Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

1. When I (arrive) __________  home last night, I discovered that Jane (prepare) __________ a beautiful candlelight dinner. 2. Since I began acting, I (perform) __________ in two plays, a television commercial and a TV drama. However, I (speak, never even) __________ publicly before I came to Hollywood in 1985. 3. By the time I got to the office, the meeting (begin, already) ______________ without me. My boss (be) ______________ furious with me and I (be) ______________ fired. 4. When I (turn) ______________ the radio on yesterday, I (hear) ______________ a song that was popular when I was in high school. I (hear, not) the song in years, and it (bring) back some great memories. 5. Last week, I (run) ______________ into an ex-girlfriend of mine. We (see, not) ______________ each other in years, and both of us (change) ______________ a great deal. I (enjoy) ______________ talking to her so much that I (ask) ______________ her out on a date. We are getting together tonight for dinner. 6. When Jack (enter) ______________ the room, I (recognize, not) ______________ him because he (lose) ______________ so much weight and (grow) ______________ a beard. He looked totally different! 7. The Maya established a very advanced civilization in the jungles of the Yucatan; however, their culture (disappear, virtually) ______________ by the time Europeans first (arrive) ______________ in the New World. 8. I (visit) ______________ so many beautiful places since I (come) ______________ to Utah. Before moving here, I (hear, never) ______________ of Bryce Canyon, Zion, Arches, or Canyonlands.


Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense Past Perfect or Simple Past.

Example: Pat _________ (to live) in London before he _________ (to move) to Rome.

Answer: Pat had lived in London before he moved to Rome.

1) After Fred _________ (to spend) his holiday in Italy he _________ (to want) to learn Italian.

2) Jill _________ (to phone) Dad at work before she _________ (to leave) for her trip.

3) Susan _________ (to turn on) the radio after she _________ (to wash) the dishes.

4) When she _________ (to arrive) the match already _________ (to start).

5) After the man _________ (to come) home he _________ (to feed) the cat.

6) Before he _________ (to sing) a song he _________ (to play) the guitar.

7) She _________ (to watch) a video after the children _________ (to go) to bed.

8) After Eric _________ (to make) breakfast he _________ (to phone) his friend.

9) I _________ (to be) very tired because I  _________ (to study) too much.

10) They _________ (to ride) their bikes before they _________ (to meet) their friends.


Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense.

1. Before we arrived at school the classes ____________ (start).

2. I felt exhausted because I ____________ (run) ten miles.

3. He ____________ (study) that book before he arrived in Pakistan.

4. He ____________ (sell) all the copies of the thesaurus before we got there.

5. We went to his place for dinner but to our great surprise he ____________ (have) his dinner.

6. When I got up, rather late, the sun ____________ (rise)

7. Before we got there they ____________ (begin) the show.

8. He ____________ (finish) his work before began mine.

9. It ____________ (begin) to rain when I stepped out of the house.

10. Soon after they ____________ (complete) their homework they ran out to play with the dog.

Unit 13

Sequence of tenses

Согласование времен соблюдается в придаточных дополнительных предложениях, когда сказуемое главного предложения стоит в одном из прошедших времен.

Если главное предложение стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, дополнительное предложение может быть в любом, нужном по смыслу времени.

I know that my friend usually comes            Я знаю, что мой друг обычно
home early on Friday.                          приходит домой рано в пятницу .

I know that my friend came home       Я знаю, что мой друг пришел
very late last night.                               домой очень поздно вчера вечером.

I know that he will come home at 6     Я знаю, что он придет домой в
o'clock tomorrow.                                6 часов завтра.

Если главное предложение стоит в прошедшем времени, то: а) для выражения действия, одновременного с действием главного предложения, употребляется прошедшее время (простое или продолженное).

I didn't know that his friend spoke     Я не знал, что его друг хорошо
English well.                                   говорит по-английски.

Примечание. Модальный глагол must в значении долженствования не изменяется, если выражает одновременность с прошедшим действием главного предложения.

I knew that we must go through the             Я знал, что мы должны

new price-list.                                  просмотреть новый прейскурант.

Однако модальные глаголы са n и may подчиняются согласованию времен.

Не didn't know that I could skate well. Он не знал, что я хорошо катаюсь

(могу кататься) на коньках.

