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Глава II Технология использования и создание системы дидактических материалов на иностранном языке с учетом региональных и социокультурных особенностей.

Типология упражнений с целью активизации материала речевой направленности при помощи опор


Многолетний педагогический опыт обучения школьников иноязычной речи убеждает, что обогащение лексического запаса учащихся - постоянная забота учителя в системе мер, направленных на развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции как цели обучения иностранному языку. В своей работе, поэтому, создаю условия, побуждающие учащихся уйти от примитива и сделать свою речь богаче и выразительнее, используя обширную, порой идиоматическую, лексику УМК. Задача моя как учителя превратить ту лексику в " собственность" учащихся, чтобы она (лексика) стала их активным словарным запасом. С этой целью с помощью компьютера, важнейшего средства информационно-коммуникационных технологий, создаю речевые опоры, которые и помогают в достижении поставленной цели.

Обучение с помощью метода опорных сигналов открывает большие возможности в развитии речи учащегося. Применение опорных сигналов важно потому, что позволяет избежать или сократить до минимума в процессе обучения и общения использование языка посредника - родного языка. Тем не менее сохраняется опосредованная подсказка в виде различных символов, знаков, кодов или сокращений, которая позволяет управлять высказыванием, и необходимость в которой постепенно убывает по мере формирования речевого умения, до полного исчезновения на его последней стадии.

Назначение опор заключается в том, чтобы, вызвав ассоциации с жизненным и речевым опытом обучающихся, опосредованно помочь построению речевого высказывания. Опоры составляются как с помощью слов, так и с помощью различных изображений действительности и могут использоваться в рамках одною конспекта обособленно друг от друга и во взаимодействии, дополняя друг друга.

Опоры содержат определенную информацию в развернутом или сжатом виде.

Речевые опоры - это карточки учебного раздаточного материала с ключевыми словами в неопределенной форме, раскрывающими тему, проблему, идею рассказа, " подсказкой" сюжетной канвы которых они являются. Смысл технологии работы с ними в том, чтобы, не предоставляя обучающимся готовый текст развернутого сообщения, стимулировать их самостоятельные высказывания и таким образом в процессе моделирования учебно-речевых ситуаций закрепить в их речи тематическую лексику УМК, превращая ее в лексику активную, значительно расширяя и обогащая индивидуальный словарь учащихся. Лексика для иноязычной коммуникации школьников представлена в речевых опорах в нужном для сообщения порядке, что позволяет учащимся легко сохранять логику сюжетной канвы высказывания. Одновременно речевые опоры являются также и источником информации по обсуждаемой проблеме, которой школьники могут пока не владеть, но, зная строгие механизмы построения английских предложений, учитывая обширное многообразие видовременных форм английского языка и других явлений английской грамматики, уже способны интерпретировать все на изучаемом языке и совершенствовать свои умения и навыки устной речи. А это предопределяет уже серьезную необходимость задействовать все речемыслительные процессы школьников, способствующие не " слепому" проговариванию, а осознанному выражению мысли на изучаемом иностранном языке.

Учебная работа, основанная на обсуждении проблем лексикой речевых опор и с учетом рекомендаций УМК, ведется в самых разнообразных режимах активной речевой деятельности: Т→ Р1Р2Р3 (фронтальная беседа), Т→ Р1 Р2 (управляемый диалог), Р↔ Р ( диалог), Р (монолог) и в полной мере способствует формированию прочных умений и навыков осмысленной устной речи школьников. [4; 51]

Для примера приведу фрагменты проведенного урока английского языка в 5 классе с предполагаемыми высказываниями учащихся, в основе которых - лексика речевых опор.

Тема урока: " Teenager ’ s problems ".

Цели урока:

Активизация тематической лексики УМК в устной речи учащихся в диалогической и монологической форме в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции школьников.

Развитие умений и навыков учащихся аргументировано выражать личное отношение к проблеме, предлагая собственные пути ее решения.

Развитие навыков школьного самоуправления и формирование умений совместно анализировать и давать оценку поступкам, коллективно находить оптимальные пути решения проблемы.

