bind = podbotmenu; bind mouse1 r0; wait; bind = r0; wait; bind - r0; wait; bind mwheelup r0; wait; bind mwheeldown r0; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil ENABLED; dev1" alias antioff "bind mouse1 +attack; wait; bind = em; wait; bind - em; wait; bind mwheelup em; wait; bind mwheeldown em; wait; bind kp_rightarrow antion; wait; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil DISABLED; dev1"   dev1; echo ================================================== =============== echo Press Keypad 4 To enable/disable Nobob. echo Press Keypad 6 To enable/disable Anti-Recoil. echo Press +/- or mousewheelup/mousewheeldown to adjust Recoil Speeds. echo ================================================== ===============; dev1   alias cl0 "cl_pitchspeed 0" alias cl1 "cl_pitchspeed 0.5" alias cl2 "cl_pitchspeed 1" alias cl3 "cl_pitchspeed 1.5" alias cl4 "cl_pitchspeed 2" alias cl5 "cl_pitchspeed 2.5" alias cl6 "cl_pitchspeed 3" alias cl7 "cl_pitchspeed 3.5" alias cl8 "cl_pitchspeed 4" alias cl9 "cl_pitchspeed 4.5" alias cl10 "cl_pitchspeed 5" alias cl11 "cl_pitchspeed 5.5" alias cl12 "cl_pitchspeed 6" alias cl13 "cl_pitchspeed 6.5" alias cl14 "cl_pitchspeed 7" alias cl15 "cl_pitchspeed 7.5" alias cl16 "cl_pitchspeed 8" alias cl17 "cl_pitchspeed 8.5" alias cl18 "cl_pitchspeed 9" alias cl19 "cl_pitchspeed 9.5" alias cl20 "cl_pitchspeed 10"   alias ec0 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |--------------------|; dev1" alias ec1 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*-------------------|; dev1" alias ec2 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |**------------------|; dev1" alias ec3 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |***-----------------|; dev1" alias ec4 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |****----------------|; dev1" alias ec5 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*****---------------|; dev1" alias ec6 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |******--------------|; dev1" alias ec7 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*******-------------|; dev1" alias ec8 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |********------------|; dev1" alias ec9 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*********-----------|; dev1" alias ec10 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |**********----------|; dev1" alias ec11 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |***********---------|; dev1" alias ec12 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |************--------|; dev1" alias ec13 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*************-------|; dev1" alias ec14 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |**************------|; dev1" alias ec15 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |***************-----|; dev1" alias ec16 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |****************----|; dev1" alias ec17 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*****************---|; dev1" alias ec18 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |******************--|; dev1" alias ec19 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*******************-|; dev1" alias ec20 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |********************|; dev1"   alias r0 "ec0; cl0; bind mouse1 +attack; bind = r1; bind mwheelup r1" alias r1 "ec1; cl1; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r2; bind - r0; bind mwheelup r2; bind mwheeldown r0" alias r2 "ec2; cl2; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r3; bind - r1; bind mwheelup r3; bind mwheeldown r1" alias r3 "ec3; cl3; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r4; bind - r2; bind mwheelup r4; bind mwheeldown r2" alias r4 "ec4; cl4; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r5; bind - r3; bind mwheelup r5; bind mwheeldown r3" alias r5 "ec5; cl5; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r6; bind - r4; bind mwheelup r6; bind mwheeldown r4" alias r6 "ec6; cl6; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r7; bind - r5; bind mwheelup r7; bind mwheeldown r5" alias r7 "ec7; cl7; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r8; bind - r6; bind mwheelup r8; bind mwheeldown r6" alias r8 "ec8; cl8; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r9; bind - r7; bind mwheelup r9; bind mwheeldown r7" alias r9 "ec9; cl9; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r10; bind - r8; bind mwheelup r10; bind mwheeldown r8" alias r10 "ec10; cl10; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r11; bind - r9; bind mwheelup r11; bind mwheeldown r9" alias r11 "ec11; cl11; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r12; bind - r10; bind mwheelup r12; bind mwheeldown r10" alias r12 "ec12; cl12; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r13; bind - r11; bind mwheelup r13; bind mwheeldown r11" alias r13 "ec13; cl13; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r14; bind - r12; bind mwheelup r14; bind mwheeldown r12" alias r14 "ec14; cl14; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r15; bind - r13; bind mwheelup r15; bind mwheeldown r13" alias r15 "ec15; cl15; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r16; bind - r14; bind mwheelup r16; bind mwheeldown r14" alias r16 "ec16; cl16; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r17; bind - r15; bind mwheelup r17; bind mwheeldown r15" alias r17 "ec17; cl17; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r18; bind - r16; bind mwheelup r18; bind mwheeldown r16" alias r18 "ec18; cl18; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r19; bind - r17; bind mwheelup r19; bind mwheeldown r17" alias r19 "ec19; cl19; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r20; bind - r18; bind mwheelup r20; bind mwheeldown r18" alias r20 "ec20; cl20; bind mouse1 +on; bind - r19; bind mwheeldown r19" bind kp_rightarrow "antion" alias antioff "bind mouse1 +attack; wait; bind = em; wait; bind - em; wait; bind mwheelup em; wait; bind mwheeldown em; wait; bind kp_rightarrow antion; wait; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil DISABLED; dev1" gl_polyoffset "5000" bind kp_leftarrow "antioff"   echo echo ----------------------------------------------------------- echo The New Spectator Hack 2.0 Loaded! echo Made by ERASER echo----------------------------------------------------------- echo // KEY BINDS bind "del" "tersspex" bind "ins" "countsspex" bind "home" "rasdomspex" // WEAPON OPTION *** Not working @ 1.5 *** // USP = USP with 60 rounds. // GlockHE = Glock 18 with 110 rounds + HE grenade. // Deagle = Desert Eagle with 28 rounds. // P228 = P228 with 65 rounds. // FiveSeven = FiveSeven with 40 rounds. CT Only. alias Wapenoptie "GlockHE2" // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE alias i "wait"   alias devon "developer 1" alias devoff "developer 0" alias clear "slot10; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; slot10" alias tersspex "kill; chooseteam; menuselect 6; chooseteam; menuselect 1; menuselect 1; devon; echo The New Spectator Hack / Terrorist Team; devoff; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; clear; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; Wapenoptie; devon" alias countsspex "kill; chooseteam; menuselect 6; chooseteam; menuselect 2; menuselect 2; devon; echo The New Spectator Hack / Counter-Terrorist Team; devoff; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; clear; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i;Wapenoptie; devon" alias rasdomspex "kill; chooseteam; menuselect 6; chooseteam; menuselect 5; menuselect 5; devon; echo The New Spectator Hack / Random Team; devoff; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i;clear; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i;Wapenoptie; devon" alias USP "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 1; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias GlockHE "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyequip; menuselect 4" alias GlockHE2 "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyequip; menuselect 4" alias Deagle "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias P228 "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 4; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias FiveSeven "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 6; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"   // -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias rifle-a "avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3.00" alias rifle-b "avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4.00" alias riflesetup "recoil 1.72;txt |[ R|fLe ]|" alias riflevec "avclear;rifle-a;rifle-b;riflesetup"   alias smg-a "avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3.00" alias smg-b "avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4.00" alias smgsetup "recoil 1.55;txt |[ S.m.G ]|" alias smgvec "avclear;smg-a;smg-b;smgsetup"   alias sniper-a "avadd 0 23.06 3.43 3.22;avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4.00" alias sniper-b "avadd 2 15.53 8.56 2.41;avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4.00" alias snipersetup "recoil 1.35;txt |[ Sn|pEr ]|" alias snipervec "avclear;sniper-a;sniper-b;snipersetup"   alias pistol-a "avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4.00" alias pistol-b "avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4.00" alias pistolsetup "recoil 0.03;txt |[ P|sToL ]|" alias pistolvec "avclear;pistol-a;pistol-b;pistolsetup"   // Sig -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias sig-a "avadd 0 20.698 5.87 3.29" alias sig-b "avadd 1 26.74 4.56 4.21" alias sigsetup "recoil 1.65;txt |[ SiG ]|" alias sigvec "avclear;sig-a;sig-b;sigsetup"   // Colt -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias colt-a "avadd 0 20.76 6.89 4.02" alias colt-b "avadd 1 25.7 4.56 4.5" alias coltsetup "recoil 1.65;txt |[ CoLt ]|" alias coltvec "avclear;colt-a;colt-b;coltsetup"   // Aug -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias aug-a "avadd 0 21.12 5.85 3.29" alias aug-b "avadd 1 25.77 4.32 4.49" alias augsetup "recoil 1.55;txt |[ Aug ]|" alias augvec "avclear;aug-a;aug-b;augsetup"   // Ak47 -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias ak47-a "avadd 0 19.9 7.321 3.295" alias ak47-b "avadd 1 26.54 3.21 4.78" alias aksetup "recoil 1.85;txt |[ Ak-47 ]|" alias akvec "avclear;ak47-a;ak47-b;aksetup"   // Para -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias para-a "avadd 0 18.72 6.52 3.42" alias para-b "avadd 1 24.85 4.19 3.65" alias parasetup "recoil 1.55;txt |[ ParA ]|" alias paravec "avclear;para-a;para-b;parasetup"   // Scout -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias scout-a "avadd 0 22.72 6.542 2.31" alias scout-b "avadd 1 29.91 4.678 4.46" alias scoutsetup "recoil 1.75;txt |[ Sc0uT ]|" alias scoutvec "avclear;scout-a;scout-b;scoutsetup"   // Pistol -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias pistol2-a "avadd 0 21.50 7.61 3.916" alias pistol2-b "avadd 1 26.17 8.143 4.3" alias pistol2setup "recoil 1.95;txt |[ PiStoL ]|" alias pistolvec2 "avclear;pistol2-a;pistol2-b;pistol2setup"     // Sniper Alias' alias close "wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10" alias TSR "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; close; buy; menuselect 6" alias THG "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; close; buy; menuselect 7" alias TSRTHGGun "TSR; THG; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; close"   //AUTO VECS SETTINGS// alias vec-pis     "jumpaim 1;pistolvec" alias vec-deagle  "jumpaim 1;pistolvec" alias vec-xm1014  "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 18 5 0;avadd 1 23 5 0;recoil 2.5;txt |[ m3 ]|" alias vec-m3      "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 19 6 1;avadd 1 24 6 1;recoil 2;txt |[ Xm1014 ]|" alias vec-mp5     "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-tmp     "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-p90     "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-mac10   "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-ump45   "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-ak47    "jumpaim 0;akvec" alias vec-sg552   "jumpaim 0;sigvec" alias vec-m4a1    "jumpaim 1;riflevec" alias vec-aug     "jumpaim 0;augvec" alias vec-scout   "jumpaim 1;snipervec" alias vec-sg550   "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 22.3523 7.27 3.23432;avadd 1 26.54399 5.27 3.3432;recoil .22;txt |[ sG550 ]|" alias vec-g3sg1   "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 22.3523 7.27 3.23432;avadd 1 26.54399 5.27 3.3432;recoil .15;txt |[ g3sG1 ]|" alias vec-awp     "jumpaim 1;snipervec" alias vec-m249    "jumpaim 0;paravec" alias vec-knife   "jumpaim 0;knifevec"   lias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 19.9 7.321 3.295;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.54 3.21 4.78;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 20.698 5.87 3.29;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.74 4.56 4.21;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.65;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23.06 3.43 3.22;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4;avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 15.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.35;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 19.9 7.321 3.295;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.54 3.21 4.78;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 20.698 5.87 3.29;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.74 4.56 4.21;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.65;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 3;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 3;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 0;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 0;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."     /Earth Quake Bunny Jump By ERASER alias #eq "+duck;#w;-duck" alias +#eqj "+jump" alias -#eqj "-jump" alias +#eqbunnyx "+#eqj;#w;#eq;#w;#eq;#w;+#eqj;#w;#eq;+#eqj" alias -#eqbunnyx "-#eqj;#w;#eq;#w;-#eqj" bind mwheelup "+#eqbunnyx" ??   --(JumP-DucK)--   alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"   --(Spriteblend)--   alias wpnview1 "wpoff" alias wpoff "gl_spriteblend 0; alias wpnview1 wpon" alias wpon "gl_spriteblend 1; alias wpnview1 wpoff"   ZэpLamA   alias w wait   alias auto_jone "+jump;w;-jump;w;" alias jaset " auto_jone;auto_   jone;auto_jone;   auto_jone" alias auto_jump_s1 "auto_jspeed" alias auto_jspeed "jaset"   alias +auto_jump "writecfg dude;fps_max 60;auto_jone;alias m_pitch auto_jump_s1;exec dude.cfg" alias -auto_jump "alias m_pitch;"   alias bhop.on "bind space +auto_jump;echo BunnyHop [ON];alias bhop.tog bhop.off" alias bhop.off "bind space +jump;echo BunnyHop [OFF];alias bhop.tog bhop.on" alias bhop.tog "bhop.off"   //////////////////BuNNy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ alias dev1 "developer 1" alias dev0 "developer 0" alias spwz "+jump; wait; -jump; wait" alias spwz1 "+right; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz" alias spwz2 "+left; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz" alias spwz3 "spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz"   // The BunnyHop alias mw1 "-moveright; +moveleft; spwz2; -left; spwz3; -moveleft" alias mw2 "-moveleft; +moveright; spwz1; -right; spwz3; -moveright" alias reb "reb1; reb2" // Switch Bind alias sb "sb1" alias sb1 "reb; alias sb sb2; dev1; echo BHOP: OFF!; dev0" alias sb1 "exec dv.cfg; alias sb sb1; dev1; echo BHOP: ON!; dev0"   // Crouch Jump Script // alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"   // Crouch Jump Modified Script // alias +cduck "-jump; wait; bind shift +jump; wait; +duck" alias -cduck "-duck; wait; bind shift +cjump"   alias $stpsnd "stopsound" alias ambient_level alias ambient_fade alias ati_subdiv alias ati_npatch alias bgmvolume alias bgmbuffer alias brightness alias bottomcolor alias bitmapfonts alias cam_command alias cam_idealyaw alias cam_idealdist alias cam_snapto alias chase_back alias chase_up alias chase_right alias chase_active alias com_filewarning alias con_fastmode alias con_notifytime alias con_trace alias c_maxdistance alias c_maxpitch alias c_maxyaw alias c_minpitch alias c_minyaw alias cl_allowdownload alias cl_allowupload alias cl_anglespeedkey alias cl_bob alias cl_bobcycle alias cl_bobup alias cl_cmdrate alias cl_dlmax alias cl_download_ingame alias cl_himodels alias cl_clockreset alias cl_idealpitchscale alias cl_resend alias cl_gaitestimation alias cl_latency alias cl_lc alias cl_lw alias cl_lb alias cl_forwardspeed alias cl_backspeed alias cl_sidespeed alias cl_pitchspeed alias cl_yawspeed alias cl_upspeed alias cl_movespeedkey alias cl_nopred alias cl_nodelta alias cl_needinstanced alias cl_nosmooth alias cl_pitchdown alias cl_pitchup alias cl_predict_players alias cl_showerror alias cl_showevents alias cl_showmessages alias cl_gibcount alias cl_giblife alias cl_minmodels alias cl_updaterate alias cl_showfps alias cl_rollspeed alias cl_rollangle alias cl_smoothtime alias cl_solid_players alias cl_timeout alias cl_vsmoothing alias cl_waterdist alias cl_chasedist alias cd_sound alias cd_fps alias cd_version alias console alias coop alias crosshair alias d_spriteskip alias d_mipcap alias d_subdiv16 alias d_mipscale alias displaysoundlist alias decalfrequency alias default_fov alias ex_correct alias ex_diminishextrap alias ex_extrapmax alias ex_interp alias ex_maxaccel alias ex_maxerrordistance alias ex_maxspeed alias ex_minvelocity alias fakelag alias fakeloss alias fastsprites alias fps_modem alias fps_max alias gamma alias gl_affinemodels alias gl_alphamin alias gl_clear alias gl_cull alias gl_d3dflip alias gl_dither alias gl_flashblend alias gl_flipmatrix alias gl_keeptjunctions alias gl_lightholes alias gl_max_size alias gl_monolights alias gl_nobind alias gl_nocolors alias gl_overbright alias gl_overdraw alias gl_palette_tex alias gl_picmip alias gl_playermip alias gl_polyoffset alias gl_reporttjunctions alias gl_round_down alias gl_spriteblend alias gl_wateramp alias graphheight alias gunsmoke alias host_killtime alias hpk_maxsize alias hud_capturemouse alias hud_draw alias hud_classautokill alias hud_deathnotice_time alias hud_drawhistory_time alias hud_saytext_time alias hud_centerid alias hisound alias joystick alias joyname alias joyadvanced alias joyadvaxisx alias joyadvaxisy alias joyadvaxisz alias joyadvaxisr alias joyadvaxisu alias joyadvaxisv alias joyforwardthreshold alias joysidethreshold alias joypitchthreshold alias joyyawthreshold alias joyforwardsensitivity alias joysidesensitivity alias joypitchsensitivity alias joyyawsensitivity alias joywwhack1 alias joywwhack2 alias lambert alias lightgamma alias loadas8bit alias lookstrafe alias lookspring alias m_forward alias m_side alias MP3Volume alias motdfile alias max_shells alias max_smokepuffs alias name alias net_graph alias net_graphwidth alias net_scale alias net_graphpos alias net_log alias net_showpackets alias net_showdrop alias net_chokeloop alias net_drawslider alias nosound alias precache alias r_luminance alias r_ambient_r alias r_ambient_b alias r_ambient_g alias r_aliastransbase alias r_aliastransadj alias r_maxsurfs alias r_numsurfs alias r_maxedges alias r_numedges alias r_draworder alias r_waterwarp alias r_lightstyle alias r_timegraph alias r_graphheight alias r_drawflat alias r_polymodelstats alias r_dspeeds alias r_reportsurfout alias r_reportedgeout alias r_bmodelhighfrac alias r_bmodelinterp alias r_cachestudio alias r_cullsequencebox alias r_decals alias r_drawentities alias r_drawviewmodel alias r_fullbright alias r_glowshellfreq alias r_lightmap alias r_mirroralpha alias r_mmx alias r_norefresh alias r_novis alias r_speeds alias r_traceglow alias r_wadtextures alias r_wateralpha alias room_delay alias room_feedback alias room_left alias room_lp alias room_mod alias room_off alias room_refl alias room_size alias room_type alias s_buffersize alias s_rolloff alias s_doppler alias s_distance alias s_automin_distance alias s_automax_distance alias s_min_distance alias s_max_distance alias s_2dvolume alias s_geometry alias s_leafnum alias s_blipdir alias s_refgain alias s_refdelay alias s_polykeep alias s_polysize alias s_numpolys alias s_showtossed alias s_usepvs alias s_bloat alias s_verbwet alias s_reverb alias s_occlude alias s_reflect alias s_materials alias s_occfactor alias s_occ_epsilon alias s_show alias s_a3d alias s_eax alias suitvolume alias snd_noextraupdate alias snd_show alias scr_centertime alias scr_ofsx alias scr_ofsy alias scr_ofsz alias scr_conspeed alias scr_centertime alias scr_printspeed alias scr_connectmsg alias scr_connectmsg1 alias scr_connectmsg2 alias showpause alias skill alias sv_allowdownload alias sv_failuretime alias sv_filterban alias sv_instancedbaseline alias sv_logrelay alias sv_maxunlag alias sv_maxupdaterate alias sv_maxvelocity alias sv_minupdaterate alias sv_newunit alias sv_skyname alias sv_spectatormaxspeed alias sv_timeout alias sv_unlag alias sv_unlagpush alias sv_unlagsamples alias sv_visiblemaxplayers alias sv_voicecodec alias sv_wateramp alias sys_ticrate alias texgamma alias topcolor alias tracerspeed alias traceroffset alias tracerlength alias tracerred alias tracergreen alias tracerblue alias traceralpha alias v_dark alias v_centermove alias v_centerspeed alias vgui_emulatemouse alias vid_d3d alias vid_wait alias viewsize alias violence_ablood alias violence_agibs alias violence_hblood alias violence_hgibs alias voice_eax alias voice_maxgain alias voice_avggain alias voice_scale alias voice_fadeouttime alias voice_profile alias voice_showchannels alias voice_showincoming alias voice_enable alias voice_showbanned alias voice_dsound alias voice_forcemicrecord alias voice_overdrive alias voice_overdrivefadetime alias voice_serverdebug alias voice_recordtofile alias voice_modenable alias voice_clientdebug alias volume alias _cl_autowepswitch alias _snd_mixahead   unbindall bind "CAPSLOCK" "+voicerecord" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "escape" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "*" "amx_tsay green Kisaltma Kufur Ban Sebebidir." bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "messagemode amx_chat" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "v" "+voicerecord" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "h" "say nextmap" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "F10" "amx_tsay green T GoReW." bind "F11" "amx_tsay red T GoReW." bind "F12" "amx_tsay yellow T GoReW." bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F9" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "@bunny" bind "MWHEELUP" "@bunny" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause"       --(Mouse Settings)--                           m_pitch                 "0.022" m_yaw                              "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side                               "0.8" m_filter                  "1.0" sensitivity              "2" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1"          // __________________ // --= ( Volume Control ) =-- // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.30000" MP3Volume          "0.200000" s_eax              "0.000000" s_a3d              "0.000000" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"   //////////////////KP Aktifkiрi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bind ] "exec kpbinds.cfg;developer 1;echo .;echo ..;echo ...;echo << KP Tuslari Yuklenmistir >>;developer 0;play fvox/activated" bind [ "unbind kp_downarrow;unbind kp_5;unbind kp_uparrow;unbind kp_end;unbind kp_leftarrow;unbind kp_home;unbind kp_pgdn;unbind kp_rightarrow;unbind kp_pgup;developer 1;echo .;echo ..;echo ...;echo << KP Tuslari Deaktif >>;developer 0;play fvox/deactivated"     //////////////////Saр el - Sol el\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bind "kp_Ins" "cl_righthand 0; echo << Silah sol ele alinmistir >>;play fvox/activated" bind "kp_del" "cl_righthand 1; echo << Silah sag ele alinmistir >>;play fvox/activated"   bind "F3" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu; menuselect 2;clmenu" bind "F4" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;clmenu" bind "F5" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu" bind "F6" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu" bind "F7" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu" bind "F8" "buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;buyequip; menuselect 5;buyequip; menuselect 3;buyequip; menuselect 3;buyequip; menuselect 7;buyequip; bind "mwheeldown" "+jump" bind "mwheelup" "+duck" name "player"   //White WallHack   alias "wws" "wws1;wws2;wws3;wws4;wws5" alias "wws1" "gl_max_size 128;gl_dither 1;gl_flipmatrix 0;gl_lightholes 1;gl_monolights 0" alias "wws2" "gl_overbright 0; gl_polyoffset 5000;gl_smoothmodels 1;gl_spriteblend 0" alias "wws3" "gl_cull 1;gl_palette_tex 0;gl_keeptjunctions 0 ;gl_wireframe 1; " alias "wws4" "gl_picmip 1;gl_playermip 1000;gl_round_down 6;gl_wateramp 0" alias "wws5" "gl_ztrick 1;gl_alphamin 0.25;r_dynamic 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;vid_wait 0;recwws" alias "recwws" "echo Reconnecting For Enabling Setting Of WhiteWall Hack;reconnect" bind F12 "wws"alias "wws" "wws1;wws2;wws3;wws4;wws5" alias "wws1" "gl_max_size 1;gl_dither 1;gl_flipmatrix 0;gl_lightholes 1;gl_monolights 0" alias "wws2" "gl_overbright 0; gl_polyoffset 5000;gl_smoothmodels 1;gl_spriteblend 0" alias "wws3" "gl_cull 1;gl_palette_tex 0;gl_keeptjunctions 0 ;gl_wireframe 1; " alias "wws4" "gl_picmip 1;gl_playermip 1000;gl_round_down 6;gl_wateramp 0" alias "wws5" "gl_ztrick 1;gl_alphamin 0.25;r_dynamic 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;vid_wait 0;recwws" alias "recwws" "echo Reconnecting For Enabling Setting Of WhiteWall Hack;reconnect   ////ECHO\\\\       echo    "           asilchild:)>     " wait wait wait wait   /// ____             _           ____ _____ _ _ /// / ___|___ _ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ / ___|_ _| __(_) | _____ /// | | / _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|___\___ \ | || '__| | |/ / _ \   /// | |__| (_) | |_| | | | | || __/ | |_____|__) || || | | | < __> /// \____\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_| |____/ |_||_| |_|_|\_\___| /// /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------     ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "TAB"       "+showscores ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ENTER"     "+attack ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ESCAPE"    "escape ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SPACE"     "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "'"         "+moveup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "+"         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ","         "buyammo1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "-"         "sizedown ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "."         "buyammo2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "/"         "+movedow ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlookn" bind "0"         "slot10 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "del"       "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "end"       "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "pgdn"      "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "1"         "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "2"         "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "3"         "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "4"         "slot4 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "5"         "slot5 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "6"         "slot6 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "7"         "slot7 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "8"         "slot8 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "9"         "slot9 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ";"         "+mlook ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "a"         "+moveleft" bind "b"         "buy ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "c"         "radio3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "d"         "+moveright" bind "e"         "+use ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "f"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "g"         "drop ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "h"         "+commandmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "i"         "showbriefing ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "k"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "m"         "chooseteam ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "n"         "nightvision ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "o"         "buyequip ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "q"         "lastinv ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "r"         "+reload ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "s"         "+back" bind "t"         "impulse 201 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "u"         "messagemode2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "w"         "+forward" bind "x"         "radio2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "y"         "messagemode ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "z"         "radio1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "podbotmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "["         "cl_righthand 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "]"         "cl_righthand 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "`"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "~"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ALT"       "+strafe ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SHIFT"     "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "CAPSLOCK"  "+speed ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Jump Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "space" "+jump;wait;-jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELDOWN"  "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELUP"    "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Buy Menu Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "F9"          "" bind "F10"         ""   bind "F11"         "" bind "F12"         ""   bind "UPARROW" "" bind "DOWNARROW" "" bind "LEFTARROW" "" bind "RIGHTARROW" ""   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair; sv_aim 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE3" "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   m_pitch              "0.022" m_yaw                     "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side               "0.8" m_filter             "1" sensitivity          "4" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Client ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   cl_solid_players    "1" cl_nopred           "0" cl_lw               "1" cl_lc               "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels         "0" cl_idealpitchscale  "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay       "180" cl_cmdbackup        "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame  "0" cl_max_size         "256" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload      "1" cl_cmdrate          "99999" cl_pitchspeed       "225" cl_upspeed          "400" cl_forwardspeed     "400" cl_backspeed        "400" cl_sidespeed        "400" cl_bob              "0" cl_bobcycle         "0.8" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.050" cl_showfps          "0" cl_rate             "999999" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate       "101" cl_righthand        "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.05" cl_timeout          "9999" cl_pitchup          "89" cl_pitchdown        "89" cl_logocolor        "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile         "skull"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Graphic ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic          "0" gl_polyoffset      "9999" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Misc ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   model              "1337" fps_max            "101" fps_modem          "0" developer          "0" max_smokepuffs     "200" max_shells         "50"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Violence ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   violence_ablood    "1" violence_hblood    "1" violence_agibs     "1" violence_hgibs     "1" mp_decals          "300"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hpk_maxsize        "0" viewsize           "120" d_spriteskip       "0" topcolor           "30" bottomcolor        "6" default_fov        "90" model              "gordon" +jlook +mlook ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sv ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ sv_aim             "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" sv_cheats          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ConsoL ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   console            "1" scr_conspeed       "99999999999999999999999" scr_centertime     "50" scr_connectmsg      "0" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹® ModeLs ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   r_bmodelhighfrac   "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic          "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha      "0" r_drawentities     "1" r_mmx              "1" r_decals           "300" r_wateralpha       "0" r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume              "0" hisound            "0" loadas8bit         "0" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.5" MP3Volume          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize            "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000" s_min_distance     "8" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1"   ambient_level      "0" voice_scale        "2" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable    "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________     ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Hud ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "10" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "1" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Net Graph ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   graphheight        "30" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "105" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Scr ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Gamma ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   lambert            "-1.5" texgamma           "0" lightgamma         "0" gamma              "9999.0000" brightness         "9999.0000" con_color               "244 249 89"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Auto Buy ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 2;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ATI ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1"   c_maxpitch "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_maxyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_minyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT"   bind "SHIFT" "+speed"   name "player"               ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "TAB"       "+showscores ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ENTER"     "+attack ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ESCAPE"    "escape ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SPACE"     "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "'"         "+moveup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "+"         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ","         "buyammo1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "-"         "sizedown ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "."         "buyammo2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "/"         "+movedow ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlookn" bind "0"         "slot10 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "del"       "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "end"       "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "pgdn"      "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "1"         "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "2"         "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "3"         "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "4"         "slot4 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "5"         "slot5 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "6"         "slot6 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "7"         "slot7 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "8"         "slot8 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "9"         "slot9 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ";"         "+mlook ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "a"         "+moveleft" bind "b"         "buy ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "c"         "radio3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "d"         "+moveright" bind "e"         "+use ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "f"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "g"         "drop ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "h"         "+commandmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "i"         "showbriefing ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "k"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "m"         "chooseteam ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "n"         "nightvision ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "o"         "buyequip ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "q"         "lastinv ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "r"         "+reload ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "s"         "+back" bind "t"         "impulse 201 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "u"         "messagemode2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "w"         "+forward" bind "x"         "radio2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "y"         "messagemode ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "z"         "radio1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "podbotmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "["         "cl_righthand 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "]"         "cl_righthand 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "`"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "~"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ALT"       "+strafe ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SHIFT"     "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "CAPSLOCK"  "+speed ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Jump Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "space" "+jump;wait;-jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELDOWN"  "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELUP"    "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Buy Menu Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "F9"          "" bind "F10"         ""   bind "F11"         "" bind "F12"         ""   bind "UPARROW" "" bind "DOWNARROW" "" bind "LEFTARROW" "" bind "RIGHTARROW" ""   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair; sv_aim 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE3" "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   m_pitch              "0.022" m_yaw                "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side               "0.8" m_filter             "1" sensitivity          "4" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Client ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   cl_solid_players    "1" cl_nopred           "0" cl_lw               "1" cl_lc               "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels         "0" cl_idealpitchscale  "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay       "180" cl_cmdbackup        "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame  "0" cl_max_size         "256" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload      "1" cl_cmdrate          "99999" cl_pitchspeed       "225" cl_upspeed          "400" cl_forwardspeed     "400" cl_backspeed        "400" cl_sidespeed        "400" cl_bob              "0" cl_bobcycle         "0.8" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.050" cl_showfps          "0" cl_rate             "999999" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate       "101" cl_righthand        "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.05" cl_timeout          "9999" cl_pitchup          "89" cl_pitchdown        "89" cl_logocolor        "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile         "skull"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Graphic ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "9999" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Misc ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   model              "1337" fps_max            "101" fps_modem          "0" developer          "0" max_smokepuffs     "200" max_shells         "50"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Violence ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   violence_ablood    "1" violence_hblood    "1" violence_agibs     "1" violence_hgibs     "1" mp_decals          "300"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hpk_maxsize        "0" viewsize           "120" d_spriteskip       "0" topcolor           "30" bottomcolor        "6" default_fov        "90" model              "gordon" +jlook +mlook ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sv ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ sv_aim             "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" sv_cheats          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ConsoL ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   console            "1" scr_conspeed       "99999999999999999999999" scr_centertime     "50" scr_connectmsg     "0" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹® ModeLs ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   r_bmodelhighfrac   "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic          "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha      "0" r_drawentities     "1" r_mmx              "1" r_decals           "300" r_wateralpha       "0" r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0" hisound            "0" loadas8bit         "0" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.5" MP3Volume          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat                "2" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000" s_min_distance     "8" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1"   ambient_level      "0" voice_scale        "2" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable    "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Hud ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "10" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "1" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Net Graph ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   graphheight        "30" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "105" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Scr ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Gamma ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   lambert            "-1.5" texgamma           "0" lightgamma         "0" gamma              "9999.0000" brightness         "9999.0000" con_color          "244 249 89"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Auto Buy ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 2;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ATI ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1"   c_maxpitch "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_maxyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_minyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT"   bind "SHIFT" "+speed"     name player   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "TAB"       "+showscores ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ENTER"     "+attack ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ESCAPE"    "escape ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SPACE"     "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "'"         "+moveup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "+"         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ","         "buyammo1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "-"         "sizedown ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "."         "buyammo2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "/"         "+movedow ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlookn" bind "0"         "slot10 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "del"       "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "end"       "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "pgdn"      "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "1"         "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "2"         "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "3"         "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "4"         "slot4 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "5"         "slot5 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "6"         "slot6 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "7"         "slot7 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "8"         "slot8 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "9"         "slot9 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ";"         "+mlook ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "a"         "+moveleft" bind "b"         "buy ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "c"         "radio3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "d"          "+moveright" bind "e"         "+use ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "f"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "g"         "drop ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "h"         "+commandmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "i"         "showbriefing ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "k"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "m"         "chooseteam ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "n"         "nightvision ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "o"          "buyequip ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "q"         "lastinv ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "r"         "+reload ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "s"         "+back" bind "t"         "impulse 201 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "u"         "messagemode2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "w"         "+forward" bind "x"         "radio2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "y"         "messagemode ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "z"         "radio1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "podbotmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "["         "cl_righthand 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "]"         "cl_righthand 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "`"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "~"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ALT"       "+strafe ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SHIFT"     "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "CAPSLOCK"  "+speed ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Jump Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "space" "+jump;wait;-jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELDOWN"  "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELUP"    "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Buy Menu Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "F9"          "" bind "F10"         ""   bind "F11"         "" bind "F12"         ""   bind "UPARROW" "" bind "DOWNARROW" "" bind "LEFTARROW" "" bind "RIGHTARROW" ""   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair; sv_aim 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE3" "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   m_pitch              "0.022" m_yaw                "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side               "0.8" m_filter             "1" sensitivity          "4" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Client ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   cl_solid_players    "1" cl_nopred           "0" cl_lw               "1" cl_lc               "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels         "0" cl_idealpitchscale  "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay       "180" cl_cmdbackup           "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame  "0" cl_max_size         "256" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload      "1" cl_cmdrate          "99999" cl_pitchspeed       "225" cl_upspeed          "400" cl_forwardspeed     "400" cl_backspeed        "400" cl_sidespeed        "400" cl_bob              "0" cl_bobcycle         "0.8" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.050" cl_showfps              "0" cl_rate             "999999" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate       "101" cl_righthand        "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.05" cl_timeout          "9999" cl_pitchup          "89" cl_pitchdown        "89" cl_logocolor        "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile         "skull"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Graphic ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "9999" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes           "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Misc ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   model              "1337" fps_max            "101" fps_modem          "0" developer            "0" max_smokepuffs     "200" max_shells         "50"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Violence ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   violence_ablood    "1" violence_hblood    "1" violence_agibs     "1" violence_hgibs     "1" mp_decals          "300"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hpk_maxsize        "0" viewsize           "120" d_spriteskip       "0" topcolor           "30" bottomcolor        "6" default_fov        "90" model              "gordon" +jlook +mlook ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sv ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ sv_aim             "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" sv_cheats          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ConsoL ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   console             "1" scr_conspeed       "99999999999999999999999" scr_centertime     "50" scr_connectmsg     "0" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹® ModeLs ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   r_bmodelhighfrac   "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic          "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha      "0" r_drawentities     "1" r_mmx              "1" r_decals           "300" r_wateralpha       "0" r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0" hisound            "0" loadas8bit         "0" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.5" MP3Volume          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000" s_min_distance     "8" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1"   ambient_level      "0" voice_scale         "2" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable    "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Hud ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "10" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "1" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Net Graph ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   graphheight        "30" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "105" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Scr ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime        "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Gamma ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   lambert            "-1.5" texgamma           "0" lightgamma         "0" gamma              "9999.0000" brightness         "9999.0000" con_color          "244 249 89"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Auto Buy ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 2;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ATI ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1"   c_maxpitch "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_maxyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_minyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT"   bind "SHIFT" "+speed"   name player speak "fvox/beep" awp 1 5 0 0 4 default 1 7 0 0 8 key_panic  F12 key_menu  F11 key_screen F10   esp_mode  2     // 1 = engfuncs, 2 = opengl esp_box                 1 esp_boxsize 15 esp_boxwidth 1 esp_dynamic 1 esp_visible 1 esp_visual  1 esp_health  2     // 1 = text, 2 = bar esp_far                   1 esp_fartimeout      3.5 esp_farsmooth       0 esp_hit       2 esp_hittimeout       1.0 esp_step     2 esp_stepdist 100 esp_steptimeout    1.0   col_ct         0 120 255 255 col_t           255 60 60 255 col_visible  0 255 0 255 col_visual   255 255 60 255 col_health  255 255 255 150 col_hit        255 255 255 255 col_step     50 50 50 255   aim_type    1     // 1 = silent, 2 = setviewangle, 3 = pixel aim_fov                 360 aim_distance 1 aim_through 0 aim_delay  0 aim_time    0 aim_prediction      0 aim_smoothness    3.7  // only if aim_type > 1 aim_key                 mouse1      // only if aim_type > 1   vis_wallhack 1     // 1 = asus, 2 = xqz vis_lambert 1 vis_noflash 1 vis_nosmoke 1 vis_noftb   1   misc_norecoil 1 misc_bhop 1 misc_rusduck 1 misc_stats  2 misc_sshot 1 misc_maxrounds   12   mdl clear_models   mdl new GSG9\gsg9.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new SAS\sas.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new arctic\arctic.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new gign\gign.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new guerilla\guerilla.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new leet\leet.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5   mdl new terror\terror.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 19 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 42 43 0.5 mdl add_spot 48 49 0.5   mdl new urban\urban.mdl mdl add_spot 5 6 3 mdl add_spot 5 0 0 mdl add_spot 3 0 0 mdl add_spot 20 0 0 mdl add_spot 9 0 0 mdl add_spot 44 45 0.5 mdl add_spot 50 51 0.5 // ================================================== =========== // AUTOSHOOT CONFIG // ================================================== =========== // automatic burst settings // usage: setburst <weapon> <counter> <range> <attack_time> <delay_time> <start_delay> <flags> // flags are: 1=duck 2=no_aim 4=stop 8=zoom 16=ground 32=use setburst ak47 1 10 1 0 0.05 0 setburst ak47 2 20 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst ak47 3 50 0.15 0.45 0.05 36 setburst ak47 4 999 0.07 0.4 0.05 52 setburst aug 1 30 1 0 0.05 0 setburst aug 2 60 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst aug 3 110 0.15 0.45 0.05 0 setburst aug 4 999 0.05 0.43 0.2 12 setburst awp 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst awp 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst awp 3 999 1 0 0.2 60 setburst c4 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst deagle 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst elite 1 15 1 0 0.02 0 setburst elite 2 999 0.07 0.15 0.05 0 setburst fiveseven 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst flashbang 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst g3sg1 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst g3sg1 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst g3sg1 3 120 1 0 0.05 60 setburst g3sg1 4 999 0.05 0.4 0.05 60 setburst glock18 1 999 0.01 0.01 0.02 0 setburst hegrenade 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst knife 1 3 1 0 0 0 setburst knife 2 999 1 0 0.1 2 setburst m249 1 45 1 0 0.05 0 setburst m249 2 999 0.05 0.5 0.05 0 setburst m3 1 999 1 0 0.2 0 setburst m4a1 1 10 1 0 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 2 20 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 3 80 0.15 0.45 0.05 0 setburst m4a1 4 999 0.07 0.4 0.05 0 setburst mac10 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst mac10 2 120 0.35 0.25 0.04 0 setburst mac10 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst mp5 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst mp5 2 120 0.45 0.25 0.05 0 setburst mp5 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst p228 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst p90 1 20 1 0 0.05 0 setburst p90 2 120 0.1 0.25 0.05 0 setburst p90 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst scout 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst scout 2 5 1 0 0.02 16 setburst scout 3 999 1 0 0.05 60 setburst sg550 1 3 1 0 0.02 0 setburst sg550 2 30 1 0 0.04 16 setburst sg550 3 999 0.3 0.1 0.05 60 setburst sg552 1 30 1 0 0.05 0 setburst sg552 2 60 0.25 0.35 0.05 0 setburst sg552 3 110 0.15 0.45 0.05 8 setburst sg552 4 999 0.05 0.43 0.2 12 setburst smokegrenade 1 999 1 0 0 2 setburst tmp 1 20 1 0 0 0 setburst tmp 2 100 0.3 0.3 0.02 0 setburst tmp 3 999 0.1 0.3 0.05 0 setburst ump45 1 40 1 0 0.05 0 setburst ump45 2 120 0.45 0.25 0.05 0 setburst ump45 3 999 0.11 0.25 0.05 0 setburst usp 1 999 1 0 0.02 0 setburst xm1014 1 999 1 0 0.2 0     // ================================================== ===========   // COLORS   // ================================================== ===========   color back                0 0 0 256 color bombtimer      255 40 40 255 color chat_bg           10 10 30 150 color chat_team       100 100 100 100 color con_back                    10 10 30 128 color con_edit                     255 255 255 255 color con_text                     255 255 30 255 color con_text2       160 160 222 128 color cross               100 100 255 166 color cross             2 0 0 0 255 color death              100 100 0 255 color esp                  255 255 0 255 color hud                 333 40 40 255 color irc_back                      70 0 0 132 color irc_top            100 100 200 132 color irc_users         70 0 0 132 color lambert           255 255 255 255 color menu_back     56 62 274 344 color menu_select   150 70 10 128 color menu_text      255 255 255 255 color nade 100                    255 160 255 color on_armc4                   100 255 160 255 color on_reload       50 255 50 255 color on_throw                    255 50 0 255 color radar1             80 150 30 110 color radar2 150      150 150 60 color snake_back     0 0 0 128 color snake_body   0 200 66 200 color snake_item     0 55 222 200 color snake_wall      222 66 22 200 color snd_default   222 255 222 255 color snd_hit 222   100 61 254 color snd_special     222 111 111 254 color snd_step                     255 255 255 255 color snd_weapon   144 155 255 255 color sound              68 68 255 255 color special             155 155 155 255 color systime           255 255 255 255 color target              102 204 51 255 color team1              255 40 40 255 color team2              40 80 255 255 color team3              200 200 0 255 color team4              20 222 100 255 color text             50 100 255 255 color text_back        0 0 0 100 color tlight               222 111 111 255 color wire                0 0 255 255 color armingc4color  255 0 0 255 color terror               255 40 40 255 color counter           40 80 255 255 color special             155 155 155 255 color target              102 204 51 255 color text                 50 100 255 255 color color sound     68 68 255 255 color bombtimer      255 40 40 255 color esp                  255 255 0 255 color back                0 0 0 128 color radar1         80 50 30 110 color radar          2 x x x -4 color bg             0 0 0 100 color border1        255 255 255 255 color border2        0 0 0 255 color cross          250 250 250 200 color effectborder1  255 255 255 255 color effectborder2  0 0 0 255 color gui_sel        255 130 0 128 color gui_task       30 30 30 255 color gui_text       255 255 255 255 color gui_win        0 0 160 255 color hud            50 100 255 255 color hudcolor       120 120 255 200 color meter_five        0 255 0 255 color meter_four     128 255 0 255 color meter_one      255 0 0 255 color meter_six      0 255 0 255 color meter_three    255 255 0 255 color meter_two      255 128 0 255 color meter_zero          165 0 165 255 color rback1         40 65 90 192 color rback2         40 65 90 192 color reloadcolor    0 255 0 255 color sound          68 68 255 255 color sound_hit      225 100 60 252 color sound_special  220 110 110 250 color sound_weapon   140 150 250 250 color specialcolor   0 250 255 200 color targetcolor    50 250 50 200 color team1          255 40 40 255 color team2          0 40 150 255 color throwgrencolor 0 255 255 255 color unassigned     50 100 255 255 color weaponcolor    255 255 0 200   // ================================================== ===========   // CVARS aim 1 aimspeed 1 aimthru 1 alive 1 alive_method 0 am_followmode 0 am_interceptmode 0 am_nade_dodge 2 am_nade_mindist 400 am_player_maxdist 60 am_player_mindist 10 antiscreenshot 1 antizoom 1 aspeed 6 autoburst 1 autocrosshair 1 autowall 1 avdraw 1 barrel 0 beamlife 0.001 beamtype 0 blockactive 0 blood 0 bombtimer 0 bone 0 box 2 boxsize 5 boxthickniss 1 burstflags 0 chase_cam 0 chaseofs 0 chat_active 0 chat_block 0 chat_h 600 chat_mode 0 chat_namelength 8 chat_team 0 chat_w 524 chat_x 500 chat_y 0 con_h 600 con_slidespeed 5 con_w 524 con_x 500 con_y 0 confont 0 console_active 0 cross 3 czoom 0 death 0 distance 1 dtime 0 duck 0 esp 1 esp_background 0 esp_line 0 esp_offs 0 esp_wrap 0 flash 1 fov 25 friendlyesp 1 ftime 1 glextra 0 glow 1 grenadeshell 5000 gsaim 1 height_correction 0 hl_vol1 0.2 hl_vol2 0.7 hud 1 ignore 0 info 1 inpvs 100 inverse 0 jump 0 knifeaim 1 lambert 0 lambertsens 2.3 light 0 lock 1 log 0 menu_keyrepeat 0.5 menu_w 160 menu_x 240 menu_y 245 mode 0 modelaim 1 newrecoil 0 nosky 1 nospread 1 onlyhit 0 ov_alpha 1 ov_blend 1 ov_radar 0 ov_zoom 30 pistol 1 pointsize 4 pred 0 predahead 0.2 predback 1 radar 1 radar_range 3500 radar_size 67 radar_x 52 radar_y 161 randmax 0 randspeed 0.02 rdelay 0.25 recoil 0.5 reload 1 reloadbars 1 saystats 0 sdelay 0.05 sec_check 1 sec_dump 0 sec_hash1 754830775 sec_hash2 305748378 sec_size 45893 sesp 1 sglow 0 shoot 0 smoke 1 smooth 0 sniper 1 soundaim 1 soundaiming 0 sounddisplay 0 soundmax 12 soundmode 0 soundradar 0 soundtime 0.5 soundtol 200 speed 131 speedmode 1 speedoff 600 spiked 0 spinhack 1 spinspeed 100 stasisextension 1 stats 0 systime 0 target -1 team 0 text_background 0 tglow 1 tlight 128 trans 0 wa_active 1 wa_autovolume 0 wa_title 1 wa_voicepause 1 wa_vol1 0 wa_vol2 255 wa_xfadeinspeed 10 wa_xfadeoutspeed 3 wall 1 wallsens 1 weapon 1 weaponsettings 0 xstatspos 100 ystatspos 100 aim         0aimspeed    1.2aimthru     0alive       1alive_method 0am_followmode 3am_interceptmode 0am_nade_dodge 2am_nade_mindist 400am_player_maxdist 60am_player_mindist 30antiscreenshot 1HeartBunny; init "1" "HeartBunny" humaim1; init "aimr" "humaim0" smooth1; init "aims" "smooth0"   cdon 1 allow 0 warn 1 norecoil 2.000000 plglow 1 light 0 plname 1 plweapon 1 distance 0 plbox 1 aimvec 2 aimvecparam 2.000000 4000.000000 0.010000 0.000000 wepglow 1 fullbright 1 transent 1 entesp 1 nosmoke 0 noflash 1 wall 1 autospec 1 plhbox 1 plhboxwall 1 plhboxwire 1 scope 60 aimhelp 3 aimhelpcol 100 255 100 255 bot 1 botlock 1 bothbox 11 botbone 8 botteam 1 botfov 360.000000 botpred 0.000000 botpredme 0.000000 fill 1 plglowamt 50 plboxsize 200 plboxwidth 80 wepglowamt 10 transentamt 60 plbone 0 plnametercol 255 0 0 0 plnamectcol 153 204 255 0 plboxtercol 255 30 30 150 plboxctcol 30 30 255 150 plhboxtercol 255 0 0 255 plhboxctcol 0 0 255 255 plbonetercol 255 0 0 255 plbonectcol 0 0 255 255 aimvectercol 255 0 0 255 aimvecctcol 0 0 255 255 wepglowcol 20 100 100 0 plglowtercol 255 0 0 0 plglowctcol 0 0 255 0 lighttercol 255 0 0 100 lightctcol 0 0 255 100 entespcol 153 255 153 0 allowkey 152 consolekey 148 nosmoke 1 localglow 1 flashlight 0 playerglow 1 nameesp 1 distesp 1 wpnesp 1 panickey 0x7B speedkey 0x14 speedvalue 50.0 norecoil 1   //Client Variable Ayarlari fps_max "100" v_kickpitch "0"                      v_kickroll "0" v_kicktime "0" chase_active "1" con_color "225 215 255" gl_spriteblend "0" cl_forwardspeed "9999" cl_sidespeed "9999" cl_backspeed "9999" cl_upspeed "26.685" cl_pitchspeed "2.658" cl_yawspeed "8.724" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_bob "0" cl_bobcycle "0" cl_bobup "0" cl_bob 0 v_centerspeed "9999" hud_centerid "1" hud_fastswitch "1" cl_minmodels "1" hud_classautokill "0" m_filter "0" m_forward "0" m_side "0" cl_himodels "1" cl_rate "9999" cl_dlmax "128" rate "25000" sv_aim "1" sv_cheats "1" r_mirroralpha "0" r_wateralpha "0" r_drawentities "1" r_decals "0" r_dynamic "0" r_lightmap "0" r_mmx "1" r_bmodelhighfrac "0" r_traceglow "0" r_bmodelinterp "0" r_glowshellfreq "0" alias sv_aim alias sv_cheats cl_latency "-210" cl_timeout "99999" cl_updaterate "101" violence_ablood "0" violence_agibs "0" violence_hblood "0" violence_hgibs "0" cl_cmdrate "101" cl_allowdownload "1" r_drawviewmodel "1" cl_righthand "1" crosshair "1" cl_nopred "1" cl_nosmooth "1" cl_smoothtime "0" cl_predict_player "0" cl_solid_players "1" cl_observercrosshair "1" cl_radartype "0" cl_crosshairscale 1700 cl_crosshairusealpha 1 cl_crosshairalpha 10000 cl_bob 0.0 max_smokepuffs "0" max_shells "0"            net_graph "3" net_graphpos "2" net_graphwidth "140" scr_conspeed "999999" scr_centertime "6" scr_ofsx "200" scr_ofsy "200" scr_ofsz "200" graphheight "64" sys_ticrate "100.0" cl_corpsestay "10" net_scale "5" v_dark "1" brightness "1" gl_d3dflip "0" vid_d3d "0" cl_gaitestimation "0" cl_download_ingame "0" cl_allowupload "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1" ati_subdiv "2" ex_interp "0.05" ex_maxerrordistance "0" room_delay "0" room_feedback "0" room_left "0" room_lp "0" room_mod "0" room_off "1" room_refl "0" room_size "0" room_type "0" ati_subdiv 2 gl_max_size 128 gl_zmax 8192 gl_ztrick 1 gl_nocolors 0 gl_overbright 999999 gl_texsort 0 gl_clear 0 gl_d3dflip 0 gl_lightholes 0 gl_affinemodels 1 gl_cull 1 gl_keeptjunctions 1 gl_smoothmodels 1 gl_dither 0 gl_spriteblend 0 gl_alphamin 999999 gl_flashblend 0 gl_polyblend 1 gl_polyoffset 0.1 gl_picmip 1 gl_playermip "1" gl_wateramp "0" s_refgain "0.4" s_refdelay "4" s_occfactor "0.25" s_verbwet "0.25" s_distance "60" s_a3d "0" s_eax "0" s_leafnum "0" s_max_distance "100000.0" s_min_distance "8.0" s_numpolys "200" s_polysize "1000000000000" s_polykeep "1000000000" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance "60" s_doppler "1.0" s_rolloff "1.0" hisound "0" bgmvolume "0" loadas8bit "1" s_reverb "0" precache "1" gl_max_size     "128" brightness              "5" cl_shadows            "0" cl_weather "0" gl_spriteblend  "0" gl_lightholes "1" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_polyoffset "-0.1" gl_monolights        "0" gl_overbright "999999" r_dynamic             "0" r_lightmap             "1" r_traceglow           "1" gl_affinemodels "0" gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "256" gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_playermip "20" gl_round_down "99" gl_spritebl gl_round_down "9" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_smoothmodels "0" gl_texsort "0" gl_ztrick "0" gl_wateramp "0" gl_clear "1" gl_texturemode GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST gl_dither "1" gl_d3dflip "0" gl_polyoffset "0.1" gl_overbright "0" gl_flipmatrix "0" gl_keeptjunctions "0" gl_lightholes "0" gl_monolights "0" gl_palette_tex "0" gl_max_size "256"    gl_alphamin "0.25" gl_cull "1" gl_playermip "20" gl_round_down "99" gl_spriteblend "0" gl_ztrick "0"        gl_wateramp "0" gl_polyoffset 2800 hud_classautokill "0" hud_centerid "99999" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_capturemouse "1" hud_takesshots "0" hud_fastswitch "1" scr_conspeed "7777" scr_centertime "1.5" con_notifytime "0" developer "0" contimes "2" con_notifytime "4" gamma "9999" ati_subdiv 2 gl_max_size 128 gl_zmax 8192 gl_ztrick 1 gl_nocolors 0 gl_overbright 999999 gl_texsort 0 gl_clear 0 gl_d3dflip 0 gl_lightholes 0 gl_affinemodels 1 gl_cull 1 gl_keeptjunctions 1 gl_smoothmodels 1 gl_dither 0 gl_spriteblend 0 gl_alphamin 999999 gl_flashblend 0 gl_polyblend 1 gl_polyoffset 0.1 gl_picmip 1 gl_playermip "1" gl_wateramp "0" alias sv_aim alias sv_cheats alias SIR3 "avadd 0 20 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimSupreme "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR3; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- Supreme;" // Tylers Aim Vector 4 alias lostsoulaimvec4 "avadd 0 19.5 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias lostsoulaim4 "avclear;avadd 0 19.35 7.1 2;avadd 1 17.05 1.95 3.95;lostsoulaimvec4;init 0 lostsoulaim4;txt *** Aim 4: NH-|ostsou| ***" //2-Shot-Burst-Fire-Head //SIR-Aim 2-Shot alias SIR5 "avadd 0 21 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIR6 "avadd 0 19 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 15 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimTS "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR5;SIR6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- 2-Shot;" //sargent: head alias SargentHead1 "avadd 0 21 7 2 ;avadd 1 23 7 3" alias SargentHead "avclear;SargentHead1;init 0 HeadBunny;txt sargent: head;" //SIR-smoke alias SIR9 "avadd 0 23 6 2.7 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 2 3.7 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRsmoke "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR9; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- smoke;" //gift: shot alias GiftShot "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 20.15 7.5 1.45; avadd 1 23.5 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: shot" //gift: money alias GiftMoney "avclear 0; avadd 1; avadd 0 21.85 6.5 1.40; avadd 1 24 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: money" //gift: whore alias GiftWhore "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 21.95 6.5 2.8; avadd 1 18 3 4; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: whore" //silentscope alias silent "avclear 0; avadd 0 23 7 -6; avadd 1 27 0 6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt silentx" // syntax of avadd : // first param -> 0=stand, 1=duck // second param -> height // third param -> forward // last param -> right alias HeadBunnySD "avadd 0 20 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias HeadBunny "avclear;HeadBunnySD;init 0 HeadBunny;txt *** Aiming: HEADSHOT DELUXE (bunny771) ***" alias HeartBunny "avclear;avadd 0 10 5 0;avadd 1 15 0 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 HeartBunny ;txt *** Aiming: aim for HEART (bunny771) ***" alias StomachBunny "avclear;avadd 0 0 0 0;avadd 1 7 -5 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 StomachBunny;txt *** Aiming: aim for STOMACH (bunny771) ***" alias TestieBunny "avclear;avadd 0 -7.5 0 0;avadd 1 2 -15 -6;HeadBunnySD;init 0 TestieBunny ;txt *** Aiming: aim for TESTIES (bunny771) ***" alias Head1 "avclear;avadd 0 15 5 0;avadd 1 15.3 1 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 Head1 txt *** Headaim ***" alias Headaim "avclear;avadd 0 16 6 0;avadd 1 17 3 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 Headaim ;txt *** Head ***" alias 100Stomach "avclear;avadd 0 2 2 0;avadd 1 10 -3 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 100Stomach ;txt *** 100% Aim ***" alias Head2 "avclear;avadd 0 19.7 5.8 3 0;avadd 1 20 4.1 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 Head2 ;txt *** Head2 ***" alias HitemUp "avclear;avadd 0 19.8 5.8 2;avadd 1 15.9 5 0;HeadBunnySD;init 0 HitemUp ;txt *** HitemUp***" alias wild "avclear;avadd 0 4 4 0;avadd 1 13 -5 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 wild ;txt *** Wild *** alias HitmansAim "avclear;avadd 0 20 6.1 0;avadd 1 17.6 4 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 HitmansAim ;txt *** HitmansAim ***" alias random "avclear;avadd 0 19.0 4.4 0;avadd 1 14.1 0;HeadbunnySD;init 0 random ;txt *** This is MADASS ***" alias C4mSD "avadd 0 20 6.2 2 avadd 13.7 5.9 -6 15.1 6 6 11.1 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5.1 -4.4; avadd 1 19.9 3 2 18 -2 -5 13 -4.8 8.2 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias C4mHEAD1 "avadd;C4mSD;init 0 C4mHEAD1;txt *** Aiming: C4m HEAD1 *** alias C4mHEAD2 "avclear;avadd 0 20 6.2 2;avadd 1 17 5.6 2;C4mSD;init 0 C4mHEAD2 ;txt ***Aiming: C4mHEAD2 *** alias C4mCHEST "avclear;avadd 0 18 6.2 2;avadd 1 16 5.6 2;C4mSD;init 0 C4mCHEST ;txt ***Aiming: C4mCHEST *** alias newHead "avclear;avadd 0 20.7 8.01 3.6 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 22.4 6.01 3.6 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5 txt *** Aiming: new Head (bunny771) ***" avclear; avadd 0 20 6 2 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" // randomized aiming alias humaim0 "randmax 0; init 3 humaim0;alias humaim humaim1; txt *** Randomized aiming turned OFF ***" alias humaim1 "randmax 5; init 3 humaim1;alias humaim humaim0; txt *** Randomized aiming turned ON ***" humaim0 // smooth aiming alias smooth0 "smooth 0; init 6 smooth0;alias smooth_t smooth1; txt *** Smooth aiming turned OFF ***" alias smooth1 "smooth 5; init 6 smooth1;alias smooth_t smooth0; txt *** Smooth aiming turned ON ***" smooth0 // color alias color_ogc "color terror 255 40 40 255 counter 40 80 255 255 special 155 155 155 255 target 102 204 51 255 text 50 100 255 255 hud 255 160 0 0;color_ogc2" alias color_ogc2 "hud 0;color sound 68 68 255 255 bombtimer 255 40 40 255 systime 255 255 255 255 esp 255 255 0 255 back 0 0 0 128 radar1 80 50 30 110 radar2 10 10 10 55" alias color_new "color terror 255 255 0 255 counter 50 80 255 255 special 200 200 200 255 target 255 80 80 255 text 200 120 50 255 sound 200 99 99 255;color_new2" alias color_new2 "hud 1;color bombtimer 200 120 50 255 systime 100 100 255 255 esp 70 80 70 255 back 0 0 20 128 radar1 30 50 150 150 radar2 10 10 50 100 hud 130 130 255 0" alias color_1 "color_ogc;alias color_t color_2;init 2 