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I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Half way, hit, to be held, kick, to draw up, to invent, last, score, goals, teams, head, kick off, shooting, dribbling, net, serving.

1. In volleyball you score points when the ball ___________ the floor on the opponent’s side of the ________.

2. Football is played by two ________________ of eleven players.

Each team tries to __________ or to __________ the round ball into the other team’s goal.

Forwards usually _________________.

3. A game of Rugby starts with a ____________ from the centre of the ____________ line.

4. James A. Naismith was asked ______________a new team game.

5.The World Cup __________ every four years in different countries.

6. In basketball you score points by __________________ the ball into the baskets.

7. In volleyball only the _____________ team can score points.

8. In basketball you move the ball along the court by bouncing it in front of you. It is called____________.

9.A group of young men met to ______________ one set of rules.

10. The game __________ for 90 minutes.



I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Exciting, invent, surface, serve, net, bounce off, shuttlecock, score points, compete.

1. The ____________of a tennis court can be grass, cement or carpet.

2. The ball must go over the _______ and land in the service area on the other side of the court. (Lawn tennis)

3. To begin a game, one player ___________ the ball to their opponent.

4 Men and women in lawn tennis don’t usually ______________ against each other, except in mixed doubles.

5. The other player has to hit the ball back after the first ____________ the ground.

6. Badminton is a racket game where players hit a ________ back and forth over a high net.

7. Table tennis was probably _________ in the United Kingdom in the 1800s.

8. You ____________ by hitting the ball in such a way that your opponent cannot return it.

9. Today, the Wimbledon tennis tournament is one of the most ___________ in the world.

II. Translate into English.

прыжок с шестом, соревнование, игра закончилась в ничью, выиграть игру, лёгкая атлетика


III.Translate into Russian.

shot putting, ski-jump, indoor sports, spectator, to hold a tournament.



I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Officials, courts, stadium, rink, athletes, field events, rings, track events, scoreboard, spectators.

There are many sports facilities in my city. There are football pitches, tennis and basketball ……, swimming pools, a sports hall with two boxing ……... and a skating …….. There is also an athletic ……., where 20, 000 ……. can watch the …….. on the track and the ……., such as jumping and throwing in the grass centre. The ……. get ready in modern changing rooms and the ……. time and measure the events with modern equipment. A huge electronic......... shows the results.

II track and field events, take part, equipment, track, field.

1. ________ events are made up of running and walking races.

2. The runners in modern races often finish so close together that the officials have to use complicated ___________to record the final results.

3. There are many sports that make up ___________________.

4. _________ events are made up of four jumping and throwing competitions.

II.Translate into Russian.

Track and field events, lanes, hurdles, relay races, a baton, shot.

II.Translate into English.

Побить рекорд, принимать участие в соревнованиях, соревноваться, толчковая нога.

IV. Match two parts.

1 to break A) a stadium
2 track B) the line
3 inside C) a record
4 cross D) races
5 relay E) and field


I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Equipment, take part, swing, perform, pommel horse, rings

1. The floor exercise is ________to music on a mat.2.Men and women __________ in separate competitions on different pieces of apparatus. 3.On the ___________the gymnast supports his weight on his hands, then performs different leg swings without stopping. 4. On the -------, the gymnast performs handstands and swings.5.A German school teacher, named Friedrich Jahn, built the first modern gymnastics ____________ in the early 1800s.6. On the uneven parallel bars, the gymnast _________from bar to bar, performing many difficult exercises without stopping.

II. Translate into Russian.

Beam, uneven parallel bars, side horse vault, pommel horse, rings, floor exercises, parallel bars. III. Translate into English. Гимнастические снаряды, удариться (ушибиться), хорошо выполнять упражнения, выполнять упражнения под музыку.

IV. Match two parts.

1 pieces of A) bars
2 to perform B) apparatus
3 parallel C) exercises
4 floor D) horse
5 pommel E) well



I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Take part, ice, protective, glide, substituted, competitions, to be held, face-off, balance.

1. Skiing ________began in Switzerland, where the first slalom race________ in 1921.

2. Ice hockey begins with a __________ when the referee throws the puck between two forwards from opposing teams. 3. During the game of ice hockey players can be changed or__________ with other players. 4. Skiers also carry two slim poles to help them keep their _______. 5.Ice hockey players need to wear ________ clothing because they bump into each other a lot and this can be dangerous. 6. In countries where there’s snow and ice, people __________in sports that suit the cold weather. 7.Skiing is a sport where you ________over snow on skis.

II. Translate into Russian.

Ice hockey, curved stick, puck, team’s goal, rink, speed skating, glide, figure skating. skiing competitions, pastime, glide over snow on skies, special boots, two slim poles, downhill skiing, cross country skiing, schussing, turning, traversing.

III. Translate into English.

Хоккей на льду, составить свод правил, носить защитную одежду, опасная игра, команда-противник, 20 минутный период игры, ждать очереди выхода на лёд, проводить замену игроков, НХЛ, лучшие футбольные команды, конькобежный спорт, фигурное катание, скользить по льду, яркие костюмы, одиночное фигурное катание, парное катание, путешествие из одной местности в другую по снежной земле, проводить соревнования, носить специальные лыжные ботинки, которые крепятся к лыжам, спускаться на скорости 100 километров в час.


I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

take part, fit, pleasure, pastime, meets, lie, to be held, records.

1. Men’s international swimming ___________ began in the first modern Olympic Games.

2. For the backstroke you _________on your back in the water.

3. You need to be a good swimmer to _________in water sports such as rowing, canoeing and water skiing.

4. Swimming is a popular sport and ____________.

5. Swimming makes you ________and healthy.

6. Many people swim for _________.

7. Swimming ___________can only be set in 50-metre or ‘long course’ pools.

II. Translate into Russian.

Swimming, rowing, canoeing, water skiing, pastime, crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly stroke, record, lane.

III. Translate into English.

Быть здоровым и в хорошей форме, плавать для удовольствия, проводить соревнования по плаванию, 50 метровый бассейн.

IV. Continue the following sentences.

1. The basic strokes in swimming are:

2. The most difficult stroke to learn is_________

3. The water sports are:



I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

Martial art, hurting, belts, strike, opponent.

1. You can tell the rank of the judoka by the color of their _______.

2. The most important thing the judoka learn is how to fall without _________ themselves.

3. Judo comes from an ancient Japanese _________ called Jujitsu.

4. In karate, opponents use their hands, feet, knees and elbows to ______each other.


II. Translate into English.

Стрельба из лука, фехтование, популярный спорт в Японии, вывести из равновесия, удариться, удар, пояс в карате.

III. Continue the following sentences.

1.” Judo” means _____________.

2. You can tell the rank of the judoka by _________________.

3. There are seven main belt colours: ________________________.

4. You start with a beginner’s ___________ belt and work up the scale.

5. Karate means ________________.

6. Two kinds of karate contests are ________________.



I. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Use the correct form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

road racing, track racing, velodrome, take place, brakes

1. Some races ___________against the clock.

2. Track racing takes place on an oval track called a _________.

3. Two main types of cycling are _______ and ___________.


II. Translate into English.

Проводить захватывающие велосипедные гонки, носить специальную форму, защищать от ветра, тормоза, шины, индивидуальные гонки, командные гонки.



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