Воспитание потребности в здоровом образе жизни.

Формы проведения: Интерактивная беседа. Ролевая игра.

Учебное пособие: УМК В.П. Кузовлева и др. " English10-11" (М., " Просвещение", 2006 г., Unit 4).

Ход урока (фрагменты): Well, boys and girls, I believe all of you fell like speaking English, don’t you? So let’s begin today’s lesson. What did we speak about at our previous lesson?: We discussed teenagers’ problems that many young people worry about.: And while discussing the problems touched upon your task was to enrich your vocabulary by means of the words and the expressions presented in the key word cards you had been given. Let us go on discussing the problems of the young and see how well you can use your active vocabulary. (Далее следует интерактивная беседа с классом, затрагивающая злободневные проблемы подростков, среди которых " Spare Time", " Choosing a Career", " Smoking", " Taking Alcohol and Drugs", " Teen Violence", " Teen Pregnancy and AIDs Cases" и некоторые другие. С помощью речевых опор проблемы эти не только озвучиваются, но и обсуждаются с целью средствами изучаемого иностранного языка подвести учащихся к пониманию того, что далеко не всегда следует уходить от проблем, а нужно закалять свой характер, чтобы во взрослой жизни уметь преодолевать их достойно. После этого урок продолжается в форме ролевой игры, и речевые опоры снова помогают создавать оптимальные условия для организации активной практики английской речи учащихся.)

T: And now let us try to learn how to cope with some of the problems faced by teenagers. I suppose you know that in the book Her Honor, Katie Shannon by Betsy Haynes many problems are discussed and solved by a Teen Court. And I want you to imagine you are the participants of such a Court too. Teen Court is a role-play which will also give you an opportunity to practice speaking English. First however we must divide the class into groups and all of you will have an opportunity to master your English in an unusual way. Some of you will be plaintiffs; some others will be defendants, teachers, parents and judges of course. If you are not against letting Р1, Р2 and Р3 be the judges of our Teen Court (учитель называет учащихся, которых он предлагает на роли судей), let them come out to the front, take the seats at the Judges’ table and appoint the Senior Judge of the Court.

Карточка №1

Imagine you are a judge in the Teen Court. Use the expressions below to explain your work as a judge and ask the defendant question.

-to be a judge is not easy;

-to discuss the rule that has been broken (Use; We should);

-to discuss how justice can be fairly applied;

-to take notes while listening in order to understand the problem thoroughly;

-to ask the plaintiffs any questions needed;

-to appoint the Senior Judge;

-to be caught (smoking, drinking, alcohol)

-to be forbidden;

-to disagree to the complaint:

Р3: I believe Р1 would be the best Senior Judge. He has a very good command of English so he will be able to control the proceedings in the right way.

T: Ok. I share your opinion. So the judges may take Cards 1 and 2 with the necessary key words for them to organize a general discussion well. And now, boys and girls, we are to decide which of you will play the parts of the plaintiffs, the defendants

Карточка №2

Imagine you are the Senior Judge. Use the expressions below to lead the discussion in the Court.

-We should have our Court case today.

-We have to talk how we are going to run the Court.

-I have to open the Teen Court first and introduce the plaintiffs.

-to ask the plaintiffs to explain their complaint;

-to ask the defendants to respond to the plaintiffs complaint;

-to ask the judges to come out with their questions;

-to organize a general discussion of the case and the problem touched upon;

-to make the teachers and the defendants parents take part in the discussion and explain the defendants how harmful their behaviour is;

-to ask the defendants for their final word;

-to ask the judges for their verdict.

Карточка №3

Imagine you are a plaintiff and try to explain the complaint.

-" Your Honour! ";

-I know that I have to explain the complaint.

