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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Answer the questions to the text.

1. What are the stages of industry?

2. How many stages of industry are there in the process of making saleable products from raw materials?

3. What are the saleable products made of?

4. What is the extractive industry?

5. Where are the raw materials extracted from?

6. What is the processing industry?

7. What is the manufacturing industry?

8. What are finished goods?

9. What are semi-finished goods?

10. What is the chain of distribution?

11. Who consumes goods?

12. How many types of services are there?

Find the stem-words in the text to the given ones.

produce, mine, sale, process, manufacture, finish, suit, farm, use, consume, teach, commerce, distribute, export, bank

Combine a verb from a right-hand column with a noun from the left-hand column and make a sentence.

1. make 2. extract 3. sell 4. render 5. assemble 6. transport 7. employ 8. distribute a) semi-finished goods b) goods c) goods d) services e) people f) products g) goods h) raw materials

Complete the sentences using the vocabulary from the text.

1. Saleable products are made from raw materials being extracted from ...

2. To … a raw material means to get it from the ground or from another substance.

3. … goods are goods being fully completed.

4. We must first … semi-finished goods before use.

5. The middle chain between the manufacturer and … is the retailer.

6. The … can consume finished products.

7. People who e.g. transport or insure the goods … services.

8. People in … work for the government.

9. Dentists are … people who are engaged in … services.

10. Forwarding agents … goods and render … services.

Find terms in the text to the following definitions.

1. A business whose work involves doing something for customers but not producing goods.

2. A middleman or company that buys and sells goods in large quantities, esp. so they can be sold again to make a profit.

3. A person or business that sells goods to the public.

4. A person or company that produces goods in large quantities.

5. A person who buys goods or uses services.

6. The production of goods from raw materials, esp. in factories.

7. Good enough to be sold.

8. A material in its natural state, not yet changed, used or made into something else.

7. Answer the questions:

- What kind of industry do I work in?

1. I’m a market gardener.

2. My company produces computers.

3. I work on oil rig in the North Sea.

4. In my spare time, I spin wool and sell it to companies which make exclusive knitwear.

5. I’m a carpenter.

6. I’m a deep-sea fisherman.

7. We make jewellery.

8. We make leather.

9. I’m a cotton weaver.

10. My company makes steel girders for bridges.

- Are these FINISHED or SEMI-FINISHED goods?

1. umbrellas                       2. table legs

3. computer monitors        4. bottle tops

5. door handles                 6. toys

7. bicycle saddles              8. filaments for light bulbs

9. carpets                           10. shoelaces

- What kind of service do I render?

1. I’m a teacher.

2. I’m a plumber.

3. I work for a shipping company.

4. I’m a customs officer.

5. I work in a warehouse.

6. I’m an insurance broker.

7. I’m a mechanic.

8. I own a wholesale company which sells clothes.

9. I’m a judge.

10. I’m an architect.

- How do you think are the following goods distributed? (There may be more than one answer.)

1. off-the-peg clothes

2. designer clothes

3. hand-made chocolates

4. flowers

5. stationary

Communicative situation.

1. Choose one or more of the following products and describe (in as much detail as possible) the process it undergoes from the time the natural resources are extracted to the time it reaches the consumer:

o bread

o paper

o leather shoes

o wooden chairs

o copper pipes

2. Which type of service do you think is the most important? If possible, rank them in descending order of importance (most important to least important) and explain why.

Граматичний коментар

Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect
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S+ am



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