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Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.

Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.

what / the usual / is / August / in / temperature?



Поставьте глагол в правильной форме.

1. Не______________ (to play) tennis the day before yesterday.

2. Nick________________(to write) a letter yesterday from 5 till 6 o'clock.

3. I_______________________(to read) a book when he ____________  (to arrive) home.


Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. We shall finish the experiment tomorrow.


2.World War II interrupted his work.


3.At present geologists use nuclear instruments in their work.


4 Transformation of atomic power into electricity is a very promising feild.


5. Atomic power generation makes impressive progress.

_____________________________________________________________________________вариант 2

Ознакомьтесь с содержанием текста с помощью словаря.

Most people are familiar with the idea that the chemical elements which constitute the matter of the. universe are made up of particles called atoms and that an atom is the smallest recognizable particle of an element. These atoms are far too tiny to be seen under the most powerful microscope.

The ancient Greeks and Romans had ideas about the existence of atoms, but in more modern times Sir Isaak Newton was one of the first scientists to put forward the theory that all matter was composed of them. At the beginning of the last century John Dalton (1766-1844) showed experimentally how this theory could be tested. He is known as the founder of modem atomic theory. Although the existence of atoms had previously been suggested, it was Dalton who showed how many phenomena could be understood only if their existence were a fact. In his atomic theory he assumed definite properties for the atoms which he considered indivisible and indestructible. Although some of his sta­tements are not now interpreted in the same way as he intended, his theory remains one of the fundamentals of science. We now know that there are still smaller particles inside the atom, but even so it is still true to say that the atom is the smallest part of an element that can take part in a chemical change.

Найдите правильный перевод выражения или слова:

А) chemical elements:

- элементы в химии;

- химические элементы;

- элементарные химики.

В) an atom is the smallest recognizable particle of an element:

- атом это самая маленькая узнаваемая частица элемента;

- атом не является частью элемента;

- атом это неузнаваемая часть элемента.

С) microscope:

- схема;

- микроскоп;

- микроб.

D) phenomena:

- явление;

- фен;

- феноминальный.

Е) atomic theory:

- атомный вес;

- атомная масса;

- атомная теория.

F) definite properties:

- определённые свойства;

- неопределённые свойства;

- свойства.

G) can take part in a chemical change:

- могут иметь химические свойства;

- при определённых химических качествах;

- могут принимать участие в химических изменениях.


Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос.

1. What is an atom?

- the smallest recognizable particle of an element;

- the most powerful microscope;

- a chemical change;

2. Who is known to be the founder of atomic theory?

- the ancient Greeks and Romans;

- Sir Isaak Newton;

- John Dalton.



1. Отметьте слово, с которым мы можем употре­бить прилагательное swimming.

□ 1) leader

□ 2) pool

□ 3) board

□ 4) occupation

2. Составьте правиль ­ ные словосочетания.

1) talk                           a. characteristic

2) discuss                     b. loudly

3) personal                    c. journey

4) unusual                     d. problems

3. Выберите правильное пред­ложение.

□ 1) She want to travel to other galaxies.

□ 2) She wants to travel to other galaxies.

□ 3) She want travelling to other galaxies.

□ 4) She wants travel to other galaxies.

4. Подчеркните нужное слово.

Travelling to other galaxies will take too (many / much) time.

Составьте предложение, используя следующие слова.

work / will / study / they / and / there / play



Поставьте глагол в правильной форме.

1.When my friend_______________ (to come)outside, it ________  (to rain)heavily.

2. He_________________(to visit) Paris last summer.

3. My mother____________(to cook) dinner, when he   (to come) into the kitchen.

4. She _________________(to get up) at 6 o'clock yesterday.

8. Ознакомьтесь с содержанием текста с помощью словаря

Matter is composed of tiny particles called the atoms. The atom is a complex unit of various particles, the most important of which are elec­trons, protons and neutrons.

Scientists have found that the differences between atoms of different elements are due to differences in the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus and to differences in the arrangement of the electrons sur­rounding the nucleus. The mass of the atom is concentrated almost entirely in the nucleus.

The chemical properties of different elements can be explained by the structure of the atom. Chemical changes involve a shifting of outer (valence) electrons so that a shell is achieved. The activity of metals and non-metals is related to the size of the atom and to the number of electrons in the external orbit.

