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Инфинитив в различных функциях

Инфинитив в различных функциях (определения, дополнения, подлежащего, обстоятельства следствия и цели и т.д.) переводится на русский язык в зависимости от контекста и нюансов его функций определительным придаточным предложением, причастием, прилагательным, существительным с предлогом и т.д.

Делая свой выбор, переводчик безусловно должен исходить из требований контекста, но нижеследующие примеры проиллюстрируют наиболее часто встречающиеся варианты употребления и перевода инфинитива.

The question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in London. - Вопрос будет обсуждаться на конференции, которая должна вскоре открыться в Лондоне.

Our representative was the first to raise this question. - Наш представитель был первым, кто поднял этот вопрос.

There was nothing to argue about. - Спорить было не о чем.

The events to come are shown in the latest survey. - Предстоящие события описаны в последнем обзоре.

The parties to the contract had no objections to make. - У сторон по контракту не было возражений.

Modern technology is one of the ways to increase productivity. - Внедрение современных технологий - один из способов повысить производительность ( повышения производительности).

They claim to be cutting expenses. - Они утверждают, что ( якобы) сокращают расходы.

The company managed to cut the costs drastically only to find that their products were not competitive any more. - Компании удалось резко сократить издержки, но их продукция все равно оказалась неконкурентоспособной.

The idea of a merger was abandoned never to be discussed again. - От идеи слияния отказались и никогда к ней не возвращались (ее не обсуждали) вновь.

The talks were bound to fail. - Переговоры были обречены на провал ( неизбежно должны были провалиться)


Translate the following sentences:

  1. The plant to be built next to the existing one is to be completed next year, with a daily capacity to convert 10 tons of lignite into 2.5 tons of liquid fuel, or 18 barrels.
  2. The government policies are failing. That is the only conclusion to be drawn from the Bank of England quarterly review and the report of the Commons Treasury and Civil Service Committee.
  3. The council finds no single dominant reason to account for the whole range of rising imports.
  4. The said tax increases to reduce government borrowing would do little to help recession hit industry or reduce unemployment.
  5. If the present administration is ever unwise enough to adopt quotas on imported cars, it will discover that, among other things, the quotas set the industry's wages.
  6. Japanese consumers have simply not been purchasing many of the high-ticket items - particularly automobiles and appliances - in sufficient volume to keep Japan's economy moving at the higher rate business would like to achieve.
  7. Trade barriers don't save jobs, either. The dollars that go abroad to pay for automobiles eventually come back to purchase U.S. goods. These sales create more new jobs than can be saved by restrictions on imports.
  8. They say ways and means must be found whereby developing countries can expand their exports and increase foreign exchanges earnings to pay for such internal programmes as power projects, transport services, exploration of natural resources and industrialization generally.
  9. The chancellor, in fact, was quick to warn us against raising false hopes on the basis of the new international support given for the pound.
  10. Britons awoke this morning to face the prospect of the coldest winter and, hence, the largest energy bills.
  11. Still, Japan's economic success carries inevitable political consequences, and they are bound to be recognized sooner or later.



Инфинитивные конструкции

Вышеупомянутая важность контекста верна и для перевода инфинитивных конструкций. Тем не менее обратите внимание на наиболее часто встречающийся перевод следующих конструкций:

(he) is reported to… - передают/сообщают (сообщается), что (он)…; утверждают, что (якобы)…

…is believed to… - полагают/считают, что (он)…

…is considered to… - считают/считается, что…

…is thought to… - считают/думают, что…

…is understood to… - по имеющимся сведениям (он)…; считают/считается, что…; по существующей договоренности/согласно договоренности…

…is expected to… - ожидается/предполагается, что (он)…

…is estimated to… - по оценкам…

…is alleged to… - говорят/считают, что (он) якобы…

…is heard to… - имеются сведения, что (он)…

…is seen to… - считается/рассматривается/рассматривают, что…

…is felt to… - считают, что…

…seems to… - кажется, что…

…appears to… - по-видимому (он)…

…is likely to… - по-видимому/похоже на то, что…; по всей вероятности/вероятно… (существует большая / маленькая вероятность)

…is unlikely to… маловероятно, чтобы…; едва ли/вряд ли…

…happens (happened) to… - случайно (он)…; случилось так, что…

…is sure (certain) to… - (он) обязательно/наверняка/определенно…

…is forecast to… - по прогнозам…


Примечание: После слов likely (unlikely), sure, certain действие, выраженное инфинитивом, обычно относится к будущему времени.

The economic problems facing France are certain to have strong repercussions. - Cтоящие перед Францией экономические трудности наверняка будут иметь серьезные последствия.


