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Sempoi, how do I get more drops?

First get this fucker and equip him as main summon whenever you leech:

You can get him on the chapter 25/49 free quest “Sharp Ears” (get carrot drops to trade for a selfie or directly a selfie drop). Don’t forget to Moonstone it to MLB as well.


Next, remember to get into a crew that has constant drop buffs on, as well as using journey drops drop rate bonus. Make sure to also equip a friend Kaguya / Rabbit when leeching. And finally, try to contribute to Treasure Hunter / Bounty stacks, which will increase drop rate as well. You can find Treasure Hunter on the Hawkeye class line.



Sempoi, Casino will be the death of me, what can I do?

First of all, even though it’s technically against Cygames ToS, you should spare yourself the torture and open casino on a second window, and play it while you’re doing other stuff. If you’re really scared of getting banned, there’s no helping it, but know that there’s never been bans for multiboxing the Casino.


Secondly, if you still truly hate Casino and won’t touch it with a ten foot pole, you can consider surprise ticketing Earth De La Fille, who has a passive that gives her a chance to give you Casino Chips at the end of each battle. She can typically ransack between 0 and 20k chips, and occasionally much more if you’re lucky.


And in case you’re wondering: No, Christina is not worth the effort.

Additional Resources

Useful links

The Unofficial English Granblue Fantasy Wiki. Please, bookmark it and use it, it is one of the best and most up to date english resource for everything that concerns Granblue. While we’ve mostly glossed over the different concepts and mechanics of the game, if you’d like to get some deeper knowledge about the various topics we’ve talked about in this guide you should be using the wiki first and foremost.


Official Twitter. You can’t get news any more recent than here!


The Ultimate Guide: Outdated but still very useful.


GBF-Gaijins : Updated translated GBF news from Granblue Radio to Live Streams!


The GBF Gaijin Tier List : comprehensive overview of SSR/notable SR GBF characters.


Japanese GBF Wiki :detailed information on character skills can be found here.


GBF Gamewith site : similar to JP GBF Wiki but with character reviews and data.



Comics / Manga

Gran’s miserable life 4-koma:



Granblue School ☆ Springtime of life (Doujin - SFW)



This is Granblue Fantasy!

(In game comic strips teaching the basics of the game)



Grand Blues

(In game comics meant to be comical and provide some additional game lore)



Various GBF Communities

Granblue Subreddit

Reddit Discord

Radiance Discord

GBFI Discord

English Wiki Discord


I hope you’ve all found this guide instructive or useful! I can’t guarantee that we’ll be able to update this guide in a timely fashion in the future, so it might get outdated after some time, we’ll try our best to incorporate important new things in this guide though!


While it might look like a huge information dump, know that with this guide we’ve barely scratched the surface regarding GBF and its mechanics. No need to panic though, with all what I’ve presented to you, you should be able to progress safely through all of the early game. Once you become more experienced, you’ll start to have more specific questions about the game, and I encourage you to join any GBF community where more experienced players will be able to guide you and answer you.


Finally, a big thanks to Chiffy and Psychicfire who wrote a consequent amount of pages on this guide, and a big thanks to all the people who contributed to the guide in one way or another!



And to you, young Skyfarer who came across this guide, have fun playing Granblue!

This is only the beginning…


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