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German Health Care Attracts Foreign Patients

Controversial issues:

- Brainstorm the following topics:


The government should provide its citizens with a free health care system.

The government should allocate an important part of its health budget on preventive and educational measures.

Reading 1

German Health Care Attracts Foreign Patients


Published: December 20, 2012 / The New York Tiemes


BERLIN — When Jalal Talabani, the president of Iraq, needed advanced medical care for a stroke suffered this week, he flew not to the United States or Britain but to Germany, for treatment here in the capital

For many Americans, Germany is known as a way station where soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan received immediate medical care on United States military bases. But it is also a popular destination for wealthy and prominent patients from the Middle East, Russia and beyond, experts say.

Before the Arab Spring uprisings, the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak traveled to Munich in 2004 for back treatment and to Heidelberg in 2010 to have his gallbladder removed. Last year, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan reportedlyhad a surgical procedure on his prostate at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.

According to German government statistics, the number of hospital patients from the United Arab Emirates rose to 1, 754 from 339 between 2000 and 2010, the most recent year available. From Saudi Arabia, the figure climbed to 712 from 143. The numbers from Iraq were smaller but still rose to 176 from 95. Over the same period, the number of Russians jumped to 4, 873 from 842.

“We have one of the worldwide best health care systems and people from abroad know that, ” said Isabella Beyer, research associate in medical tourism at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Mr. Talabani, 79, is among them; he was treated before for back trouble.

Mr. Talabani is now being cared for at Berlin’s Charité hospital, which is more than 300 years old and is one of Europe’s largest university hospitals. The storied institution was home to several Nobel Prize winners, including Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich. A spokeswoman for Charité, Manuela Zingl, confirmed that Mr. Talabani was being treated there but said that she could not disclose any information on his condition because of rules on medical privacy.

Mr. Talabani was said to be in “stable” condition after suffering a stroke this week, though there were unconfirmed reports that he was in a coma. He was rushed to the Baghdad Medical City on Monday.

He was treated there by medical experts from Iran, Germany and Britain, according to Iraqi staff members. Barazan Sheik Othman, the head of the presidential media office, said in a telephone interview that Mr. Talabani left for Germany accompanied by doctors after they established that he was well enough to be transferred.

Hospitals and clinics here have increasingly sought to market themselves as a destination for international patients. Ms. Beyer said that Germany benefited from a combination of lower prices than the United States but still provided high-quality care. Shorter waiting times and the proximity to the Middle East also helped.

“Before, a lot flew to Geneva, ” said Salah Atamna, 44, whose business, Europe Health, seeks to link up patients from abroad with German hospitals and clinics.

Many wealthy Arabs would fly to Germany in the summer to escape the blistering heat at home, Mr. Atamna said, scheduling their vacation to coincide with an operation or other treatment. They often traveled with family members and large entourages. After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, it became harder to acquire visas to the United States, and medical travelers began searching for alternatives.

Reading practice 1

Match names of patients and specialists to facts mentioned in the article:


  1. Manuela Zingl
  2. Hosni Mubarak
  3. Barazan Sheik Othman
  4. Salah Atamna
  5. Jalal Talabani
  6. Isabella Beyer
  7. Nursultan Nazarbayev


  1. Is in charge of the presidential PR service
  2. Is a specialist and researcher in medical tourism
  3. Builds connections between German clinics and their foreign customers
  4. Had his prostate operated
  5. Is a PR specialist for one of Berlin’s hospitals
  6. Was treated for a stroke and for back troubles
  7. Had a gallbladder surgery, was treated for back pains


Vocabulary practice 2

1. If the patient _______ _______ _______ ______, First Aid staff should call 9-1-1 or request medical transport through their chain of command.

2. The BBC presenter Andrew Marr, 53, is recovering in hospital after_______ _ _______, the BBC has confirmed.

3. Chicago Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris missed practice on Monday and revealed he had _ ________ _______ on his knee in March.

4. Victoria Heights Residential Care is an elegant, spacious, purpose-built facility which has continuously ______ ______ _______ _____ since opening in 2005.

5. Comparison of the ______ ______ ______ in Canada and the United States are often made by government, public health and public policy analysts.