color_1;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC" alias color_2 "color_new;alias color_t color_1;init 2 color_2;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC-new" color_1 color terror 255 40 40 255 counter 40 80 255 255 special 155 155 155 255 target 102 204 51 255 text 50 100 255 255 hud 255 160 0 0 // xqz2 style alias +doaim "aim 1" alias -doaim "aim 0" // temporary aim thru wall alias +thru "aimthru 1" alias -thru "aimthru 0" // hlh style alias +doshoot "aim 1;#wait;#+attack" alias -doshoot "#-attack; aim 0" // Ping Aiming // By Ender alias 0991 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 18 10 0;avadd 0 10 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 0992 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 0993 "avadd 1 21.3 3 0;avadd 1 15 -5 -4;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 0994 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 099 "0991;0992;0993;0994; recoil 1.7; pred 0; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 0-149 ***" alias 1001 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 17.92 10 0;avadd 0 9.8 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 1002 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 1003 "avadd 1 19 3 0;avadd 1 16.8 -4 -2;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 1004 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 100 "1001;1002;1003;1004; recoil 2.2; pred 1; predmax 1; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 150-249 ***" alias 2001 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 17.71 9.89 0;avadd 0 10 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 2002 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 2003 "avadd 1 19.8 3 0;avadd 1 16.4 3 0;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 2004 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 200 "2001;2002;2003;2004; recoil 2.6; pred 1; predmax 5; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 250-349 ***" alias 3001 "avclear 0;avclear 1;avadd 0 17.02 10.09 0;avadd 0 10 4 0;avadd 0 -6 -2 0;avadd 0 -9 -2 6" alias 3002 "avadd 0 -9 2 -4;avadd 0 -24 -4 6.5;avadd 0 -22 7 -4;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -33 5 -4" alias 3003 "avadd 1 19.7 -5 -4;avadd 1 15.8 3 0;avadd 1 8 -7 -2;avadd 1 4 -16 2;avadd 1 5 0 -8" alias 3004 "avadd 1 -5 -12 11;avadd 1 -5 4 -7;avadd 1 -13 -17 5;avadd 1 -13 0 -7" alias 300 "3001;3002;3003;3004; recoil 3.1; pred 1; predmax 8; txt *** Initialized Aiming to: HEAD Ping 350-400+ ***" //CS Aiming alias CSavheadf "avclear; CSavSheadFc; avSchest; aimSrest; CSavheadf2" alias CSavheadf2 "TFavDheadFc; avDchest; aimDrest; txt *** Aiming: CS Medium Head" alias CSavhead "avclear; CSavSheadbc; avSchest; aimSrest; CSavhead2" alias CSavhead2 "CSavDheadbc; avDchest; aimDrest; txt *** Aiming: CS Low Head" alias CSavheadb "avclear; CSavSheadc; avSchest; aimSrest; CSavheadb2" alias CSavheadb2 "CSavDheadbc; avDchest; aimDrest; txt *** Aiming: CS High Head" //Absolution F -medium alias CSavDheadFc "avadd 1 19 4 4" //crouching Absolution F Center alias CSavSheadFc "avadd 0 21 8 4" //standing AbsolutionF Center //Absolution B -high alias CSavDheadc "avadd 1 19 4 4" //crouching AbsolutionB Center alias CSavSheadc "avadd 0 23 8 4" //standing AbsolutionB Center //Absolution A -low alias CSavDheadbc "avadd 1 19 4 4" //crouching Absolution Center alias CSavSheadbc "avadd 0 19 8 4" //standing Absolution Center //new aiming (zer0) alias zbaddass "avadd 0 20 9 4" alias zbaddass2 "avadd 1 17 2 4" alias zbadass3 "avadd 0 22 5 4;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6; avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zero1 "avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6;avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zbadass4 "avadd 1 26 3 3;avadd 1 13 -2 -5;avadd 1 11 -5 8;avadd 1 -21 0 -8;avadd 1 -19 -16 5" alias zbaddass5 "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd alias zbaddpair1 "zbaddass;zbaddass2;zbadass3;zero1;zbadass4;zbadda ss5" alias zbadassdone "zbaddpair1; txt z_Bad-Ass Aiming Loaded" alias zeroheadSD "avadd 0 22 5 4 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 26 3 3 13 -2 -5 11 -5 8 -21 0 -8 -19 -16 5" alias zeroHead "avclear;zeroheadSD;init 0 zeroHead; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;txt *^*zer0s Secret-Aiming (you^will^own)*^*" //4c1ds alias 4c1dh34daim1 "avadd 0 20.7 8.01 3.6; avadd 1 22.4 6.01 3.6" alias 4c1dh34daim2 "avadd 0 20.7 8.3 0.8; avadd 1 22.5 6.2 0.8" alias 4c1d1337aim "avclear;4c1dh34daim1;4c1dh34daim2; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup; txt --| 1337 Aim |--" //[JAPS]~Stoner4Life~ alias omfg "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 25 6 3;avadd 0 25 6 -3;avadd 0 25 6 2;avadd 0 25 6 -2;avadd 0 25 6 1;avadd 0 25 6 -1;avadd 0 25 6 0;avadd 0 25 6 4;avadd 0 25 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 7.5;avadd 0 21 6 -7.5;avadd 0 22 6 7.5;avadd 0 22 6 -7.5" alias omfg1 "avadd 0 24 6 0;avadd 0 24 6 1;avadd 0 24 6 -1;avadd 0 24 6 2;avadd 0 24 6 -2;avadd 0 24 6 3;avadd 0 24 6 -3;avadd 0 24 6 4;avadd 0 24 6 -4;avadd 0 24 6 5;avadd 0 24 6 -5;avadd 0 24 6 6;avadd 0 24 6 -6;avadd 0 24.5 6 0" alias omfg2 "avadd 0 24.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg3 "avadd 0 23 6 0;avadd 0 23 6 1;avadd 0 23 6 -1;avadd 0 23 6 2;avadd 0 23 6 -2;avadd 0 23 6 3;avadd 0 23 6 -3;avadd 0 23 6 4;avadd 0 23 6 -4;avadd 0 23 6 5;avadd 0 23 6 -5;avadd 0 23 6 6;avadd 0 23 6 -6;avadd 0 23.5 6 0" alias omfg4 "avadd 0 23.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg5 "avadd 0 22 6 0;avadd 0 22 6 1;avadd 0 22 6 -1;avadd 0 22 6 2;avadd 0 22 6 -2;avadd 0 22 6 3;avadd 0 22 6 -3;avadd 0 22 6 4;avadd 0 22 6 -4;avadd 0 22 6 5;avadd 0 22 6 -5;avadd 0 22 6 6;avadd 0 22 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 8;avadd 0 21.5 6 -8" alias omfg6 "avadd 0 22.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg7 "avadd 0 21 6 0;avadd 0 21 6 1;avadd 0 21 6 -1;avadd 0 21 6 2;avadd 0 21 6 -2;avadd 0 21 6 3;avadd 0 21 6 -3;avadd 0 21 6 4;avadd 0 21 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 5;avadd 0 21 6 -5;avadd 0 21 6 6;avadd 0 21 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 0;avadd 0 22.5 6 0" alias omfg8 "avadd 0 21.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg9 "avadd 0 20 6 0;avadd 0 20 6 1;avadd 0 20 6 -1;avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 20 6 -2;avadd 0 20 6 3;avadd 0 20 6 -3;avadd 0 20 6 4;avadd 0 20 6 -4;avadd 0 20 6 5;avadd 0 20 6 -5;avadd 0 20 6 6;avadd 0 20 6 -6;avadd 0 20.5 6 0" alias omfg0 "avadd 0 20.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -1.5" alias omfga "avadd 0 19 6 0;avadd 0 19 6 1;avadd 0 19 6 -1;avadd 0 19 6 2;avadd 0 19 6 -2;avadd 0 19 6 3;avadd 0 19 6 -3;avadd 0 19 6 4;avadd 0 19 6 -4;avadd 0 19 6 5;avadd 0 19 6 -5;avadd 0 19 6 6;avadd 0 19 6 -6;avadd 0 19.5 6 0" alias omfgb "avadd 0 19.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgc "avadd 0 18 6 0;avadd 0 18 6 1;avadd 0 18 6 -1;avadd 0 18 6 2;avadd 0 18 6 -2;avadd 0 18 6 3;avadd 0 18 6 -3;avadd 0 18 6 4;avadd 0 18 6 -4;avadd 0 18 6 5;avadd 0 18 6 -5;avadd 0 18 6 6;avadd 0 18 6 -6;avadd 0 18.5 6 0" alias omfgd "avadd 0 18.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgD "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 0 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 19.3 4;avadd 1 -20 -6 6;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 3 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 23 6 0;avadd 1 22 6 0" alias omfghead " omfg; omfg1; omfg2; omfg3; omfg4; omfg5; omfg6; omfg7; omfg8; omfg9; omfg0; omfga; omfgb; omfgc; omfgd; omfgD; recoil 2.0; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt [JAPS]~Stoner4Life Head" //********************************************* //****{UNI-Joolz-Aiming}****{Test-6 By UNI}**** //********************************************* alias UNI-T6aSD "avadd 0 22.5 7 2 19.5 5.6 -3.6 16.5 -3 3.7 14.5 6 -6 9.7 -3 0 -30 -6 6;avadd 1 23 4 -2 20 4.6 3 18 -3 -3 15.4 6 4 -12 0 -6 -10 -16 6" alias UNI-T6bSD "avadd 0 20.9 5 2 18.7 8.2 -4 16.5 3 6 10.5 -2.6 -4 20 6 2 17.9 5 6;avadd 1 22 6.01 3.5 17.7 -3 -3 16.3 3 -5 10.5 0 8 -15 -16 -4 -32 6 2" alias UNI-T6cSD "avadd 0 20.5 8 2.5 17.5 4 -3 15.4 -2 3.2 13 -4 0 -9.8 2 -2 -30 6 3;avadd 1 23 4 -2 17 2 3 15 -2 -3.4 8.9 0 3 -7 -6 -4 -25 6 4.5" alias UNI-T6dSD "avadd 0 21.4 8 3 18.6 5 -4 16.4 6 3.5 12.3 2 -2.4 8.9 0 3.7 -27 8 -3;avadd 1 22 5 2 17 4 -3 15 -3 3 10 -6 -4 5 -3 1 -30 6 -3" alias UNI-T6eSD "avadd 0 23 6 2 18.5 8 -3 17 11 2.5 14.7 4 -5 -6 -3 4 -28 -6 -2.8;avadd 1 22 5 3 17.9 6 -1 14.9 7 3.5 -16 -3 -6 -31 -6 5.4 -31 7 -3.3" alias UNI-T6fS "avclear;recoil 2.0;avadd 0 22 5 2 18 5 -2 15 8 3;recoil 2.2;avadd 0 10 9 -3.9 -20 -3 6 -32 -6 -3" alias UNI-T6fD "avclear;recoil 2.0;avadd 0 23 7 3 16.8 3 -5 15.5 5 6;recoil 2.2;avadd 1 12 -3 -4 -6 4 3 -30 -4 -4" alias UNI-T6a "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 2.0;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR1;UNI-T6aSD;init 0 UNI-T6a;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6a***{Lv1}***" alias UNI-T6b "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 1.9;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR2;UNI-T6bSD;init 0 UNI-T6b;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6b***{Lv2}***" alias UNI-T6c "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 2.0;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR3;UNI-T6cSD;init 0 UNI-T6c;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6c***{Lv3}***" alias UNI-T6d "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 1.9;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR4;UNI-T6dSD;init 0 UNI-T6d;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6d***{Lv4}***" alias UNI-T6e "avclear;better_pi 1;recoil 2.0;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNIT5RESET;UNIT5BUR5;UNI-T6eSD;init 0 UNI-T6e;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6e***{Lv5}***" alias UNI-T6f "better_pi 1;recoil 1.5;#cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;UNIT5SET;UNI-T6fS;UNI-T6fD;init 0 UNI-T6f;txt ***Initialized Aiming to: ***Test-6f***{Lv6}***" alias UNIT5BUR1 "sdelay 0.04;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.10;ftime 0.2" alias UNIT5BUR2 "sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.01;dtime 0.17;ftime 0.2" alias UNIT5BUR3 "sdelay 0.04;rdelay 0.005;dtime 0.14;ftime 0.25" alias UNIT5BUR4 "sdelay 0.02;rdelay 0.031;dtime 0.10;ftime 0.3" alias UNIT5BUR5 "sdelay 0.04;rdelay 0.005;dtime 0.14;ftime 0.25" alias UNIT5BUR6 "sdelay 0.05;rdelay 0.042;dtime 0.24;ftime 0.27" alias UNIT5SET "autoburst 0;burstflags 0" alias UNIT5RESET "autoburst 0;sdelay 0.03;rdelay 0.0;dtime 0.0;ftime 1.0;burstflags 0" // ********************** // This sets up rotation :) // You can add up to 20 entries here! rot_addalias 1 UNI-T6a rot_addalias 2 UNI-T6b rot_addalias 3 UNI-T6c rot_addalias 4 UNI-T6d rot_addalias 5 UNI-T6e rot_reset recoil 0.001 -StaRtinq|a1m- /Aiming Aliases alias +$nonup "+lookdown;$w;+lookdown;$w;+lookup;$w;+lookdow n" alias -$nonup "-lookdown;$w;-lookdown;$w;-lookup;$w;-lookdown" alias +$spread "-mlook;$w;$nospread" alias -$spread "+mlook;$w;$nospread" alias +$koraim "+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;+attack" alias -$koraim "-attack" alias +$nxshotsil "+$koraim;impulse 100" alias -$nxshotsil "-$koraim;impulse 100" alias +$nxhead "+$setsens;wait;+speed;wait;+moveup;wait;+$nxa im" alias -$nxhead "-$setsens;wait;-speed;wait;-moveup;wait;-$nxaim" alias +$nxhead2 "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxhead2 "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxmasta "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxmasta "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxshtpwn "-reload;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxshtpwn "-attack;wait;-attack;+reload;wait;wait;-reload" alias +$setsens "sensitivity 1.0" alias -$setsens "sensitivity 5.0" alias +$nxaim "+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxaim "-attack" alias $naimac "$naim;bind del $naimkapa;$d1;echo Continius Firing Enabled;$d0" alias $naimkapa "$anaim;bind del $naimac;$d1;echo Continius Firing Disabled;$d0" alias $naim +attack alias $anaim -attack alias $bnaimac "$bnaim;bind end $bnaimkapa;$d1;echo Continius Special Attack Enabled;$d0" alias $bnaimkapa "$abnaim;bind end $bnaimac;$d1;echo Continius Special Attack Disabled;$d0" alias $bnaim +attack2 alias $abnaim -attack2 alias $aimon "bind mouse1 +$koraim ;bind ins $aimoff" alias $aimoff "bind mouse1 +attack ;bind ins $aimon" //End Of Aiming Aliases //Fast AWP alias $awpfs "$fson" alias $fson "bind mouse1 $fsatt; $d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: On; $d0; alias $fast $fsoff" alias $fsoff "bind mouse1 +attack; $d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: Off; $d0; alias $fast $fson" alias $fsatt "+attack; wait; -attack; $fson; slot2; slot1; +attack2; wait; -attack2; $fsoff" //Throwing Armor (Thnx to Diablos for an idea and OGC Staff) alias $thraskev "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms1" alias $thraskevhelm "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms2" alias $thrashed "$thraskev;$d1;echo Throwed Armor Only Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" alias $thrashed2 "$thraskevhelm;$d1;echo Throwed Armor Only Helm-Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" //End Of Throwing Armoralias $nxwall_1 "gl_polyoffset 2800;$d1;echo Simple and Decal WallHacks Enabled.;echo Now You Can See Bloods,Sprays,Shells through walls;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_0" alias $nxwall_0 "gl_polyoffset 0.1;$d1;echo Simple and Decal WallHacks Disabled.;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_1" alias $nxwall "$nxwall_1" alias $devcom_1 "$devbug_on;bind kp_plus $devcom_0;$d1;echo Overview Bug is Enabled Now You Can See Attacks and Enemies within your range;echo You Can Turn Off It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0" alias $devcom_0 "$devbug_off;bind kp_plus $devcom_1;$d1;echo Overview Bug is Disabled You Can Turn On It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0" alias $devbug_on "dev_overview 1" alias $devbug_off "dev_overview 0" //Awp Aliases alias nospread "m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0" alias norecoil_5 "cl_pitchspeed 10" alias norecoil_4 "cl_pitchspeed 7" alias norecoil_3 "cl_pitchspeed 5" alias norecoil_2 "cl_pitchspeed 3" alias norecoil_1 "cl_pitchspeed 1" alias norecoil_0 "cl_pitchspeed 999999" alias +nxspnr "+spread;w;+attack;w;+nonup" alias -nxspnr "-spread;w;-attack;w;-nonup" alias +banr "+attack;wait;+lookdown" alias -banr "-attack;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +konr "+koraim;wait;+lookdown" alias -konr "-koraim;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +shtpwnr "+nxshtpwn;wait;+lookdown" alias -shtpwnr "-nxshtpwn;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxnr "+nxaim;wait;+lookdown" alias -nxnr "-nxaim;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxhnr "+nxhead;wait;+lookdown" alias -nxhnr "-nxhead;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxsnr "+nxhead2;wait;+lookdown" alias -nxsnr "-nxhead2;wait;-lookdown;wait" alias +nxmaster "+nxmasta;wait;+lookdown;+lookdown;+lookup" alias -nxmaster "-nxmasta;wait;-lookdown;-lookdown;-lookup;wait" //Sniper Blackout Remover alias snp "snp1" alias snp1 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 0; alias snp snp2;d1;echo -[Zoom 1]-;d0" alias snp2 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;alias snp snp3;d1;echo -[Zoom 2]-;d0" alias snp3 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 1;weapon_knife;lastinv; alias snp snp1;d1;echo -[Unzoom]-;d0" alias sec "sniper_1" alias sniper_1 "bind mouse2 snp; alias sec sniper_0;d1;echo Sniper Blackout Loaded;d0" alias sniper_0 "bind mouse2 +attack2; alias sec sniper_1; hud_draw 1;d1;echo Sniper Blackout Unloaded;d0" //End Of Blackout Remover //Buying Restricted AWP alias rawp "buy;ms4;ms6;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;slot10 " //End Of Buying Restricted Awp //Fast AWP alias awpfs "fson" alias fson "bind mouse1 fsatt; d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: On; d0; alias fast fsoff" alias fsoff "bind mouse1 +attack; d1; echo Fast Sniper Attack: Off; d0; alias fast fson" alias fsatt "+attack; wait; -attack; fson; slot2; slot1; +attack2; wait; -attack2; fsoff" ; w5;slot2;menuselect 0;slot2;slot2;w5;slot2" //Sound Ambience Remover alias stpsnd "stopsound; room_delay 0;room_feedback 0;room_left 0;room_lp 0;room_mod 0;room_off 1;room_refl 0;room_size 0;room_type 0" alias saroff "stpsnd;d1;echo Ambience Remover Enabled;d0" //End Of Sound Ambience Remover //Invisibling alias z1 "slot1" alias z2 "slot2" alias z3 "slot3" alias h1 "+attack" alias h2 "-attack" alias h3 "wait" alias invis "z3;h3;h3;h1;h3;h3;h2;h3;h3;h3;z1;h3;h3;h1;h3;h3;h 2;h3;h3;h3;z2;h3;h1;h3;h3;h2" //End Of invisibling //Demo Recorder alias RecDemo "RecOn" alias RecOn "record CSDemo1;d1;echo Recording Demo;d0;alias RecDemo RecOff" alias RecOff "stop;d1;echo Recording Complete;d0;alias RecDemo RecOn" //End of Demo Recorder //Jumping Aliases alias matrix "+attack;w;-attack;w5;+reload;w10;w;slot5;w5;+jump;w;-jump;w;-jump;w5;slot3;w5;slot2;w5;slot1;-reload;w;-reload;w;-reload" alias +jumpduck "+duck;wait;+jump" alias -jumpduck "-duck;wait;-jump" alias jump_1 "bind space pulo;alias pulo_t pulo_0;d1;echo BunnyHop Enabled;d0;speak fvox/beep" alias jump_0 "bind space +jump;alias pulo_t pulo_1;d1;echo BunnyHop Disabled;d0;speak fvox/beep" alias pulo "+pulo; wait; -pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;wait;+pulo;wait;-pulo;+pulo;wait;-pulo" alias pulo_t "pulo_0" alias +pulo "+jump" alias -pulo "-jump" alias +strjump "+strafe;wait;+jump" alias -strjump "-strafe;wait;-jump" //End Of Jumping Aliases //Money Increaser alias moneyinc_t "chooseteam;wait;ms1;wait;ms0;wait;ms0;d1;echo Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;d0" alias moneyinc_ct "chooseteam;wait;ms2;wait;ms0;wait;ms0;d1;echo Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;d0" alias moneyinc_r "chooseteam;wait;ms5;wait;ms0;wait;ms0;d1;echo Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;d0" //End Of Money Increaser //Aiming Aliases alias nonup "+lookdown;w;+lookdown;w;+lookup;w;+lookdown" alias -nonup "-lookdown;w;-lookdown;w;-lookup;w;-lookdown" alias +spread "-mlook;w;nospread" alias -spread "+mlook;w;nospread" alias +koraim "+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;+attack" alias -koraim "-attack" alias +nxshotsil "+koraim;impulse 100" alias -nxshotsil "-koraim;impulse 100" alias +nxhead "+setsens;wait;+speed;wait;+moveup;wait;+nxaim " alias -nxhead "-setsens;wait;-speed;wait;-moveup;wait;-nxaim" alias +nxhead2 "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxhead2 "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +nxmasta "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxmasta "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +nxshtpwn "-reload;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxshtpwn "-attack;wait;-attack;+reload;wait;wait;-reload" alias +setsens "sensitivity 1.0" alias -setsens "sensitivity 5.0" alias +nxaim "+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack" alias -nxaim "-attack" alias naimac "naim;bind del naimkapa;d1;echo Continius Firing Enabled;d0" alias naimkapa "anaim;bind del naimac;d1;echo Continius Firing Disabled;d0" alias naim +attack alias anaim -attack alias bnaimac "bnaim;bind end bnaimkapa;d1;echo Continius Special Attack Enabled;d0" alias bnaimkapa "abnaim;bind end bnaimac;d1;echo Continius Special Attack Disabled;d0" alias bnaim +attack2 alias abnaim -attack2 alias aimon "bind mouse1 +koraim ;bind ins aimoff" alias aimoff "bind mouse1 +attack ;bind ins aimon" //End Of Aiming Aliases //Spawn in enemy base alias +nbase_t "chooseteam;ms6;chooseteam;ms1;ms5;wait;chooseteam ;ms6;chooseteamms2;ms5;wait;chooseteam;ms6;chooset eam;ms1;ms5" alias -nbase_t "ms5;wait;ms5;wait;ms5;d1;echo Respawned as Terrorist in CT Base;d0" alias +nbase_ct "chooseteam;ms6;chooseteam;ms2;ms5;wait;chooseteam ;ms6;chooseteam;ms1;ms5;wait;chooseteam;ms6;choose team;ms2ms5" alias -nbase_ct "ms5;wait;ms5;wait;ms5;d1;echo Respawned as CT in Terrorist Base;d0" alias nbase_r "chooseteam;ms6;chooseteam;ms5;ms5;wait;chooseteam ;ms6;chooseteam;ms5;ms5;wait;chooseteam;ms6;choose team;ms5;ms5;d1;echo Respawned as Randomized in Randomized Base;d0"" //End Of Spawn in enemy base //End Of Configuration //Statsme bug alias statsme "statsme_menu root" //End Of Others //Con Colors Colorized Consoles :p alias color_20 "con_color 255+155+50;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Default HL;d0" alias color_19 "con_color 110+110+333+0;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: New OGC;d0" alias color_18 "con_color 128+255+0;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Green 2;d0" alias color_17 "con_color 223+240+19;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Yellow;d0" alias color_16 "con_color 255+255+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: White;d0" alias color_15 "con_color 225+215+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Silver;d0" alias color_14 "con_color 32+218+227;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Gear Blue;d0" alias color_13 "con_color 157+236+70;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Peanut Green;d0" alias color_12 "con_color 253+53+53;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Flame Red;d0" alias color_11 "con_color 62+255+51;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Gear Green;d0" alias color_10 "con_color 155+120+100;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Gray;d0" alias color_9 "con_color 130+130+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Ice Blue;d0" alias color_8 "con_color 333+150+000;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Dark Orange;d0" alias color_7 "con_color 321+231+132;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Tan;d0" alias color_6 "con_color 280+111+369;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Light Purple;d0" alias color_5 "con_color 179+179+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: NukedX Special;d0" alias color_4 "con_color 274+084+198;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Pink Red;d0" alias color_3 "con_color 222+200+000;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Neon Orange;d0" alias color_2 "con_color 175+255+45;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Hi-Tech Green;d0" alias color_1 "con_color 128+255+255;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: New Sky Blue;d0" alias color_0 "con_color 000+255+000;d1;echo Con-Color Scheme: Green;d0" //developers alias d1 "developer 1" alias d0 "developer 0" alias dev1 "d1" alias dev0 "d0" alias echos_1 "developer 1;alias d1 nop;alias d0 nop;alias b1 nop;alias b0 nop" alias echos_0 "developer 0;alias d1 nop;alias d0 nop;alias b1 nop;alias b0 nop" //end of developers alias nxd3d "vid_d3d 1;gl_d3dflip 1;gl_polyoffset -0.001" alias nxgl "vid_d3d 0;gl_d3dflip 0;gl_polyoffset 0.1" //HeadShot Script by CR0N0S //Thanks to fortesscheats.com / BondOO7 / Megavol //Cvars hud_fastswitch "1" alias hud_fastswitch cl_bob "0" alias cl_bob cl_bobup "0" alias cl_bobup cl_bobcycle "0" alias cl_bobcycle cl_pitchspeed "1" alias cl_pitchspeed // :[ AutoLycuS ]: alias +thru "aimthru 1" alias -thru "aimthru 0" bind "pgdn" "aspeed 0;speed 0" alias aim1 "shoot 0;alias auto2_t shoot1;txt Autoshoot Off" alias shoot1 "shoot 1;alias auto2_t aim1;txt Autoshoot On" shoot1 fov 9000 alias wsec "#slot2" alias nop ";" alias aswitch0 "alias sigswitch nop ;txt -]|AUTO SWITCH: OFF|[-;alias aswitch aswitch1;init aswitch aswitch0" alias aswitch1 "alias sigswitch wsec;txt -]|AUTO SWITCH: ON|[-;alias aswitch aswitch0;init aswitch aswitch1" aswitch0 //server crash alias crash "#impulse 102;later 0.000001 crash;txt server status: crashing in 6.. 