Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии






Aim: To develop a BRICS Health and Beauty Center in Aveiro, Portugal bringing good healthcare and tested solutions for enhancing longevity for humanity, preventing illness and treatment of diseases from BRICS countries

Operational Method: Develop a center where Portugal, Western society, the world can learn about far reaching knowledge and wisdom about life within cultures of Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa (BRICS countries) such as

Brazil: Traditional medicine, natural treatment of disease, shamanism

Russia: Sauna, cold water treatment, massage, shamanism

India: Ayurveda center, Yoga, meditation, massage

China: Traditional Chinese Medicine hospital, Tao garden, Shaolin monastery

South Africa: Traditional herbs, natural healing, shamanism

Plan of action:

Contact embassies of BRICS countries in Portugal and speak about plan.

Speak with Mr.Michael Zhu, intermediary Chinese government and corporate world about this plan.

The concept of Aveiro BRICS Health and Beauty Center to be filled in more in detail in close relation with representatives of BRICS countries.

Propose twin city relation with Chinese city for the City of Aveiro, Portugal.

In August, September, October 2018 work on strengthening of this plan and come to more detailed approach.

We thank you for your attention

Kind regards

Galina Zakharchenko

Jared Kock

Initiators Aveiro BRICS Health and Beauty center



Examples of health and beauty from BRICS countries


2.1.  Tao-garden, Thailand



The Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort is the home of Master Mantak Chia, who has been the only one, named twice as Qigong Master of the Year by the International Congress of Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong in 1990 and 2012 and is also, listed as number 18 of the 100 most Spiritually Influential people in the world. He has taught the Universal Healing Tao System worldwide to thousands of students. Every year, retreats are held at Tao Garden so students can learn the Taoist practices and instructors can be certified. Plan your visit to Tao Garden as your first step to a better life in the Tao. Tao Garden is also a high-quality, full-service health spa and clinic where you can relax, have spa massage treatments, consult with resident doctors and take healing treatments at the Certified Clinic. There is a full list of health treatments available, from basic massage to Taoist massages and treatments. Located just north of Chiang Mai, Thailand at the foothills of the Southeastern Himalayan mountains, Tao Garden is surrounded by lush vegetation and is conducive to contemplation, meditation, chi kung, tai chi and other spiritual internal exercises. There is a full range of facilities, including the famous Whole Food Kwan Yin Dining Hall, salt swimming pool, exercise rooms, meditation halls, tai chi fields and much more.


Historic relation Portugal with the world


- Capetown (South Afrca),

- Brasilia (Brasil),

- Goa (India),

- Macau & Kanton/Quangzhou (China),


with historic views how life was around 1500, the basics of the different cultures: the tribal, indigenious wisdom from South Africa and Brasil, yoga/ayerveda/hinduism from India, confucianism/taoism/ buddhism/traditional chinese medicine from China


Healing from Brasil

Plant-spirit healing is a way of life as well as a modality of healing because it helps us to become fully aware of our own true nature and to live accordingly in what can be a life-long journey. The plants are our companions for life and guide, heal and help us along the way. They also assist with issues of intention and humility, reminding us that ultimately we are in service to the holy, the sacredness in all life.



Onanya Plant-Spirit Healers

Shipibo Onanya are ‘doctors’ working within a very different system of healthcare. Indeed, traditional Amazonian shamanism could be called ‘plant spirit-assisted healthcare’: working with plant spirits to address energetic imbalances, psycho-spiritual conditions and the fragmented souls of participants due primarily to the trauma and emotional losses of the past. Throughout the Peruvian Amazon, healers who work with ayahuasca are often called medicos not shamans. Medico is the Spanish word for doctor. Genuine Amazonian healers are shamanic practitioners who act as conduits for the plant spirits.


Healing Substances

Examples of healing substances include Peyote, a substance that is used in indigenous cultures in the Americas and is derived from the Peyote cactus. It causes an enhanced feeling of introspection and visual or audio hallucinations. Another example is the magic mushrooms of Oaxaca, similar to the Peyote in which the consumer enters a psychedelic state and is able to allow the mushrooms to heal themselves spiritually and physically. Ayahuasca is an Amazonian plant mixture that is capable of inducing altered states of consciousness, usually lasting between 4 to 8 hours after ingestion. Shamans or medicine men take ayahuasca to communicate with nature or to see what is causing a patient’s illness on a spiritual level. The drink is taken in the form of tea, typically in a ceremonial session under the guidance of an experienced drinker. The main ingredient of this jungle tea is a vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, which like the tea itself is also called ayahuasca (which means ‘vine of the soul’ or ‘vine with a soul’). Coca, tobacco and alcohol can also be considered healing substances and are more prevalent across cultures than the aforementioned drugs.