6. Tymoshenko is on temporary release from prison, being _______ _ _____ _______ in hospital.


Reading 2

Reading practice 3

  1. The author finds it unusual and strange that the sport and medical facilities be located in the same building and be part of the same system.
  2. The hospital management initially meant to limit the access to the gym to people with health problems, but did not stick to this rule.
  3. The owners of other sport centers believe that one more sport facility will provide fair competition.
  4. People living near the hospital are happy with the occasion to have a gym so close to their homes.
  5. The management of St. Joseph Medical Center thought that their patients would find it less threatening to work out among other patients rather than with sport addicts in regular gyms.
  6. Patients are obliged to lie about their health condition in order to be admitted to the hospital gym.


Vocabulary practice 4

  1. In order to achieve a _____ ______ body, it is necessary to burn more calories than you intake.
  2. _______ ______, physicians of the Near East took little notice of mace until the early 1800s when they began to prescribe it as an aphrodisiac and carminative.
  3. The _______ ______ smaller than a hospital is generally called a _______, and often is run by a government agency for health services or a private partnership of physicians.
  4. While simple instructions like ________ ______ with food may seem minor, ignoring such instructions can result in severe discomfort or physical illness.
  5. Many hospitals offer _________ _______ services, on both in-patient and out-patient basis depending upon the individual's needs and physical condition.
  6. Factors that are more likely to lead to heart diseases include aging, family _______ _ _______ _______, smoking and sedentary lifestyles.
  7. Acute nursing care is short-term nursing care for medical patients with _____ or _______ diseases and for surgical patients requiring operations.
  8. ______ _______ provides students with a safe and clean environment to exercise and _______.




1. Endemic/pandemic (to break out)

2. An outbreak of (malaria/bird flu)

3. Conventional/holistic/alternative medicine

4. Preventive/critical medicine

Healthcare system

5. To get medical coverage

6. To get (covered with) medical insurance

7. To get/receive (quality) medical care/ adequate health services

8. Medical/health facilities

9. Private insurance companies

10. National Insurance system.

Talking about health problems & statistics

11. To cause/to lead to/result in/be associated with/to stem from

12. According to a new study

13. According to some estimates

14. Researchers say that

15. Health problems may/are more likely to occur to

16. There are certain risks involved with prolonged computer use

17. The most common physical complaints are

18. Older/young people can develop diet/computer/smoking-related diseases

19. To be at risk of developing high blood pressure

20. Heart attacks are the leading cause of death and illness in patients with...

21. Excessive weight/smoking/poor diet can result in


Computer related diseases

22. Neck and upper back pain

23. Chronic muscle strain

24. Blurred vision

25. To cause eye damage

26. To strain/damage/ruin one's eyes

27. Eye-related symptoms: itchy, dry, irritated eyes

28. Commonly accepted and well-documented hazards oflong-term computer use

29. Staring at a monitor for hours on end/ for prolonged periods of time




A. Researchers say back pain, blurred vision and mouse-related injuries are now commonly accepted and well-documented hazards oflong-term computer use.

B. Computers can cause many uncomfortable eye-related symptoms such as eyestrain, dry eyes, headache, fatigue, difficulty focusing, blurred vision, and shoulder and neck pain.

C. After staring at a monitor for hours on end, your eyes can feel dry, itchy or irritated

D. Millions of individuals sit at a computer for prolonged periods of time for their job or for recreation. E. One of the most common complaints of individuals who work at a computer for many hours a day is neck and upper back pain.

F. Bad posture can also create chronic muscle strain in the neck, back, and shoulder areas.


40. To be in good/excellent/poor health

41. Diseases/illnesses (cardiovascular/respiratory, stress-related, infectious, lethal/incurable)

42. To get infected with/ill/sick (nauseating)/a flu/ a cold/cancer/AIDS/tuberculosis...

43. To be diagnosed with

44. To be allergic to smth


45. To adopt preventive procedures

46. To get vaccinated/get shots against...

47. To take pills/medicine

48. To take/get a remedy for

49. To go through a treatment/to get treated for



50. Walk-in clinic/hospital

51. Intensive care (be in)

52. Doctor, nurse

53. GP – General practitioner


Vocabulary practice 5


Бесспорно, проблемы со здоровьем значительно чаще возникают у людей с вредными привычками, такими как злоупотребление табаком, алкоголем и наркотиками. Высокое давлление и инфаркты являются ведущими причинами болезней и смерти среди пациентов с алкогольной зависимостью. Курящие чаще всего страдают от заболеваний дыхательных путей, в частности они находятся в особой группе риска, подверженной раку легких.


