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Here are some answers. What are the questions?

1. The adult animal body.

2. If about one-third of the blood is lost.

3. Red and white blood cells.

4. About 7 to 8 % of the plasma.

5. By electrical methods developed during and after World War II.

6. Oxygen and carbon dioxide.

7. From the digestive system.

8. Regulate body temperature.


Correcting mistakes. In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

1. Have I to learn more about plasma proteins?

2. The organs of excretion get rid of waste products.

3. It conveys hormones, isn't it?

4. Blood is a very complex substance, is it?

5. There are more than 5 quarts of blood in the adult human body.

6. Peter has had measles a year ago.

7. Those bacteria are converted sugars into bread at the moment.

8. I can't find my stethoscope. Have you got him?

9. That virus didn't be discovered by Walter Reed.

10. Hormones are conveyed bye blood.


Translate the following expanded sentences into English.


1. Кровь – это жидкость.

2. Кровь — это жидкость, текучая часть системы кровообращения

3. Кровь — это жидкость, текучая часть системы кровообращения, в которой содержатся газы, такие как кислород и уг­лекислый газ.

4. Кровь— это жидкость, текучая часть системы кровообращения, в которой содержатся газы, такие как кислород и уг­лекислый газ.

5. Кровь— это жидкость, текучая часть системы кровообращения, в которой содержатся газы, такие как кислород и уг­лекислый газ, а также плазма, тромбоциты, эритроциты, лейкоциты и другое.



Blood functions

Read following new words to know and make word combinations.

nutrient substances – питательные вещества

alimentary canal – пищеварительный канал

tissue - ткань

metabolism – процесс пищеварения

organs of excretion – органы выделения

endocrine gland – эндокринные гормоны

equalizing  - уравнение, баланс

body temperature – температура тела

defense - защита

constant environment – постоянная среда

fluid matrix – жидкое вещество

homeostasis – гомеостаз


Read and translate the text.


Blood fulfills a number of functions, most of which are included in the following summary: 1) It carries nutrient substances from the alimentary canal to the tissues. 2) It transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. 3) It removes the waste products of metabolism from the tissues to the organs of excretion. 4) It transports the secretions of the endocrine glands. 5) It aids in the equalization of the water content of the body. 6) Because of its high specific heat it is an important aid in equalizing body temperature. 7) It is concerned in the regulation of the hydrogen ion concentration in the organ­ism. 8) It assists in the body defenses against microorganisms.

For proper functioning the cells of the body, particularly the highly spe­cialized ones, require a remarkably constant environment. This is spoken of as the internal environment, or fluid matrix, of the organism. It is the same as the extra cellular fluid of the body and is comprised of the interstitial fluid and the blood plasma. Evidently many of the functions of the blood are directed to­ward the maintenance of the constancy of the internal environment, of which the blood plasma is a part. This maintenance is spoken of as homeostasis.


3. Fill in the table:

          Function Function describing

Retell the text round the circle. One student begins with the first sentence, the other continues and so on.


1. Read following new words to know:

framework – костяк, скелет

skeleton - скелет

dense bone – плотная кость

shaft - кость

limb - конечность

spongy bone – решетчатая кость губчатого строения

tube-like form – трубчатой формы

central cavity – центральная каверна (впадина)

ribs - ребра

breast-bone - грудина

cartilage - хрящ

yellow marrow – желтый мозг

wall - стенка

periosteum. - прирост

cancellous bone – зубчатая кость

space - полость

red marrow – красный мозг

growth - рост

to cover - покрывать

lamel­lae - пластинка

plate of cartilage – пластинка хряща


2 .Play “snow ball”. Use words of the given vocabulary, word rose and your own vocabulary. You say a word, and your neighbor repeats your word and says his own, next student repeats your word, your neighbors and says his own and so on.

Bone forms the framework upon which the rest of the body is built. The collection of the body is generally referred to as the "skeleton", but this term also includes the cartilages, which join the ribs to the breast-bone or sternum, form the larynx, etc.  Structure of Bone. - Bone is composed partly of fibrous tissue, partly of bone-earth, mixed together. Two kinds of bone are considered: dense bone, such as forms the shafts of the long bones of the limbs, and cancellous or spongy bone, such as is found in the short bones and at the end of the long bones. Dense bone is found in a tube-like form, with a central cavity in which normally yellow marrow is found, composed mainly of fatty substances; the walls of the tube are stout and strong, and the outer surface is covered by "bone membrane" or periosteum. Cancellous bone has a more open framework, is irregular in shape, and, instead of possessing a cavity, its centre is divided into innumerable tiny spaces by a fine network of bony threads, which support the important red marrow. This red marrow is the tissue of the body that is engaged in the formation of red blood-cells. Periosteum also covers the outer surfaces of the short ones. All bone is penetrated by a series of very fine canals, in which run blood-vessels, nerves, lymph vessels, etc., for the growth, maintenance, and repair of the bone. Around these Haversian canals the bone is arranged in circular plates or scales which arc called lamel­lae, the lamellae are separated; from each other by spaces or "lacunae", each of which contains a single bone cell. Even the lamellae consist of fine tubes known as "canaliculi" carrying processes of the bone-cells. Each lamella consists of very fine interlacing fibres.

Growth of Bone. - Bones grow in thickness from the periosteum sur­rounding them, the inner surface of which is constantly transformed into hard bone; while the long bones grow in length from a plate of cartilage which runs across the bone at a short distance from each of its ends, and which on one sur­face is also constantly forming bone until the growth of the animal ceases.



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