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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Read the text for the topical vocabulary. Learn the words and expressions in bold type. Fill in the gaps with the words in the box which were the topical vocabulary for Units 1 and 2.

diagnose goes untreated inflamed inflammation manage mucus occur persistent respiratory condition shortness wheezing underlying

Asthma is a ______________ that affects the lungs. In asthma, there is a narrowing of the respiratory tract due to irritants. If it ___________, asthma can become serious, even deadly. But most people with asthma learn to ___________ the disease.

Major symptoms of asthma include ___________ (a whistling sound when breathing), ____________ of breath, painful __________ cough that is worse at night and early morning, and chest tightness, attacks of suffocation.

The airways of people with asthma are prone to ____________, which causes lining of the airways to swell and they narrow. The airways become extra sensitive when they are exposed to certain so-called “ triggers. ”

Asthma triggers can worsen irritation and inflammation and cause the muscles around the airways to tighten. Cells in the airways might also produce excess ___________ (or phlegm), making the airways even narrower.

Common asthma triggers include pollen, cigarette smoke, air pollution, mold, house dust mites, and animal dander. Other asthma triggers include weather changes, exercise, stress, and respiratory infections like ____________ common colds.

A doctor will ____________ asthma by doing a physical exam and asking about your medical history to learn when and how often your symptoms ________. Your doctor may also ask you to breathe in and blow out into the tube of a spirometer. You may also have allergy tests.

A small percentage of people with asthma have a hard time controlling their symptoms even when they take their medicines regularly. Their airways become extremely _________, irritated and particularly sensitive to asthma triggers.

The ____________ causes of asthma are still unclear. Researchers believe asthma is caused by a combination of your genes and environmental factors. If you have allergies or a parent who has asthma, you’re at increased risk for the disease. Obesity and exposure to cigarette smoke may also raise the risk of developing asthma.


Word building. Complete the sentences with the correct words in the boxes.

irritate irritated irritating irritation irritant

1) Asthma can be triggered by workplace _________ such as chemical substances, smoke, gases or dust.

2) Bronchospasm can occur when the airways are _____________ by cold air.

3) A child with mild asthma may have an _____________ cough each night but is often fine during the day.

4) The inflammation may be a result of ________ by airborne ____________ which can ____________ the person’s airways.

5) Such substances ______________ the airways resulting in an allergic reaction.


tight tighten tightness

1) In asthma, the airways ____________ and get inflamed.

2) Chest pain or ________________ can accompany an asthma attack.

3) Asthma causes the muscle in and around your airways to become _______________.


narrow  narrowing

1) One of asthma complications is permanent _____________ of the bronchial tubes that affects how well you can breathe.

2) During asthma attacks, the airways _______________, which leads to shortness of breath.


exposed     exposure

1) __________ to various allergens can trigger asthma attacks.

2) Some people only develop symptoms when they are _____________ to a certain trigger.


swell swollen swelling

1) In asthma, your airways ____________ and produce extra mucus.

2) Asthma leads to _____________ of the airways.

3) During an asthma attack, the lining of the airways becomes ______________.


3. In Task 1, find all noun + noun combinations and translate them into Russian.

Example: asthma trigger – триггер астмы


4. Translate the following expressions into English using noun + noun combinations.

Симптомы пневмонии, рентген грудной клетки, анализ крови, воспаление трахеи, боль в области груди, осложнения после гриппа, частицы вируса, способ передачи (напр., инфекции), свиной грипп, мышечные боли, вакцинация от гриппа, заболевания сердца, индекс массы тела, лекарство от кашля, рецептурный препарат, ушная инфекция, выделение мокроты.



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