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You are to write a short article about the British and Belarusians for a newspaper. Do they have much in common?

We speak different languages, have different customs, traditions and historical development. But we have much in common, too. Belarusian people as well as many British people think of their land as great and strong and the best on the whole world. Both the British and Belarusians like gardening, travelling and feel safe in their families.

№ 23     I.1.Read the article and say in 2—3 sentences what it is about.

Mi Luna

Mi Luna is a restaurant in the Rice Village. The atmosphere is lively, and the food is delicious. It is a Spanish cuisine restaurant that you will soon consider one of your favourite restaurants.

There are many reasons why this restaurant is special. One is that they make a wonderful dish called Pulpo con Patatas. It’s a delicious Spanish seafood dish which has the following ingredients: octopus, potatoes, salt, olive oil, and chilepiquin. (Chilepiquin is a special kind of chili that looks like red powder and is very hot.)

Another reason is the place itself. Once you are in the restaurant, you feel a Spanish atmosphere; it is painted with the classical colours that are used in Spain — red, yellow, white, and black. The way this place is decorated is really very impressive. On the walls, there are photos of Spanish bullfighters, taken at the perfect moments of their performances.

On one of the walls, you can enjoy a photo of the famous classical Spanish dance called Flamenco1. In it, the dancers are wearing the traditional clothes, and the lady has in her hands the most famous Spanish musical instrument called castanets2.

The service is pleasant, caring and quick. It makes you want to come back. The waiters just keep looking at your table to find out if you need something. If they see an empty glass, they immediately ask you if you want something else to drink. At all time, they are friendly and ready to clear all the used dishes from your table. They are always smiling because they are trying to make you feel comfortable and happy. They know each dish, so they are able to explain it to you.

On their menu, they serve a large variety of foods, and there is a section on the menu that I like most. In Spain, these dishes are called tapas3. Tapas or appetizers are dishes that have a small amount of food. In this way you will be able to try a lot of different Spanish dishes.

By the time you leave Mi Luna, you are sure to be entirely satisfied and have very good memories of the visit. It is a great place for any occasion, but it is very busy, so don’t forget to book a table first.

1 Flamenco [flə ˈ meŋ kə ʊ ] фламенко (испанский танец)

2 castanets [ˌ kæ stə ˈ nets] кастаньеты (традиционный испанский ударный музыкальный инструмент)          3 tapas [ˈ tæ pə s] тапас (закуска)


2. The service in Mi Luna is very good. Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3. What makes Mi Luna look very Spanish?

4. Why should visitors make reservations in Mi Luna in advance?



II. Listen to the conversation between two friends and answer the questions below.

1. What does Margaret complain about?

2. Why does Peter need new clothes?

3. What piece of advice does Margaret give to her friend?



III. Let’s talk about youth and society.


№ 1 1. Today young people take an active part in the social life of the country. What youth organizations do you know?  It’s quite natural that young people want to express their views on several political and social issues. They join youth organizations and societies. The main aim of these organizations is to involve young people into socially useful activities such as sporting events, volunteering at hospitals, taking care of war veterans, assisting the old and the handicapped, carrying out some ecological projects and doing other things.        

There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are: the Belarusian Republican Youth Union (BRSM), the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization, the Association of Belarusian Scouts, etc. The activities of these organisations are managed and directed by the State Committee on the Affairs of Youth.  At the same time there are a lot of informal youth movements that want to express themselves in different ways. Some try to express their political views, others are searching for their own answers to universal problems: ecological, religious or philosophical. Anyway all young people want to express themselves and find their place in this world.

2. Have you ever joined a youth organization? Why (not)?  I have never joined any youth organizations, probably, because I haven’t found anything special or interesting for my personal development. I’m very busy with my studies, besides I’ve got a lot of interests and hobbies. I can express myself in various activities organized at school: concerts, sports competitions, class meetings and parties, and of course at my everyday classes. Thus I don’t feel intension to join any organization.

3. What questions would you like to ask a person who has joined a new international organization? 1. Are you a member of any organization? 2. You are a member of BRSM, aren’t you? 3. Why have you joined this organization? 4. Do you take part in sports competitions or cultural events? 5. Who is the leader of the organization?

4. What issues would you recommend to discuss at a monthly meeting of a debate club? I think there are so many things to talk about for young people. For example I would recommend to discuss the ecological situation in our town, our modern national music styles, modern arts, some fashion issues. Maybe such questions will be interesting for discussions: Is there any threat from the space? Would you like to change the system of our education? Is it possible to avoid all bad habits in the society?

 5. A lot of young people in Europe work in hospitals and kindergartens as volunteers. What do you think attracts them to this kind of work? Volunteer movement is a very unique phenomenon in a society. It shows the level of the development of the society. In this kind of work people have no any material motivation. Some of them want to help other people, others hope to get some experience in this kind of work. Also there are people who have overcome some situations or difficulties in their lives and now they want to help others.





If you belong to the older generation, Elderhostel is a good place to live.

Elderhostel, founded in 1975, is the world’s largest educational and travel organisation for older adults. Its aim is to excite people’s minds and enrich people’s lives promoting and encouraging different activities among the older generation. There are no examinations or marks. All that you need, in order to enroll on a programme, is enquiring mind1 and an adventurous spirit. Also, of course, you need to believe that learning and discovery continue all your life. There are expert instructors and experienced group leaders for field trips and cultural excursions.

Elderhostel offers a large number of programmes in a huge variety of areas. Amongst other things, it provides simple, online information on activities and services. First of all, there are traditional programmes. Here, people study ancient history, literature, and art, and can learn about different cultures, modern people and issues.

Also, Elderhostel believes that physical activity helps people to keep a positive self­image and contributes to the sense of well­being both mental and physical. Many programmes have keep­fit equipment and a large number of social and cultural events take place there, as well as sporting activities. Regular physical activity can prevent many common illnesses, such as high blood pressure and asthma and it helps people who already have such illnesses. Alongside the usual sports like swimming, hockey and cricket, bowling and tennis, you will find “Dog Clubs” and “Flying Clubs”. Then there is a group of adventure programmes involving activities like hiking, kayaking2, biking and studying whales.

There are also programmes which give people the chance to help communities in different ways, such as protecting endangered species, tutoring school children and building affordable housing. Finally, there are programmes which take place aboard a boat, anywhere from Antarctic to the Mississippi River.

The word ‘old’ has a very different and very positive meaning in Elderhostel!

1 enquiring mind [ɪ nˈ kwaə ɪ rɪ ŋ maɪ nd] пытливый, проницательный ум

2 a kayak [ˈ kaɪ æ k] каяк (лодка)


2. What kind of organisation is Elderhostel? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3. What activities does Elderhostel offer?

4. Why does the word ‘old’ have a positive meaning in Elderhostel?


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