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Change the following statements to questions.

1. Agri­culture is still one of her most important industries.

2. Over 700,000 farm workers in Britain provide over half the food.

3. Using of machinery (there are over 500,000 tractors in use) and of the latest results of research and scientific experi­ments.

4. Agricultural research is carried out at over 50 research stations.

5. Of great importance is Sea fishing, round the coasts of Britain and in distant waters, in Scotland and in England.

Livestock farming isn’t just killing animals

You are going to read the text in which words appear from this word rose. Speculate on the content of the text in pairs.

                              production killing animal demand        

                              food                       Meat             not cheap

                                    gathering crops chicken farm birds                


Meat is not cheap. Apart from costing the lives of count­less millions of animals each year, its production is also causing starvation for millions of people all over the world.

How can the production of food result in people going hungry? Because over half the world's cereal harvest is fed to livestock being reared for slaughter, and not to men, women and children.

And it takes a full 3 lbs of that grain to produce just 1 lb of poultry. Or 10 lbs of grain to yield a mere 1 lb of inten­sively reared beef. It is a shameful waste of resources. One that you can help to correct by rejecting meat from your diet.

Because the more people who go vegetarian, the more agri­cultural industry will be forced to adjust its methods of opera­tion and reduce its production, as demand for meat goes down.

2. Translate in Russian:

Мясо, ферма, домашняя птица, курица, говядина, сельскохозяйственная промышленность, исключать мясо из рациона, вегетарианец, голодание, производство пищи, урожай злаковых, кормить.

3. Find the words in the text that match the definitions given below:

a) killing of many animals, often cruelly ....

b) animals kept on a farm ....

c) food like wheat or corn ....

d) to care for animals in order to use them for food ....

e) gathering crops on a farm ....

f) chickens and other farm birds ....

g) dying because of lack of food ....

Answer the questions about the text.

a) Why does producing meat cause starvation?

b) How can the reader help to solve the problem?

c) How will the industry react if more people stop eating meat?

With your partner discuss the advertisement and say if you find its arguments for not eating meat persuasive (убедительный )?


Animal rights

1. Read following new words to know and make expanded word combinations:

leading country – ведущая страна

animal protection organization – организация по защите животных

to be founded – быть основанным

to treat- лечить

animal welfare movement – движение благополучия животных

prevention of cruelty – защита от жестокости

right - право

Royal Society for the Preven­tion of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) – королевское общество по борьбе с жестокостью к животным

to suffer from – страдать от

to exploit - эксплуатировать

to mistreat – плохо обращаться

violence - жестокость

crate - контейнер

hunting of hares – охота за зайцами

Britain has been one of the leading countries in the field of animal welfare. For example, the world's first animal protection organization, the Royal Society for the Preven­tion of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), was founded in Eng­land in 1823. That traditional concern for animals is being rediscovered with a new moral and political strength.

The idea that animals should be treated humanely is not quite unique to the Western World. In Hinduism and Bud­dhism there is a very strong tradition of avoiding any sort of violence against any living being, which includes plant life as well as animal life.

The animal welfare movement was born as part of the humanitarian movements in England in the 19th century, which was equally concerned for the rights of children. It was members of the RSPCA who founded the first society for the prevention of cruelty to children in England.

People are upset by pictures of animals' suffering, and in Britain, animal issues are always people's main concern when it comes to environmental matters. And there is an increas­ing feeling in Britain today that meat production should be made as humane as possible.

Britain has a law enforcing a maximum of 15 hours' journey time for livestock after which the animals have to be rested, fed and watered. Since 1990 the crate system has also been banned. The CIWF (Compassion in World Farm­ing) organization is just one of the many organizations within the growing British movements concerned with ani­mal rights. It includes both traditional and more radical groups like Respect for Animals, formed by campaigners against the fur trade. They are united by a belief that it is morally wrong for humans to exploit and mistreat animals.

Since the 1970's the movement has spread to include traditional sports such as bull fighting in Spain and the hunting of hares and foxes by hounds.

2. Give the English equivalents for the following:

права животных; благополучие животных; жестокое обращение с животными; забота о животных; с живот­ными следует обращаться гуманно; насилие против любого живого существа; страдания животных; проблемы окружающей среды; надо запретить содержание в клетках (контейнерах); сострадание (уважение) к животным; торговля мехом; бой быков; охота с собаками на зайцев (лис); эксплуатировать и плохо обращаться с животными; безнравственно.



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