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Content and principles of foreign language teaching.

The content of foreign language teaching or what to teach is one of the main problems the Methods deals with. The first component of "what to teach" is habits and skills which pupils should acquire while learning a foreign language. According to the aims of learning this subject they are: hearing (listening comprehension), speaking, reading, and writing. The level of habits and skills is determined by the syllabus for each form.

Principle is defined as a guide to action, in our case as a guide to teaching. Methods of teaching foreign languages are based on the fundamental principles of didactics; they are as follows: scientific approach in teaching school subjects, accessibility, durability, conscious approach and activity, visualization and individual approach to language instruction.

24 билет. 

Borrowings in the English vocabulary. Versus native words.

Аctive Etymologically the vocabulary of the English language is far from being homogenous. It consists of two layers – the native stock of words and the borrowed stock of words In fact native words comprise only 30% of the total number of words in the English vocabulary Borrowings-the term is used to denote the process of adopting words from other languages and also the result of this process. Source of borrowings. – is appliede to the lang from which particular words were taken into Engl. Original borrowings. – the term is applied to the language the word may be traced to. Assimilation – the process of the changing of the adopted words. A. of thr borrowings includes changes in: sound form; morphological strct; grammar charact-s; usage. Completely assimilated borrowings – are the words which have undergone all types of Assimilation. They are active in word formation. Partially assim-d b. – the words which lack one of the types of A. They are subdivided into: borrow. not ass-d grammatically borrow. not ass-d phonetically barbarisms – words from other lang. used by English people in conversations or writing, but not assimilated in any way. Why are words borrowed? Wars, conquests; trade, international and cultural relations; to fill the gap in vocabulary; words, which express some particular notion; enrichment of word groups (syn., ant…).

Speech and Oral exercises

We must distinguish speech and oral exercises for they are often mixed up by the teacher. Speech is a process of communication by means of language. For example, (1) a pupil tells the class a story about something which once happened to him; (2) the teacher asks questions on the story read by the pupils at home and starts a discussionю Oral exercises are used for the pupils to assimilate phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary. They are mostly drill exercises and the teacher turns to them whenever he works at enriching pupils’ knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, at improving pupils’ pronunciation, etc. Making up sentences following the model is an excellent oral exercise for fixing a sentence pattern and words which fit the pattern in the pupils’ mind. Psychological characteristics of speech 1. Speech must be motivated, i. e., the speaker expresses a desire to inform the hearer of something interesting, important, or to get information from him. They should have a necessity to speak and not only a desire to receive a good mark. 2. Speech is always addressed to an inter locuter..3. Speech is always emotionally coloured for a speaker expresses his thoughts, his feelings, his attitude to what he says. 4. Speech is always situational for it takes place in a certain situation.

№ 26 билет

Old English phonetics

Accentuation system dynamic stress fixed on the first root syllable: agāne (gone); ʒesēon (see); ʒaderian (gather)Polysyllabic words and compounds - two stresses: Polysyllabic words and compounds - two stresses: chief (on the first component) secondary. Grammatical endings were unstressed: hlaforde – hlaford (lord); cyninʒe - cyninʒ (king); æþelinʒʒa – æþelinʒ (nobleman)Verb prefixes were unaccented: Verb prefixes were unaccented: a-'risan (arise), mis-'faran (go astray). In adjectives and nouns the stress shifted onto the prefix: 'or-eald (very old), 'to-weard (towards), 'mis-dæd (misdeed).In words derived from the same root, word stress distinguished nouns from verbs: In words derived from the same root, word stress distinguished nouns from verbs: 'and-swaru (noun) – and-'swarian (verb) – answer; ‘onʒin (noun) - on'ʒinnan (verb) – beginning, begin.OE system of consonants 14 consonants: p, b, m, f, t, d, n, s, r, I, þ (ð), c, ʒ, h some of the modern sounds were non-existent: [ʃ], [ʒ], [ʧ], [ʤ]All the consonants fell into All the consonants fell into sonorants (m, w, n, r, l, ŋ, j) and noise consonants. Noise consonants were subdivided into voiced plosives (b, d, g) voiceless plosives (p, t, k) voiced fricatives (v, ð, z, γ ) voiceless fricatives (f, θ, h, x ). Sometimes voicing was the only point of difference between allophones - variants of a phoneme depending on the phonetic surrounding and serving to distinguish between words.Palatalised sounds (k’, g’, x’, γ ‘ ) -- not typical of MnE. Palatalised sounds (k’, g’, x’, γ ‘ ) -- not typical of MnE. Short and long consonants: /f, s, n/ /p, g / were doubled in spelling to indicate length - part-time, big game. 3) Teaching grammatical items of a foreign Language

