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Unit 5. Community pharmacy



Nowadays pharmacies have become multifunctional institutions. They range from the large chains with shops on every street to small individually owned pharmacies in small communities. Pharmacies are commonly called the chemist’s in Australia, New Zealand and the UK; or the drugstore in North America.

People go to the pharmacy if they feel bad or their relatives get sick and need medicines and vitamins or medical devices. A community pharmacy provides a wide range of pharmaceuticals and parapharmaceuticals, disposables, surgical and life-saving products. Any pharmacy can offer a great number of medicines: analgesics, sprays, tablets, syrups and multivitamins. There is a wide range of products including blood pressure monitors, thermometers, bandages & dressings, cosmetics, baby wipes and even pet care items.

A working day at a pharmacy usually starts at 8 a.m. and lasts until 7 or 8 p.m. Several consultant pharmacists work here. Every pharmacist has a number of responsibilities. During their working day they compound and dispense medicines, counsel patients on medicine proper use, provide information about new drugs. Of course they help patients understand the instructions. Therefore, a registered pharmacist must possess skills, knowledge and understanding of basic principles. This will help him to dispense appropriate drugs for the customers.

All the pharmaceuticals are divided into prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) ones. All of them must be supplied with labels. The dose to be taken and the directions for administration are also indicated on a label. Indicating the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for pharmacists, GPs, nurses and patients themselves. It prevents confusing different remedies, some of which are poisonous. Their overdosage may cause unfavorable reactions and sometimes even death. Labels may be of two types: cautionary and auxiliary. Cautionary label, for example, is: "Avoid contact with eyes!", and auxiliary label is: "Shake well before using!"

The state board of pharmacy controls compounding of any prescription medicament and dispensing of drugs.

New vocabulary:

1. multifunctional institution – многофункциональное учреждение

2. individually owned pharmacies – частные аптеки

3. to be commonly called - часто называется

4. chemist’s , drugstore - аптека

5. medical devices - медицинские приборы

6. a wide range of pharmaceuticals - широкий ряд фармацевтических препаратов

7. parapharmaceuticals – дополнительные аптечные товары

8. disposables - предметы одноразового использования

9. life-saving products – предметы спасающие жизнь

10. a number of responsibilities - ряд обязанностей

11. to compound and dispense - готовить по прописи и отпускать

12. to counsel on proper use - консультировать о правильном применении

13. a registered pharmacist - лицензированный фармацевт

14. to possess skills, knowledge - обладать умениями, знаниями

15. appropriate drugs for the customers - соответствующие лекарства для покупателей

16. over-the-counter (OTC) - без рецепта

17. to be supplied with labels - снабжать этикетками

18. to be indicated – указываться

19. to prevent confusing remedies - предотвратить путаницу средств

20. poisonous remedies - ядовитые лекарственные средства

21. overdosage may cause unfavorable reactions - передозировка может вызвать неблагоприятные реакции

22. cautionary and auxiliary - предупреждающий и сопутствующий

23. to avoid contact with eyes - избегать попадания в глаза

24. to shake well before using - хорошо встряхнуть перед употреблением

25. the state board of pharmacy - государственный совет по вопросам фармации


Answer the questions:

1. Why have pharmacies become multifunctional institutions?

2. How are pharmacies called in Australia and the UK or in North America?

3. What do people go to the pharmacy for?

4. What does an average community pharmacy provide?

5. A working day at a pharmacy usually starts at 8 a.m., doesn’t it?

6. How many consultant pharmacists work here?

7. What are the responsibilities of every pharmacist?

8. Must a pharmacist or physician counsel patients on medicine use?

9. What skills and knowledge must a registered pharmacist possess?

10. What information is indicated on a label? Why is it necessary to indicate such information?

11. What may overdosage of a remedy cause?

12. Can you give any examples of cautionary and auxiliary labels?

13. Who controls compounding of any prescription medicament and dispensing of drugs?


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