-to have caught these students smoking in the classroom;

-to be not allowed anywhere in school;

-to tell the students to stop smoking;

-to refuse; and to continue;

-to be ready to answer the questions on the problem;

-to be ready to discuss the case;

-to be sure the Court will make a fair decision;

-must try to convince the students how harmful for teens health smoking is.the parents. I believe Р4, Р5 and Р6 willbe good plaintiffs and I ask them to study the words and the expressions of Card 3 thoroughly to play the parts well enough.: As for our defendants I offer them the words and the expressions of Card 4 which will help them to try and respond to the complaint. I am sure the students Р7 and Р8 will be able to play these parts well.

Карточка №4

Imagine you are a defendant and try to respond to the complaint.

-" Your honour! ";

-I know that I have to respond to the complaint.

-to have been caught smoking in the classroom;

-to be not allowed anywhere in school;

-to ask to stop smoking;

-to refuse; to continue;

-to complain to the Teen Court;

-to disagree to the complaint because…;

-to smoke; to know that and do nothing (adults, friend, parents);

-to promise not to do it again.: Well, boys and girls, I hope each of you will take part in the conversation and for the students Р9, Р10, Р11, Р12, Р13 and Р14 I offer the words and the expressions of Card 5 that will help them to join the discussion and practice their English too. These students will be the teachers ( Р9, Р10, Р11 ) and the defendants’ parents ( Р12, Р13, Р14 ). Well, everybody has been given the key word cards according to the role for you to be aware of the information on the problem under discussion. I hope each of you has already looked through the words you are to use to develop your speech habits and enrich your English vocabulary. The words on the cards will help you to join the conversation easily to discuss the problem.I’d like to ask the Senior Judge if he has already investigated the words needed.

Р1: Of course, I have.: That’s fine. So you may declare the Teen Court open and start its work at last.

Р1: Well, we should have our Court case today and I have to open our Teen Court and introduce the plaintiffs, the defendants and the judges. Here they are. First however we have to discuss how we’re going to run the Court and I want the judges to tell you a few words about their work. Will you?

Карточка №5

Imagine you are a teacher or a parent. Use the expressions below to ask the students question about their bad habits.

-to be not allowed anywhere in school (smoking, drinking, alcohol, taking drugs);

-to cause various diseases;

-smorking: to make teeth yellow, hair and clothes smell; to cause a cough, a headache, cancer;

-drinking alcohol: to make speech unclear; loss of memory and a headache;

-to affect your social controls, your future children and people around you;

-taking drugs: to make the brain sleep; to cause blood and heart diseases, brain disease;

-to be harmful for teenagers;

-to be strong and healthy;

-to keep healthy lifestyle;

-to say smth as a final word:

Р2: You see I am a judge and I would like to explain the judges’ duties. But first I should stress that the judges’ work has never been easy. And today we are to discuss a rule that has been broken. Besides we should discuss how justice can be fairly applied. In order to make a fair decision, we should listen attentively to both the plaintiffs and the defendants.

Р3: I am a judge too and I would like to add some words as well. While listening to the plaintiffs and the defendants we should take notes I order to understand the problem thoroughly. To do this, during the Court we should ask them the necessary questions.

Р1: Ok. I believe everybody is now well aware now of the judges’ work. So, I suppose it’s time to ask the plaintiffs to explain their complaint. Who is going to be the first to start? The Court is sure to discuss the problem and make a fair decision. Please begin.

Р4: I am a teacher, Your Honour, and I know that I have to explain our complaint. I have caught these students smoking in the classroom. But smoking isn’t allowed anywhere as it affects people’s health. I told the students to stop doing it but they paid no attention to my words and went on smoking.

T: Can I say something? Well, boys and girls, to continue the conversation in the right way you are allowed to consult the key words of your cards. Don’t forget about them.

Р5: Your Honour, may I add something? Yes, we had to complain to the Teen Court and we are ready to answer your questions. Beside we are ready to discuss the case in the most constructive way as we are sure that the Court will make a fair decision.

Р6: We understand, Your Honour, that the most important thing for us is that we all have to convince the defendants how harmful smoking is for teenagers’ health.

Р1: I see. Your complaint is clear. And I must now ask the defendants to respond to your complaint. Who will start? You, please.