The Importance of Grammar in Learning a Foreign Language In order to understand a language and to express oneself correctly one must assimilate the grammar mechanism of the language studied.A command of English as is envisaged by the school syllabus cannot be ensured without the study of grammar. Pupils need grammar to be able to aud, speak, read, and write in the target language.The word order in Tom gave Helen a rose indicates what was given (a rose), to whom (Helen), and by whom (Tom). How to Teach Grammar Teaching grammar should be based upon the following principles:1. Conscious approach to the teaching of grammar. This means that pupils must concentrate their attention on some elements of the pattern to be able to use them as orienting points when speaking or writing the target language. 2 Practical approach to the assimilation of grammar. It means that pupils learn those grammar items which they need for immediate use either in oral or written lan- guage. Rule for the teacher: Teach pupils correct grammar usage and not grammar knowledge.3. Structural approach to the teaching of grammar, i. e., grammar items are introduced and drilled in structures or sentence patterns.Pupils are taught to understand English when spoken to and to speak it from the very beginning. 4. Situational approach to the teaching of grammar. Pupils learn a grammar item used in situations. Rule for the teacher: Select the situations for the particular grammar item you are going to present. 5. Different approach to the teaching of active grammar (grammar for conversation) and passive grammar. Grammar items pupils need for conversation are taught by the oral approach, i.e.,pupils aud them, perform various oral exercises, finally see them printed, and write sentences using them.Grammar items necessary for reading are taught through reading..Recognition exercises which are the easiest type of exercises for pupils to perform. Drill exercises are more complicated. In learning a foreign language drill exercises are indispensable. Creative exercises (speech exercises). This is the most difficult

type of exercises as it requires creative work on the part of the learners.Grammar tests. A check on the assimilate of grammar material is carried out through:1) auding 2) speaking 3) reading 4) tests.

№ 27 билет

2) General information about the

USA The United States of America (USA), often called the United States (U.S.) or America, is the fourth largest country in the world by area and third most populous country. It is made up of 50 states, a federal district, and five territories. It has great influence over world finance, trade, culture, military, politics, and technology.The United States is a federal republic. The federal government of the United States is set up bythe Constitution. There are three branches. They are the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch. State governments and the federal government work in very similar ways. Each state has its own executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The executive branch of a state government is led by a governor, instead of a president.The United States does not have an official language, the United States Congress has considered officially designating English as such for many years,[24] since it is the most used language, and the language in which the United States Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution are written. 38 states out of 50 have English as the official language.American popular culture goes out to many places in the world. It has a large influence on most of the world, especially the Western world. American music is heard all over the world, and American movies and television shows can be seen in most countries.The American flag is made up of 50 stars on a blue background, and has 13 stripes, seven red and six white. It is one of many symbols of the United States like the Bald Eagle. The 50 stars represent the 50 states. The red stands for courage. The blue stands for justice. The white represents peace and cleanness. The 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies

3) The role, place and types of translation used in foreign language

From the history of methods of foreign language teaching it is known that the approach to translation has undergone various changes at different times. Thus in the second half of the 18th, and the first half of the 19th century, translation was considered to be a method of instruction. If we consider translation from the point of view of its relation to the original, we distinguish: 1.Word for word translation (or literally translation), when all the lexical units of the foreign language are replaced by those of the mother tongue, the grammar structure being that of the foreign language. For example, I have a sister- Я имею сестру. My mother is not at home – Моя мама (есть) не дома. He was called on by the teacher yesterday – Он был спрошен учителем вчера. 2. Adequate translation which in contrast with word for word translation transmits the thought expressed in the foreign language by means of the correspond- ing equivalents of the mother tongue. For example: I have a sister – У меня есть сестра. My mother is not at homе – Мамы нет дома. He was called on by the teacher yesterdaу – Его вчера спрашивал учитель. 3. Free translation or free interpretation of the text in the mother tongue that was read or heard in the foreign language. For example, pupils read a newspaper article and each says a few words, on its contents. 4. Literary-artistic translation is a translation which requires special skills and knowledge and it cannot be included in school syllabus requirements Translation may be of two kinds: written and oral. They both may be used with the aim of checking pupils’ comprehension, and their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar.

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2) Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). His life and works 3) Teaching aids and Teaching materials

2) Daniel Defoe (1660-1731). His life and works

English novelist, pamphleteer and journalist Daniel Defoe is best known for his novels Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders. Daniel Defoe was born in 1660 in London, England. He became a merchant and participated in several failing businesses, facing bankruptcy and aggressive creditors. He was also a prolific political pamphleteer which landed him in prison for slander. Late in life he turned his pen to fiction and wrote Robinson Crusoe, one of the most widely read and influential novels of all time. Defoe died in 1731.Acclaimed Writer Having always been interested in politics, Defoe published his first literary piece, a political pamphlet, in 1683. Many of Defoe's works during this period targeted support for King William III, also known as "William Henry of Orange." Some of his most popular works include The True-Born Englishman, a periodical that was published from 1704 to 1713, during the reign of Queen Anne, King William II's successor Defoe took a new literary path in 1719, around the age of 59, when he published Robinson Crusoe A handful of novels followed soon after—often with rogues and criminals as lead characters—including Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack, Captain Singleton, Journal of the Plague Year and his last major fiction piece, Roxana (1724).

3) Teaching aids and Teaching materials

To master a foreign language, pupils must be engaged in activities which are characteristic of the language; they should hear the language spoken, speak, read, and write it. To teach a foreign language effectively the teacher needs teaching aids and teaching materials..Teaching Aids By teaching aids we mean various devices which can help the foreign language teacher in presenting linguistic material to his pupils and fixing it in their memory; in testing pupils’ knowledge of words, phrases, and grammar items, their habits and skills in using them.Teaching aids which are at teachers’ disposal in contemporary schools may be grouped into (1) non-mechanical aids and (2) mechanical aids. Non-mechanical aids are: a blackboard, the oldest aid in the classrooma flanneloard it is used for creating vivid situations which would stimulate pupils’ oral language; the teacher can have a flannelboard made in a workshop or buy one in a specialized shop; magnet board used with the same purpose as a flannelboard;a lantern (диаподитив) which is used for throwing pictures onto a screen.Mechanical aids are: a gramophone;an opaque

projector or epidiascope used for projection of illustrations and photographs;a filmstrip projector the teaching machine can provide an interaction between the pupil and the “programme”; favorable conditions are created for individual pupils to learn, for instance, vocabulary, grammar, reading, etc.;a language laboratory, this is a special classroom designed for language learning. Teaching Materials By teaching materials we mean the materials which the teacher can use to help pupils learn a foreign language through visual or audio perception. The following teaching materials are in use nowadays: teacher’s books, pupil’s books, visual materials, audio materials, and audio-visual materials.

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/Middle English Grammar/

Before the Norman Conquest, people were taught to write a form of Old English that was more archaic than the form they actually spoke. We’re in the same position today. We’re taught to write ‘write’, even though we no longer pronounce the w and the e, and our pronunciation of the i is no longer the original pronunciation, which was more like the i in ‘machine’.

