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Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete the sentences. (20 points)

1. Each appeal is __________ by five Law Lords.

A) listened

B) looked  

C) dealt

D) heard

2. The female __________ of the court are known as Lady Justices of Appeal.

A) barristers

B) solicitors

C) judges  

D) defendants

3. Often murderers are kept in __________ for much longer than the minimum term.

A) prison

B) court

C) trial

D) judges

4. A person can be convicted of crime only on __________ given in open court.

A) verdict

B) evidence

C) sentence

D) facts

5. John Doe __________ a crime.

A) did

B) committed

C) was

D) made

6. Three people __________ the murder but they are afraid to speak.

A) heard

B) witnessed

C) knew

D) sentenced

7. Your _________ will be less severe because you are a young offender.

A) trial

B) case

C) punishment

D) pursuit

8. The __________ is the process of prosecution and defense.

A) trial

B) court

C) judge

D) sentence

9. The lawyer who fights the criminal case is called ‘the defense’, the lawyer on the other side is called __________.

A) persecution

B) prosecution

C) attacker

D) opposition

10. In the UK the decision ‘guilty or not guilty’ is made by 12 members of the public, these people are known as __________.

A) the lawyers

B) the barristers

C) the judge

D) the jury


Choose the correct word from the box and fill in the gaps. (20 points)

committed  murder picking pockets prisoner offences magistrates    capital punishment          imprisonment                   guilty verdict    sentenced

During the 18th century the number of crimes punishable by death rose to about 200. Some, such as (1) __________, were serious crimes, but in other cases people could be (2) __________ to death for what we would think of as minor offences. For example, the death sentence could be passed for (3) __________, stealing bread or cutting down a tree. These were the kinds of crime (4) __________ by those in most desperate need.

In 1823 Sir Robert Peel reduced the number of (5) ___________ for which convicts could be executed by over 100. Lord John Russell abolished the (6) __________for horse stealing and housebreaking in 1830.

Often the death of the (7) __________ was recorded after the (8)___________, but the actual sentence was transportation or (9) ___________This happened by the start of the 19th century because the (10) __________ felt that the compulsory death sentence was too harsh.



Open the brackets and use the verbs in the Passive Voice. (30 points)

1) In 1963 the secret files about her case (release)__________.

2) All Ministers (assist)__________ in their government departments by thousands of officials.

3) If the jurors returned with the wrong decisions, they too (charge)__________ with a crime.

4) The system of government by the people (call)__________ a democracy.

5) During the 16th century a number of houses of correction (establish)__________ in England.

6) He (imprison)__________ in 1931 on income tax charges.

7) He (execute)__________ by a gunshot to the head in 1994.

8) Women now (permit)__________ to wear trouser suits in court.

9) More serious cases usually (try)__________ by a panel of three trained judges.

10) The case of Ruth Ellis still (talk)_________ about.



Read the text and do the exercises after it.

Bonnie and Clyde

Clyde Champion Barrow and his companion, Bonnie Parker, were shot to death by officers in Louisiana on May 23, 1934.

Barrow and Parker were suspected of numerous killings and were wanted for murder, robbery, burglaries and state charges of kidnapping.

Bonnie and Clyde met in Texas in January, 1930. Soon after, he was arrested for a burglary and sent to jail. He escaped; using a gun Bonnie had smuggled to him, was recaptured and was sent back to prison.

In November 1932 Bonnie and Clyde were travelling with William Daniel Jones. " Buck" Barrow, brother of Clyde, was released from the Texas State Prison on March 23, 1933. He quickly joined Clyde, bringing his wife, Blanche, so the group now numbered five persons.

This gang embarked upon a series of robberies which made headlines across the country. They escaped capture in various encounters with the law. However, their activities made law enforcement efforts to apprehend them even more intense. During a shootout with police in Iowa on July 29, 1933, Buck Barrow was fatally wounded and Blanche was captured. Jones, who was frequently mistaken for " Pretty Boy" Floyd, was captured in November 1933 in Houston, Texas by the sheriff's office. Bonnie and Clyde went on together.

On April 13, 1934, special agents in Texas had learned that Clyde and his companion had been travelling from Texas to Louisiana, sometimes accompanied by Henry Methvin.

Before dawn on May 23, 1934, a group of police officers from Louisiana and Texas, including Texas Ranger Frank Hamer, concealed themselves in bushes along the highway near Sailes, Louisiana. In the early daylight, Bonnie and Clyde appeared in an automobile and when they attempted to drive away, the officers opened fire. Bonnie and Clyde were killed instantly.

(Abridged from the original texts provided by http: //www.fbi.gov/about-us/history/famous-cases/bonny-and-clide)


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