Lectures through the year inviting wise man and woman from all over the world. Such as Sadhguru, a man from India whose passion spills into everything he encounters. A fearless rebel from the start, his childhood was punctuated with solitary forays into the jungle for days at a stretch, snake-catching and class cutting. In youth, his blunt clarity into life made him an unofficial counselor to his problem-ridden college mates. His love of adventure led him on motorcycle expeditions, and his early business endeavors into poultry farming and construction were met with success. Just when you’ve summed him up as a cool maverick, he surprises you with a gentle side that can shed tears of compassion and extract laughter from hardened faces. Equally at home with bright-eyed village children, ash-smeared yogis and top-notch executives, Sadhguru defies any narrow description. With a keen mind, balanced by a heart that knows no boundary, he infects his zest for life into all who seek to live their lives to the fullest.



Ayurveda treatments

YOGA & Meditation

YOGA Therapy

Ayur Yoga Treatment

Multiple Sclerosis

Panchakarma [ Detoxification ]

Stress management [ Care for stress related problems.]

Dosha Therapy

Skin Care & Herbal Beauty

Spine & Joint Care [ Back Weight reduction [ Slimming program ]

Lifestyle Disease Management

Health Rejuvenation [Rasayana Chikithsa ]

Weight reduction [ Slimming program ]

Wellness vacation

Ayurveda herbal beauty Courses

Health Rejuvenation [Rasayana Chikithsa ]

Top five healing leaves.

 Awesome health benefits of these healthy greens to surprise you.

A few fresh edible leaves not only add flavour without adding calories, they also provide health benefits as healing foods. Leaves of some plants have been used as herbal medicine for thousands of years. The human body responds well to theses natural treatments and now, they have become popular globally. To avoid diseases and live long, a healthy diet and sensible eating habit is required. A basic knowledge of how healing leaves can help what ails you is the key to your eating plan. Here are five healing leaves that you can add to your recipe:

Basil leaves:

Holy basil leaves contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as antimicrobial ingredient that fights viruses and infections. Besides combating stress, it promotes cardiovascular health and fights cancer. It has been used in India for around 5000 years and is acclaimed for its healing properties of mind, body and soul. These curing leaves can prevent many kinds of fever, cough, respiratory problems, sore throat, kidney stone, diarrhoea, vomiting, diabetes, stomach problems, eye disorder, gum disorder, bad breath, headache and other types of pain. Basil is quite helpful in quitting smoking and fights laziness by renewing your energy levels. If taken with homemade curd, it may help in reducing body weight.

Mint leaves:

Mint is a great appetiser that promotes digestion. It soothes stomachache and other pains, gives you glowing and acne-free skin, helps fight oral infections, relieves cough and cold, prevents allergies and asthma, gives relief in menstrual cramp and pain, beats morning sickness, stress and depression, boosts immunity and helps fight cancer.

Coriander leaves:

Coriander leaves or cilantro is a high source of dietary fibre, manganese, iron and magnesium. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin k and protein. Besides one of the most popular herbs around the world as a condiment, garnish or decoration on culinary dishes, it can treat skin inflammation, high cholesterol levels, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, anaemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis and blood sugar disorders. It is also good for eye care.

Curry leaves:

Curry leaves can do you more than just seasoning your food. Packed with carbohydrates, energy, fibre, calcium, phosphorus, iron, folic acid, magnesium, copper, minerals, vitamins C, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, antioxidants, plant sterols, amino acids, glycosides and flavonoids, curry leaves help your heart functioning better and fight infections. It can enliven your hair and skin with vitality. Interestingly, curry leaves help keep anaemia at bay, protect your liver from damage and maintain blood sugar levels. It helps with digestion, relieves the symptoms of diarrhoea, reduces congestion in chest and nose, soothes the side effects of chemotherapy, accelerates hair growth, prevents and treats skin infections and so on. Eat them to reap their amazing benefits.

Bay leaves:

Bay leaves offer a healthy dose of vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and manganese. Having anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, they support immune system. Having a century-old reputation as a medicinal herb, they may treat wounds, diabetes, urinary infections, dandruff, respiratory disorders, joint inflammation, anxiety and fatigue. An organic compound found in bay leaves strengthens capillary walls in heart and eliminates bad cholesterol from the cardiovascular system. You may rub bay leaf oil on the stomach after having food to promote the secretion of digestive juices, enzymes and bile. It’s worthy to make them a part of your lifestyle.

Perfect combinations of these leaves with food:

Basil: Italian cooking, soups, beans, rice and milk desserts.