Vocabulary practice 6

Согласно последним исследованиям, именно молодежь наиболее подвержена риску развития различных заболеваний, связанных с компьютером. Просиживая перед монитором бесконечное количество часов, молодые люди испытывают проблемы со зрением, такие как сухость и раздражение глаз, переутомление, нечеткое фокусирование взгляда. Кроме того, к широко известным и задокументированным рискам, связанным с длительным использованием компьютера, относятся боли в области шеи и плечевого пояса, вызванные хроническим перенапряжением мышечной системы.

Vocabulary practice 7


Find the essay question for this passage _N____

Write a thesis statement for the full essay: ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

С одной стороны, государство обязано заботиться о бедных, безработных, о семьях с низким уровнем дохода, которые не в состоянии покрывать свои издержки на медицинское обслуживание. Во-первых, это необходимо из этических соображений. Трудно представить себе, что в обществе всеобщего благосостояния, каковым мы себя считаем, людям позволят умирать лишь потому, что у них нет денег на визит к доктору или на операцию в больнице. Возможно ли вообразить себе, как вы проходите мимо человека, умирающего от внешнего кровотечения, полученного в результате аварии? Что бы вы почувствовали, если бы узнали, что ребенок, живущий в соседнем доме, не пережил последствий гриппа или воспаления легких, потому что его родители не нашли денег, чтобы вызвать терапевта? Более того, существуют также и вопросы безопасности, о которых не стоит забывать. В случае инфекционных болезней, таких как малярия, холера, туберкулез или даже СПИД, невылеченный пациент подвергает риску жизнь тысяч здоровых людей вокруг себя. Предотвращение таких эпидемий путем обязательной вакцинации является вопросом национальной безопасности. Таким образом, программа государственного медицинского страхования могла бы взять на себя обеспечение основных медицинских потребностей граждан.

Vocabulary practice 8


Find the essay question for this passage _N____

Write a thesis statement for the full essay: ______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Вне всяких сомнений, некоторые болезни в значительной степени зависят от стиля жизни конкретного человека. Например, больное горло, насморк, кашель и даже небольшая температура могут быть симптомами элементарной простуды, появившейся в результате ослабленной иммунной системы. В этом случае спорт может стать средством от плохого самочувствия. Строительство спортивных залов, бассейнов, запуск специальных образовательных программ по здоровью в школах, организация любительских и профессиональных соревнований на местном и национальном уровне могут пробудить интерес людей к спорту и таким образом, сделать их крепче, усилив их сопротивляемость к болезням. Более того, недостаток физической нагрузки не является единственной проблемой - некоторые люди сами подвергают свое здоровье риску, предаваясь нездоровым привычкам. Курение табака, злоупотребление алкоголем, плохое питание относятся к самым распространенным причинам ожирения, рака легких, инфаркта и других заболеваний сердечнососудистой системы и системы дыхательных путей. Эти проблемы можно решить различными путями от увеличения налогов на некоторые продукты и вплоть до полного запрета на их распространение.



Essay questions


Despite huge improvements in healthcare, the overall standard of physical health in many developed countries is now falling. What could be the reason for this trend, and what can be done to reverse it?

2. In some societies it is increasingly common to try to achieve good health and fitness through physically demanding sports, special diets, or preventative medicine, conventional or alternative. Some people, however, believe that the best way to stay fit and healthy is simply to lead a normal life. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

3. Most developed countries spend a large proportion of their health budgets on expensive medical technology and procedures. This money should be spent instead on health education to keep people well. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

4. The costs of medical health care are increasing all the time. Governments are finding it difficult to balance the healthcare budget. Should citizens be totally responsible for their own health costs and take out private health insurance, or is it better to have a comprehensive healthcare system which provides free health services for all? Discuss.

Some people think that to prevent illness, it is more important for the government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyles than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Health services are the basic necessity for a person. Private companies have made the health services quite costly for ordinary individuals. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh its disadvantages?

Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Part 2/Card

Describe something you do to keep healthy. You should say: ñ what this activity is ñ when you do it ñ and how often you do it and explain why you think it’s a good way to look after your health.


Part 3/Discussion

1. Do people take care of themselves well enough?

2. Should medicine be free for those who need it?

3. What are the benefits of taking regular exercise?

4. How could companies encourage their employees to keep fit?

5. Are certain sports more appropriate for the whole family?

6. What do you feel about smoking in public places?

7. Do you think smoking should be banned in people’s homes?

8. What are the most popular ways of keeping healthy in your country?

9. Do you think people worry more about their health as they get older?

10. Why do you think some people continue bad habits when they know that they are damaging to their health?

11. How can children be encouraged to adopt healthy eating habits?

12. Do you think people have become more health conscious in recent years?

13. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?

