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Тема 2.2. Основные геометрические понятия и физические явления.

Прочитайте диалог и проговорите его в парах.

Lines and Shapes Линии и фигуры


1 4


2 5




Teacher: Look at at these simple figures. Посмотри на эти простые рисунки.
What’s this? Что это?


Student: This is a point (1). Это точка в наших отношениях.


Teacher: That’s right. And what’s this? Верно. А что это?


Student: This is a straight line (2). Это прямая линия.


Teacher: Correct. And what are these? Правильно. А что это?


Student: They are lines. Это линии.


Teacher: What kind of lines? Какие это линии?


Student: I don’t know. Я не знаю.


Teacher: What kind of lines? (3) Какие это линии?


Student: They are parallel lines. Это параллельные линии.


Teacher: Good. Are these two Хорошо.А эти две линии

lines parallel? параллельны?

Student: No, they are not parallel. Нет, они не параллельны.

They are perpendicular. Они перпендикулярны (друг другу).


Student: What’s “perpendicular”? Что такое «перпендикулярны»?



Teacher: Perpendicular means «Перпендикулярный» означает «под

“at right angle to another line or прямым углом к другой линии или

To a plain”. Now, what’s No 5? Поверхности». Ну, а что на рисунке

Who can answer my question? 5? Кто может ответить на мой



Student: I can. This is a curve (5). Я могу. Это кривая.


Teacher: Quite correct.It’s a curve. Совершенно верно.Это кривая.





1 2 3 4


Now let’s look at these shapes А теперь давайте посмотрим на

or geometrical figures. What эти фигуры. Как они называются?

Are they called?


Student: That’s simple. The Это просто. Первая фигура-квадрат,

first shape is a square, the вторая – треугольник, третья – пря-

second is a triangle, the third is моугольник, а четвертая – круг.

a rectangle and the fourth is a



Teacher: Right. So, what’s this? Правильно Итак, что это?


Student: It’s a triangle. Это треугольник.


Teacher: Triangles have three Треугольники имеют три стороны.

Sides. And what about squares? А квадраты?


Student: They have four sides. Они имеют четыре стороны.


Teacher: Correct. Правильно.


And their sides are equal. Is И их стороны равны. Это правильно

it also true about rectangles? и в отношении прямоугольников?



Student: No, is not, Their Нет, неправильно. Противополож-

opposite sides are equal and ные стороны прямоугольников

parallel. равны и параллельны.


Teacher: Very Good! Очень хорошо.




Triangles, squares and rec- Треугольники, квадраты и прямоу-

tangles have straight sides. гольники имеют прямые стороны.

They are rectilinear shapes. Это прямолинейные фигуры.

A pyramid, a cylinder, a cy- Пирамида, цилиндр, куб и конус это

linder, a cube and a cone are трехмерные тела.

solid figures.


Допишите предложения.

  1. Perpendicular means at _______ angle to another line or plane.
  2. Triagles have three ________.
  3. Squares have ________ sides and their sides are _______.
  4. Triagles, squares and rectangles have _______ sides.
  5. A pyramid, a cylinder, a cube and a come are called _______ shapes.
  6. Angles can be right, acute and ________.
  7. This is not a straight line, it is a ________.
  8. The _______ sides of a rectangle are equal and parallel.

Переведите на Английский.

  1. Эти линии параллельны.
  2. Это тупой угол.
  3. Какой это угол? – Острый.
  4. Треугольник имеет три стороны, а квадрат – четыре.
  5. У прямоугольника противоположные стороны параллельны и равны.
  6. Это прямолинейные фигуры.

Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Проговорите его в парах.

What Is Physics?

Teacher: We have discussed science and its subdivisions. Let’s remember what subjects studied at school are caller sciencts.

Student: Well, physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology are caller sciences. Philosophy, history, literature, languages are called humanities.

Teacher: Let’s talk about physics. What is physics concerned with?

Student: Physics is concerned with the study of matter and natural forces, such as light, heat, movement, ect.

Teacher: That’s right. And now let’s talk about the word physics. It is derived from the Greek word meaning ‘nature’. Some time ago physics was called natural philosophy. It is also sometimes called the science of exact measurements.

What do you think is the work of physics?

Student: I think, the work of physics is to discover, explain and arrange systematically facts and phenomena relating to non-living things.

Teacher: Physics is an exact science and words used in definitions and descriptions must be precise. Several words used in everyday conversation have a more definite meaning in physics. For instance, the words mass and weight, force, energy, speed are used as special terms when applied to physics.

Does anyone know how physics is usually divided into sections for convenience of study?

Student: The sections of physics sre mechanics, light, magnetism and electricity.

Teacher: Right. What are the units of all quantities based upon?

Student: Probably they are based on the units of weight, lenth and time.

Teacher: You are absolutely right. They are based on the units of weight, length and time. Does Britain use the metric system of weight and measures?

Student: Officially, it does, but the imperial system, based on the pound and the mile is still widely used.

Teacher: Where is the imperial system still used?

Tom: Distances on the roadsigns, for example, are shown in miles. Fruit, vegetables and meat are usually sold by the pound. Milk is sold in pints and litres.

Teacher: The imperial system is used in the US for all usual weight and measures and the metric system is used only in scientific contexts. But there are differences between the British and American liquid measures of ounce, pink, and gallon.



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