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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.

Например: I wish I ______ ( to be ) taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

I wish I were taller so that I could be in the basketball team.

1. I wish I ______ ( can / to drive ) a car and we could go travelling.

2. The Browns live in the city, but they wish they ______ ( to live ) in the suburbs.

3. Robert can’t dance very well, but he wishes he ______ ( can / dance ) better.

4. Kate is having a hard time learning English at the University. She wishes she ______ ( to study ) it better at school.

5. Mike didn’t go to college after school. Now, he wishes he ______ ( to go ) to college.

6. The weather was hot while we were there. I wish it ______ ( to be ) a bit cooler.

7. I wish you ______ ( to stop ) watching TV while I am talking to you.

8. I wish she ______ ( can / to come ) yesterday but she had an important meeting.

9. I wish I ______ ( to know ) someone to whom I could have gone for advice when I was 18.

Упражнение № 2.


Раскроите скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму сослагательного наклонения после «I wish».

1. The weather was awful. I wish it ______ ( to be ) better.

2. I wish I ______ ( to know ) Vera’s telephone number.

3. I wish it______ ( not to rain ) so much in England last week.

4. Do you wish you ______ ( to study ) science instead of languages last year?

5. I feel sick. I wish I ______ ( not to eat ) so much.

6. It’s crowded here. I wish there ______ ( not to be ) so many people.

7. I wish I ______ ( to be ) taller.

8. I wish you ______ ( to stop ) shouting. I am not deaf you know.

9. I wish he______ ( to borrow ) that book from the library last week.

10. I wish you______ ( to give ) him my phone number at that party.

11. I wish it ______ ( to stop ) raining.

12. I wish I ______ ( can / to speak ) several languages.

13. If only I ______ ( to have ) the chance to study when I was younger.


Упражнение №3.


Подчеркните верный вариант.

1) I wish he ______ will get / got / would get on better with his parents.

2) I wish you ______ stopped / will stop / would stop talking at the lessons.

3) I wish I ______ have / had / had had more money.

4) If only I ______ was having / have had / had had the chance to study when I was younger.

5) If only I ______ would keep / kept / had kept my appointment with the dentist yesterday. I wouldn't have toothache now.

6) If only you ______ will make / would make / wouldn't make less noise.

7) I wish I ______ had been disappointed / hadn't been disappointed / weren't disappointed after such an inspiring speech yesterday.

8) If only you ______ had been / would be / were tolerant of each other's moods in your family! You would get on better.

9) I wish I ______ had learnt / learnt / have learnt to trust my own judgments in my childhood.

Проверь себя!

Упражнение №1.

Выберите правильный ответ.

1. If the weather were fine, they ______ out of town.

a) go b) would go c) gone d) had gone

2. If Tom had enough money, he ______ to the USA long ago.

a) went b) would have gone c) have gone d) would go

3. If I ______ their language, I could understand what they were saying.

a) had known b) will know c) know d) knew

4. We ______ win the cup If we keep playing this well.

a) will b) are c) are winning d) could have

5. If you touch a socket with wet hands, you ______ an electric shock.

a) will get b) would get c) would have got d) would have been got

6. If I ______ noticed Nikita, I would have stopped him.

a) – b) had c) have d) would have

7. " Listen to me, Masha! The officer says I cannot go abroad now! I wish I ______ the parking fine! I'm so sorry! "

a) paid b) pay c) had paid d) would pay

8. If I ______ you, I would apologize to her.

a) was b) had been c) were d) will be

9. If you live in Australia, January ______ in the middle of summer.

a) is b) was c) will be d) would be

10. If Zhenya ______ this medicine yesterday, she would feel better now.

a) take b) took c) taken d) had taken

11. When we ______ to the cinema, we ______ popcorn.

a) will go; will eat b) will go; eat c) go; would eat d) go; eat

12. If the weather ______ fine, he will go out of town.

a) was b) is c) will d) were

13. If it hadn’t been raining yesterday, we ______ on a trip.

a) would have gone b) have gone c) would go d) will have gone

14. If you ______ down for a second, I'll be able to help you. – No, I hate you!

a) calm b) calmed c) will calm d) had calmed

15. If Ivan were playing tonight, we ______ a better chance of winning.

a) would have b) would c) have d) will have

16. We’ll just go to another restaurant if this one ______ fully occupied.

a) is b) will c) will be d) has

17. Had the guests come, I ______ the house.

a) must clean b) will clean c) would have cleaned d) would clean

18. If Rita ebecca ______ his phone number before, she would have called him.

a) have learned b) had learned c) learned d) learnt

19. They ______ let you on the plane unless you have a valid passport.

a) had b) have c) will d) won't

20. If I ______ a taxi, I would have been there in time.

a) had took b) took c) had taken d) have taken

21. It will save us time and money if we ______ the hotel and flight together.

a) booked b) had booked c) book d) will book



Passive Voice

(Страдательный залог)

Глаголы в английском языке употребляются в действительной (активной) форме залога – Active Voice либо в страдательной (пассивной) Passive Voice. В активной форме залога субъект выполняет действие, указанное глаголом. В пассивном залоге на субъект действует глагол, т.е. субъект (лицо или предмет), выраженный подлежащим, испытывает действие на себе.


Активная форма: Ann wrote a book. – Анна написала книгу.

Пассивная форма: A book was written by Ann. – Книга была написана Анной.

Страдательный (пассивный) залог используется, когда исполнитель действия очевиден или несуществен, или когда действие или его результат более интересны, чем исполнитель.


Окно было закрыто. –The window was closed.

Дом был построен моим отцом. – The house was built by my father.

Общая формула пассивного залога строится следующим образом:

be + глагол +V₃ ( -ed)

Время Формула Примеры
Present Continuous Passive am / is / are being + V ₃ I am being invited to the party. – Меня приглашают на вечеринку ( прямо сейчас ). Am I being invited to the party? – Меня приглашают на вечеринку?
Present Perfect Passive have / has been + V ₃ Space has been explored. – Космос исследовали ( уже ). Has space been explored? – Космос исследовали?
Past Continuous Passive was / were being + V ₃ The pit was being dug. – Яму копали. Was the pit being dug? – Яму копали?
Past Perfect Passive had been + V ₃ My car had been repaired. – Мою машину починили (до какого-то момента). Had my car been repaired? – Мою машину починили?
Future Perfect Passive will have been + V ₃ The room will have been cleaned. – Комната будет убрана (к какому-то моменту). Will the room have been cleaned? – Комната будет убрана?
Future in the Past Simple Passive would be + V ₃ I knew I would be asked. – Я знал, что меня спросят.


Запомните! Если действие осуществляется при помощи какого-либо предмета, инструмента, материала, то используется предлог with.


The streets are covered with snow. – Улицы покрыты снегом.

Если исполнитель действия – человек или группа людей, мы поставим предлог by.

Упражнение № 1.


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