Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. The company says it cannot cut its prices anymore because it has a _________

to its shareholders. RESPONSE

2. Employees worry that saying 'no' to the boss decreases their chances

of __________ and promotion. ADVANCE

3. We've been quite __________ in setting up incentive schemes; employees are

very enthusiastic about them. SUCCESS

4.  If this project fails it will affect not only our department, but also the whole __________. ORGANIZE

5. Most business __________ would like to think they know what

their customers want. OWN

IX. Listen to the text " Managing Conflict"

 using http: //learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals-podcasts/managing-conflict   and answer the following questions:

 1. What is the dispute the people are resolving?

a) about a special project

b) about pay and conditions

c) about personal problems


2. How far do they reach an agreement?

a) not at all

b) to a certain extent

c) completely


3. How successful is the moderator?

  a) a total failure

  b) partially successful

c) completely successful


                      Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:

1 2 3




                                       Variant III.

 I. Read and translate the text. Write down your translation of the first paragraph.

                            International Advertising


1. When we consider international advertising from the advertiser’s point of view,  the primary objective of advertisement is that the product or services which they are offering should be sold in the market. And in achieving the main objective of selling the product or services there are other profound consequences. In an international marketing concern, advertising has an important social influence in a number of ways: many of the international advertisers are designed to promote and introduce new products from one market to another.

2.  Often this results in sudden change in life-styles, behavior patterns of a society, stimulating for example the adoption of fast food, casual attire or hygiene and beauty products. International advertising encourages desire for products from other countries; it creates expectations about “the good life”, and establishes new areas of consumption.

3. We can see the examples of brands like Levi’s, Adidas, Reebok, Nike, Marlboro and McDonalds which are familiar in almost every corner of the world. Even the scenes and images which have been shown in the international advertising reflect western consumption behavior and values. Even where it had been adapted to local scenarios and role models these shown often come from sectors of society, such as the upwardly mobile urban middle class, which embrace or are receptive to Western values and mores.

4. At the same time, international advertising also acts as an integrating force across national boundaries. It makes the message known using universal symbols and slogans, and establishes a common mode of communication among target audiences in different parts of the world. At the same time, multicultural values which are reinforced by advertisers, who adopt images incorporating peoples of different nations and diverse cultural backgrounds.

5. Consequently, while, on the one hand, international advertising can be viewed as a colonizing force propagating Western values and moral throughout the world, it is also an important force that integrates societies and establishes common bonds, universal symbols and models of communication among peoples in different parts of the world.

II. Decide whether the following statements are  a) true, b) false or c) information is not available in the text.

1. Many of the international advertisers are designed to encourage and launch new products from one market to another.

     2. The advertising industry has pioneered the use of technology ever since it came into being.

     3. International advertising encourages desire for goods from other countries; it creates expectations about “the good life”, and establishes new areas of production.

              Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


1 2 3


III. Complete the sentences (1-6) with the most suitable prepositions (a-d).

1. Top managers have to manage a business's relations.......customers, suppliers,

distributors, investors and so on.

a) between   b) with       c) of          d) for          


2. One well-known classification of the tasks of a manager comes........Peter


a) about       b) with        c) from     d) on            



3. I am now much better.........identifying and meeting the needs of my customers.

a) in              b) at           c) of           d) for              


4. The process........selecting candidates is a difficult one.

a) in             b) with        c) of            d) on          


5. Coordination..........production and design is my responsibility.

  a) between        b) among       c) of             d) with       

6. Managers make decisions........pay and promotion.

a) on             b) for        c) about     d) over            


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


1 2 3 4 5 6

IV. Match the words (1-10) with their definitions (a-j).

1. performance                               a) a job, duty, or situation that is difficult  

                                                           because you must use a lot of effort,

                                                           determination, and skill in order to be



2. innovation                                  b) a job that involves encouraging people

                                                           to buy a product or service


3. workforce                                  c) the ability to do something well as

                                                           a result of experience and training                                                      


4. challenge                                    d) a helpful or good effect


5. skill                                            e) a new idea, design, product, etc.


6. marketing                                   f) all the people who work for a company

                                                           or organization


7. benefit                                        g) the need or reason for doing something


8. motivation                                  h) the process or fact of giving a higher

                                                            or more important job


9. promotion                                  i) a formal statement of ideas that are

                                                           suggested to explain a fact or event, or

                                                           how something works

10. theory                                        j) the process of doing a job or action 


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



V. Complete the sentences (1-10) with the words (a-j).


  a) performance b) innovations c) workforce d) challenges e) skills f) marketing g) theory h) benefits i) motivation j) promotion     


1. Personnel managers provide organizations with a competent and productive 


2. The......... of scientific management lie within its ability to coordinate

mutual relationship between employers and workers.

3. Managers now must be global and change their mentality to fit the new

......... companies are facing today.

4. The participative leadership style is believed to be one of the best methods of

providing........ to employees to work harder.

5. The financial manager should establish a means of monitoring and evaluating


6. Practical application of knowledge in the management area requires certain

abilities or........

7. Top managers are responsible for the........that will allow a company to adopt

to a changing world.

 8. Managers make decisions about pay and..........

 9. As a........ manager, I was able to integrate my previous experience with


 10. Management is based on scientific.......and today we can say that it is a

 developing science.



Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


 VI. Match (1-10) with (a-j) to make up sentences.

  1. A successful business is built on 2. Salespeople may be dismissed for many reasons, the most common of which is 3.The company is starting a new round of negotiations 4. She works as a project managerfor 5. I'm in charge of planning our work 6.Experience of managing a modern production plant 7. Many staff lack motivation and   8. Our programmers identified what they thought the problem was 9. If a company does not satisfy people's needs, it will lose  10. In business it is very important to balance the interests of a firm     a) resistant to change.   b) careful financial management.   c)  its customers and suffer great losses. d) with its main workforce.   e) the construction company.    f)  with the interests of customers.   g) is essential.   h) poor performance.   i) with the software.   j)  for the whole year.    

Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


VII. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.

1. shops, companies, are, Foreign, opening, new



2. world's, General Motors, the, has, 40 years, been, biggest, company, for, car, many



3. risk, Companies, their, overlook, often, in, fraud, management



4.  promotion, was, She, for, recommended, her, manager, by


5. our, clients, at, London, office, in, I, meet, often, need, to


VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. The company president has mapped out a strategy for_______ growth.


2. The group's strategy of overseas________ helped it overcome

tough conditions at home. DIVERSITY

3. We all know we could perform_________, grow the business, plan for the future - if we had more time. GOOD

4. Most business ________ would like to think they know what their customers want. OWN

5. The way to be _________in business is always to stay one jump ahead of your competitors. SUCCESS

IX. Listen to the text " Line Management"

using https: // learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/professionals-podcasts/line-management and decide if the following statements are true or false.


1.  She thinks it is important not to be too sensitive.

                      a) true             b) false


2.  Jenny thinks that staff don't respect a manager who disagrees with them.

                       a) true            b) false


3.  Jenny believes line managers can help staff develop and change.

                       a) true           b) false


4.  Jenny feels uncomfortable when she has to deal with the staff who are not working properly.

                        a) true            b) false


5.  Jenny doesn't like the constant challenges involved in being a manager.

                        a) true            b) false


Оформите ваши ответы в данной таблице:


1 2 3 4 5



                                   Variant IV



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