Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The Institute of Biology / the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science / the Institute of Earth Sciences / the Institute of Physics and Chemistry

1 Meteorology, Hydrology, Cartography, Soil Science, Geology, Geomorphology, Ecology, Customs and Civilization

2 Botany, Zoology, Anatomy, Microbiology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Soil Science, Bionics, Genetics, Physiology

3 Mechanics, Electricity, Principles of Optics, Magnetism, Theoretical Physics, Radiophysics, Digital Telecommunication Systems and Network, Physical and Mathematical Methods, Optics and Spectroscopy

4 Algebra, Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Science, Differential Equations, Object-Oriented and Visual Programming, Theoretical Mechanics, Functional Analysis, Applied Statistics, Structures and Algorithms of Computer Data Processing, Information Security, Information Systems and Technologies.

5 Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Ecological Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Colloidal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry


1.6 Read these sentences spoken by university students. Guess what each person is studying.

1 We have to know scientific laws that control the life of a particular type of animal or plant.

2 The way we use fertilizers is much more precise than 20 years ago.

3 The world’s human population is now over five billion and is rising rapidly.

4 People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are not somebody else’s.

5 Functional analysis as well as the theory of differential variable function spaces was created.

6 The study of light is called optics.

7 The atmospheric sciences are traditionally divided into three topical areas: meteorology, climatology, and aeronomy.

8 Geographic Information System (GIS) evolved in part from the work of cartographers, who produce two types of maps: general-purpose maps, which contain many different themes, and thematic maps, which focus on a single theme such as soil, vegetation, zoning, population density, or roads.

9 Programming language theory considers various approaches to the description of computation.

10 Among the principal attractions are historic sights of Prague, numerous spas and mineral springs, winter resorts, and various cultural festivals.

11 This discipline enables individuals to know the basic features of the world in which they live, the great variety of lands and peoples, the complex associations and interrelations of human beings with resources and nature, and the problems faced by inhabitants of other countries and regions.

12 GPS has become a vital global utility, indispensable for modern navigation on land, sea, and air around the world, as well as an important tool for map-making and land surveying.

13 It is estimated that there are about 50 million species of plants, animals and microorganisms.

14 When a nucleus is transmuted and beta particles emitted, there are specific changes in energy.

15 We have found ways to genetically engineer the plants so that their leaves express more oil.

16 It is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative position of figures, and the properties of space.


1.7 Match the word-combinations in A with their Russian equivalents in B:

                  A                                                           B

1 department a ) хорошо оборудованные лаборатории
2 computer laboratories b) научная работа
3 well-equipped laboratories c ) специалисты высокого уровня
4 supervisor d) доцент
5 well-qualified lecturers e ) область математики (физики и т.д.)
6 course work f ) оценивать
7 teaching staff g ) получить оценку (по предмету)
8 private and government organizations h ) высококвалифицированные преподаватели
9 specialists of high level i) курсовая работа
10 the field of mathematics (physics, etc.) j ) частные и государственные предприятия
11 research paper k ) кафедра
12 associate professor l ) научный руководитель
13 to assess, to evaluate m ) компьютерные классы
14 to get a mark (in a subject) n) преподавательский состав

1.8   Express your idea. Use the following words and word-combinations:

Model: The head of the group is responsible for the attendance of classes.

1 to be responsible for something 2 the students’ progress
3 to depend upon (on) 9 to attend lectures (seminars) on
4 to be a first (second, third, forth)-year student 10 a graduate paper
4 to specialize in 11 an additional practice
5 to be competent in something 12 to do one’s best to do something
6 to receive a university degree 13 to acquire knowledge
7 to be under investigation 14 undergraduate students

1.9   Match the words and word-combinations in A with their meanings in B:

    A                                                          B

1 up-to-date                               a) the people employed by an organization

2 well-equipped                                 b) adapted for a particular purpose

3 staff                                        c) to praise highly

4 to be acquainted with            d) to receive

5 various                                    e) in current style

6 specialized courses                        f) detailed discourse

7 to acquire                               g) of several kinds

8 dissertation                            h) to know slightly

9 to glorify                                 i) supplied with what is needed

10 investigation                         j) an attempt to find out the truth about or       the causes of scientific problem

1.10   Fill in the word from the list below to make up a phrase. Use each word only once.


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