Translate the following sentences:

1. The company is expected to obtain a full quotation for its shares on the London Stock Exchange tomorrow.
2. Discussions were expected to continue on the subject of growth, inflation and employment.
3. This was the situation with most of the British exhibitors, the majority of whom displayed expensive, sophisticated machinery of original design and an advanced technical standard for which actual orders are rarely expected to be placed on the spot.
4. In the first quarter output fell by about 1 per cent but this is thought to be only a temporary setback and further slow growth is expected for the rest of the year.
5. U.S. officials were said to consider that uncertainty was bound to continue unless some drastic measures were taken.
6. A whole range of economic factors are said to influence the resources.
7. Its overall profitability is said to be below Philips' international average.
8. Areas in which the UK engineering industry is especially strong are said to include power generation, oil projects, consultancy and project management.
9. The Department of Industry is believed to have offered Philips nearly $ 1 million last year to keep the plant open.
10. The Bank of England has been examining the applications and is believed to have considered whether the award of banking licences in London should be matched by concessions for British banks operating in Japan.
11. Ford is understood to be close to a decision to establish a car diesel engine manufacturing plant in Britain.
12. All the leading companies are understood to be anxious to begin banking operations in London.
13. Inflation is forecast to fall to 12 per cent by the end of the year.
14. It is noteworthy that the Federal and State Parliaments are considered to bear no responsibility in this matter, probably in part because these institutions are little involved in environmental and energy questions.
15. Benefits to the balance of payments are estimated to reach about $ 475 million per annum and the total investment generated will create about 11, 500 jobs.
16. The first effect was that British engineering and construction industries laid off a considerable number of men because the business outlook appears to be of a no-growth nature and thus there was no incentive to invest to expand.
17. These increases in the inflow of orders after many months of poor demand appear to represent the turning point before the general recovery.
18. Thus the increase in exports appears to have flattened out. Shipments to both North America and Europe appear to have slowed down.
19. The long-established inverse link between the gold price and the value of the dollar appeared to have been finally severed.
20. Recently these plans seemed to have assumed a new reality and to have become more aggressive.
21. Whilst successful innovation does seem to lead to higher profits, it is far from clear that higher profits lead to more innovations.
22. Home demand seems likely to be flat through the year after the rise in the first quarter.
23. Even if the change had to be made slowly, the savings seem to be worth serious study.
24. By this Mr. Healey said he meant the relationship between employment and output, which most countries had come to regard as given, seemed to have gone wrong in a number of countries, including the UK, in the last year.
25. The sharp rises in U.S. and Euro-dollar interest rates during March and early April of this year seem to have perturbed the Fed.
26. Furthermore, this favourable balance is likely to increase as North Sea Oil increases production.
27. Nonetheless, one can at least identify some of the factors that are likely to influence the firm's activities in relation to industrial innovation.
28. The time is fast approaching, however, to seek a substantial bank loan and, as the oil boom is gaining momentum, the company is not likely to have any difficulty in securing it.
29. The Prime Minister made clear that he himself was opposed to any direct interference with the level of interest rates in the country as likely to be " inefficient, inequitable and unworkable".
30. The impact on sterling of this news is likely to be sustaining in the short term and depressing in the longer term.
31. Such a policy is most unlikely, of itself, to cure the unemployment situation.
32. The Bundesbank is unlikely to react to political pressure to ease its tight monetary policy in the run up to the election.
33. In these circumstances the Bundesbank is unlikely to reduce current interest rate levels in the immediate future.
34. Costs have reared up by so much that it is unlikely that any new small oil company could start up now in the North Sea.
35. Because of these difficulties the relative accuracy of the estimates is likely to have been reduced in recent years.
36. The report says that it appears that the building industry is unlikely to be reformed from within and that some form of compulsion will be necessary if reasonable standards of construction and finish are to be secured and jerry-building discouraged.








  1. A. Оказание помощи при различных травмах и повреждениях.
  2. Ex. Переведите, обратив внимание на перевод инфинитива, определите его функцию.
  3. V. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в них видовременные формы глаголов и укажите их инфинитив, переведите предложения на русский язык (см. образец выполнения 3).
  4. Алгоритмы на различных языках программирования. Заполнение массивов
  5. Анализ использования различных рекламных средств ООО «Евросеть Ритейл» за 2007–2008 годы.
  6. Анализ опасности поражения током в различных электрических сетях
  7. Бесконечно малые функции, основные теоремы о бесконечно малых функциях
  8. В мире существует множество различных школ мистицизма и оккультизма. Как наверняка найти систему, наиболее отвечающую индивидуальным запросам ?
  9. Взаимодействие различных факторов в историческом процессе
  10. Влияние различных факторов на процесс деформирования
  11. Влияния среды и различных контекстов
  12. Возбуждением при различных сопротивлениях в цепи якоря

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