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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Task 2. Answer the questions.


1. Who was David Frost before the interview with President Nixon?

2. What was the cost of the interview? What were the problems which D. Frost had got with the money?

3. What did Nixon tell about when Frost came to his villa for the first time?

4. What was the fact that Frost managed to find before the last episode? Why was the fact a miracle for the team of journalists? What was the last episode about?


Task 2. Match the words combinations with their translation. Why did the director use a lot of expressions from sport? Make up your own sentences with the expressions:

a) put the squeeze on smb, to roll with the punches, sparring ring, intensity of emotions, draw a parallel between, fifteen minutes of fame, close out chance, skunk, choke off discussion, see through the trick, out-talk, he never gave us an opening to bring up the subject.

b) не дать противнику получить в игре ни одного очка, дожимай, звёздный час, он ни разу не дал нам возможности заговорить на эту тему, тренировочный ринг, держать удар, накал страстей, провести параллель, не дать кому-л. использовать представившийся случай, не дать себя провести, не дать развернуться дискуссии / прениям, не дать другому сказать ни слова

Task 3. Make up a dialogue which is an interview with a politician. Try to make you opponent nervous and anxious. Discuss different questions such as politics, conflicts and so on.

“The Social Network”

Release date: 2010

Director: David Fincher

Genre: Biography | Drama


On a fall night in 2003, Harvard undergrad and computer programming genius Mark Zuckerberg sits down at his computer and heatedly begins working on a new idea. In a fury of blogging and programming, what begins in his dorm room soon becomes a global social network and a revolution in communication. A mere six years and 500 million friends later, Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest billionaire in history... but for this entrepreneur, success leads to both personal and legal complications.


Task 1. Group the following words according to some criteria.


Facebook, misogyny, website, twin, Internet, roommate, computer, social network, billionaire, entrepreneur, ambivalence, blog, e-mail, student, arrogance, hacker, greed, business partner, narcissism, alienation

Task 2. Answer the following questions:


1. Is this based on a book?

2. How accurate is the movie?

3. Who is the " movie star" on campus?

4. Why did Eduardo want to expand Facebook to Stanford?

5. What is in the package Mark receives immediately after Eduardo confronts him?

6. How did Mark betray Eduardo?

7. What happened to Sean Parker?

8. Did Mark really do all those things Eduardo implied he did in the confrontation?


Task 3. Write an essay on theme “the Internet and social nets in our life”.


Task 4. Use the following words in the sentences:


Fraternity, Deception, Opportunist, Lawyer, Intellectual Property, Contract, Betrayal, Investment.

1. On one of them, we read, " They must act with and for each other, in a spirit of ___________."

2. ___________________ protection is an issue that has to be addressed at practically all stages of doing business.

3. ______________ enforcement on average takes 55 procedures and a five- to 10-year litigation process.

4. The possibility of ____________, of treason, had never presented itself to his mind.

5. He knew it was true, but his own act of _______________ tasted bitter in his mouth.

6. The __________ acquainted himself with the facts of the case.

7. Both of them were __________, trying to make the most of a unique situation.

8. Investment opportunities had not expanded proportionately.


“Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”

Release date: 2010

Director: Oliver Stone

Genre: Drama



As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two-tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader's mentor.



Task 1. Match the words with their definitions.


a) competitiveness, insider dealing, bailout, bubble economy, double cross, capitalism

b) deceive or betray; an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state; relating to or characterized by competition; the illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one’s own advantage through having access to confidential information; an economy undergoing an unsustainable boom, especially that of in Japan in the late 1980s; an act of giving financial assistance to a failing business or economy to save it from collapse.


Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words from Task 1.

1. I was willing to be dignified in the face of adversity when I was the victim of a that cop, but not when I was the victim of a _______.

2. The results thus provide a sense of the magnitude of the efforts required to raise _________________ levels.

3. Six people have been convicted of _______________ in a case brought by the Financial Services Authority.

4. The most useful precedent is probably Japan in the period from the end of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange-rate regime in August, 1971, to the collapse of its “________________” in 1990.

5. After the euphoria over the ________ of Freddie and Fannie is mostly over, investors will return attention to the macroeconomic situation.

6. Thatcher and Reagan preached the political gospel of democracy, ___________ and individual liberty in the face of too much government.


Task 3. Translate the following notions and define them.


Финансовые махинации; наставник; освобождение из тюрьмы; дух соперничества; жадность, алчность; план вывода из кризиса; на грани банкротства; рискованные инвестиции; ценные бумаги; процветание рынка.


Task 4. Combine the words and their definitions. Then use the words in the following sentences.


1.wiped off a) experts who are employed by banks, stockbrokers and investment groups to make judgments about the success of companies which their clients may want to invest in
2.analysts b) differences
3.a gap in the market c) if something is unbiased it is done fairly without showing prejudice or favouritism
4.likely d) probably
5.unbiased e) if you end up doing something, you do it even though you did not originally intend to
6.variations f) if you point something out, you cause people to notice it or look at it
7.points out g) when money is wiped off the value, or the price of shares falls
8.end up h) a service or product that is not there in the market but should be there, because there is a demand for it
9. a dying breed i) a particular sort of personwho is becoming increasingly rare

b) Use the words in the following text. Some words can be used more than one time:

Conflicting financial predictions for Europe

A new survey of the accuracy of forecasts by European financial analysts finds huge differences in the quality of their predictions.

Billions of dollars can be added or ________ the share value of major companies on the basis of _________ assessments of their ______ financial performance. But the predictions are often wrong. A new survey by the consultancy firm AQ, based in London, finds huge __________ in the quality of financial research in different parts of Europe.

Most accurate are predictions by financial _______ based in the Netherlands. Least accurate are forecasts coming out of Italy, and more surprisingly perhaps Germany. Britain, France and Spain come somewhere in the middle. In no country are the forecasts very accurate.

The survey says that in industry sectors such as telecommunications the quality may be getting worse. There's also potential for a conflict of interest. The survey _________ that the big banks and investment houses that employ most analysts offer a range of other financial services to business. So analysts often ________ commenting on their employers' customers.

For every analysts' recommendation that investors should sell a share, there are more than ten suggesting they buy or keep a stock. AQ, the group that did the latest survey, says there's a ________________ for traditional, small, independent stockbrokers, offering truly _____________ investment research. They used to rule Europe's stock markets. Now, they are a _________________.



“A Beautiful Mind”

Release date: 2001

Director: Ron Howard

Genre: Documentary



Biopic of the famed mathematician John Nash and his lifelong struggles with his mental health. Nash enrolled as a graduate student at Princeton in 1948 and almost immediately stood out as an odd duck. He devoted himself to finding something unique, a mathematical theorem that would be completely original. He kept to himself for the most part and while he went out for drinks with other students, he spends a lot of time with his roommate, Charles, who eventually becomes his best friend. John is soon a professor at MIT where he meets and eventually married a graduate student, Alicia. Over time however John begins to lose his grip on reality, eventually being institutionalized diagnosed with schizophrenia. As the depths of his imaginary world are revealed, Nash withdraws from society and it's not until the 1970s that he makes his first foray back into the world of academics, gradually returning to research and teaching. In 1994, John Nash was awarded the Nobel prize in Economics.




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