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Раздел 8.2. The Simple Past Tense

 The Simple Past Tense — прошедшее неопределенное время употребляется в следую­щих случаях:

1)для выражения действия, происходившего когда-то в прошлом и не связанного с настоящим, момент совершения действия либо указывается в предло­жении, либо подразумевается:

They travelled in Spain in August.

Did you wait for John long yesterday?

We didn't play tennis last Friday.

We met in Paris.

Указателями этого времени часто являются слова when и where .

Обычно, если известно, где и когда происходило действие, — это указание на некое время в про­шлом. Вот почему в вопросах, которые начинаются с When ?, Where ? {где), а иногда и Why ?, употребляется это время:

When did you do it?               Where did you buy the tape?     Why did you leave so early?


2) для описания ряда последовательных действий в прошлом:

David had a horrible day yesterday. First he broke his favourite cup, then he missed his bus, as a result he came late to his office.


  3) для описания обычного, повторяющегося действия в прошлом:

When I lived in the country I swam every morning.

Очень часто в этом случае употребляются обороты used to + infinitive и would + infinitive :

There used to be a green field here — now there's a supermarket.

Didn't you use to live in Manchester?

He didn't use to like fish, but now he does.

He never used to like milk.

He would come to the seashore and watch the waves.


Оба оборота употребляются примерно в одинаковых контекстах, однако would + infinitive чаще в литературном стиле. Кроме того, если used to + infinitive подчерки­вает, что данное событие больше не имеет места, то, употребляя оборот would + infinitive , говорящий не столь категорично подчеркивает это:

We used to work in the same office and we would often have coffee together.

( Мы в одном офисе уже не работаем, однако это не означает, что мы не пьем

иногда кофе вместе.)

  4) для выражения действия, которое в прошлом занимало определенный пери­од времени. Этот временной отрезок обычно указан в предложении при помощи оборота с предлогами for или during :

She didn't speak for a minute or two.

The old lady sat on a bench for half an hour and then went away.

Did you stay there long (for a long time)?

Упражнение 35.

Соотнесите слова:

1 yesterday а следующая нед.
2 in 2 weeks б прошлая нед.
3 tomorrow в сегодня
4 last week г вчера
5 this week д сейчас
6 now е через нед.
7 today ж завтра
8 next week з эта нед.

1- ,2 - ,3 -  , 4 - , 5 - , 6 - , 7 - , 8 -     

Упражнение 34.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple:

 1. When she (to go) swimming?__________________________________________________________

 2. How she (to get) to the pool?___________________________________________________________

 3. What she (to do) on Saturday evenings?__________________________________________________

Упражнение 35.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple .

1. His sister (to study)          English every day. 2. She (study)     English two hours ago. 3. You (to come) home at six o'clock yesterday? — No, I ... . Yester­day I (to come)         home from school at half past eight. I (to be)     very tired. I (to have)       dinner with my fam­ily. After dinner I (to be)    very thirsty. I (to drink)      two cups of tea. Then I (to rest) . 4. I (to go)  to bed at ten o'clock every day. 5. I (to go)                   to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 6. My brother (to wash)     his face every morning. 7. Last night he (to wash)     his face with soap and water. 8. I (not to have) history les­sons every day. 9. We (not to rest)         yesterday.10.       My brother (not to drink)  coffee yesterday.11.  My mother always (to take)     a bus to get to work, but yesterday she (not to take)    a bus. Yesterday she (to walk)    to her office. 12. You (to talk)     to the mem­bers of your family every day? — Yes, I ... . But yesterday I (not to talk)    to them: I (to be) very busy yesterday. 13. Your sister (to go)   to school every day? — Yes, she ... . 14. Mary (to like) writing stories. 15. Last week she (to write)    a funny story about her pet. 16.   You (to tell) your mother the truth about the money? 17.    You (to wear) your polka-dot dress to work? — Yes, I .... I (to wear) it yesterday. 18. We (to like) to go to the beach. We (to enjoy) swimming in the ocean last weekend.


Упражнение 36.

Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в форме Present Simple или Past Simple:

1. They (to be) in London last month.

2. Who of your friends (to speak) English?

3. How many lessons you (to have) every day?

4. I (not to be) at home yesterday, I (to go) for a walk.

5. He usually (to sleep) well. But last night he (to sleep) bad.

6. Your sister (to be) a doctor? — Yes, she (to become) a doctor two years ago.

7. He (not to shave) today because he (not to have) time.

8. You (to get) up early on Sunday? — Yes. But last Sun­day I (to sleep) till ten o’clock.

9. When you (to leave) the meeting yesterday?

10. She (to enjoy) the film, which we (to see) last week?

11. Why your parents (to be) so angry last night? - Be­cause my brother (to be) late.

Упражнение 37.

 Перепишите текст в прошедшем времени:

Не gets up at seven o’clock. ____________He washes his face, cleans his teeth and combs. ______________________He goes to the kitchen and has his breakfast. ________________________For breakfast he has a cup of coffee and cheese. ____________________When the breakfast is over, he goes to the office. __________________He takes a bus to get to his work._________________________

At the office he works till two o’clock. ________________At two o’clock he has dinner. _________He finishes his work at seven o’clock in the evening. _________He decides to walk a little after his working day. __________He returns home at nine. __________He doesn’t want to have supper, he only drinks tea. ______________________Suddenly he remembers that he has to phone his friend. ______________He dials the numbers that he has to phone his friend. ____________________________He dials the number but nobody answers. __________________________His friend is not at home. _____He goes to his room and decides to watch TV. ____________When the TV programme is over, he sleeps.________________


Упражнение 38.

Раскройте скобки , употребляя глаголы в форме Present или Past Simple:

1. His mother (to be) a housewife.__________________________________________________________

2. They (to be) happy to see you now?_______________________________________________________

3. You (to write) the test yesterday._________________________________________________________

4. She (not to go) to school. She (to be) ill.___________________________________________________

5. His brother (to come) yesterday? — No, he (not to come). He (to be) busy.________________________

6. They (to have) a nice weekend last week.___________________________________________________

7. Yesterday he (to get) home and (to take) his dog for a walk.____________________________________

8. You often (to go) to the theatre? — Not very often. Usually we (to go) there once a month._____________________________________________________________________________

9. Why Susan (not to notice) us last night? - We (to be) in the shadow and she (not to see) us.________________________________________________________________________________

10. What animals you (to like) better: cats or dogs?____________________________________________

11. She (to buy) a new dress two days ago? - No, she (not to buy) it._______________________________

12. What your sister (to do) every Sunday? — She (to meet) with her friends.____________________________________________________________________________

13. He (not to understand) the teacher at the last lesson._________________________________________

14. Last month we (to move) to other place.__________________________________________________

15. She (to be) ill now. She (to eat) an ice-cream yesterday.______________________________________

16. They (to sell) their house a week ago? - I (not to know).______________________________________

17. My grandmother often (to forget) her spectacles in her room when she (to leave) the house._____________________________________________________________________________

18. Can you tell me what the weather (to be) like?_____________________________________________

19. I (to be) in this town last year.__________________________________________________________


Таблица-памятка времен группы Simple

                        вопрос вопрос утверждение отрицание
Настоящее Present Simple Do        I         you         they                 we                          PLAY Does    he        she        it I you they PLAY we      he   PLAYS she it I you they DO NOT we                         PLAY   he    DOES NOT she it
Будущее Future Simple            I           you           they WILL we          PLAY           he           she you they we WILL      PLAY he she I you they we WILL NOT     PLAY he she
Прошедшее Past Simple         I         you Did      they              PLAY        we             TAKE(1)        he                                 she   I you they we         PLAYED he        (TOOK(2)) she I you they  we       DID NOT PLAY              he                      TAKE(1) she


прошедшее настоящее будущее
yesterday (вчера)         today (сегодня) tomorrow (завтра)
2 days ago (тому назад) every day (через) in 2 days
last (прошлый) this next

day - день/ week - неделя/ month - месяц/ year - год


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