Mint: Fruit salads, tangy chutneys, fruit juices, dips, lemon drinks, mock tails, cocktails, peas, lambs and sauces.

Coriander leaves: Mexican food, Asian food, rice, salsa and soups.

Curry Leaves: Poha, South Indian dishes, Gujarati dishes and Rajasthani food.

Bay Leaves: Rice, biryani, rich veg or non-veg gravies, Mughlai food and Thai food.

One of the main benefits of using these healthy leaves in your cooking is that they serve as flavourful options to salt, fat and sugar without adding excess and unwanted calories to your food.

Healing from China:

Men’s Health Retreat

Improve your vitality & Health • Avoid & Cure Prostate Problems • Control Ejaculation become Multi Orgasmic – Man Health Retreat UHT practices, Iron Shirt Qi Gong I, Microcosmic Orbit, Healing Love, Multi orgasmic Man, Bone Marrow Nei Kung. Part of the seminar is o learn breathing exercises.

Taoist and Tantra: Sex, Energy & Ecstatic

In this seminar you will learn esoteric and exotic practices of sexual love, which transforms sex into a profound, loving meditation overflowing with energy, passion and intimacy. Now you can learn from the foremost teachers of Tantra Yoga and Taoist lovemaking as they teach the ancient secret arts of sacred sexuality from China and India.

Couples Seminar

Come and have fun and deepen the intimacy and love you share with your loved one.

Infinite being

The invitation of this course is to help you acknowledge you as the infinite being you truly are and to step into generating a life beyond the you, you think you are. It is about unlocking you from the polarity, imprisonment, conditioning and limitation of your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Wudang Songxi style Tai-chi

This form originated at the Taoist temples, hence it is not a popular style, rather, it is regarded as a sacred practice. Wudang Tai-chi is also a healing form which involves cultivation of the Tao. The Tai chi ‘feeling’ generated here is different; with this form, the specific chi or energy-channels of the ‘body-mind’

Weekend Taoist Workshop

Supreme Inner Alchemy Microcosmic Orbit and Sexual Alchemy (Healing Love) and Iron Shirt Chi Kung I – Simple Taoist Basic Workshop 3 Days 2 nights plus Spa Treatments (1 x Live Blood Analysis and 1 x Chi Nei Tsang Detox therapy) and complimentary transportation round trip!

Cosmic Healing I & Buddha Palm (Certificate)

Cosmic Healing I is a practice of channeling pure Cosmic Chi for healing. This practice will teach you how to ground the sick energy to the earth & to disperse it into the Universe to be decomposed and recycled by the planets.

Tao Darkroom Pi Gu Energy Fasting Lesser Kan & Li Retreat

The practices of the Lesser Enlightenment of Kan & Li involves cleansing and rejuvenating the glands and organs using neutral energy (steam) generated by the inverting and coupling of the primal polarities of Fire and Water.


Prevention is the best cure. Your body communicates through signs that tell you when it's out of balance. Learn the kind of self-care actions that help protect your body from larger health issues. Wu Ming Qigong is one powerful way.



Understanding the root cause of your breast cancer is the best way to prevent a recurrence. Today’s modern science reflects the timeless natural principles and theories of a holistic medical system in use for thousands of years.

The Dragon’s Way has four main components:

Wu Ming Qigong Movements

Ten Wu Ming Qigong movements are the foundation of this program. When practiced regularly they have the ability to “clean-up” the body and increase overall energy. These powerful qigong movements are easy to do, can be practiced by everyone, and require no special clothing or special breathing technique.

Herbal Supplements

Like foods, herbs also contain a unique blueprint or essence to support the body. Did you know that some of the teas you drink are considered herbs? Some people ask, “Do I have to take herbs?” and the answer is no. But by including herbal supplements as part of your daily routine, your body can enjoy a deeper level of healing. If you are struggling with many health issues including excess weight, we definitely recommend herbal support.


Healing from South Africa

Beauty treatment


Wei East: Chinese Brand

Wei East combines traditional Chinese herbal medicine to deliver natural skincare treatments. Essential herbs like green tea, red peony root, Tibetan chrysanthemum, reishi mushrooms, pomegranate peel, ginger and soy are used in a variety of the brand’s skincare and makeup products. As one of the few Chinese beauty brands out in the marketplace, Wei East has become one of the biggest in the U.S.






Aim: To develop a BRICS Health and Beauty Center in Aveiro, Portugal bringing good healthcare and tested solutions for enhancing longevity for humanity, preventing illness and treatment of diseases from BRICS countries

Operational Method: Develop a center where Portugal, Western society, the world can learn about far reaching knowledge and wisdom about life within cultures of Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa (BRICS countries) such as


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