I didn't know you might smoke here.          Я не знал, что вы можете (вам

разрешено) курить здесь.

б) для выражения действия, предшествующего действию главного предложения, употребляется предпрошедшее время (Past Perfect).

I heard that my friend had gone on              Я слышал, что мой друг уехал
business.                                          в командировку.

Для выражения действия, которое последует за действием главного предложения, употребляется особое время, которое называется "будущее в прошедшем" (Future in the Past).

Часова форма, в якій присудок підрядного речення, може залежати від форми присудка головного речення. Ця залежність називається узгодженням часів. Якщо дієслово в головному реченні вжито в теперішньому часі, то часова форма дієслова в підрядному реченні обирається за змістом. Узгодження часів спостерігається в підрядній частині складнопідрядного речення у випадках, коли присудок головної частини цього речення стоїть в одному з минулих часів:


а) для вираження дії, одночасної з дією головного речення, уживається минулий час (простий або тривалий). I didn't know that his friend spoke                   English well.                                               (Я не знав, що його друг добре говорить англійською.)
Примітка. Модальне дієслово must не змінюється, якщо виражає одночасність з минулою дією головного речення. I knew that we must go through the                new price-list.                               (Я знав, що ми повинні продивитись новий прейскурант.)
Проте модальні дієслова саn і may підкорюються узгодженню часів. Не didn't know that I could skate well.   (Він не знав, що я добре катаюся (можу кататися) на ковзанах.) I didn't know you might smoke here.           (Я не знав, що ви можете (вам дозволено) палити тут.)
б) для вираження дії, яка передувала дії головного речення, уживається передминулий час (Past Perfect). I heard that my friend had gone on                business.  (Я чув, що мій друг виїхав                        у відрядження.)  

в) для вираження дії, яка настане за дією головного речення, уживається особливий час, який називається "Майбутнє в минулому" (Future in the Past).


Найчастіше узгодження часів спостерігається в реченнях з непрямою мовою. Пор.: "I saw Mary this week", told John. та John told me that he had seen (*saw) Mary that week.

Тобто, якщо дієслово-повідомлення в головному реченні стоїть в минулому часі, то час в підрядному реченні змінюється за наступними правилами узгодження часів:


Direct speech (Пряма мова) Indirect speech ( Непряма мова)
Present Simple He said, "I live in Moscow" Past Simple He said (that) he lived in Moscow.
Present Continuous "She is playing the piano", he said. Past Continuous He said (that) she was playing the piano.
Past Simple "I missed her", he said.   Past Perfect/the same form He said he had missed you. /He said (that) he missed you.
Present Perfect "It has been lost", suggested Ann.(Passive Voice) Past Perfect Ann suggested (that) it had been lost.
Past Perfect "I had seen the film before". the same form I told you I had seen the film before  
Past Continuous "I was reading while my parents were watching TV", she said. the same form She said she was reading while her parents were watching TV.
Present Perfect Continuous "I have been wondering what to do with you", she said. Past Perfect Continuous She said she had been wondering what to do with me.
Future Simple He said, "I will ring you up later". Future in the Past He said he would ring her up later.
Future Continuous "I will be sunbathing in Hawaii next week" she said. would be + verb –ing She said she would be sunbathing in Hawaii the following week.

Choose the right answer.

1. I knew that she ___________ Madrid before, so I asked her to recommend a good hotel.

a) has visited

b) visited

c) had visited

2. She promised to help me if I ___________ the answer myself.

a) wouldn't find

b) didn't find

c) hadn't found

3. He said that they ___________ each other for many years.

a) know

b) knew

c) had known

4. I saw that she ___________ to hold back her tears.

a) is trying

b) was trying

c) had been trying

5. He knew that she ___________ as her eyes were red.

a) has been crying

b) was crying

c) had been crying

6. I asked her if she ___________ there with me, but she said no.

a) will go

b) would go

7. She said that the robber ___________ her when she was opening the door to her apartment.

a) attacked

b) was attacking

c) had attacked

8. I wanted to see her but I didn't know if she ___________ in town.

a) was

b) were

c) had been

9. He told me that he would visit them when he ___________ from Spain.

a) will return

b) would return

c) returns

d) returned

10. My younger daughter learned in class yesterday that the Earth ___________ around the Sun.

a) revolves

b) revolved

c) is revolving

d) was revolving


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