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Образец: to work - worker (рабочий)

1) to invent -

2) to develop -

3) to design -

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Name Country Invention Advantage
1.Samuel Colt America A pistol with a revolving barrel It could fire six bullets one after another


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1) Ron's parents............... (die) when he was very young. He and his sister (bring) up by their grandparents.

2) Why..... (Sue/resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it?





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Inventors and their inventions


Samuel Colt was an American. He lived in the 19th century. In 1836 he designed and patented a pistol. It was a pistol with a revolving barrel that could fire six bullets one after another. It was the first pistol of its kind. Later there came many other pistols with six bullets.

Rudolf Diesel was a German engineer. He was born in 1858 and died in 1913. In 1897 he invented a new internal combustion engine. This engine is known as a diesel. And it began a transport revolution in cars, lorries, trains and ships.

Samuel Finley Morse was born in 1791. He died in 1872. He was a portrait painter. Then he became an inventor. For twelve years he tried to perfect the telegraph and he was a success. Later he invented the telegraphic dot-and-dash alphabet. Now it is known as Morse code. Morse code was not only one in America of that time. There were some others. But now we use Morse code all over the world.

Charles Makintosh lived from 1766 to 1843. He lived in Scotland and was a chemist by profession. He worked in a textile industry. In 1823 he developed a rubber solution. This rubber solution was used for raincoat production. Raincoats with this rubber solution didn't allow water to penetrate. These raincoats were called makintoshes. Now people all over the world use them in spring and in autumn.

Charles Rolls was born in 1881 in Great Britain. He died in 1910. He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was especially interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce. Henry Royce was a famous car engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car. At the beginning of the 20th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the famous Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars «Silver Ghost» hadn't changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

Gottlieb Daimler and Charles Benz were two inventors. They lived in Germany. They were both interested in car production. At the end of the 19th century each of them designed a car. At the same time they organized two independent firms to produce them.

All the cars produced by the firm of Daimler were called «Mercedes». Mercedes was a daughter's name of one of the stockholders of the firm. This man saved the firm of Daimler from financial crisis at the beginning of the 20th century. But after the World War I the firm of Daimler met with financial difficulties again.


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Образуйте новые слова по образцу.

Образец: to work - worker (рабочий)

1) to use -

2) to paint -

3) to create –


Сделайте краткое обобщение текста. Заполните таблицу.

Name Country Invention Advantage
1.Samuel Colt America A pistol with a revolving barrel It could fire six bullets one after another


Выпишите глаголы, которые употребляются в страдательном залоге из 3 абзаца текста.

Перепишите предложения, поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время, правильно выбрав залог.


1) The letter … (post) a week ago and it …. (arrive) yesterday.

2) While I was on holiday, my camera …… (disappear) from my hotel room.



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Inventors and their inventions


Samuel Colt was an American. He lived in the 19th century. In 1836 he designed and patented a pistol. It was a pistol with a revolving barrel that could fire six bullets one after another. It was the first pistol of its kind. Later there came many other pistols with six bullets.

Rudolf Diesel was a German engineer. He was born in 1858 and died in 1913. In 1897 he invented a new internal combustion engine. This engine is known as a diesel. And it began a transport revolution in cars, lorries, trains and ships.

Samuel Finley Morse was born in 1791. He died in 1872. He was a portrait painter. Then he became an inventor. For twelve years he tried to perfect the telegraph and he was a success. Later he invented the telegraphic dot-and-dash alphabet. Now it is known as Morse code. Morse code was not only one in America of that time. There were some others. But now we use Morse code all over the world.

Charles Makintosh lived from 1766 to 1843. He lived in Scotland and was a chemist by profession. He worked in a textile industry. In 1823 he developed a rubber solution. This rubber solution was used for raincoat production. Raincoats with this rubber solution didn't allow water to penetrate. These raincoats were called makintoshes. Now people all over the world use them in spring and in autumn.

Charles Rolls was born in 1881 in Great Britain. He died in 1910. He was an aristocrat and businessman. He was especially interested in cars. Once he met another enthusiast of cars Henry Royce. Henry Royce was a famous car engineer. They decided to design the most comfortable and reliable car. At the beginning of the 20th century it seemed to be a fantasy. But they worked hard and at last in 1907 they created the famous Rolls-Royce car. It was so comfortable and reliable that one of the models of Rolls-Royce cars «Silver Ghost» hadn't changed greatly for 20 years since 1907.

Gottlieb Daimler and Charles Benz were two inventors. They lived in Germany. They were both interested in car production. At the end of the 19th century each of them designed a car. At the same time they organized two independent firms to produce them.

All the cars produced by the firm of Daimler were called «Mercedes». Mercedes was a daughter's name of one of the stockholders of the firm. This man saved the firm of Daimler from financial crisis at the beginning of the 20th century. But after the World War I the firm of Daimler met with financial difficulties again.


Письменно переведите 1 и 4 абзацы текста.

Образуйте новые слова по образцу.

Образец: to work - worker (рабочий)

1) to produce -

2) to drive –

3) to make –


Сделайте краткое обобщение текста. Заполните таблицу.

Name Country Invention Advantage
1.Samuel Colt America A pistol with a revolving barrel It could fire six bullets one after another


Выпишите глаголы, которые употребляются в страдательном залоге из 7 абзаца текста.

Перепишите предложения, поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время, правильно выбрав залог.


1) Where … (these photographs/take)? In London? ……. (you/ take) them?

2) While I was on holiday, my camera……. (steal) from my hotel room.



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Technology in our lives

Technology plays a role in all aspects of our lives - the way we work, the way we live at home. The speed of technological change in the past 100 years has been incredible.

The early telephones were large, and they did not even have dials or buttons. You picked up a receiver and talked to an operator who made a call for you. Nowadays, cellular telephones fit in our pockets, and we can use them to make phone calls from anywhere to anywhere. In grocery stores, cashiers used to punch keys on cash registers to enter the price of each item. These days, scanners read bar codes on products packaging, and the prices are recorded by computerized cash register. In the past we made a trip to the bank to deposit or withdraw money. Now we can use ATMs (automated teller machines). And many people do their bank transactions at home on line.

Modern technology has dramatically improved our lives. Personal computers enable us to create documents, store information, and analyze data - at work or at home. The Internet allows us to send and receive e-mail messages, connects us to the World Wide Web, and allows us to go shopping online from our homes. Miniature cameras that patients can swallow permit doctors to diagnose medical conditions without surgery. «Smart homes» operated by computers turn lights on and off as people enter or leave the rooms and enable the homeowners to «call their houses» to turn on the heat or air conditioning.

Many people feel, however, that technology has its price. With automated supermarket checkout lines, ATMs and online banking, and Internet shopping, we can meet our daily needs without having contact with other people. Life with technology can be very lonely! Also, many people are concerned about privacy. Technology makes it possible for companies or the government to monitor our use of the Internet. Our credit card numbers, bank account information, medical information, and other personal data are all stored on computers. Protecting that information will be an important issue in the years ahead. Bliss.

(From «Side by Side», by Steven J. Molinsky, Bill)



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