5.." //all cheats by M0rt$L //Aims Speed Hack And Some Cheats //Voice Annoying alias $vtoggle "$va_1" alias $va_1 "voice_inputfromfile 1; voice_loopback 1; +voicerecord; alias $vtoggle $va_0;alias $va_ echo [NukedX] $va_ is : 1" alias $va_0 "-voicerecord; voice_inputfromfile 0; voice_loopback 0; alias $vtoggle $va_1;alias $va_ echo [NukedX] $va_ is : 0" $va_0 //End of Voice Annoying //Bomb Timer (Thnx to NaXiMuZ For an Idea and Examples) alias $bombstyle "echo " alias $bombtimer_0 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch ;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 0 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_0;$bombtime_off" alias $bombtimer_1 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_0;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 1 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_2 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_1;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 2 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_3 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_2;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 3 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_4 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_3;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 4 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_5 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_4;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 5 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_1" alias $bombtimer_6 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_5;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 6 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_7 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_6;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 7 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_8 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_7;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 8 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_9 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_8;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 9 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_10 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_9;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 10 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_2" alias $bombtimer_11 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_10;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 11 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_12 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_11;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 12 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_13 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_12;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 13 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_14 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_13;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 14 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_15 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_14;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 15 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_3" alias $bombtimer_16 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_15;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 16 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_17 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_16;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 17 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_18 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_17;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 18 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_19 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_18;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 19 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_20 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_19;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 20 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_4" alias $bombtimer_21 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_20;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 21 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_22 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_21;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 22 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_23 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_22;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 23 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_24 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_23;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 24 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_25 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_24;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 25 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_5" alias $bombtimer_26 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_25;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 26 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_27 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_26;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 27 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_28 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_27;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 28 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_29 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_28;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 29 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_30 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_29;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 30 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_6" alias $bombtimer_31 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_30;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 31 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_32 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_31;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 32 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_33 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_32;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 33 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_34 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_33;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 34 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_35 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_34;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 35 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_7" alias $bombtimer_36 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_35;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 36 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_37 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_36;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 37 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_38 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_37;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 38 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_39 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_38;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 39 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_40 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_39;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 40 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_8" alias $bombtimer_41 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_40;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 41 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_42 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_41;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 42 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_43 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_42;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 43 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_44 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_43;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 44 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_45 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_44;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 45 Seconds Remaining;$b0;$bombspeak_9" alias $bombtimer_46 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_45;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 46 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_47 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_46;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 47 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_48 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_47;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 48 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombtimer_49 "alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3 alias m_pitch $bombtimer_48;$b1;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;$bombstyle;echo [NukedX] Bombtime: 49 Seconds Remaining;$b0" alias $bombspeak_0 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb0.rc" alias $bombspeak_1 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb1.rc" alias $bombspeak_2 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb2.rc" alias $bombspeak_3 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb3.rc" alias $bombspeak_4 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb4.rc" alias $bombspeak_5 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb5.rc" alias $bombspeak_6 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb6.rc" alias $bombspeak_7 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb7.rc" alias $bombspeak_8 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb8.rc" alias $bombspeak_9 "exec nukedx/spk/nxbomb9.rc" alias $b1 "developer 1;clear" alias $b0 "developer 0" alias $bombtime_off "bind capslock $bombtime;alias m_pitch $boop;alias $bombtime_w3" alias $boop $bombtime_w1 alias $bombtime_w1 "alias $boop $bombtime_w2" alias $bombtime_w2 "alias $boop $bombtime_w3" alias $bombtime_w3 alias $bombtime "$bombtimed;bind capslock $bombtime_off" alias $bombp_1 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_49" alias $bombp_2 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_44" alias $bombp_3 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_40" alias $bombp_4 "alias m_pitch $bombtimer_34" alias $bombtype_1 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_1;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 50 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 1" alias $bombtype_2 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_2;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 45 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 2" alias $bombtype_3 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_3;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 40 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 3" alias $bombtype_4 "alias $bombtimed $bombp_4;bind capslock $bombtime;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Enabled.; echo [NukedX] Bombtype: 35 Second Bomb;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 4" alias $bombtype_0 "alias $bombtimed $nop;unbind capslock;$d1;echo [NukedX] Bombtimer Disabled.;$d0;alias $bombtype_ echo [NukedX] $bombtype_ is : 0" //Throwing Armor (Thnx to Diablos for an idea and OGC Staff) alias $thraskev "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms1" alias $thraskevhelm "buyequip;wait;kill;wait;$ms2" alias $thrashed "$thraskev;$d1;echo [NukedX] Throwed Armor Only Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" alias $thrashed2 "$thraskevhelm;$d1;echo [NukedX] Throwed Armor Only Helm-Kevlar Get it When New Game Starts;$d0" //End Of Throwing Armor //NukedX's Decal WallHack (CD,HLG,WWCL,VAC Prooved) a.k.a SpriteWH alias $nxwall_1 "gl_polyoffset 2800;$d1;echo [NukedX] Simple and Decal WallHacks Enabled.;echo [NukedX] Now You Can See Bloods,Sprays,Shells through walls;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_0;alias $nxwall_ echo [NukedX] $nxwall_ is : 1" alias $nxwall_0 "gl_polyoffset 0.1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Simple and Decal WallHacks Disabled.;$d0;alias $nxwall $nxwall_1;alias $nxwall_ echo [NukedX] $nxwall_ is : 0" alias $nxwall "$nxwall_1" //End Of Decal WallHack //DevOverView bug alias $devcom_1 "alias $devbug_t $devcom_0;$devbug_on;bind kp_plus $devcom_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Overview Bug is Enabled Now You Can See Attacks and Enemies within your range;echo [NukedX] You Can Turn Off It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0;alias $devcom_ echo [NukedX] $devcom_ is : 1" alias $devcom_0 "alias $devbug_t $devcom_1;$devbug_off;bind kp_plus $devcom_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Overview Bug is Disabled You Can Turn On It By Pressing Kp-Plus(+);$d0;alias $devcom_ echo [NukedX] $devcom_ is : 0" alias $devbug_on "dev_overview 1" alias $devbug_off "dev_overview 0" alias $devbug_t "$devcom_1" $devcom_0 //End Of DevOverView Bug //SilentWalk alias $fasted1 "$d1;echo [NukedX] FastWalking: Enabled;$d0" alias $fasted0 "$d1;echo [NukedX] FastWalking: Disabled;$d0" alias $wwclwed1 "$d1;echo [NukedX] AntiWWCL Walking: Enabled;$d0" alias $wwclwed0 "$d1;echo [NukedX] AntiWWCL Walking: Disabled;$d0" alias $wwclw_0 "bind shift +$swalk;alias $wwclw_ echo [NukedX] $wwclw_ is : 0;alias $wwclw_t $wwclw_1;alias $wwclwstatus $wwclwed1" alias $wwclw_1 "bind shift +$wwclswalk;alias $wwclw_ echo [NukedX] $wwclw_ is : 1;alias $wwclw_t $wwclw_0;alias $wwclwstatus $wwclwed0" alias $fastwalk_1 "ex_maxspeed 999999;wait;ex_maxaccel 999999;wait;cl_movespeedkey 999999;alias $fastwalk_ echo [NukedX] $fastwalk_ is : 1;alias $fastwalk_t $fastwalk_0;alias $faststatus $fasted1" alias $fastwalk_0 "ex_maxspeed 750;wait;ex_maxaccel 2000;wait;cl_movespeedkey 0.520;alias $fastwalk_ echo [NukedX] $fastwalk_ is : 0;alias $fastwalk_t $fastwalk_1;alias $faststatus $fasted0" alias +$wwclswalk "+speed" alias -$wwclswalk "-speed" alias +$swalk "$fastwalk_0;+speed" alias -$swalk "$fastwalk_1;-speed" //end of silentwalk //Glow models alias $glowtog "$glow_1" alias $glow_1 "brightness 50;gamma 150;alias $glowtog $glow_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Glow Models: Enabled;$d0;alias $glow_ echo [NukedX] $glow_ is : 1" alias $glow_0 "brightness 9999999;gamma 9999999;alias $glowtog $glow_1,$d1;echo [NukedX] Glow Models: Disabled;$d0;alias $glow_ echo [NukedX] $glow_ is : 0" //Weapon Viewer / Unviewer alias $wpnview "$wpn_0" alias $wpn_0 "r_drawviewmodel 0;alias $wpnview $wpn_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Weapon Showing: Disabled;$d0;alias $wpn_ echo [NukedX] $wpn_ is : 0" alias $wpn_1 "r_drawviewmodel 1;alias $wpnview $wpn_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Weapon Showing: Enabled;$d0;alias $wpn_ echo [NukedX] $wpn_ is : 1" $wpn_1 //End Of Weapon Viewing //Whitewall hack alias "$wws" "$wws1;$wws2;$wws3;$wws4;$wws5" alias "$wws1" "gl_max_size 1;gl_dither 1;gl_flipmatrix 0;gl_lightholes 1;gl_monolights 0" alias "$wws2" "gl_overbright 0; gl_polyoffset 0.1;gl_smoothmodels 1;gl_spriteblend 0" alias "$wws3" "gl_cull 1;gl_palette_tex 0;gl_keeptjunctions 0 ;gl_wireframe 1; " alias "$wws4" "gl_picmip 1;gl_playermip 1000;gl_round_down 6;gl_wateramp 0" alias "$wws5" "gl_ztrick 1;gl_alphamin 0.25;r_dynamic 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;vid_wait 0;$cdblocker;$recwws" alias "$recwws" "$d1;echo [NukedX] Reconnecting For Enabling Setting Of WhiteWall Hack;$d0;reconnect" //End Of Whitewall hack //Script Advertising alias $advert "say I'm using NukedX 8.1.05 English Edition grab it at nuker.net.tc;say NukedX the face of shadow" //End Of Script Advertising //Awp Aliases //No-Recoiler alias $turnrec "$norecoil_0;bind mouse1 +$koraim;$d1;echo [NukedX] NoRecoil Status: Disabled;echo [NukedX] NoRecoil Attacking Mode: Korbom Shooter (Default);$d0" //Levels alias $nospread "m_pitch 0;m_forward 0;m_side 0" alias $norecoil_5 "cl_pitchspeed 10;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 5" alias $norecoil_4 "cl_pitchspeed 7;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 4" alias $norecoil_3 "cl_pitchspeed 5;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 3" alias $norecoil_2 "cl_pitchspeed 3;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 2" alias $norecoil_1 "cl_pitchspeed 1;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 1" alias $norecoil_0 "cl_pitchspeed 999999;alias $norecoil_ echo [NukedX] $norecoil_ is : 0" // No Spread + No Recoil alias +$nxspnr "+$spread;$w;+attack;$w;+$nonup" alias -$nxspnr "-$spread;$w;-attack;$w;-$nonup" //Basic Attack alias +$banr "+attack;wait;+lookdown" alias -$banr "-attack;wait;-lookdown;wait" //With Korbom Shooter alias +$konr "+$koraim;wait;+lookdown" alias -$konr "-$koraim;wait;-lookdown;wait" //With Shotgun Pwnage alias +$shtpwnr "+$nxshtpwn;wait;+lookdown" alias -$shtpwnr "-$nxshtpwn;wait;-lookdown;wait" //With NukedX Aimers //Safe Aimer alias +$nxnr "+$nxaim;wait;+lookdown" alias -$nxnr "-$nxaim;wait;-lookdown;wait" //Head Aimer alias +$nxhnr "+$nxhead;wait;+lookdown" alias -$nxhnr "-$nxhead;wait;-lookdown;wait" //NukedX Header2 alias +$nxsnr "+$nxhead2;wait;+lookdown" alias -$nxsnr "-$nxhead2;wait;-lookdown;wait" //NukedX New Master Recoil alias +$nxmaster "+$nxmasta;wait;+lookdown;+lookdown;+lookup" alias -$nxmaster "-$nxmasta;wait;-lookdown;-lookdown;-lookup;wait" //Silent Shot alias +$ssnr "+$nxshotsil;wait;+lookdown" alias -$ssnr "-$nxshotsil;wait;-lookdown;wait" //End Of No-Recoil //Sniper Blackout Remover alias $snp "$snp1" alias $snp1 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 0; alias $snp $snp2;$d1;echo -[Zoom 1]-;$d0" alias $snp2 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;alias $snp $snp3;$d1;echo -[Zoom 2]-;$d0" alias $snp3 "+attack2; wait; -attack2;hud_draw 1;weapon_knife;lastinv; alias $snp $snp1;$d1;echo -[Unzoom]-;$d0" alias $sec "$sniper_1" alias $sniper_1 "bind mouse2 $snp; alias $sec $sniper_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Sniper Blackout Loaded;$d0;alias $sniper_ echo [NukedX] $sniper_ is : 1" alias $sniper_0 "bind mouse2 +attack2; alias $sec $sniper_1; hud_draw 1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Sniper Blackout Unloaded;$d0;alias $sniper_ echo [NukedX] $sniper_ is : 0" $sniper_0 //End Of Blackout Remover //Buying Restricted AWP alias $rawp "buy;$ms4;$ms6;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;slot10" //End Of Buying Restricted Awp //Fast AWP alias +$awpattack "+attack" alias -$awpattack "-attack;$w;$p4;$w;$p3;$p1" alias $p2 "weapon_usp;weapon_glock18;weapon_deagle;weapon_p228;weapon_elite;weapon_fiveseven" alias $p1 "weapon_awp;weapon_scout" alias $p3 "lastinv" alias $p4 "weapon_knife" alias $awptog "$awp_1" alias $awp_1 "bind mouse1 +$awpattack;alias $awptog $awp_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Shooting Option: Fast Sniper Attack;$d0;alias $awp_ echo [NukedX] $awp_ is : 1" alias $awp_0 "bind mouse1 +attack;alias $awptog $awp_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Shooting Option: Normal HL Attack;$d0;alias $awp_ echo [NukedX] $awp_ is : 0" alias $awp_ "echo [NukedX] $awp_ is : 0" //End Of Fast AWP //Skinhacks (Thanx Leviathan for giving idea) alias "$t1" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 1;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;weapon_knife;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$ct1" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 2;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;weapon_knife;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$t2" "wait;wait;unbind kp_end;bind kp_end $t1;$t1;wait;wait;wait;wait;unbind kp_end;wait;wait;bind kp_end $t2" alias "$ct2" "wait;wait;unbind kp_downarrow;bind kp_downarrow $ct1;$ct1;wait;wait;wait;wait;unbind kp_downarrow;wait;wait;bind kp_downarrow $ct2" alias "$vip1" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 3;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;weapon_knife;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$vip2" "wait;wait;unbind kp_del;bind kp_del $vip1;$vip1;wait;wait;wait;wait;unbind kp_del;wait;wait;bind kp_del $vip2" alias "$t3" "wait;wait;wait;wait;buyequip;wait;menuselect 1;wait;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;menuselect 10;wait;slot10;wait;slot10" alias "$w" "wait" alias "$w5" "$w;$w;$w;$w;$w" alias "$w10" "$w5;$w5" alias "$team1s" "chooseteam; $w5;slot1;menuselect 0;slot1;slot1;$w5;slot1" alias "$team2s" "chooseteam; $w5;slot2;menuselect 0;slot2;slot2;$w5;slot2" //End of Skinhacks cl_lc 1;cl_lw 1 //Ping Fixers alias $rate_0 "cl_rate 11000.0528;rate 7500;cl_latency -50;cl_updaterate 55;cl_cmdrate 55;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: DSL;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 0" alias $rate_1 "cl_rate 11000.0528;rate 8200;cl_latency -90;cl_updaterate 40;cl_cmdrate 40;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: Cable;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 1" alias $rate_2 "cl_latency -150.0528;cl_rate 11000.0528;rate 5075; cl_updaterate 28;cl_cmdrate 30;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: 56k;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 2" alias $rate_3 "rate 3000;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 25;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: 33k;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 3" alias $rate_4 "rate 2500;cl_updaterate 15;cl_cmdrate 25;cl_download_ingame 0;$dev1;echo [NukedX] Ping Optimizer: 28k;$dev0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rate_ echo [NukedX] $rate_ is : 4" //End Of Ping Fixers //Server Crasher alias $lag1 "timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft;timeleft" alias $lag2 "$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1;$lag1" alias $lag3 "$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2;$lag2" alias $lag4 "$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3;$lag3" alias $lag5 "$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4;$lag4" alias $lag6 "$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5;$lag5" alias $lag7 "$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6;$lag6" alias $lag8 "$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7;$lag7" //End Of Server Crasher //CD Blocker alias $cdblocker "exec nukedx/nxblocker.cfg;$d1;echo [NukedX] AMX/CD/HLG/WWCL Blocker Enabling...;$d0" //End Of CD blocker //Sound Ambience Remover alias $stpsnd "stopsound; room_delay 0;room_feedback 0;room_left 0;room_lp 0;room_mod 0;room_off 1;room_refl 0;room_size 0;room_type 0" alias $saroff "$stpsnd;$d1;echo [NukedX] Ambience Remover Enabled;$d0" //End Of Sound Ambience Remover //Demo Recorder alias $RecDemo "$Rec_1" alias $Rec_1 "record CSDemo1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Recording Demo;$d0;alias $RecDemo $Rec_0;alias $rec_ echo [NukedX] $rec_ is : 1" alias $Rec_0 "stop;$d1;echo [NukedX] Recording Complete;$d0;alias $RecDemo $Rec_1;alias $rec_ echo [NukedX] $rec_ is : 0" $rec_0 //End of Demo Recorder //Jumping Aliases alias $matrix "+attack;$w;-attack;$w5;+reload;$w10;$w;slot5;$w5;+jump;$w;-jump;$w;-jump;$w5;slot3;$w5;slot2;$w5;slot1;-reload;$w;-reload;$w;-reload" alias +$jumpduck "+duck;wait;+jump" alias -$jumpduck "-duck;wait;-jump" alias $duckset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 1;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $duckset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $jumpset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 1;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $jumpset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $strjumpset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 1;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $strjumpset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $eqbunnyset1 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 1" alias $eqbunnyset0 "alias $duck_ echo [NukedX] $duck_ is : 0;alias $jump_ echo [NukedX] $jump_ is : 0;alias $strjump_ echo [NukedX] $strjump_ is : 0;alias $eqbunny_ echo [NukedX] $eqbunny_ is : 0" alias $duck_1 "bind space +$jumpduck;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_0;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: DuckJump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$duckset1" alias $duck_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$duckset0" alias $duck_t "$duck_1" alias $jump_1 "bind space $pulo;alias $jump_t $jump_0;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: BunnyHop;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$jumpset1" alias $jump_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$jumpset0" alias $pulo "+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;wait;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo;+$pulo;wait;-$pulo" alias $jump_t "$jump_1" alias +$pulo "+jump" alias -$pulo "-jump" alias +$strjump "+strafe;wait;+jump" alias -$strjump "-strafe;wait;-jump" alias $strjump_1 "bind space +$strjump;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_0;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: StrafedJump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$strjumpset1" alias $strjump_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$strjumpset0" alias $strjump_t "$strjump_1" alias $eq "+duck;$w;-duck" alias +$eqj "+jump" alias -$eqj "-jump" alias +$eqbunny "+$eqj;$w;$eq;$w;$eq;$w;+$eqj;$w;$eq;+$eqj" alias -$eqbunny "-$eqj;$w;$eq;$w;-$eqj" alias $eqbunny_1 "bind space +$eqbunny;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Earthquake Bunny;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$eqbunnyset1" alias $eqbunny_0 "bind space +jump;alias $eqbunny_t $eqbunny_1;alias $jump_t $jump_1;alias $duck_t $duck_1;alias $strjump_t $strjump_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Jump Option: Normal Jump;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$eqbunnyset0" alias $eqbunny_t "$eqbunny_1" //End Of Jumping Aliases //Money Increaser alias $money_1 "chooseteam;wait;$ms1;wait;$ms0;wait;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;$d0;alias $money_ echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 1" alias $money_2 "chooseteam;wait;$ms2;wait;$ms0;wait;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;$d0;alias $money_ echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 2" alias $money_0 "chooseteam;wait;$ms5;wait;$ms0;wait;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Money Increaser Enabled.Please Dont Choose Skin for few rounds.;$d0;alias $money_ echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 0" alias $money_ "echo [NukedX] $money_ is : 0" //End Of Money Increaser //Aiming Aliases alias +$nonup "+lookdown;$w;+lookdown;$w;+lookup;$w;+lookdown" alias -$nonup "-lookdown;$w;-lookdown;$w;-lookup;$w;-lookdown" alias +$spread "-mlook;$w;$nospread" alias -$spread "+mlook;$w;$nospread" alias +$koraim "+attack;+attack;+attack;-attack;+attack" alias -$koraim "-attack" alias +$nxshotsil "+$koraim;impulse 100" alias -$nxshotsil "-$koraim;impulse 100" alias +$nxhead "+$setsens;wait;+speed;wait;+moveup;wait;+$nxaim" alias -$nxhead "-$setsens;wait;-speed;wait;-moveup;wait;-$nxaim" alias +$nxhead2 "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxhead2 "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxmasta "-mlook;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxmasta "+mlook;wait;-attack" alias +$nxshtpwn "-reload;wait;+attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxshtpwn "-attack;wait;-attack;+reload;wait;wait;-reload" alias +$setsens "sensitivity 1.0" alias -$setsens "sensitivity 5.0" alias +$nxaim "+attack;wait;+attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack;wait;-attack;wait;+attack" alias -$nxaim "-attack" alias $naimac "$naim;bind del $naimkapa;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Firing Enabled;$d0" alias $naimkapa "$anaim;bind del $naimac;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Firing Disabled;$d0" alias $naim +attack alias $anaim -attack alias $bnaimac "$bnaim;bind end $bnaimkapa;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Special Attack Enabled;$d0" alias $bnaimkapa "$abnaim;bind end $bnaimac;$d1;echo [NukedX] Continius Special Attack Disabled;$d0" alias $bnaim +attack2 alias $abnaim -attack2 alias $aimon "bind mouse1 +$koraim ;bind ins $aimoff" alias $aimoff "bind mouse1 +attack ;bind ins $aimon" //End Of Aiming Aliases //Respawn Cheat alias $revive "$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawning as Random;$d0;chooseteam;$ms6;$ms5;$ms5;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Randomized;$d0" alias +$revive_t "$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawning as Terrorist;$d0;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Terorist;$d0" alias +$revive_ct "$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawning as Counter-Terrorist;$d0;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Ct;$d0" alias -$revive_t "$ms5" alias -$revive_ct "$ms5" //End Of Respawn Cheat //Spawn in enemy base alias +$nbase_t "chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5" alias -$nbase_t "$ms5;wait;$ms5;wait;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Terrorist in CT Base;$d0" alias +$nbase_ct "chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms1;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms2;$ms5" alias -$nbase_ct "$ms5;wait;$ms5;wait;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as CT in Terrorist Base;$d0" alias $nbase_r "chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms5;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms5;$ms5;wait;chooseteam;$ms6;chooseteam;$ms5;$ms5;$d1;echo [NukedX] Respawned as Randomized in Randomized Base;$d0"" //End Of Spawn in enemy base //No Ammo Hack alias $ammo "$ammo_1" alias $do "+attack;lastinv;lastinv;wait;wait;wait;wait;-attack" alias $ammo_1 "bind mouse1 $do;$d1;echo [NukedX] No Ammo On;$d0;alias $ammo $ammo_0;alias $ammo_ echo [NukedX] $ammo_ is : 1" alias $ammo_0 "-attack;bind mouse1 +attack;$d1;echo [NukedX] No Ammo Off;$d0;alias $ammo $ammo_1;alias $ammo_ echo [NukedX] $ammo_ is : 0" alias $ammo_ "echo [NukedX] $ammo_ is : 0" //End Of No Ammo Hack //Configuration Of HL CVARS alias $speeds "cl_forwardspeed 600;cl_sidespeed 600;cl_yawspeed 999999;cl_backspeed 600;cl_upspeed 999999;cl_minmodels 999999;cl_dynamiccrosshair 0" alias $himodeds "cl_himodels 999999;cl_solid_players 999999;cl_observercrosshair 999999;cl_showfps 999999;cl_timeout 999999.233;hud_takesshots 999999;fastsprites 1;hud_fastswitch 999999" alias $mycheats "$speeds;$himodeds;$d1;echo [NukedX] NukedX HL/CS CVARS LOADED Succesfully.;$d0" //End Of Configuration //Statsme bug alias $statsme "statsme_menu root" //End Of statsme bug //End Of hacks //NukedX Server List //no won servers alias $frcs "connect" alias $jpcs "connect" alias $hlpd1 "connect cs.pdclan.org:27015" alias $hlpd2 "connect cs2.pdclan.org:27015" alias $gpcs "connect cs.griport.com:27015" alias $icss "connect" alias $trconcs "connect" alias $zoner3 "connect" alias $zoner2 "connect" alias $zoner1 "connect" alias $fgcs "connect" alias $rics "connect" alias $kbcs "connect" alias $btcs "connect" alias $brcs "connect" //End Of Others //Con Colors Colorized Consoles :p alias $color_20 "con_color 255+155+50;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Default HL;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 20" alias $color_19 "con_color 110+110+333+0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: New OGC;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 19" alias $color_18 "con_color 128+255+0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Green 2;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 18" alias $color_17 "con_color 223+240+19;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Yellow;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 17" alias $color_16 "con_color 255+255+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: White;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 16" alias $color_15 "con_color 225+215+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Silver;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 15" alias $color_14 "con_color 32+218+227;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Gear Blue;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 14" alias $color_13 "con_color 157+236+70;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Peanut Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 13" alias $color_12 "con_color 253+53+53;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Flame Red;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 12" alias $color_11 "con_color 62+255+51;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Gear Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 11" alias $color_10 "con_color 155+120+100;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Gray;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 10" alias $color_9 "con_color 130+130+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Ice Blue;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 9" alias $color_8 "con_color 333+150+000;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Dark Orange;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 8" alias $color_7 "con_color 321+231+132;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Tan;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 7" alias $color_6 "con_color 280+111+369;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Light Purple;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 6" alias $color_5 "con_color 179+179+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: NukedX Special;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 5" alias $color_4 "con_color 274+084+198;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Pink Red;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 4" alias $color_3 "con_color 222+200+000;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Neon Orange;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 3" alias $color_2 "con_color 175+255+45;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Hi-Tech Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 2" alias $color_1 "con_color 128+255+255;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: New Sky Blue;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 1" alias $color_0 "con_color 000+255+000;$d1;echo [NukedX] Con-Color Scheme: Green;$d0;alias $color_ echo [NukedX] $color_ is : 0" alias $contog_inc "$con2" alias $contog_dec "$con0" alias $con20 "alias $contog_inc $con0;$color_20;alias $contog_dec $con19" alias $con19 "alias $contog_inc $con20;$color_19;alias $contog_dec $con18" alias $con18 "alias $contog_inc $con19;$color_18;alias $contog_dec $con17" alias $con17 "alias $contog_inc $con18;$color_17;alias $contog_dec $con16" alias $con16 "alias $contog_inc $con17;$color_16;alias $contog_dec $con15" alias $con15 "alias $contog_inc $con16;$color_15;alias $contog_dec $con14" alias $con14 "alias $contog_inc $con15;$color_14;alias $contog_dec $con13" alias $con13 "alias $contog_inc $con14;$color_13;alias $contog_dec $con12" alias $con12 "alias $contog_inc $con13;$color_12;alias $contog_dec $con11" alias $con11 "alias $contog_inc $con12;$color_11;alias $contog_dec $con10" alias $con10 "alias $contog_inc $con11;$color_10;alias $contog_dec $con9" alias $con9 "alias $contog_inc $con10;$color_9;alias $contog_dec $con8" alias $con8 "alias $contog_inc $con9;$color_8;alias $contog_dec $con7" alias $con7 "alias $contog_inc $con8;$color_7;alias $contog_dec $con6" alias $con6 "alias $contog_inc $con7;$color_6;alias $contog_dec $con5" alias $con5 "alias $contog_inc $con6;$color_5;alias $contog_dec $con4" alias $con4 "alias $contog_inc $con5;$color_4;alias $contog_dec $con3" alias $con3 "alias $contog_inc $con4;$color_3;alias $contog_dec $con2" alias $con2 "alias $contog_inc $con3;$color_2;alias $contog_dec $con1" alias $con1 "alias $contog_inc $con2;$color_1;alias $contog_dec $con0" alias $con0 "alias $contog_inc $con1;$color_0;alias $contog_dec $con20" //End of Colorized Console //Server Screwing //End Of Server Screwing //Alias For Team Say Reloading alias +$reload1 "+reload;wait;say_team Team Cover Me. Im Reloading..."  alias -$reload1 "-reload" alias $rel_1 "bind r +$reload1;alias $reltog $rel_0;$d1;echo [NukedX] Reload Option: NukedX Reload;$d0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rel_ echo [NukedX] $rel_ is : 1" alias $rel_0 "bind r +reload;alias $reltog $rel_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Reload Option: Normal Reload;$d0;speak fvox/beep;alias $rel_ echo [NukedX] $rel_ is : 0" alias $reltog "$rel_1" $rel_0 //End Of Reloading //Quick bomb planter / Defuser alias $defset1 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 1;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 0" alias $defset0 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 0;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 0" alias $plantset1 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 0;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 1" alias $plantset0 "alias $defuse_ echo [NukedX] $defuse_ is : 0;alias $plant_ echo [NukedX] $plant_ is : 0" alias $defuse_1 "bind j +$defuse1;alias $deftog $defuse_0;alias $plantog $plant_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Defuser on J button;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$defset1" alias $defuse_0 "bind j cheer;alias $deftog $defuse_1;alias $plantog $plant_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Blank;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$defset0" alias $deftog "$defuse_1" alias $plant_1 "bind j +$bomb;alias $plantog $plant_0;alias $deftog $defuse_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Planter on J Button;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$plantset1" alias $plant_0 "bind j cheer;alias $plantog $plant_1;alias $deftog $defuse_1;$d1;echo [NukedX] Defuse/Plant Option: Blank;$d0;speak fvox/beep;$plantset0" alias $plantog "$plant_1" alias +$bombtime "$nop" alias -$bombtime "$bombtime" alias +$bomb "weapon_c4;wait;+duck;wait;+attack;wait;say_team Cover Me Im Planting Bomb;radio1;wait;$ms1;+$bombtime" alias -$bomb "-duck;wait;-attack;wait;$ms0;$ms0;-$bombtime" alias $c4 "+$bomb" alias $ac4 "+$defuse1" alias "+$defuse1" "+use;wait;say_team Cover me Im Trying defuse the bomb.;radio1;wait;$ms1" alias "-$defuse1" "-use;wait;$ms0"    //End Of Planter / DEfuser //Name Toggle alias $nametog "$namet_0" alias $namet_0 "$name_0;alias $nametog $namet_1" alias $namet_1 "$name_1;alias $nametog $namet_2" alias $namet_2 "$name_2;alias $nametog $namet_3" alias $namet_3 "$name_3;alias $nametog $namet_4" alias $namet_4 "$name_4;alias $nametog $namet_5" alias $namet_5 "$name_5;alias $nametog $namet_6" alias $namet_6 "$name_6;alias $nametog $namet_7" alias $namet_7 "$name_7;alias $nametog $namet_8" alias $namet_8 "$name_8;alias $nametog $namet_9" alias $namet_9 "$name_9;alias $nametog $namet_10" alias $namet_10 "$name_10;alias $nametog $namet_0" //Menuselecters alias "$ms1" "menuselect 1" alias "$ms2" "menuselect 2" alias "$ms3" "menuselect 3" alias "$ms4" "menuselect 4" alias "$ms5" "menuselect 5" alias "$ms6" "menuselect 6" alias "$ms7" "menuselect 7" alias "$ms8" "menuselect 8" alias "$ms9" "menuselect 9" alias "$ms0" "slot10;wait;wait;slot10;slot10;wait;wait;slot10;slot10;wait;wait;slot10;slot10;wait;wait;slot10" //End Of Menuselecters //ToKnife Options alias $toknife "$nop" alias $toknife_1 "$d1;echo [NukedX] BuyBot: OGC Style Switch To Knife Mode Enabled;$d0;alias $toknife $kop;alias $toknife_t $toknife_0;alias $toknife_ echo [NukedX] $toknife_ : 1" alias $toknife_0 "$d1;echo [NukedX] BuyBot: OGC Style Switch To Knife Mode Disabled;$d0;alias $toknife $nop;alias $toknife_t $toknife_1;alias $toknife echo [NukedX] $toknife_ : 0" alias $toknife_t "$toknife_1" alias $nop alias $kop "wait;weapon_knife" //Alias For Easy Buying Weapons alias +$deagle "buy;$ms1;$ms3;$ms0" alias -$deagle "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$mp5 "buy;$ms3;$ms1;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought a mp5navy" alias -$mp5 "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$teambest "buy;$ms4;$ms2;$ms0;$ms0;$ms4;$ms4;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought a Team Best: SG552/AUG" alias -$teambest "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$teamrifle "buy;$ms4;$ms3;$ms0;$ms0;buy;$ms4;$ms1;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought a Team Rifle: M4A1 Colt/AK47" alias -$teamrifle "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$sniper "buy;$ms4;$ms6;$ms0;$d1;echo [NukedX Auto Buy] Bought an AW/M" alias -$sniper "$ms0;$toknife;$d0" alias +$ammo1 "buy;$ms6;$ms0;$ms0" alias -$ammo1 "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$ammo2 "buy;$ms7;$ms0;$ms0" alias -$ammo2 "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$koruma "buy;$ms8;$ms2;$ms0" alias -$koruma "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$flashbomb "buy;$ms8;$ms3;$ms0" alias -$flashbomb "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$bomba "buy;$ms8;$ms4;$ms0" alias -$bomba "$ms0;$toknife" alias +$smoke "buy;$ms8;$ms5;$ms0" alias -$smoke "$ms0;$toknife" //End of Easy buying weapons alias $cvarlist "$ammo_;$awp_;$bombtype_;$color_;$defuse_;$devcom_;$duck_;$echos_;$eqbunny_;$fastwalk_;$gl_;$glow_;$jump_;$money_;$norecoil_;$nxwall_;$plant_;$rate_;$rec_;$rel_;$sniper_;$toknife_;$va_;$wpn_;$wwclw_" alias $help "exec nukedx/nxecho.cfg" //developers alias $d1 "developer 1" alias $d0 "developer 0" alias $dev1 "$d1" alias $dev0 "$d0" alias $echos_1 "developer 1;alias $d1 $nop;alias $d0 $nop;alias $b1 $nop;alias $b0 $nop;alias $echos_ echo [NukedX] $echos_ is : 1" alias $echos_0 "developer 0;alias $d1 $nop;alias $d0 $nop;alias $b1 $nop;alias $b0 $nop;alias $echos_ echo [NukedX] $echos_ is : 0" alias $echos_ "echo [NukedX] $echos_ is : 0" //end of developers //NukedX's Special d3d Config alias $gl_0 "vid_d3d 1;gl_d3dflip 1;gl_polyoffset -0.001;alias $gl_ echo [NukedX] $gl_ is : 0" alias $gl_1 "vid_d3d 0;gl_d3dflip 0;gl_polyoffset 0.1;alias $gl_ echo [NukedX] $gl_ is : 1" //end of Nukedx's Special d3d Config // syntax of avadd : // first param -> 0=stand, 1=duck // second param -> height // third param -> forward // last param -> right // randomized aiming alias humaim0 "randmax 0; init aimr humaim0;alias humaim humaim1; txt *** Randomized aiming turned OFF ***" alias humaim1 "randmax 5; init aimr humaim1;alias humaim humaim0; txt *** Randomized aiming turned ON ***" humaim0 // smooth aiming alias smooth0 "smooth 0; init aims smooth0;alias smooth_t smooth1; txt *** Smooth aiming turned OFF ***" alias smooth1 "smooth 5; init aims smooth1;alias smooth_t smooth0; txt *** Smooth aiming turned ON ***" smooth0 alias n4 "echo Once a Mouse Mode is changed it is set to that, if you need to change it hit ~ and type rbf89" alias hson2 "bind mouse1 +hson;bind f10 hson3;devon;echo HeadShot = On;devoff;hsdto1" alias hson3 "bind mouse1 +hsoff;bind f10 hson2;decon;echo HeadShot = Off;devoff;hsdto2" alias +awpshoot "+attack" alias -awpshoot "-attack; wait; wait; slot2" alias awpshoot_aus "alias awp_tg awpshoot_an; bind mouse1 +attack; developer 1; echo AWP-Shoot AUS" alias awpshoot_an "alias awp_tg awpshoot_aus; bind mouse1 +awpshoot; developer 1; echo AWP-Shoot AN" alias "awp_tg" "awpshoot_an" alias SIR3 "avadd 0 20 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimSupreme "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR3; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- Supreme;" // Tylers Aim Vector 4 alias lostsoulaimvec4 "avadd 0 19.5 6 2   13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 3 2 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias lostsoulaim4 "avclear;avadd 0 19.35 7.1 2;avadd 1 17.05 1.95 3.95;lostsoulaimvec4;init 0 lostsoulaim4;txt *** Aim 4: NH-|ostsou| ***" //2-Shot-Burst-Fire-Head //SIR-Aim 2-Shot alias SIR5 "avadd 0 21 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIR6 "avadd 0 19 5 3 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 19 4 3 15 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRAimTS "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR5;SIR6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- 2-Shot;" //sargent: head alias SargentHead1 "avadd 0 21 7 2 ;avadd 1 23 7 3" alias SargentHead "avclear;SargentHead1;init 0 HeadBunny;txt sargent: head;" //SIR-smoke alias SIR9 "avadd 0 23 6 2.7 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 20 2 3.7 17 -2 -5 15 -5 8 -17 0 -8 -15 -16 5" alias SIRsmoke "avclear 0;avclear 1;SIR9; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt -[SIR-Aim]- smoke;" //gift: shot alias GiftShot "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 20.15 7.5 1.45; avadd 1 23.5 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: shot" //gift: money alias GiftMoney "avclear 0; avadd 1; avadd 0 21.85 6.5 1.40; avadd 1 24 6.1 2.8; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: money"   //gift: whore alias GiftWhore "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 21.95 6.5 2.8; avadd 1 18 3 4; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt gift: whore"   //silentscope alias silent "avclear 0; avadd 0 23 7 -6; avadd 1 27 0 6; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt silentx"   / color alias color_ogc "color terror 255 40 40 255 counter 40 80 255 255 special 155 155 155 255 target 102 204 51 255 text 50 100 255 255 hud 255 160 0 0;color_ogc2" alias color_ogc2 "hud 0;color sound 68 68 255 255 bombtimer 255 40 40 255 systime 255 255 255 255 esp 255 255 0 255 back 0 0 0 128 radar1 80 50 30 110 radar2 10 10 10 55" alias color_new "color terror 255 255 0 255 counter 50 80 255 255 special 200 200 200 255 target 255 80 80 255 text 200 120 50 255 sound 200 99 99 255;color_new2" alias color_new2 "hud 1;color bombtimer 200 120 50 255 systime 100 100 255 255 esp 70 80 70 255 back 0 0 20 128 radar1 30 50 150 150 radar2 10 10 50 100 hud 130 130 255 0" alias color_1 "color_ogc;alias color_t color_2;init 2 color_1;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC" alias color_2 "color_new;alias color_t color_1;init 2 color_2;init save;txt Color Scheme: OGC-new" color_1   //new aiming (zer0) alias zbaddass "avadd 0 20 9 4" alias zbaddass2 "avadd 1 17 2 4" alias zbadass3 "avadd 0 22 5 4;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6; avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zero1  "avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 13.5 6 -6;avadd 0 15 6 6;avadd 0 10 -3 0;avadd 0 -32 -7 5;avadd 0 -32 5 -4.5" alias zbadass4 "avadd 1 26 3 3;avadd 1 13 -2 -5;avadd 1 11 -5 8;avadd 1 -21 0 -8;avadd 1 -19 -16 5" alias zbaddass5 "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd alias zbaddpair1 "zbaddass;zbaddass2;zbadass3;zero1;zbadass4;zbaddass5" alias zbadassdone "zbaddpair1; txt z_Bad-Ass Aiming Loaded" alias zeroheadSD "avadd 0 22 5 4 13.5 6 -6 15 6 6 10 -3 0 -32 -7 5 -32 5 -4.5; avadd 1 26 3 3 13 -2 -5 11 -5 8 -21 0 -8 -19 -16 5" alias zeroHead "avclear;zeroheadSD;init 0 zeroHead; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0;txt *^*zer0s Secret-Aiming (you^will^own)*^*"    //4c1ds alias 4c1dh34daim1 "avadd 0 20.7 8.01 3.6; avadd 1 22.4 6.01 3.6" alias 4c1dh34daim2 "avadd 0 20.7 8.3 0.8; avadd 1 22.5 6.2 0.8" alias 4c1d1337aim "avclear;4c1dh34daim1;4c1dh34daim2; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup; txt --| 1337 Aim |--"   //[JAPS]~Stoner4Life~ alias omfg "avclear 0; avclear 1; avadd 0 25 6 3;avadd 0 25 6 -3;avadd 0 25 6 2;avadd 0 25 6 -2;avadd 0 25 6 1;avadd 0 25 6 -1;avadd 0 25 6 0;avadd 0 25 6 4;avadd 0 25 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 7.5;avadd 0 21 6 -7.5;avadd 0 22 6 7.5;avadd 0 22 6 -7.5" alias omfg1 "avadd 0 24 6 0;avadd 0 24 6 1;avadd 0 24 6 -1;avadd 0 24 6 2;avadd 0 24 6 -2;avadd 0 24 6 3;avadd 0 24 6 -3;avadd 0 24 6 4;avadd 0 24 6 -4;avadd 0 24 6 5;avadd 0 24 6 -5;avadd 0 24 6 6;avadd 0 24 6 -6;avadd 0 24.5 6 0" alias omfg2 "avadd 0 24.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 24.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg3 "avadd 0 23 6 0;avadd 0 23 6 1;avadd 0 23 6 -1;avadd 0 23 6 2;avadd 0 23 6 -2;avadd 0 23 6 3;avadd 0 23 6 -3;avadd 0 23 6 4;avadd 0 23 6 -4;avadd 0 23 6 5;avadd 0 23 6 -5;avadd 0 23 6 6;avadd 0 23 6 -6;avadd 0 23.5 6 0" alias omfg4 "avadd 0 23.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 23.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg5 "avadd 0 22 6 0;avadd 0 22 6 1;avadd 0 22 6 -1;avadd 0 22 6 2;avadd 0 22 6 -2;avadd 0 22 6 3;avadd 0 22 6 -3;avadd 0 22 6 4;avadd 0 22 6 -4;avadd 0 22 6 5;avadd 0 22 6 -5;avadd 0 22 6 6;avadd 0 22 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 8;avadd 0 21.5 6 -8" alias omfg6 "avadd 0 22.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 22.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg7 "avadd 0 21 6 0;avadd 0 21 6 1;avadd 0 21 6 -1;avadd 0 21 6 2;avadd 0 21 6 -2;avadd 0 21 6 3;avadd 0 21 6 -3;avadd 0 21 6 4;avadd 0 21 6 -4;avadd 0 21 6 5;avadd 0 21 6 -5;avadd 0 21 6 6;avadd 0 21 6 -6;avadd 0 21.5 6 0;avadd 0 22.5 6 0" alias omfg8 "avadd 0 21.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 21.5 6 -1.5" alias omfg9 "avadd 0 20 6 0;avadd 0 20 6 1;avadd 0 20 6 -1;avadd 0 20 6 2;avadd 0 20 6 -2;avadd 0 20 6 3;avadd 0 20 6 -3;avadd 0 20 6 4;avadd 0 20 6 -4;avadd 0 20 6 5;avadd 0 20 6 -5;avadd 0 20 6 6;avadd 0 20 6 -6;avadd 0 20.5 6 0" alias omfg0 "avadd 0 20.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 20.5 6 -1.5" alias omfga "avadd 0 19 6 0;avadd 0 19 6 1;avadd 0 19 6 -1;avadd 0 19 6 2;avadd 0 19 6 -2;avadd 0 19 6 3;avadd 0 19 6 -3;avadd 0 19 6 4;avadd 0 19 6 -4;avadd 0 19 6 5;avadd 0 19 6 -5;avadd 0 19 6 6;avadd 0 19 6 -6;avadd 0 19.5 6 0" alias omfgb "avadd 0 19.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 19.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgc "avadd 0 18 6 0;avadd 0 18 6 1;avadd 0 18 6 -1;avadd 0 18 6 2;avadd 0 18 6 -2;avadd 0 18 6 3;avadd 0 18 6 -3;avadd 0 18 6 4;avadd 0 18 6 -4;avadd 0 18 6 5;avadd 0 18 6 -5;avadd 0 18 6 6;avadd 0 18 6 -6;avadd 0 18.5 6 0" alias omfgd "avadd 0 18.5 6 6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -6.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -5.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -4.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -3.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -2.