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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


1. The Ivan Franko University in L’viv has a long-standing tradition of prestige. It is an acknowledged centre for carrying out research and training specialists in many spheres.

2. At present, the teaching staff and student population amount to 15,000 persons, among them 12,000 full-time and part-time students which are trained in 33 scientific, engineer­ing and pedagogical fields. The pedagogical staff amounts to 950 teachers, with 98 Full Professors and about 550 Associate Professors among them. The University is headed by Professor Ivan Vakarchuk.

3. The University is made up of 16 faculties: Biology, Geogra­phy, Economics, Journalism, Languages and Literature, Histo­ry, International Relations, Philosophy, Mechanics and Mathe­matics, Applied mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Law. They train specialists in 109 specialities. Annually about 1,200 specialists graduate from the University. The complete Univer­sity course lasts 5 years. The University provides training for postgraduate students in 73 spheres, both humanities and sci­ences, for college teachers. It also runs entrance preparatory course.

4. The University staff is engaged in academic, research and educational activities in 91 departments, 67 research laborato­ries and the Computer Centre. It is actually a solid complex of scientific establishments, including 46 specialized laboratories dealing with problems of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology. There are also Botanical Gardens, geographic research grounds and an Observatory. The University library, with a very rich book depository, is one of the largest in Ukraine.

5. The University maintains and extends links with educa­tional establishments in Poland, Hungary, Germany, the USA, Canada, France, Austria, Great Britain, The Russian Federation, the Chech Republic, Belgium, Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania and Moldova. Many teachers and students participate in joint exchange programmes. Active international contacts are an integral component of University activities.


Exercise 1 . Find the synonyms in the text to the following words:

1. the student body (2)                                         5. relations (5)

2. to consist of  (3)                                              6. to take part in (5)  

3. to be involved (4)                                            7. a full course (3)

4. to expand (5)                                                   8. to be lead by (2).


Exercise 2. Give the English equivalents to these word-combinations:

1. надавати навчання                                       4. книгосховище

2. доцент                                                           5. підготовче відділення( початкова стадія)   

3. програма обміну                                          6. складова частина.


Exercise 3 . Say if the statements are true or false:

1. The University maintains links with educational establishments in Europe only.

2. Annually about 1200 students graduate from the University.

3. The Lesya Ukrainka University in L’viv has a long-standing tradition of prestige.

4. The complete University course lasts for five years.

5. The University library has a very rich book depository.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant:

1. The University specialized laboratories deal with the problems of…

a). biology and geography

b). physics and mathematics

c). biology and geology.


2. Many teachers and students participate in…

a). research and ac academic activity

b). joint exchange programmes

c). international contacts.


3. The University provides training of postgraduate students both in…

a). engineering and pedagogical fields

b). full-time and part-time forms of education

c). humanities and science.


4. There are also…

a). Botanic Gardens

b). an Observatory

c). geographic research grounds, an Observatory, Botanic Gardens.


5. The pedagogical staff amounts…

a). 950 teachers

b). 98 Professors

c). 550 Associate Professors.


Exercise 5 . Answer the following questions:

1. How many and what faculties are there in the I.Franko University?

2. What courses does the University run?

3. There is a solid complex of scientific establishments at the University, isn’t there?

4. What countries does the University extend liks with?

5. Who is its rector?


Exercise 6. Compare the I. Franko University with your university in:

a). student population

b). teaching staff

c). faculties

d) post-graduate course.



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