Р7: We know, Your Honour, that we have to respond to the complaint. We don’t deny that we were caught smoking in our classroom. We know that smoking isn’t allowed anywhere in school. Our teachers asked us to stop smoking but we refused and continued.

Р8: As for me I’d like to add a few words too. Yes, our teachers complained to the Court but I disagree with the complaint because all adults and some of our friends smoke. Our parents are aware of this and do nothing.

Р1: I see. And I ask the judges to come out with their questions.

Р2: Is that really true that you have been caught smoking? I can’t believe that.

Р7: No, you aren’t mistaken.

Р2: When were you caught smoking?

Р7: This morning.

Р2: Who were you caught smoking with?

Р7: With Р8 my classmate.

Р3: Do you know that smoking is forbidden?

Р8: Of course I do.

Р3: Did you expect the teachers to complain to the Teen Court?

Р9: I suppose I didn’t.

Р3: Do you agree with the complaint?

Р8: I don’t, I am afraid.

Р1: Well, I suppose everyone understands the case and so I want to organize a general discussion of today’s case and the problem touched upon. I want the teachers and parents present to take an active part in the discussion and to try to explain our defendants how harmful their behaviour is.

Р9: Dear students, do you know that smoking is not allowed in school?

Р10: Do you know that smoking causes a lot of different diseases?

Р7: We are aware of all this.

Р11: What diseases does smoking cause?

Р8: There are many. For example it makes people’s teeth yellow and it causes a cough and a headache.

Р7: Besides, smoking makes peoples’ hair and clothes smell.

Р1: And what about the defendants’ parents? Would you like to join the discussion?

Р12: During today’s Court proceeding we have already heard much about smoking.all of that is definitely true. But the worst thing is that smoking causes cancer.all smokers should give up this bad habit as soon as possible.

Р13: Besides smoking there are some other bad habits that affect people’s health. For example, drinking alcohol makes speech unclear and as for taking drugs, it makes one’s brain sleep.

Р14: Don’t you realize that these bad habits are rather harmful for teenagers’ heath?

Р7: Certainly we understand all this well enough.

Р14: Don’t you want to be strong and healthy?

Р8: No doubt. Everyone wants to be strong and healthy.

Р9: What lifestyle would you like to have?

Р8: A healthy lifestyle of course.

T: Well, boys and girls, as a teacher I want to ask our defendants if they know what they must do if they want to be strong and healthy. Also, ask them if they know that they must give up smoking.

Р10: Do you know that you must give up smoking if you want to be strong and healthy?

Р7: Well it goes without saying that we must give up smoking as we also want to be strong and healthy.

Р8: I agree.

T: That’s fine, boys and girls. You see our defendants know very well already that the best way for them to be strong and healthy is to give up smoking.

Р1: As for me I believe that the defendants have already understood that they were wrong. But now I must ask them for their final word. Proceed, please.

Р7: It may seem strange at first, but now I really agree with the complaint. It was the discussion in the Court that made me realize how harmful smoking is for people’s health. So I’ll do my best to give up smoking.

Р8: The same about me. I agree with this opinion and I also promise not to smoke any more.

Р1: I ask the judges for their verdict. Will you announce it?

Р2: No doubt the defendants are guilty. And if they go on smoking in the classrooms they must leave our school of course.

Р1: Your point of view is quite clear. But our Teen Court is drawing to a close and I must announce the final decision of the Court. I think we have had a very important and useful discussion. The problem concerning people’s health touched upon during the discussion is a serious one. But I am very glad that the discussion in the Teen Court made our defendants realize at last how harmful smoking and other bad habits are for a teenager’s health. So I’d like to express the hope that no one in our class, including the defendants, will smoke again. And now I declare the Teen Court closed.: Yes, boys and girls, I am sure of course that our Teen Court was very useful. But as for me I want today’s role-play in the form of this Teen Court to make you all seriously realize that only a healthy lifestyle will help people to progress. So I advise you all never to smoke, never to drink alcohol and never to take drugs and actually to take care of your health.


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