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III. Answer the questions on the text. IV. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. How many parents are there in the reproduction of higher animals?

2. What do all the higher animals develop from?

3. How do we call the period of development from the time the egg is fertilized until the animal is born?

4. How many litters may sows produce?

5. How many lambs do ewes usually raise?


IV. Read the text again. Agree or disagree with the following statements.


1. In the reproduction of higher animals there are two parents ─ male and female.

2. The male produces sperms and the female produces the egg cells.

3. The period of development from the time the egg is fertilized until the animal is born is known as the gestation period.

4. Large species of animals have short gestation periods.

5. The cow ordinarily produces one offspring each year.

6. Ewes usually raise eight or ten lambs.


V. Complete the sentences with the information from the text.


1. In higher animals the process of reproduction is known as…

2. The female produces…

3. This is true of chickens…

4. Large species of animals have…

5. The cow ordinary produces…

6. Sows may produce…


VI. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.

1. The female produces the egg or egg cells.

2. We know all higher animals.

3. This is true of chickens, pigs.

4. The cow ordinary produces one offspring each year.

5. They usually raise one lamb.


VII. Insert correct prepositions where necessary.

1. In higher animals the process … reproduction is known as sexual reproduction.

2. … the reproduction … higher animals there are two parents ─ male and female.

3. The gestation period … rabbits is 30 days.

4. They have … six … twelve pigs each litter.

5. Twins are born about once … every eight births.


VIII. Write information about yourself according to the plan below.

─ Place I live…

─ My favorite animal…

─ Animal that I have in my flat (house)…

─ Describe you favorite animal.


Thank you. Good luck.


Вариант 3


I. Active vocabulary:

breaking down ─ разрушение, расщепление

building up ─ создавать

determine ─ определять

digestibility of the food ─ усвояемость пищи

palatability – приемлемость

supply of vitamins ─ обеспечить витаминами

succulent forage ─ сочный фураж

dry fodder ─ сухой корм

carbon ─ углерод

hydrogen ─ водород

muscular tissue ─ мышечная ткань


Translate the textComposition of Foods”

The animal body is in a constant state of breaking down and building up. The row materials for the building up of an animal are the foods consumed. Good results in feeding are not, however , determined only by the chemical composition of the foods. The physical conditions and digestibility of the food, its palatability, its supply of vitamins and the conditions of the animal are all important factors.

The animal body is built up of 4 main substances: water, fats, proteins and ash. These are the materials to be included in the animal's diet.

Water. - The amount of water varies in different foods. With succulent forage and root crops there is sometimes more water than the animal needs. With dry fodder like hay, the deficiency can be compensated by supplying water to drink.

Fats. - Plant fats are easily changed to animal fats. Fats con­tain carbon, hydrogen and only a little oxygen. The animal burns them in the process of respiration. In this way the animal heat is maintained. When more fat is eaten than is being burned in respiration, then the excess can be stored up for use at a future time.

Carbohydrates. - The principal carbohydrates are sugars, starch and cellulose. These are of nearly the same composition, but differ in the amount of work required to digest them. If carbohydrates are consumed in excess, the animal can store them by changing them into fat.

Proteins. - They contain not only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, but also nitrogen. Proteins are necessary to build up muscular tissue, which fats and carbohydrates cannot do.

Ash. - The amount of ash in feeding stuffs varies greatly. Most common feeds contain from 2 to 8 per cent of ash, which consists of silica and the sulphates, chlorides, phosphates of carbonates of calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, and a large number of other elements.


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