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Ex.11 Complete the sentences

Modal verbs (called modals for short) are _________(1) verbs that express a speaker’s attitude and the strength of that attitude. There are about __________(2) modals in English. A person who is 100% sure uses the verb beas in " I ______(3) sick." If they are mostly sure, say 95%, they will use the modal _______( 4 ), as in " I ______(4)be sick." When speakers are about 50% sure, they will use the modals may, might, or could; as in " I may be sick. I might be sick. I could be sick." Might is used as the _______(5) form of may in reported speech.

Yesterday we had a staff ________(6). I looked _______(7) the room and noticed my co-worker Anna was not there. I asked, " Where's Anna? " and got three answers from my co-workers. Jonathan answered, " Oh, she _______(8)be making a video in the studio." Kelly said, " She _____(9) have stayed home today”. Adam told us, " She called me to say she was doing an interview at the Capitol this morning. So she _____(10) still be working over there." May is sometimes used to express ________(11). But now, it is much more common to hear " I hope that." Traditional poems and prayers also use _____(12) to express positive sentiments. This is part of an old Irish blessing: “May the road _______(13) to meet you”, “May the wind always be at your _______(14)”; “May the sun shine warm _____ (15) your face”.

Ex.12 Answer the questions:

1. What modal verbs will you use to express your certainty of 95%, 50%?

2. What are the other cases to use a modal verb may?

3. What is the English for “Пусть всегда будет Солнце”?

Ex. 13 Fill in each gap using one of the modals of possibility or certainty.

1) I'm sure he is here - I can see his car in front of the building.

He ______ be here. I can see his car in front of the building.

2) They're coming this week but I don't know which day.

They _______ be coming tomorrow.

3) I'm not sure I'm going to pass the exam. I don't feel very confident. I _______ pass the exam. I don't feel very confident.

4) I've bought a lottery ticket. There's a chance I'll become a millionaire!

I ______ become a millionaire!

5) I'm sure she doesn't speak French very well - she's lived in Paris only for a few weeks.

She _________ speak French very well. She's lived in Paris only for a few weeks.

6) My key's not in my pocket or on my desk, so I'm sure it's in the drawer.

My key's not in my pocket or on my desk, so it ________ be in the drawer.

7) Someone told me that Mark was in Mexico but I saw him yesterday, so I'm sure he's not abroad. Mark ________ be abroad.

8) You got the job! That's great! I'm sure you're delighted.

You got the job! That's great. You_______ be delighted.

9) They told me to prepare the project by tomorrow, but it’s almost impossible to have it done so fast.

I _______ finish it by tomorrow if I stay at work all night, but I'm not sure.

10) I asked them to send the goods as soon as possible; we _______receive them by the end of the week if the post is fast.

Lesson 3. Objectives – to revise/learn word combinations no longer, because of, due to, thanks to, to learn/revise suffixes –ness, -ance, /ence, -ist, -ful, -less, to develop listening skills; to encourage students to discuss disputable issues, to practice modal verbs


Phrases/Word formation

no longer, because of, due to, thanks to, to learn/revise suffixes –ness, -ance, /ence, -ist, -ful, -less.

Орловская И.В.: , p. 105 ex. 9, 10; p.106 ex.12; p. 113 ex. 29, p.106-107 ex. 14 A., B



Ex.1 Listen to a story “Gravitational Waves Detected, Einstein Is Right” [8]

(file 4.1 or 4.2 for advanced groups)


Before you start listening read the vocabulary and look through the questions

ripple – n. рябь, расходящийся волнами, пульсация

predict – v. предсказывать; прогнозировать

detect – v.находить; обнаруживать; открывать;

violent – adj. неистовый; яростный; ожесточённый; отчаянный; сильный

crash - v.сталкиваться; разбиваться на куски; раздробляться

black hole - n. черная дыра

ripple in the fabric of space-time phrase: волна, проходящая рябью по космическому пространству

spin (v.) - вращать(ся) вокруг продольной оси;

galaxy – n. Галактика


Ex. 2 Answer the following questions.

1. When did Albert Einstein first talk about the waves?

2. What things must hit each other in space for the waves to form?

3. What are the gravitational waves like?

4. Can you see the gravitational waves with your eyes?

5. What did the scientists use to find them?

6. What would the discovery of the waves answer?

Ex. 3 Listen to a part of the story again and complete the sentences below.

It took __o___h____(1) years, but finally, scientists proved Albert Einstein’s theory that gravitational waves e__________(2). The waves were predicted as part of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativitynearly 100 years a_______(3). It was the theory of the physics behind the workings of our world and the u_______________(4).

The idea was that the waves are like ripples in s_____(5), caused by some of the violentand energetic processes in the Universe. For example, two b ______ h _________ (6) crashing into each other.

Now a group of scientists, i_________(7) ones from from CalTech, MIT and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration finally found the gravitational waves.

David Reitze is the executive director of the LIGO observatory at CalTech.

“We have d________(8) gravitational waves. We did it! “

Listening Comprehension

Ex.1 A (file 5 as an alternative for a basic group)

Listen to a story “Worms Get Ready to Fly in Space” [9]



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