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 1.5;avadd 0 18.5 6 -1.5" alias omfgD "avadd 1 20 3 2;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 0 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 19.3 4;avadd 1 -20 -6 6;avadd 1 17 -2 -5;avadd 1 15 -5 8;avadd 1 -17 3 -8;avadd 1 -15 -16 5;avadd 1 23 6 0;avadd 1 22 6 0" alias omfghead " omfg; omfg1; omfg2; omfg3; omfg4; omfg5; omfg6; omfg7; omfg8; omfg9; omfg0; omfga; omfgb; omfgc; omfgd; omfgD; recoil 2.0; #cl_bob 0; #cl_bobup 0; txt [JAPS]~Stoner4Life Head"   / Zyplayynca Ayaklary Yukary Зekme alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck" " // Zyplayarak Yanly?lykla Aзylan Menьleri Kapatma alias clmenu "waitlg; waitlg; waitlg" alias waitlg "wait; slot10; wait; slot10; wait; slot10" alias +jumpclr "+jump; clmenu" alias -jumpclr "-jump" bind "space" "+jumpclr"   //Anti-Recoil script by ERASER alias dev1 "developer 1" alias dev0 "developer 0" alias att "+attack" alias +on "+attack; +lookdown" alias -on "-attack; -lookdown" alias em "" alias antion "bind kp_leftarrow antioff; wait;bind = podbotmenu; bind mouse1 r0; wait; bind = r0; wait; bind - r0; wait; bind mwheelup r0; wait; bind mwheeldown r0; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil ENABLED; dev1" alias antioff "bind mouse1 +attack; wait; bind = em; wait; bind - em; wait; bind mwheelup em; wait; bind mwheeldown em; wait; bind kp_rightarrow antion; wait; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil DISABLED; dev1"   dev1; echo ================================================== =============== echo Press Keypad 4 To enable/disable Nobob. echo Press Keypad 6 To enable/disable Anti-Recoil. echo Press +/- or mousewheelup/mousewheeldown to adjust Recoil Speeds. echo ================================================== ===============; dev1   alias cl0 "cl_pitchspeed 0" alias cl1 "cl_pitchspeed 0.5" alias cl2 "cl_pitchspeed 1" alias cl3 "cl_pitchspeed 1.5" alias cl4 "cl_pitchspeed 2" alias cl5 "cl_pitchspeed 2.5" alias cl6 "cl_pitchspeed 3" alias cl7 "cl_pitchspeed 3.5" alias cl8 "cl_pitchspeed 4" alias cl9 "cl_pitchspeed 4.5" alias cl10 "cl_pitchspeed 5" alias cl11 "cl_pitchspeed 5.5" alias cl12 "cl_pitchspeed 6" alias cl13 "cl_pitchspeed 6.5" alias cl14 "cl_pitchspeed 7" alias cl15 "cl_pitchspeed 7.5" alias cl16 "cl_pitchspeed 8" alias cl17 "cl_pitchspeed 8.5" alias cl18 "cl_pitchspeed 9" alias cl19 "cl_pitchspeed 9.5" alias cl20 "cl_pitchspeed 10"   alias ec0 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |--------------------|; dev1" alias ec1 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*-------------------|; dev1" alias ec2 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |**------------------|; dev1" alias ec3 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |***-----------------|; dev1" alias ec4 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |****----------------|; dev1" alias ec5 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*****---------------|; dev1" alias ec6 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |******--------------|; dev1" alias ec7 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*******-------------|; dev1" alias ec8 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |********------------|; dev1" alias ec9 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*********-----------|; dev1" alias ec10 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |**********----------|; dev1" alias ec11 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |***********---------|; dev1" alias ec12 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |************--------|; dev1" alias ec13 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*************-------|; dev1" alias ec14 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |**************------|; dev1" alias ec15 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |***************-----|; dev1" alias ec16 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |****************----|; dev1" alias ec17 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*****************---|; dev1" alias ec18 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |******************--|; dev1" alias ec19 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |*******************-|; dev1" alias ec20 "dev1; echo Recoil Speed |********************|; dev1"   alias r0 "ec0; cl0; bind mouse1 +attack; bind = r1; bind mwheelup r1" alias r1 "ec1; cl1; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r2; bind - r0; bind mwheelup r2; bind mwheeldown r0" alias r2 "ec2; cl2; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r3; bind - r1; bind mwheelup r3; bind mwheeldown r1" alias r3 "ec3; cl3; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r4; bind - r2; bind mwheelup r4; bind mwheeldown r2" alias r4 "ec4; cl4; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r5; bind - r3; bind mwheelup r5; bind mwheeldown r3" alias r5 "ec5; cl5; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r6; bind - r4; bind mwheelup r6; bind mwheeldown r4" alias r6 "ec6; cl6; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r7; bind - r5; bind mwheelup r7; bind mwheeldown r5" alias r7 "ec7; cl7; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r8; bind - r6; bind mwheelup r8; bind mwheeldown r6" alias r8 "ec8; cl8; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r9; bind - r7; bind mwheelup r9; bind mwheeldown r7" alias r9 "ec9; cl9; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r10; bind - r8; bind mwheelup r10; bind mwheeldown r8" alias r10 "ec10; cl10; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r11; bind - r9; bind mwheelup r11; bind mwheeldown r9" alias r11 "ec11; cl11; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r12; bind - r10; bind mwheelup r12; bind mwheeldown r10" alias r12 "ec12; cl12; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r13; bind - r11; bind mwheelup r13; bind mwheeldown r11" alias r13 "ec13; cl13; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r14; bind - r12; bind mwheelup r14; bind mwheeldown r12" alias r14 "ec14; cl14; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r15; bind - r13; bind mwheelup r15; bind mwheeldown r13" alias r15 "ec15; cl15; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r16; bind - r14; bind mwheelup r16; bind mwheeldown r14" alias r16 "ec16; cl16; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r17; bind - r15; bind mwheelup r17; bind mwheeldown r15" alias r17 "ec17; cl17; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r18; bind - r16; bind mwheelup r18; bind mwheeldown r16" alias r18 "ec18; cl18; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r19; bind - r17; bind mwheelup r19; bind mwheeldown r17" alias r19 "ec19; cl19; bind mouse1 +on; bind = r20; bind - r18; bind mwheelup r20; bind mwheeldown r18" alias r20 "ec20; cl20; bind mouse1 +on; bind - r19; bind mwheeldown r19" bind kp_rightarrow "antion" alias antioff "bind mouse1 +attack; wait; bind = em; wait; bind - em; wait; bind mwheelup em; wait; bind mwheeldown em; wait; bind kp_rightarrow antion; wait; dev1; echo Anti-Recoil DISABLED; dev1" gl_polyoffset "5000" bind kp_leftarrow "antioff"   echo echo ----------------------------------------------------------- echo The New Spectator Hack 2.0 Loaded! echo Made by ERASER echo----------------------------------------------------------- echo // KEY BINDS bind "del" "tersspex" bind "ins" "countsspex" bind "home" "rasdomspex" // WEAPON OPTION *** Not working @ 1.5 *** // USP = USP with 60 rounds. // GlockHE = Glock 18 with 110 rounds + HE grenade. // Deagle = Desert Eagle with 28 rounds. // P228 = P228 with 65 rounds. // FiveSeven = FiveSeven with 40 rounds. CT Only. alias Wapenoptie "GlockHE2" // DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE alias i "wait" alias devon "developer 1" alias devoff "developer 0" alias clear "slot10; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; w; slot10" alias tersspex "kill; chooseteam; menuselect 6; chooseteam; menuselect 1; menuselect 1; devon; echo The New Spectator Hack / Terrorist Team; devoff; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; clear; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; Wapenoptie; devon" alias countsspex "kill; chooseteam; menuselect 6; chooseteam; menuselect 2; menuselect 2; devon; echo The New Spectator Hack / Counter-Terrorist Team; devoff; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; clear; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i;Wapenoptie; devon" alias rasdomspex "kill; chooseteam; menuselect 6; chooseteam; menuselect 5; menuselect 5; devon; echo The New Spectator Hack / Random Team; devoff; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i;clear; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i; i;Wapenoptie; devon" alias USP "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 1; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias GlockHE "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyammo1; buyequip; menuselect 4" alias GlockHE2 "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyequip; menuselect 4" alias Deagle "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias P228 "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 4; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2" alias FiveSeven "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 6; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"   // -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias rifle-a "avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3.00" alias rifle-b "avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4.00" alias riflesetup "recoil 1.72;txt |[ R|fLe ]|" alias riflevec "avclear;rifle-a;rifle-b;riflesetup"   alias smg-a "avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3.00" alias smg-b "avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4.00" alias smgsetup "recoil 1.55;txt |[ S.m.G ]|" alias smgvec "avclear;smg-a;smg-b;smgsetup"   alias sniper-a "avadd 0 23.06 3.43 3.22;avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4.00" alias sniper-b "avadd 2 15.53 8.56 2.41;avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4.00" alias snipersetup "recoil 1.35;txt |[ Sn|pEr ]|" alias snipervec "avclear;sniper-a;sniper-b;snipersetup"   alias pistol-a "avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4.00" alias pistol-b "avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4.00" alias pistolsetup "recoil 0.03;txt |[ P|sToL ]|" alias pistolvec "avclear;pistol-a;pistol-b;pistolsetup"   // Sig -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias sig-a "avadd 0 20.698 5.87 3.29" alias sig-b "avadd 1 26.74 4.56 4.21" alias sigsetup "recoil 1.65;txt |[ SiG ]|" alias sigvec "avclear;sig-a;sig-b;sigsetup"   // Colt -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias colt-a "avadd 0 20.76 6.89 4.02" alias colt-b "avadd 1 25.7 4.56 4.5" alias coltsetup "recoil 1.65;txt |[ CoLt ]|" alias coltvec "avclear;colt-a;colt-b;coltsetup"   // Aug -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias aug-a "avadd 0 21.12 5.85 3.29" alias aug-b "avadd 1 25.77 4.32 4.49" alias augsetup "recoil 1.55;txt |[ Aug ]|" alias augvec "avclear;aug-a;aug-b;augsetup"   // Ak47 -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias ak47-a "avadd 0 19.9 7.321 3.295" alias ak47-b "avadd 1 26.54 3.21 4.78" alias aksetup "recoil 1.85;txt |[ Ak-47 ]|" alias akvec "avclear;ak47-a;ak47-b;aksetup"   // Para -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias para-a "avadd 0 18.72 6.52 3.42" alias para-b "avadd 1 24.85 4.19 3.65" alias parasetup "recoil 1.55;txt |[ ParA ]|" alias paravec "avclear;para-a;para-b;parasetup"   // Scout -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias scout-a "avadd 0 22.72 6.542 2.31" alias scout-b "avadd 1 29.91 4.678 4.46" alias scoutsetup "recoil 1.75;txt |[ Sc0uT ]|" alias scoutvec "avclear;scout-a;scout-b;scoutsetup"   // Pistol -= Ripped from Fr0sTBy7e X =- alias pistol2-a "avadd 0 21.50 7.61 3.916" alias pistol2-b "avadd 1 26.17 8.143 4.3" alias pistol2setup "recoil 1.95;txt |[ PiStoL ]|" alias pistolvec2 "avclear;pistol2-a;pistol2-b;pistol2setup"     // Sniper Alias' alias close "wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; slot10" alias TSR "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; close; buy; menuselect 6" alias THG "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; close; buy; menuselect 7" alias TSRTHGGun "TSR; THG; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; close"   //AUTO VECS SETTINGS// alias vec-pis     "jumpaim 1;pistolvec" alias vec-deagle  "jumpaim 1;pistolvec" alias vec-xm1014  "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 18 5 0;avadd 1 23 5 0;recoil 2.5;txt |[ m3 ]|" alias vec-m3      "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 19 6 1;avadd 1 24 6 1;recoil 2;txt |[ Xm1014 ]|" alias vec-mp5     "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-tmp     "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-p90     "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-mac10   "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-ump45   "jumpaim 1;smgvec" alias vec-ak47    "jumpaim 0;akvec" alias vec-sg552   "jumpaim 0;sigvec" alias vec-m4a1    "jumpaim 1;riflevec" alias vec-aug     "jumpaim 0;augvec" alias vec-scout   "jumpaim 1;snipervec" alias vec-sg550   "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 22.3523 7.27 3.23432;avadd 1 26.54399 5.27 3.3432;recoil .22;txt |[ sG550 ]|" alias vec-g3sg1   "jumpaim 0;avclear;avadd 0 22.3523 7.27 3.23432;avadd 1 26.54399 5.27 3.3432;recoil .15;txt |[ g3sG1 ]|" alias vec-awp     "jumpaim 1;snipervec" alias vec-m249    "jumpaim 0;paravec" alias vec-knife   "jumpaim 0;knifevec"   lias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 19.9 7.321 3.295;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.54 3.21 4.78;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 20.698 5.87 3.29;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.74 4.56 4.21;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.65;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23.06 3.43 3.22;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4;avadd 1 29.82 3.86 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 15.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.35;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 19.9 7.321 3.295;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.54 3.21 4.78;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.85 6.23 2.82;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 27.64 4.83 3;avadd 1 27.64 4.83 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 14.53 5.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 20.698 5.87 3.29;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.74 4.56 4.21;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.65;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 23 6 4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26 6 4;" alias LastvecJu ";" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.85;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.55;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 21.17 7.43 3.52;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.21 4.26 3;avadd 1 26.21 4.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 13.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 1.72;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 2;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.47 6.73 2.16;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;avadd 1 26.72 6.26 4;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 16.53 8.56 2.41;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 1;recoil 0.03;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 3;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 3;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 0;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."   alias LastvecSt ";avadd 0 22.8 4.8 1.4;" alias LastvecDu ";avadd 1 28.9 4.7 3.7;" alias LastvecJu ";avadd 2 12.1 6.8 3.8;" alias LastvecOp "jumpaim 0;recoil 1.54;aspeed 2.75;height_correction 0;shake_bonus 0;targetmode 0;nospread 1;short_pi 1;" alias LastvecEx "avclear;LastvecSt;LastvecDu;LastvecJu;LastvecOp;txt LastvecLoaded."     /Earth Quake Bunny Jump By ERASER alias #eq "+duck;#w;-duck" alias +#eqj "+jump" alias -#eqj "-jump" alias +#eqbunnyx "+#eqj;#w;#eq;#w;#eq;#w;+#eqj;#w;#eq;+#eqj" alias -#eqbunnyx "-#eqj;#w;#eq;#w;-#eqj" bind mwheelup "+#eqbunnyx" ??   --(JumP-DucK)--   alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"   --(Spriteblend)--   alias wpnview1 "wpoff" alias wpoff "gl_spriteblend 0; alias wpnview1 wpon" alias wpon "gl_spriteblend 1; alias wpnview1 wpoff"   ZэpLamA   alias w wait   alias auto_jone "+jump;w;-jump;w;" alias jaset " auto_jone;auto_   jone;auto_jone;   auto_jone" alias auto_jump_s1 "auto_jspeed" alias auto_jspeed "jaset"   alias +auto_jump "writecfg dude;fps_max 60;auto_jone;alias m_pitch auto_jump_s1;exec dude.cfg" alias -auto_jump "alias m_pitch;"   alias bhop.on "bind space +auto_jump;echo BunnyHop [ON];alias bhop.tog bhop.off" alias bhop.off "bind space +jump;echo BunnyHop [OFF];alias bhop.tog bhop.on" alias bhop.tog "bhop.off"   //////////////////BuNNy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ alias dev1 "developer 1" alias dev0 "developer 0" alias spwz "+jump; wait; -jump; wait" alias spwz1 "+right; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz" alias spwz2 "+left; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz" alias spwz3 "spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz; spwz"   // The BunnyHop alias mw1 "-moveright; +moveleft; spwz2; -left; spwz3; -moveleft" alias mw2 "-moveleft; +moveright; spwz1; -right; spwz3; -moveright" alias reb "reb1; reb2" // Switch Bind alias sb "sb1" alias sb1 "reb; alias sb sb2; dev1; echo BHOP: OFF!; dev0" alias sb1 "exec dv.cfg; alias sb sb1; dev1; echo BHOP: ON!; dev0"   // Crouch Jump Script // alias +cjump "+jump; +duck" alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"   // Crouch Jump Modified Script // alias +cduck "-jump; wait; bind shift +jump; wait; +duck" alias -cduck "-duck; wait; bind shift +cjump"   alias $stpsnd "stopsound" alias ambient_level alias ambient_fade alias ati_subdiv alias ati_npatch alias bgmvolume alias bgmbuffer alias brightness alias bottomcolor alias bitmapfonts alias cam_command alias cam_idealyaw alias cam_idealdist alias cam_snapto alias chase_back alias chase_up alias chase_right alias chase_active alias com_filewarning alias con_fastmode alias con_notifytime alias con_trace alias c_maxdistance alias c_maxpitch alias c_maxyaw alias c_minpitch alias c_minyaw alias cl_allowdownload alias cl_allowupload alias cl_anglespeedkey alias cl_bob alias cl_bobcycle alias cl_bobup alias cl_cmdrate alias cl_dlmax alias cl_download_ingame alias cl_himodels alias cl_clockreset alias cl_idealpitchscale alias cl_resend alias cl_gaitestimation alias cl_latency alias cl_lc alias cl_lw alias cl_lb alias cl_forwardspeed alias cl_backspeed alias cl_sidespeed alias cl_pitchspeed alias cl_yawspeed alias cl_upspeed alias cl_movespeedkey alias cl_nopred alias cl_nodelta alias cl_needinstanced alias cl_nosmooth alias cl_pitchdown alias cl_pitchup alias cl_predict_players alias cl_showerror alias cl_showevents alias cl_showmessages alias cl_gibcount alias cl_giblife alias cl_minmodels alias cl_updaterate alias cl_showfps alias cl_rollspeed alias cl_rollangle alias cl_smoothtime alias cl_solid_players alias cl_timeout alias cl_vsmoothing alias cl_waterdist alias cl_chasedist alias cd_sound alias cd_fps alias cd_version alias console alias coop alias crosshair alias d_spriteskip alias d_mipcap alias d_subdiv16 alias d_mipscale alias displaysoundlist alias decalfrequency alias default_fov alias ex_correct alias ex_diminishextrap alias ex_extrapmax alias ex_interp alias ex_maxaccel alias ex_maxerrordistance alias ex_maxspeed alias ex_minvelocity alias fakelag alias fakeloss alias fastsprites alias fps_modem alias fps_max alias gamma alias gl_affinemodels alias gl_alphamin alias gl_clear alias gl_cull alias gl_d3dflip alias gl_dither alias gl_flashblend alias gl_flipmatrix alias gl_keeptjunctions alias gl_lightholes alias gl_max_size alias gl_monolights alias gl_nobind alias gl_nocolors alias gl_overbright alias gl_overdraw alias gl_palette_tex alias gl_picmip alias gl_playermip alias gl_polyoffset alias gl_reporttjunctions alias gl_round_down alias gl_spriteblend alias gl_wateramp alias graphheight alias gunsmoke alias host_killtime alias hpk_maxsize alias hud_capturemouse alias hud_draw alias hud_classautokill alias hud_deathnotice_time alias hud_drawhistory_time alias hud_saytext_time alias hud_centerid alias hisound alias joystick alias joyname alias joyadvanced alias joyadvaxisx alias joyadvaxisy alias joyadvaxisz alias joyadvaxisr alias joyadvaxisu alias joyadvaxisv alias joyforwardthreshold alias joysidethreshold alias joypitchthreshold alias joyyawthreshold alias joyforwardsensitivity alias joysidesensitivity alias joypitchsensitivity alias joyyawsensitivity alias joywwhack1 alias joywwhack2 alias lambert alias lightgamma alias loadas8bit alias lookstrafe alias lookspring alias m_forward alias m_side alias MP3Volume alias motdfile alias max_shells alias max_smokepuffs alias name alias net_graph alias net_graphwidth alias net_scale alias net_graphpos alias net_log alias net_showpackets alias net_showdrop alias net_chokeloop alias net_drawslider alias nosound alias precache alias r_luminance alias r_ambient_r alias r_ambient_b alias r_ambient_g alias r_aliastransbase alias r_aliastransadj alias r_maxsurfs alias r_numsurfs alias r_maxedges alias r_numedges alias r_draworder alias r_waterwarp alias r_lightstyle alias r_timegraph alias r_graphheight alias r_drawflat alias r_polymodelstats alias r_dspeeds alias r_reportsurfout alias r_reportedgeout alias r_bmodelhighfrac alias r_bmodelinterp alias r_cachestudio alias r_cullsequencebox alias r_decals alias r_drawentities alias r_drawviewmodel alias r_fullbright alias r_glowshellfreq alias r_lightmap alias r_mirroralpha alias r_mmx alias r_norefresh alias r_novis alias r_speeds alias r_traceglow alias r_wadtextures alias r_wateralpha alias room_delay alias room_feedback alias room_left alias room_lp alias room_mod alias room_off alias room_refl alias room_size alias room_type alias s_buffersize alias s_rolloff alias s_doppler alias s_distance alias s_automin_distance alias s_automax_distance alias s_min_distance alias s_max_distance alias s_2dvolume alias s_geometry alias s_leafnum alias s_blipdir alias s_refgain alias s_refdelay alias s_polykeep alias s_polysize alias s_numpolys alias s_showtossed alias s_usepvs alias s_bloat alias s_verbwet alias s_reverb alias s_occlude alias s_reflect alias s_materials alias s_occfactor alias s_occ_epsilon alias s_show alias s_a3d alias s_eax alias suitvolume alias snd_noextraupdate alias snd_show alias scr_centertime alias scr_ofsx alias scr_ofsy alias scr_ofsz alias scr_conspeed alias scr_centertime alias scr_printspeed alias scr_connectmsg alias scr_connectmsg1 alias scr_connectmsg2 alias showpause alias skill alias sv_allowdownload alias sv_failuretime alias sv_filterban alias sv_instancedbaseline alias sv_logrelay alias sv_maxunlag alias sv_maxupdaterate alias sv_maxvelocity alias sv_minupdaterate alias sv_newunit alias sv_skyname alias sv_spectatormaxspeed alias sv_timeout alias sv_unlag alias sv_unlagpush alias sv_unlagsamples alias sv_visiblemaxplayers alias sv_voicecodec alias sv_wateramp alias sys_ticrate alias texgamma alias topcolor alias tracerspeed alias traceroffset alias tracerlength alias tracerred alias tracergreen alias tracerblue alias traceralpha alias v_dark alias v_centermove alias v_centerspeed alias vgui_emulatemouse alias vid_d3d alias vid_wait alias viewsize alias violence_ablood alias violence_agibs alias violence_hblood alias violence_hgibs alias voice_eax alias voice_maxgain alias voice_avggain alias voice_scale alias voice_fadeouttime alias voice_profile alias voice_showchannels alias voice_showincoming alias voice_enable alias voice_showbanned alias voice_dsound alias voice_forcemicrecord alias voice_overdrive alias voice_overdrivefadetime alias voice_serverdebug alias voice_recordtofile alias voice_modenable alias voice_clientdebug alias volume alias _cl_autowepswitch alias _snd_mixahead   unbindall bind "CAPSLOCK" "+voicerecord" bind "TAB" "+showscores" bind "ENTER" "+attack" bind "ESCAPE" "escape" bind "SPACE" "+jump" bind "'" "+moveup" bind "+" "sizeup" bind "*" "amx_tsay green Kisaltma Kufur Ban Sebebidir." bind "," "buyammo1" bind "-" "sizedown" bind "." "buyammo2" bind "/" "+movedown" bind "0" "slot10" bind "1" "slot1" bind "2" "slot2" bind "3" "slot3" bind "4" "slot4" bind "5" "slot5" bind "6" "slot6" bind "7" "slot7" bind "8" "slot8" bind "9" "slot9" bind ";" "+mlook" bind "=" "sizeup" bind "a" "+moveleft" bind "b" "buy" bind "c" "radio3" bind "d" "+moveright" bind "e" "+use" bind "f" "impulse 100" bind "g" "drop" bind "i" "messagemode amx_chat" bind "m" "chooseteam" bind "n" "nightvision" bind "o" "buyequip" bind "q" "lastinv" bind "r" "+reload" bind "s" "+back" bind "t" "impulse 201" bind "u" "messagemode2" bind "w" "+forward" bind "x" "radio2" bind "v" "+voicerecord" bind "y" "messagemode" bind "z" "radio1" bind "h" "say nextmap" bind "[" "invprev" bind "]" "invnext" bind "`" "toggleconsole" bind "~" "toggleconsole" bind "F10" "amx_tsay green T GoReW." bind "F11" "amx_tsay red T GoReW." bind "F12" "amx_tsay yellow T GoReW." bind "UPARROW" "+forward" bind "DOWNARROW" "+back" bind "LEFTARROW" "+left" bind "RIGHTARROW" "+right" bind "ALT" "+strafe" bind "CTRL" "+duck" bind "SHIFT" "+speed" bind "F5" "snapshot" bind "F6" "save quick" bind "F7" "load quick" bind "F9" "quit prompt" bind "INS" "+klook" bind "PGDN" "+lookdown" bind "PGUP" "+lookup" bind "END" "centerview" bind "MWHEELDOWN" "@bunny" bind "MWHEELUP" "@bunny" bind "MOUSE1" "+attack" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2" bind "PAUSE" "pause"       --(Mouse Settings)--                           m_pitch                 "0.022" m_yaw                              "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side                               "0.8" m_filter                  "1.0" sensitivity              "2" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1"          // __________________ // --= ( Volume Control ) =-- // ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0.000000" hisound            "1.00000" loadas8bit         "0.00000" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.30000" MP3Volume          "0.200000" s_eax              "0.000000" s_a3d              "0.000000" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2.0" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000.0" s_min_distance     "8.0" s_automax_distance "30.0" s_automin_distance "2.0" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1.0" ambient_level      "0.000" voice_scale        "2.000000" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000" voice_modenable    "1.000000"   //////////////////KP Aktifkiрi\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bind ] "exec kpbinds.cfg;developer 1;echo .;echo ..;echo ...;echo << KP Tuslari Yuklenmistir >>;developer 0;play fvox/activated" bind [ "unbind kp_downarrow;unbind kp_5;unbind kp_uparrow;unbind kp_end;unbind kp_leftarrow;unbind kp_home;unbind kp_pgdn;unbind kp_rightarrow;unbind kp_pgup;developer 1;echo .;echo ..;echo ...;echo << KP Tuslari Deaktif >>;developer 0;play fvox/deactivated"     //////////////////Saр el - Sol el\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ bind "kp_Ins" "cl_righthand 0; echo << Silah sol ele alinmistir >>;play fvox/activated" bind "kp_del" "cl_righthand 1; echo << Silah sag ele alinmistir >>;play fvox/activated"   bind "F3" "buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu; menuselect 2;clmenu" bind "F4" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;clmenu" bind "F5" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu" bind "F6" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu" bind "F7" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1;buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;clmenu" bind "F8" "buy; menuselect 6;buy; menuselect 7;buyequip; menuselect 2;buyequip; menuselect 4;buyequip; menuselect 5;buyequip; menuselect 3;buyequip; menuselect 3;buyequip; menuselect 7;buyequip; bind "mwheeldown" "+jump" bind "mwheelup" "+duck" name "player"   //White WallHack   alias "wws" "wws1;wws2;wws3;wws4;wws5" alias "wws1" "gl_max_size 128;gl_dither 1;gl_flipmatrix 0;gl_lightholes 1;gl_monolights 0" alias "wws2" "gl_overbright 0; gl_polyoffset 5000;gl_smoothmodels 1;gl_spriteblend 0" alias "wws3" "gl_cull 1;gl_palette_tex 0;gl_keeptjunctions 0 ;gl_wireframe 1; " alias "wws4" "gl_picmip 1;gl_playermip 1000;gl_round_down 6;gl_wateramp 0" alias "wws5" "gl_ztrick 1;gl_alphamin 0.25;r_dynamic 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;vid_wait 0;recwws" alias "recwws" "echo Reconnecting For Enabling Setting Of WhiteWall Hack;reconnect" bind F12 "wws"alias "wws" "wws1;wws2;wws3;wws4;wws5" alias "wws1" "gl_max_size 1;gl_dither 1;gl_flipmatrix 0;gl_lightholes 1;gl_monolights 0" alias "wws2" "gl_overbright 0; gl_polyoffset 5000;gl_smoothmodels 1;gl_spriteblend 0" alias "wws3" "gl_cull 1;gl_palette_tex 0;gl_keeptjunctions 0 ;gl_wireframe 1; " alias "wws4" "gl_picmip 1;gl_playermip 1000;gl_round_down 6;gl_wateramp 0" alias "wws5" "gl_ztrick 1;gl_alphamin 0.25;r_dynamic 0;r_drawviewmodel 1;vid_wait 0;recwws" alias "recwws" "echo Reconnecting For Enabling Setting Of WhiteWall Hack;reconnect   ////ECHO\\\\       echo    "           AfGanistaNu 2010:)>     " wait wait wait wait   /// ____              _           ____ _____ _ _ /// / ___|___ _ _ _ __ | |_ ___ _ __ / ___|_ _| __(_) | _____ /// | | / _ \| | | | '_ \| __/ _ \ '__|___\___ \ | || '__| | |/ / _ \   /// | |__| (_) | |_| | | | | || __/ | |_____|__) || || | | | < __> /// \____\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__\___|_| |____/ |_||_| |_|_|\_\___| /// /// ---------------------------------------------------------------------     ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "TAB"       "+showscores ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ENTER"     "+attack ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ESCAPE"    "escape ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SPACE"     "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "'"         "+moveup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "+"         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ","           "buyammo1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "-"         "sizedown ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "."         "buyammo2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "/"         "+movedow ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlookn" bind "0"         "slot10 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "del"            "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "end"       "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "pgdn"      "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "1"         "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "2"         "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "3"         "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "4"         "slot4 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "5"         "slot5 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "6"         "slot6 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "7"         "slot7 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "8"         "slot8 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "9"         "slot9 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ";"         "+mlook ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "a"         "+moveleft" bind "b"         "buy ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "c"         "radio3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "d"         "+moveright" bind "e"         "+use ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "f"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "g"         "drop ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "h"         "+commandmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "i"         "showbriefing ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "k"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "m"         "chooseteam ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "n"         "nightvision ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "o"         "buyequip ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "q"         "lastinv ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "r"         "+reload ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "s"         "+back" bind "t"         "impulse 201 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "u"         "messagemode2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "w"         "+forward" bind "x"         "radio2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "y"         "messagemode ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "z"         "radio1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "podbotmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "["         "cl_righthand 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "]"         "cl_righthand 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "`"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "~"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ALT"       "+strafe ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SHIFT"     "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "CAPSLOCK"  "+speed ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Jump Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "space" "+jump;wait;-jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELDOWN"  "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELUP"    "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Buy Menu Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "F9"          "" bind "F10"         ""   bind "F11"         "" bind "F12"         ""   bind "UPARROW" "" bind "DOWNARROW" "" bind "LEFTARROW" "" bind "RIGHTARROW" ""   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair; sv_aim 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE3" "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   m_pitch              "0.022" m_yaw                "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side               "0.8" m_filter             "1" sensitivity          "4" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Client ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   cl_solid_players    "1" cl_nopred           "0" cl_lw               "1" cl_lc               "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels         "0" cl_idealpitchscale  "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay       "180" cl_cmdbackup        "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame  "0" cl_max_size         "256" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload      "1" cl_cmdrate          "99999" cl_pitchspeed       "225" cl_upspeed          "400" cl_forwardspeed     "400" cl_backspeed        "400" cl_sidespeed          "400" cl_bob              "0" cl_bobcycle         "0.8" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.050" cl_showfps          "0" cl_rate             "999999" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate       "101" cl_righthand        "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.05" cl_timeout          "9999" cl_pitchup          "89" cl_pitchdown        "89" cl_logocolor        "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile         "skull"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Graphic ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "9999" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"         gl_wateramp        "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Misc ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   model              "1337" fps_max            "101" fps_modem          "0" developer          "0" max_smokepuffs     "200" max_shells         "50"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Violence ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   violence_ablood    "1" violence_hblood    "1" violence_agibs     "1" violence_hgibs     "1" mp_decals          "300"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hpk_maxsize        "0" viewsize           "120" d_spriteskip       "0" topcolor           "30" bottomcolor        "6" default_fov        "90" model              "gordon" +jlook +mlook ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sv ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ sv_aim             "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" sv_cheats          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ConsoL ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   console            "1" scr_conspeed       "99999999999999999999999" scr_centertime     "50" scr_connectmsg     "0" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹® ModeLs ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   r_bmodelhighfrac   "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic          "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha      "0" r_drawentities     "1" r_mmx              "1" r_decals           "300" r_wateralpha       "0" r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq    "0"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0" hisound            "0" loadas8bit         "0" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.5" MP3Volume          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000" s_min_distance     "8" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1"   ambient_level      "0" voice_scale        "2" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable    "1"     ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Hud ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "10" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "1" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Net Graph ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   graphheight        "30" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "105" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Scr ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Gamma ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   lambert            "-1.5" texgamma           "0" lightgamma         "0" gamma              "9999.0000" brightness         "9999.0000" con_color          "244 249 89"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Auto Buy ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 2;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ATI ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1"   c_maxpitch "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_maxyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_minyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT"   bind "SHIFT" "+speed"   *     name "player"               ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "TAB"       "+showscores ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ENTER"     "+attack ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ESCAPE"    "escape ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SPACE"     "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "'"         "+moveup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "+"         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ","         "buyammo1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "-"         "sizedown ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "."         "buyammo2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "/"         "+movedow ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlookn" bind "0"         "slot10 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "del"       "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "end"       "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "pgdn"      "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "1"         "slot1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "2"         "slot2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "3"         "slot3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "4"         "slot4 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "5"         "slot5 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "6"         "slot6 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "7"         "slot7 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "8"         "slot8 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "9"         "slot9 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind ";"           "+mlook ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "sizeup ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "a"         "+moveleft" bind "b"         "buy ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "c"         "radio3 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "d"         "+moveright" bind "e"         "+use ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "f"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "g"         "drop ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "h"         "+commandmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "i"         "showbriefing ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "k"         "+voicerecord ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "m"         "chooseteam ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "n"         "nightvision ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "o"         "buyequip ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "q"         "lastinv ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "r"         "+reload ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "s"         "+back" bind "t"         "impulse 201 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "u"         "messagemode2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "w"         "+forward" bind "x"         "radio2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "y"         "messagemode ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "z"         "radio1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "="         "podbotmenu ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "["         "cl_righthand 0 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "]"         "cl_righthand 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "`"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "~"         "toggleconsole ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "ALT"       "+strafe ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "SHIFT"     "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "CAPSLOCK"  "+speed ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Jump Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "space" "+jump;wait;-jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELDOWN"  "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MWHEELUP"    "+duck ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Buy Menu Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "F9"          "" bind "F10"         ""   bind "F11"          "" bind "F12"         ""   bind "UPARROW" "" bind "DOWNARROW" "" bind "LEFTARROW" "" bind "RIGHTARROW" ""   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse Bind ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "MOUSE1" "+attack; adjust_crosshair; sv_aim 1 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2 ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook" bind "MOUSE3" "+jump ; ex_interp 0 ; gamma 80 ; gl_spriteblend 0 ; bind mwheelup +duck;bind mwheeldown +jump ; cl_bob 0 ; cl_bobup 0 ; +mlook"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Mouse ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   m_pitch              "0.022" m_yaw                "0.022" m_forward            "1" m_side               "0.8" m_filter             "1" sensitivity          "4" zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Client ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   cl_solid_players    "1" cl_nopred           "0" cl_lw               "1" cl_lc               "1" cl_dlmax            "128" cl_himodels         "0" cl_idealpitchscale  "0.8" cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" cl_corpsestay       "180" cl_cmdbackup        "2" cl_gaitestimation   "1" cl_download_ingame  "0" cl_max_size         "256" cl_minmodels        "0" cl_allowdownload    "1" cl_allowupload      "1" cl_cmdrate          "99999" cl_pitchspeed       "225" cl_upspeed          "400" cl_forwardspeed     "400" cl_backspeed        "400" cl_sidespeed        "400" cl_bob              "0" cl_bobcycle         "0.8" cl_bobup            "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.050" cl_showfps          "0" cl_rate             "999999" cl_resend           "2" cl_updaterate       "101" cl_righthand          "0" cl_vsmoothing       "0.05" cl_timeout          "9999" cl_pitchup          "89" cl_pitchdown        "89" cl_logocolor        "#Valve_Red" cl_logofile         "skull"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Graphic ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   gl_affinemodels    "0" gl_dither          "1" gl_d3dflip         "0" gl_dynamic         "0" gl_polyoffset      "9999" gl_overbright      "1" gl_flipmatrix      "0" gl_keeptjunctions  "0" gl_lightholes      "0" gl_monolights      "0" gl_palette_tex     "0" gl_max_size        "128"    gl_alphamin        "0.25" gl_cull            "1" gl_picmip          "0.75" gl_playermip       "10" gl_round_down      "9" gl_spriteblend     "0" gl_smoothmodels    "0" gl_texsort         "0" gl_ztrick          "0"        gl_wateramp            "0" gl_clear           "1" gl_texturemode     GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Misc ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   model              "1337" fps_max            "101" fps_modem          "0" developer          "0" max_smokepuffs     "200" max_shells         "50"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Violence ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   violence_ablood    "1" violence_hblood    "1" violence_agibs     "1" violence_hgibs     "1" mp_decals          "300"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hpk_maxsize        "0" viewsize           "120" d_spriteskip       "0" topcolor           "30" bottomcolor        "6" default_fov        "90" model              "gordon" +jlook +mlook ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sv ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ sv_aim             "1" sv_voiceenable     "1" sv_cheats          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ConsoL ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   console            "1" scr_conspeed       "99999999999999999999999" scr_centertime     "50" scr_connectmsg     "0" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹® ModeLs ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   r_bmodelhighfrac   "5" r_drawviewmodel    "1" r_dynamic           "0" r_shadows          "0" r_mirroralpha      "0" r_drawentities     "1" r_mmx              "1" r_decals           "300" r_wateralpha       "0" r_lightmap         "1" r_traceglow        "0" r_glowshellfreq         "0"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   _snd_mixahead      "0.1" bgmvolume          "0" hisound            "0" loadas8bit         "0" suitvolume         "0.250000" volume             "0.5" MP3Volume          "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Sound ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________ s_eax              "1" s_a3d              "1" s_verbwet          "0.25" s_bloat            "2" s_numpolys         "200" s_polysize         "1000000000000" s_polykeep         "1000000000" s_refdelay         "4" s_refgain          "0.4" s_leafnum          "0" s_max_distance     "100000" s_min_distance     "8" s_automax_distance "30" s_automin_distance "2" s_distance         "60" s_doppler          "0" s_rolloff          "1"   ambient_level      "0" voice_scale        "2" voice_enable       "1" voice_forcemicrecord "1" voice_modenable    "1"     ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Hud ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   hud_classautokill  "0" hud_centerid       "1" hud_fastswitch     "1" hud_saytext_time   "10" hud_drawhistory_time "0.3" hud_deathnotice_time "5" hud_capturemouse   "1" hud_takesshots     "1" ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Net Graph ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   graphheight        "30" net_graph          "3" net_graphwidth     "105" net_scale          "5" net_graphpos       "1"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Scr ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   scr_conspeed       "7777" scr_centertime     "1.5" con_notifytime     "0" developer          "0" contimes           "2" con_notifytime     "4"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Gamma ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   lambert            "-1.5" texgamma           "0" lightgamma         "0" gamma              "9999.0000" brightness         "9999.0000" con_color          "244 249 89"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹Auto Buy ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   bind "KP_LEFTARROW" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_PGDN" "buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 4; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 2; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 1; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_DOWNARROW" "buy; menuselect 3; menuselect 1; buy; menuselect 6; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 1; buyequip; menuselect 4; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 5; buyequip; menuselect 2;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10;wait;wait;wait;wait;slot10" bind "KP_END" "buyequip; menuselect 6; buyequip; menuselect 3; buyequip; menuselect 3; buy; menuselect 7; buyequip; menuselect 4; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10; wait; wait; wait; wait; slot10"   ____________________________________________________________________________________ ‹ATI ControLs› ____________________________________________________________________________________   ati_subdiv         "2" ati_npatch         "1"   c_maxpitch "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_maxyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT" c_minyaw "headshot"//HEADSHOT"   bind "SHIFT" "+speed"   echo ''B> AfGanistaNu''     name AfGanistaNu      www.infohack.3xforum.ro    


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