Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Ex. 6. Fill the gaps in the sentences using the words of the unit.

1. Terrorists never recognise any moral or humanistic factors and they usually choose civilians as their_________.

2.       In December 1985 five _________of the Abu Nidal Group carried out the Egypt Air Flight 648 and fifty-six passengers were killed.

3. The terrorists kidnapped the children and held them as_________.

4. _________ accepted responsibility for the bomb blast which killed 21 people and wounded more 140 others.

5. The ______of Palestinian movements has an annual income of about $ 1.25 billion.

Ех. 7. Complete the first part of the phrasal verbs. Use each verb only once.

1. Mary and I want to (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) smoking.

2. Could you (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) me up at 7 o’clock.

3. They must (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) or they will miss the train.

4. Can you (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) at the station?

5. When the teacher enters the class-room, the students have to (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) up.

6. I usually have to (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) at half past six.

7. Diana must (get, give, hurry, pick, stand, tidy, wake) up her room today.

Ех. 8. Complete the sentences using a suitable phrasal verb from the box. Where necessary use the Past Tense of the verb. Use it/them/me with the verb.

look up           turn down        wake up           shave off pick up           cross out          knock out         try on


1. The radio is a bit loud. Can you … it … a bit, please?

2. There was a 50 $ note lying on the pavement, so I ….

3. The children are asleep. Don’t …!

4. If you make a mistake, just ….

5. I saw a suit which I liked in the shop. So I went in and … to see if it fitted me.

6. There were a few words that I didn’t understand, so I … in my dictionary.

7. He had a beard for a long time but he got fed up with it. So he ….

8. A stone fell on my head and … I was unconscious for half an hour.

Рекомендованная литература:


1.Крашенинина Н.Ф., Агапова Ю.И., Калюжная В.Ю. Английский язык для студентов, курсантов и слушателей юридических факультетов и вузов МВД: Учебное пособие // 3-е издание, исправленное и дополненное. – Луганск: РИО ЛАВД, 2004.

2.Сущинский И.И., Сущинская С.И. Практический курс современного английского языка для юристов: Учебник. – М.: ГИС, 2006 – 272 с.

                                          Вспомагательная 1.Паркер К., Петросян Ю. А., Ушакова Л. Л.Английский для юристов: Учебное пособие Луганск: РИО ЛАВД, 2005. – 128 с.

2. Комаровская С.Д. Justice and the Law in Britain: учебник английского языка для юристов. – 2-ое изд., исп. – М.: „Книжный дом „Университет”, 2000. – 240 с.

3.Афендікова Л. А. English for Law Students. Англійська мова для юристів: Навчальний посібник. — Донецьк: Центр підготовки абітурієнтів, 1998. — 188 с.


ТЕМА 5. «Борьба с уголовными правонарушениями»

Тема для смостоятельного изучения № 17

« Борьба с незаконным оборотом наркотических средств».

( 10 часов )

Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на лексику, данню ниже.


Drugs are probably as old as mankind. There have been drugs in practically all civilizations.

A distinction must be made between legal and illegal drugs, depending on the country and culture concerned. Alcohol, for instance, while popular in most parts of the world, is prohibited in many Muslim countries.

Legal drugs in Ukraine - and most Western countries - are caffeine (coffee), nicotine (tobacco) and alcohol (beer, wine, spirits) as well as certain medical tablets which can be obtained without prescription. Certain glues and solvents are likewise misused as drugs, especially among 12 to 16-year-olds.

There are four large groups of illegal drugs, three of which are based on plants (hemp, poppy and coca), with the fourth group being synthetic drugs.

Hemp (cannabis) is the raw material for hashish and marihuana. These drugs are mainly smoked mixed with tobacco as « joints ». Consumption produces, among other things, hallucinations and mental disorders, and, like alcohol, impairs fitness to drive.

The opium poppy is the base for opium and heroin. Both drugs have been used as pain killers, but they are extremely addictive.

Opium is usually smoked while heroin is injected. Many heroin addicts contract AIDS because they share syringes. Long-term heroin abuse leads to physical breakdown and, eventually, death.

Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the coca bush and is usually snorted. After a brief moment of euphoria, cocaine users suffer, among other things, from hallucinations, panic and persecution mania, which, in turn, often produce aggressiveness.

Crack (cocaine heated together with baking powder) causes addiction right from the beginning.

There are many synthetic drugs, like LSD and ecstasy, and nobody knows what drugs chemists will come up with next. The so-called designer drugs are specially designed variations of illegal drugs. The clandestine manufacturers seek to escape the provisions of the controlled substances acts in the consumers' countries.

Drug addicts who want to get clean often suffer from severe and painful withdrawal symptoms. This is why many rehabilitation schemes are not very successful. As drugs are extremely expensive, «junkies» often turn to crime like theft and burglary to finance their habit. Female addicts frequently «earn» the necessary money through prostitution.



               All drugs carry RISKS

• The effects may be unexpected.

• Many drugs sold on the «street» have been mixed with other substances, so users can never be sure what they are getting.

• Users can become tolerant to some drugs. This means their bodies have become so used to the drug they need to take more to get the effect they want.

• Users may overdose (take too much for their bodies to handle). With alcohol, heroin, gases, glues and aerosols, an overdose can prove fatal.


drugs                   - наркотики
for instance          - например
prohibited            -       запрещенный
prescription          - рецепт
glues                          - клей
solvents                 - раствор
hemp                    - конопля
joint                      - сигарета с марихуаной
consumption        - потребление
mental disorders  - психические расстройства
to impair fitness   - нарушить способность
poppy                   - опийный мак
addictive               - вызывающий привычку
addiction              - привыкание
addicts                  - наркоманы
syringe                  - шприц
abuse                    - злоупотреюление
to snort                 - вдыхать
to suffer                - страдать
persecution mania - мания преследования
clandestine            - подпольный
withdrawal           - symptoms абстинентный синдром



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