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Подбор определений к различным типам менеджеров

Teст 6a


      Подберите к каждому из типов менеджеров (1 – 10) соответствующее

определение (a – j): 


1. bank manager                a. a manager who is in charge of making materials or



2. business manager          b. a manager in a company who is responsible for the

                                                  development and marketing of a particular



3. product manager                 c. someone in charge of a branch of a bank


4. production manager       d. a manager who has a wide range of management

                                                  skills, rather than one special skill


5. general manager                   e. a manager whose job is to develop new products


6. research manager           f. someone in charge of a company’s selling activities

                                                and the people whose job is to sell its products


7. sales manager                       g. a manager who is in charge of taking care of a

                                                  company’s employees, organizing recruitment,



8. personel manager            h. a person or organization responsible for a

                                                   particular piece of work that will create 

                                                    something new or improve a situation   


9. project manager               i. someone whose job is to manage investments for

                                                   a financial institution or its clients


10. investment manager       j. a person whose job is to manage and control the

                                                    financial activities of a company, organization,

                                                    or part of organization


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Teст 6b

 Подберите к каждому из типов менеджеров (1 – 10) соответствующее

определение (a – j): 


1. account manager           a. a manager involved with business activities of a

                                                 company, especially dealing with customers,

                                                 rather than with other activities


2. assistant manager           b. a manager who is directly in charge of producing

                                                  goods or providing services, and who works most

                                                  closely with ordinary employees 


3. branch manager                 c. someone who helps another manager, does their

                                                  work when they are not there etc


4. brand manager              d. a manager who is in charge of a particular factory


5. commercial manager          e. an investment manager with a group of different

                                                  types of investments, who tries to balance the 

                                                  risks and profits of each in relation to the rest


6. floor manager                f. someone who deals with a particular client or

                                                 group of clients, especially in a bank


7. fund manager                      g. someone whose job is to manage a department or

                                                  floor in a large store 


8. line manager                   h. someone in charge of a particular branch of a

                                                   bank, shop in a chain of shops


9. plant manager                i. someone in a company responsible for developing

                                                 and selling one particular brand of product


10. portfolio manager         j. someone whose job is to manage a particular type

                                                  of investment for a financial institution or its




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Подбор к существительным соответствующих им синонимов

Test 7


Подберите к существительным (1 – 15 ) соответствующие им синонимы (a – o):


1. purchaser           a. difficulty


2. crisis                    b. saving


3. economy                   c. commerce


4. management       d. buyer


5. finance                 e. administration


6. production                f. employment


7. profession                 g. earnings


8. income                  h. making

9. trader                    i. benefit

10. interest                j. seller


11. quality                    k. banknotes


12. goods                    l. stock

13. money                  m. characteristics

14. demand                n. commodities

15. supply                   o. need



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Подбор к существительным соответствующих им антонимов


Teст 8


    Подберите к существительным (1 – 10) соответствующие им антонимы (a – j):



1. production          a. deflation


2. income                 b. city 


3. proficiency               c. lack


4. country               d. consumption


5. supply                  e. expenditure


6. worker                      f. honesty


7. growth                    g. incompetence 


8. inflation               h. idler 

9. corruption            i. decline

10. risk                      j. safety



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Подбор к глаголам соответствующих им синонимов

Teст 9 


    Подберите к глаголам (1 – 10) соответствующие им синонимы (a – j):



1. to trade                  a . to hire


2. to buy                          b. to lend


3. to supply                    c. to exchange


4. to rent                    d. to use


5. to loan                    e. to have


6. to compete                f. to purchase 


7. to create                     g. to provide


8. to produce              h. to make   

9. to consume             i. to manufacture

10. to own                   j. to challenge



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