Vowels. The letters a, e, i, o, and u are generally pronounced as in Spanish. If you use the phrase Jose’s tacos and burritos, you have the pronunciation for all these letters. Sometimes e, i, o, and u are pronounced in as in English bet, bit, for, and put, especially when followed by two consonants. The rules for which pronunciation you should use are actually pretty complicated. Try both pronunciations and go with what feels right to you. You’ll be right the majority of the time.

Ou/ow are pronounced as in Modern English boot. Ai/ay/ei/ey are pronounced like the vowel in find. Double vowels like aa are pronounced just like single vowels.

Consonants f is pronounced like in Modern English. However, in southern England this sound was pronounced v and is often spelt v or u (voxe/uoxe = ‘fox’).

Grammar Nouns The plurals of nouns generally end in –s or –es. However, some nouns end in –n or –en (like Modern English ox, oxen), especially in earlier texts. Possessive forms end in –s or –es. There is no apostrophe; possessives are distinguished from plurals by context. Verbs The infinitive form (e.g. ‘to go’, ‘to sleep’, ‘to sing’) ends in –n or –en: e.g. goon, slepen, singen. In later texts, the –n may disappear. The –n or –en ending can also indicate a plural form of the verb: e.g. they goon, they slepen, they singen. In the past tense, the ending may be –n, -en, or –ed.

Planning in foreign language teaching. The teacher should write his daily plans if he strives for effective and reasonable use of time allotted to his pupils' learning a foreign language. However some teachers, including novice teachers, do not prepare written plans. They claim that they can teach "off the top of their heads", and they really can, but their teaching usually results in poor pupils‘ language skills because in this case we have "teacher dominated" classes when the teacher works hard during the lesson while his pupils remain mere "observers" of the procedure. Indeed, when the teacher is standing in front of pupils he does not have much time to think how to organize his pupils' activity. This should be done before the lesson for the teacher to be able to stimulate and direct pupils' learning the lan­guage.
After the teacher has determined the achievement level of his classes, he sketches out an outline of the year's work. In making up his yearly outline the teacher consults the syllabus, Teacher's Book, Pupil's Book, and other teaching materials and sets what seems to him to be realistic limits to the content to be covered during the course of the year.
Taking into consideration the achievements of his class, he compiles a calendar plan in accordance with the time-table of a given form.
The teacher begins his planning before school opens and during the first week. He should establish the achievement level of his classes. There is a variety of ways in which this may be done. The teacher asks the previous teacher to tell him about each of the pupils. He may also look through the pupils' test-books and the register to find out what mark each of his pupils had the previous year. The teacher may administer pre-tests, either formally or informally, to see how pupils do with them.
One lesson may require a detailed plan. Another lesson a brief outline will suffice. In any case, a workable form for a daily plan should state the objectives, specify the activities (oral practice, reading, writing, etc.), include evaluation techniques, indicate the assignment, and determine teaching aids and teaching materials. The plan itself should be:
brief, but with sufficient detail to be precise;
assign a definite number of minutes to each activity;
indicate exactly what words, phrases, facts, items are to be learnt and how;
make use of a variety of classroom activity for every pupil.
In the organization and conduct of a foreign language lesson there is always a wide range of possibilities. No two teachers will treat the same topic in the same way. There are, however, certain basic principles of teaching and learning which should be observed:
Every lesson should begin with a greeting in the foreign language and a brief talk between the teacher
and the pupils. Through this conversation the lesson may be motivated. The conversation may take place between:
Teacher -Class
Teacher -Pupil on duty Pupil on duty -Class
Two Pupils on duty

30 билет.

Owning to the collapse of the West Saxon traditions of witing following the Norman Conquest:

1) English comes to be written as it is pronounced, with simplified inflection

2) A rich variety of dialects appears in the manuscripts

3) Norse influence appears in the Midland and Northern dialects

Some examples of Middle English dialectal variation

North London/Midland south

stone stan stoon stoon

what quhat what what

speaking spekand spekende spekinde





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