14. Do you think young people today are more or less fit than 50 years ago? (Why? /Why not? )



Additional body vocabulary






Nose (snub-nosed, straight, aquiline)


Cheeks (high cheekbones)























Internal organs








Controversial issues:

- Brainstorm the following topics:


The government should provide its citizens with a free health care system.

The government should allocate an important part of its health budget on preventive and educational measures.

Reading 1

German Health Care Attracts Foreign Patients


Published: December 20, 2012 / The New York Tiemes


BERLIN — When Jalal Talabani, the president of Iraq, needed advanced medical care for a stroke suffered this week, he flew not to the United States or Britain but to Germany, for treatment here in the capital

For many Americans, Germany is known as a way station where soldiers wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan received immediate medical care on United States military bases. But it is also a popular destination for wealthy and prominent patients from the Middle East, Russia and beyond, experts say.

Before the Arab Spring uprisings, the Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak traveled to Munich in 2004 for back treatment and to Heidelberg in 2010 to have his gallbladder removed. Last year, President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan reportedlyhad a surgical procedure on his prostate at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.

According to German government statistics, the number of hospital patients from the United Arab Emirates rose to 1, 754 from 339 between 2000 and 2010, the most recent year available. From Saudi Arabia, the figure climbed to 712 from 143. The numbers from Iraq were smaller but still rose to 176 from 95. Over the same period, the number of Russians jumped to 4, 873 from 842.

“We have one of the worldwide best health care systems and people from abroad know that, ” said Isabella Beyer, research associate in medical tourism at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Mr. Talabani, 79, is among them; he was treated before for back trouble.

Mr. Talabani is now being cared for at Berlin’s Charité hospital, which is more than 300 years old and is one of Europe’s largest university hospitals. The storied institution was home to several Nobel Prize winners, including Robert Koch and Paul Ehrlich. A spokeswoman for Charité, Manuela Zingl, confirmed that Mr. Talabani was being treated there but said that she could not disclose any information on his condition because of rules on medical privacy.

Mr. Talabani was said to be in “stable” condition after suffering a stroke this week, though there were unconfirmed reports that he was in a coma. He was rushed to the Baghdad Medical City on Monday.

He was treated there by medical experts from Iran, Germany and Britain, according to Iraqi staff members. Barazan Sheik Othman, the head of the presidential media office, said in a telephone interview that Mr. Talabani left for Germany accompanied by doctors after they established that he was well enough to be transferred.

Hospitals and clinics here have increasingly sought to market themselves as a destination for international patients. Ms. Beyer said that Germany benefited from a combination of lower prices than the United States but still provided high-quality care. Shorter waiting times and the proximity to the Middle East also helped.

“Before, a lot flew to Geneva, ” said Salah Atamna, 44, whose business, Europe Health, seeks to link up patients from abroad with German hospitals and clinics.

Many wealthy Arabs would fly to Germany in the summer to escape the blistering heat at home, Mr. Atamna said, scheduling their vacation to coincide with an operation or other treatment. They often traveled with family members and large entourages. After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, it became harder to acquire visas to the United States, and medical travelers began searching for alternatives.

Reading practice 1

Match names of patients and specialists to facts mentioned in the article:


  1. Manuela Zingl
  2. Hosni Mubarak
  3. Barazan Sheik Othman
  4. Salah Atamna
  5. Jalal Talabani
  6. Isabella Beyer
  7. Nursultan Nazarbayev


  1. Is in charge of the presidential PR service
  2. Is a specialist and researcher in medical tourism
  3. Builds connections between German clinics and their foreign customers
  4. Had his prostate operated
  5. Is a PR specialist for one of Berlin’s hospitals
  6. Was treated for a stroke and for back troubles
  7. Had a gallbladder surgery, was treated for back pains


Vocabulary practice 2

1. If the patient _______ _______ _______ ______, First Aid staff should call 9-1-1 or request medical transport through their chain of command.

2. The BBC presenter Andrew Marr, 53, is recovering in hospital after_______ _ _______, the BBC has confirmed.

3. Chicago Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris missed practice on Monday and revealed he had _ ________ _______ on his knee in March.

4. Victoria Heights Residential Care is an elegant, spacious, purpose-built facility which has continuously ______ ______ _______ _____ since opening in 2005.

5. Comparison of the ______ ______ ______ in Canada and the United States are often made by government, public health and public policy analysts.

6. Tymoshenko is on temporary release from prison, being _______ _ _____ _______ in hospital.


Reading 2


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