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TRINITY is looking around the corner. She pulls back into the alley.




           " Casanova just ran into an old flame."







" No. Fuck you, Choi, you just think you can come and go when you

                          please? "


CHOI is ignoring her now, walking straight for the phone booth as she

is having a fit. Tears are welling in her enraged face.


" Choi, if you have one shred of decency, if you even care about me - "


Inexplicably, CHOI hangs his trench coat on the side of the booth.

Standing behind it, he reaches around with his arm, keeping the coat

between his body and the phone. The WOMAN doesn’t even notice the web

of gun harnesses and what looks like a ton of ammunition covering the

inside of the jacket.




" - you’ll tell me why you don’t call, why you, you, what are you

                          doing? "




" The jacket stops fragmentation. Sometimes they bomb the phones. Kiss

                       me for luck."


HE grabs her to him and thrusts his mouth onto hers.




His hand grabs the phone. We hear the dialtone, and he mashes down one

of the numbers of the keypad. The number tone rises in pitch to a

crescendo. WE pull back and:


THE BOOTH EXPLODES. CHOI and the woman are bowled over by the flame.





They take cover from the blast as people all over the street are

knocked flat.





THE PHONE BOOTH is obliterated. Miraculously, CHOI and the woman are

still under the cover of the jacket. THROWING the smoking jacket off

them, CHOI screams in agony as he grasps the smoldering stump of his

right shoulder. The arm is history.


THE WOMAN looks on, her eyes as wide as dinner plates. Shaking, she

falls back, still staring.




                    " You weren’t lucky."


MORPHEUS, NIOBE, and TRINITY rush to him, picking him up on his feet.

CHOI is screaming and laughing. Someone grabs his smoldering coat,

dragging it along. CHOI stares at the ex-flame as they cart him away.

His eyes are crazy.




         " You still want me to call you? Ha ha ha! "


AS they struggle down the street, CHOI starts to walk more on his own.

PEOPLE run from the scene, screaming.


                   CU - the four of them.


MORPHUES looks at something off-screen and frowns. HE pulls to the





                        " This way."


TANKS and TROOPS are filling into the street ahead of them, coming

from around the corner.


THEY turn onto a different street. This street, too, is filling with

troops. Worse, it’s being lead by AGENT BROWN.




                    " Tanks, or agents? "




                          " Tanks."




                    " Yeah, tanks a lot."


They break. CHOI stands on his own, and they run back onto the street

with the tanks.




THREE ABRAMS stop in the street. Their turrets swing into place with

terrifying quickness and precision.


AT ONCE, they open fire with their main cannons and machines guns.

FIRE FLOWERS blaze from the death machines, sending a typhoon of lead

down the street. Troops filed between the tanks pull their triggers

and don’t let go. Everything in the street is shredded and blown away,

as though it was hit by a high-power pressure hose.


WITH UNEARTHLY SPEED, EVERYONE BREAKS for the sides of the street,

except for CHOI. He stands amid it all as the tracers come closer to

his body. He raises his machine gun with his good arm, and lays into

the enemy.


TRACER rounds kick away from his gun, ripping straight back into the

wall of soldiers. His rounds deflect off the sloped armor of the

tanks, recoils pile into the flesh of troops. He rakes his fire into

the enemy bodies.




TRACERS zoom in on him. A tank round blasts by, and the wall of air

kicks him to his side. He continues to fire even as a bullet, followed

by another, blasts through the middle of his body. More and more

bullets smack into him, blasting chunks of meat and viscera out the






TRINITY and NIOBE take one side of the street, running and shooting

simultaneously. THEY reach the buildings on the side and NIOBE goes


cover, cart wheeling through tracer fire and bullets.


ON THE OTHER side of the street, MORPHEUS goes straight up the

building faç ade and starts running sideways, completely defying

gravity, firing downward at the soldiers.




HE WILL NOT FALL, and a hose of lead drills into him, taking his body

apart piece by piece. Bullets take away pieces of his head, neck, and

torso, and in one final wave of fire, he is disintegrated, leaving his

machine gun, barrel smoking, spinning in the air, firing still. The

arm is still attached and finger clenching on the trigger. It is the

last piece of CHOI to fall.


MORPHEUS climbs as he runs. In mid-stride he changes magazines and

stops, standing on the wall, his body parallel to the ground.


On the other side of the street, NIOBE stands on the wall, blazing at

the mass of troops with two guns that never cease. THERE is no cover

and no reprieve from the DOUBLE DEATH from above. Most are still

firing down the street, or over toward TRINITY.


TRINITY runs up the side of the street. Her guns go empty and she

dives behind a stoop as a squad of soldiers blazes away at her.




In slow motion, he pulls a spoon from a grenade. Somehow, the metal

ring reaches TRINITY’S ears.




She slaps a magazine into her pistol, pulls the action and comes out

from under cover just enough to see the soldier releasing the grenade.

She fires, hitting the grenade. IT explodes directly over the group of

soldiers, flattening them to the ground.


A BULLET smacks through TRINITY’S wrist, and the hand comes off,

popping like the head off a dandelion. Blood spurts from the severed

arteries, spraying the hand, with the pistol still in its grip.


ABOVE THE STREET, MORPHEU AND NIOBE leap for one another. They catch

each other’s arms, fifty feet above the surviving enemy, and spin in

place, firing away. The tank commanders in their copulas blast upward

with their machine guns, but the rounds miss the spinning couple.

MORPHUES and NIOBE concentrate on the commanders, and cut them down.


THEY land amidst the carnage. TRINITY emerges, shaken, pressing her

coat to her arm.




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