Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

C.Is your English getting better?

D.I look for Kristine. Do you know where she is?

E.It is get dark. shall I turn on the light?

F.Have got an umbrella? It is start to rain.

G.You are make a lot of noise.

H.Is Collin work this week?

28.Find Present Continuous Tense:

A.I am tired. I am going to bed now.

B.We can go out now. It is raining.

C.Catherine phoned me last nihgt. She is having a great time.

D.I am read an interestinh book at the moment.

E.The population of the world is rise very fast.

F.Ken is still ill but he get better slowly.

G.The world change. Things never stay the same.

H.The cost of living rise. Every year things are most expensive.

28.Find Present Continuous:

A.The water is boiling.

B.Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?

C.Let's go out. It is not raining now.

D.Do not disterb me. I am busy. Why? What are you do?

E.I go to bed now.

F.Maria is in Britain/ She is learning English.

G.He is staying at the Park Hotel.

H.Can you stop walking soon? I start to feel tired.

29. Find Present Continuous Tense:

A.I am leaving tommorow. I have got my planet ticket.

B.When are they getting married? Next month.

C.Hello/ are you enjong the party?

D.I leave now.

E.What time are you meet Ann this evening.

F.He go to fall into the hole.

G.Look at those black clouds. It goes to rain.

H.What are you go to do with it?

30.Find the right sentences:

A.She did not eat anything but she drank a little water.

B.I speak a little Spanish.

C.Last nihgt I wrote a few letters.

D.Last nihgt I wrote a little letters.

E.We are going away for a little days.

F.There were a little people in the park.

G.I have got a little friends.

H.You make a very little mistakes.

31.Find the right sentences:

A.I am going to buy some clothes.

B.There is some ice in the fridge.

C.We did some exercise.

D.I didn't take any photographs but Ann took any.

E.I have just made some coffee. Would you like any.

F.I have not got some.

G.She didn't say something.

H.Are you doing something this evening?

32.Find the right sentences:

A.Can I have some soup please?

B.She said something.

C.Would you like something to eat?

D.I went to the shop but I didn't buy something

E.Would you like anything to drink?

F.I am looking for the keys. Has someone seen him?

G.I didn't eat someone because I wasn't hungry.

H.This is a secret. Please don't tell something.


1.Synonym for “ trip”:

А) journey

B) way

C) bus

D) holiday

E) beach

F) tour

G) sea

H) excursion

2 . Choose the right variant:

A) Are you taking an English course?

B) It does Alan 20 minutes to get to work.

C) Do you have to take an exam?

D) How do you get to work? I make the bus.

E) It took me 30 minutes to do my homework.

F) Do an umbrella. It`s raining .

G) Take a nice day!

H) Does he has to wear uniform?

3. If I were you:

A) you would buy a helicopter.

B) I would visit my friends more often.

C) you wouldn`t take photos.

D) I wouldn`t buy this dress.

E) you couldn`t have done better in the exam.

F) I would help our friends.

G) I would were drive fast.

H) I would were a doctor.

4. If I hadn`t told you:

A) I would get a better job

B) you wouldn`t have known.

C) you would make that cake.

D) you would safe your money.

E) you wouldn`t have bought that motorbike.

F) you wouldn`t so busy.

G) you couldn`t have done better in the exam.

H) you will start revising earlier

5. If he had tried harder:

A) he would have won.

B) he would have made rapid progress.

C) he would go to work.

D) he would have got to work on time.

E) he wouldn`t have seen the advertisement.

F) he wouldn`t have passed exams.

G) he hadn`t gone abroad.

H) he had gone to the USA.

6. Sam would have got the job if:

A) he had borrowed some money from his sister.

B) he goes to the party.

C) he had learned English.

D) he hadn`t shouted at children.

E) he hadn`t failed the exam.

F) he had sent Jilla a birthday card.

G) he had studied the advertisement in the newspaper very carefully.

H) he had his notebook with him.

7. The Greens have two houses and two cars.

A) They must speak Spanish.

B) They should be rich.

C) They must be rich.

D) They can`t be at home.


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