The valence or combining capacity of an atom is determined by the number of electrons it gains, loses or shares in chemical combination with atoms of other elements. Atoms also may be joined to other atoms by sharing pairs of electrons. This process produces covalent compounds. These are generally gases or liquids with low boiling points. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons by the elements. The process is accompanied by the algebraic increase in valence. Reduction, on the other hand, involves a gain of electrons by the substance reduced. This process is accompanied by an algebraic decrease in valence.

Слова и выражения к тексту:

- are due to – обусловлены

 - algebraic increase - алгебраическое увеличение

- on the other hand - с другой стороны

- algebraic decrease - алгебраическое уменьшение

Выполните анализ лексического состава тек ста.

А) Догадайтесь о значении слов и выражений и напишите их перевод:

- conception

- chemical nature

- positive

- negative

- electricity

- neutral

- elementary

- a negative charge of electricity

- a positive electrical charge

- elementary particle

- the atomic weight

В) Выберите правильный ответ на вопрос по тексту

1. What is the atom composed of?

- elec­trons, protons and neutrons;

- the number of protons$

- mass of the atom.

2. What can the chemical properties of different elements be explained by?

- due to differences in the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus;

- the structure of the atom;

- the activity of metals.

3. What is the activity of metals and non-metals related to?

- the valence or combining capacity of an atom;

- the size of the atom and to the number of electrons in the external orbit;

- сhemical changes.



1. Установите со­ответствие между словом и его переводом.

1)instruction        а. глупый

2)walkman           b. инструкция

3)silly                   с. оценка

4)mark                 d. плейер

2. Выберите верный предлог.

 " She is... Argentina, " Helen said.


□ l)from                    □ 3)on

□ 2) by                     D4)of

3. Выберите верный вспомогательный глагол, что­бы задать вопрос к предложению.

 My brother watches films on TV.

□ 1) does

□ 2) did

□ 3) do

□ 4) is

4. Подберите правильное местоимение для слова holiday.

□ l)we

□ 2) it

□ 3)they

□ 4) he

5. Подчерк­ните нужное слово для каждого случая.

1)a big wild tiger (when / where / what)

2)at about 10 o'clock (when / where / what)

3)on the beach (when / where / what)

А) Догадайтесь о значении слов и выражений из текста:

- conception

- chemical nature

- positive

- negative

- electricity

- neutral

- elementary

- to concentrate

- a negative charge of electricity

- a positive electrical charge

- elementary particles

- the atomic weight

А) Выберите правильный вариант ответа на следующие вопросы.

1) What particles does an atom consist of?

- complicated structure of very much smaller constituent particles;

- it consists of a kind of solar system;

- electrons;

2)What is the electrical nature of an atom?

- constituent particles;

- the atom is electrically neutral;

- heavy particle.

3)What particles is the nucleus made up of?

- protons and neutrons;

- elementary particles;

- electrons.

4)What determines the atomic weight of an element?

- the total of protons and neutrons;

- a negative charge of electricity;

- a positive electrical charge.


Albert Einstein


This German physicist is considered one of ………………. in history. Not only did he shape the way people think of time, space, matter, energy, and gravity but he also was a supporter of Zionism and ……………

Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany, and spent most of his youth living in Munich, where his family ……………………. He attended schooling in Munich, which he found unimaginative and dull. In addition to this, he taught himself …………….. at the age of 12.Later his family was forced to move to Milan, Italy where he then decided to withdraw from school at the age of 15. Eventually, he realized that he had to finish secondary school. On the other hand, he still often …………… to study physics on his own. At age 22, he became …………. On the other hand, he published five major research papers at the age of 26.The first paper was ……………….. in 1905.The second paper laid the base of the photon, or quantum theory of light. It said that light is made off separate packets of energy, …………... The paper remade the theory of light. Also explaining the emissions of electrons from some solid objects when they are …………….     ……………. are practical applications of Einstein's discoveries.The third paper, which he began as an essay at age 16, contained the « special theory of relativity ». He showed that time and motion are relative to the observer, and the speed of light is constant and natural laws are the same everywhere in the universe. ……………. was a mathematical addition to the special theory of relativity. His fifth paper was his ……………….. In 1921, Einstein won ……………… for physics for the confirmation of his general theory of relativity.In 1933, he moved to the USA where he became a citizen in 1940. Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey, America on April 18, 1955.


