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Language as a means of communication. Language and extralinguistic world.

Language as a means of communication. Language and extralinguistic world.

As a means of communication.

The Nature of Language

Language is a system of arbiterary, productive, dynamic, having variation, and humans vocal symbol used by human being to carry out their social affairs.

System. It is formed by a number of component and can be formulated. We will think that the sentence has a good system although it has a missing component. “My mother fry a … in …”. But you might think this sentence as an incorrect sentence of English, “fry a… mother my in…”

Vocal (sound). We can pronounce the symbol. Each symbol represent a thing.

Arbitrer. The relationship between the symbol and and signified is not obligatory, it can changes, and it cannot be explained why the symbol refers to such thing. If it is obligatory, there will not be an utterance like horse, jaran, paard, etc.

Productive. The number of words always increase.

Dynamism. The language can change in the form of phonology, morphology, or sytax. We will not find the sentence: Know ye this man?. But we will often find Do you know this man?

Having Variation. Although a language has a certain pattern, it may different in phonology, morphology, syntax, or lexicon. The Javanese language in Surabaya, Banyumas, Semarang, and Yogyakarta can be different in phonology, morphology, and lexicon.

Human (Adj.). Language as a means or verbal communication is only possessed by human being, animal s and plants do not.

The Function of Language

Language has some functions based on some viewpoints.

–     From the speaker’s viewpoint, language has personal or emotive function. Through language, the speaker shows his/her emotions (e.g. sad, happy, angry, etc)

–     From the listener’s viewpoint, it has directive or instrumental function. It functions to control the listener’s behavior. It does not only make the listener doing something, but also doing something as what the speaker wants.

–     From the contacts between the speaker and listener’s viewpoint, it has phatic, interactional, or interpersonal function. The phatic function of language is that which keeps the channels of communication open. Phatic communication is a term used by the British-Polish anthropologist Malinowski to refer to communication between people which is not intended to seek or convey information but has the social function of establishing or maintaining social contact. Phatic is language such as greetings, that is used primarily for maintaining social contact and interpersonal relationships, rather than for exchanging information. For example, Nice day, isn’t it?, How are you?, How do you do?, How’s life?, What’s up?, Hey, man, how’s it going?, etc.


–    From the topics of speech viewpoint, it functions referential, representational, cognitive, denotative, or informative. We can use language to talk about the object or event in our surroundings. The sentences “The students are studying”, and “Our new buildings are painted yellow” show that the language has referential function.

–    From the code used in communication viewpoint, it functions methalingual or methalinguistics. In this case, we use language to discuss language itself.

–    From the message conveyed in communication viewpoint, it has imaginative or poetic speech function. It can function to express our true or imaginative thought, idea, or feeling.

The Nature of Communication

Communication is a process by which information is exchange between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.

From the definition, it can be said that there are three components that mest exist in communication process, i.e. 1) message sender and receiver or participants, 2) information being communicated, and 3) instruments used in communication.

Based on the instruments used, communication is distinguished into two kinds: verbal and non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication does not use language as the means of communication. It uses signs (traffic signs, pictures, sounds), gestures, etc.

Required Education

Most entry-level Translation positions require a bachelor's degree in addition to expertise in at least two languages and experience gained through internships. Certification may be required for some positions and might enhance earning potential. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's and master's degree programs in Translation and specific languages, but candidates are also encouraged to study subjects such as economics or humanities so that they can develop Translation career specialties.

Skills Required

Translators must be experts in two languages. They must also possess superior writing, editing, and grammar skills in their target language. Computer and word processing skills are essential, and familiarity with translation software programs is becoming increasingly important. Translators in a specialized field, such as law, must be familiar with legal systems both in the U.S. and abroad. Translation professionals must also understand various international customs and cultures. Freelance Translators must be highly organized and possess marketing, networking, and bookkeeping skills.

Economic Outlook

There are several opportunities for Translators in education, the private sector, government, healthcare, and the legal system. Almost a quarter of translators are self-employed. Wages may vary depending on experience, education, certification, demand for a particular language combination, and expertise in a specific subject. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects employment opportunities to grow by 29% from 2014 through 2024, which is much faster than average. The BLS estimated the median annual salary of a translator working in the U.S. in May 2015 at $44,190.

Alternate Careers

Other career options in this field include:

Technical Writer

Although they do not deal with foreign languages, technical writers take complex technical research data and terminology and translate into understandable text for manuals, documents and published works. A bachelor's degree in communications, English or journalism is usually necessary to enter this field. Employment growth of 10% between 2014 and 2024 is anticipated by the BLS, and it also estimated the annual median salary for technical writers was $70,240 in 2015.

Language as a means of communication. Language and extralinguistic world.


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