1. peaceful living.

2. owned a small shop

3. unimaginative and dull

4. Euclidean geometry

5. a Swiss citizen

6. on Brownian motion

7. struck by light

8. televisions

9. the fourth

10. general theory of relativity

11. the Nobel Prize

12. the world's greatest thinkers

13. skipped class to study physics on his own

14. titled quanta or photons




Most people are familiar with the idea that the chemical elements which constitute the matter of the universe are made up of particles called atoms and that an atom is the smallest recognizable particle of an element. These atoms are far too tiny to be seen under the most powerful microscope.

The ancient Greeks and Romans had ideas about the existence of atoms, but in more modern times Sir Isaak Newton was one of the first scientists to put forward the theory that all matter was composed of them. At the beginning of the last century John Dalton (1766-1844) showed experimentally how this theory could be tested. He is known as the founder of modem atomic theory. Although the existence of atoms had previously been suggested, it was Dalton who showed how many phenomena could be understood only if their existence were a fact. In his atomic theory he assumed definite properties for the atoms which he considered indivisible and indestructable. Although some of his sta­tements are not now interpreted in the same way as he intended, his theory remains one of the fundamentals of science. We now know that there are still smaller particles inside the atom, but even so it is still true to say that the atom is the smallest part of an element that can take part in a chemical change.

How big is an atom? If a drop of water could be enlarged until it was as big as the Earth, the atoms in it would appear about the size of golf balls. Ten million atoms lying side by side would measure less than one inch.

It is very difficult indeed to realize how small atoms really are, but nevertheless their behaviour can be studied through certain experiments.


Вариант 9

Вариант 10

Вариант 11


 The people use the objects and forces of the nature for their purposes in their production activity.

They utilise to themselves the objects and forces of the nature not with the bare hands. The people use at work different tools, instruments and means which they have extended in the course of the history perfected.

The technical means are a component of the productive forces.

The historical way of the humanity goes from the application of the invention of the steam engine in 19century, the use of the electric stream up to the discovery and use of the nuclear energy and, finally, to the automatic factory in our time.

During the technology has developed since her beginnings.

We connect with the word " Technology" the thought of the machines which the people release from heavy physical work.

The modern technology rests on the exact natural sciences, in particular on physics and the chemistry and helps itself extensively of mathematics. Essential knowledge in the area of physics, the chemistry and mathematics belongs to the technical grounding.

Also to supervise of the production process and to the control of the quality of the generated products scientific methods are applied. These are basically methods of the physical measuring technology and the chemical analysis with whose help in the technical company control the production process is observed and is steered.

One can hardly imagine how the results would look without technology. Today one can go in few hours to distant places or fly which one could still reach 100 years ago only during weeks or months. Phone, telegraph, broadcasting company and television broadcast today news which one had received earlier only with big antennas.

If it is getting dark in the evening, it is a light to light up the flat by a pressure on the counter brightly. If it is too cold, one can get in few seconds with an electric heating appliance the desired warmth,

These few examples already show that one owns an indispensable assistant in the everyday life today in the technology. If one in addition still the immense area of the production considers so it is clear that the technology is not to be imagined as not existing in our life any more.


  1.  What do the people use at their work?
  2.  Which thoughts we connect with the word " Technology"?
  3.  What belongs to the technical grounding?
  4.  What scientific methods become applied?
  5. Which methods will supervise to process production applied?
  6. Is it able to introduce anything today without technology?


  1. The people (использовать) in the life many (предметы).
  2. (исторический) way of the people is difficult.
  3. (Использование) of the electric stream is indispensable in the life.
  4. The modern technology (опираться) on Natural sciences.
  5. The machines (освобождать) the person from (физический) work.
  6. One (рассматривать) today the technology with theirs (достижения) as something natural.
  7. 9. Phone, telegraph (радио) and television (передавать) last (новости).
  8. 10. Technology is an assistant in (повседневная жизнь)



Вариант 12



These emissions

Air pollution

Acid rain







11.far from its point of origin.

Lakes and streams



Вариант 13


Контрольные работы

по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский)

Для специальностей

Переработка нефти и газа»

(заочное отделение)



2016 год


Составьте вопрос, используя следующие слова.

what / the usual / is / August / in / temperature?




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