Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Take a look into two CV samples and define the nationality of the target company. Give your grounds.



EVGENIY KLIMKIN email: crown@reinсаrnate.com

304 Park Avenue South, telephone: +7 962 998 1979

11th Floor, New York, NY 10132

Objective: To obtain a position of Senior Advisor on International Humanitarian Law issues in International Committee of the Red Cross African Department


2010-2013 Specialist, Institute of Jurisprudence, Private International Law, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

2007-2010 International Law Faculty, Ural State Law Academy

Work Experience

2014-2018 Legal Advisor, Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN

2013-2014 Lawyer Assistant, Moscow Legal Research Center


Russian (native), English (fluent), French (intermediate)

Personal Interests include language study, playing the piano, the guitar and the saxophone, snowboarding


Available upon request



Name: Kamenetskaya Yana D.

Date of birth: 30.11.1992

Address: 4, Moskvorechye st., 294, Moscow, Russia

Phone number: 8- 499-725-2640

Mobile number: 8-905-505-5575

E-mail: [email protected]

2010-2015 Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia Graduated with honours, qualified as «Lawyer» (Diploma № ACF 001258965, reg. № 55896, 25.06.2015). Majors: Civil Law, Criminal Law, Administrative Law, Criminal and Civil Procedure, Economics, Tax Law, Philosophy, International Law, Labour Law, Land Law. Course papers: «Political rights of Russian citizens», «Legal regulation of natural monopolies». Graduation paper – «Legal support of small and medium businesses».
1999-2010 Gymnasium № 1579, Moscow, Russia History (A), Maths (A), English (A), Biology (A), Chemistry (B), Literature (A), Geography (A), Business English (A), Physics (A), Russian (A), Economics (A).
Summer 2015 Training course at Moscow Business Management University. Drafting legal documents, agreements according to INCOTERMS.
Summer 2014 Training course at School of Management. Drafting contracts and appendixes according to INCOTERMS, operating “Consultant Plus” and “Garant” search systems.
Summer 2013 Perovskiy district court, Moscow, Russia Drafting legal documents, assisting with trial preparation.
Summer 2012 Procurator’s Office, Moscow, Russia Drafting legal documents, liaison with citizens.


Computer skills MS Office, Windows XP, Word, Excel, Access, Adobe Photoshop, Power Point, Internet, Consultant +, Garant.
Languages Native Russian speaker, fluent English, German – Elementary level.  
Achievements Cambridge First Certificate in English Cambridge Certificate in Advanced Language
Interests · Learning foreign languages · Sports (tennis and football) · Travelling  


Available upon request


Exercise 2.


Cover letter or Covering letter is an e-mail text you send applying to the HR manager and making him or her consider your CV. Read this sample and appreciate the Applicant’s chance to be invited to the interview. Give your grounds.


Dear Mr. Mosby,

In response to your advertisement that I have just seen in “The Times” I am applying for the position of a legal counsel. As requested, I am enclosing my CV, job application form and three references.

I know that Stetson Company is one of Chicago’s premier law firms with nationally acclaimed expertise in management strategies, corporate and security transactions, acquisitions of real estate, human resources and employee benefits, marketing and intellectual property. I am also informed that your company deals with different types of contracts, transactions, etc. It examines cases in the spheres of civil law, corporate law, tax law, commercial law, copyright law and patent law.

Being a highly qualified specialist I believe I meet the requirements of your company. More than that, as you will see from my CV, I have some relevant experience because of my work in the district court, Prosecutor’s Office and the training courses taken. Moreover, I have two Cambridge certificates confirming my high level of spoken and written English.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available for interview at any time.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Yana Kamenetskaya


Exercise 3.


This autobiography sample contains 4 errors of different kinds. Find them and correct the sentences.



I’m Victoria Karelina. I was born on the 29th of July 1991 in Bologoye, Russia.

When I was 6 years old I engaged in ballroom dancing, later I studied painting at an art school and sang in the school choir.

From 1998 to 2006 I was studied in school №3 in Smela, Ukrain. I was active in sports and participated in all school events.

When I was 15 years old, my family moved back to Russia. When at school I went to a law class, I enjoyed studying law so I had no doubt about the choice of my future profession.

In 2008 I entered into Kutafin Moscow State Academy of Law.

Last summer my elder sister and I went to England to a school in Oxford to study English. It was a very interesting and informative holiday. We studied the English language in groups of 12 persons. All students came from different countries. Communication with them was very interesting – not only have I learnt English, but I also learned many interesting things about my classmates, their countries, traditions and customs.

Now I am working for my Master’s degree. I have chosen employment law as my major.


Exercise 4.


Consider the following samples and make up your own portfolio.

About myself

(Sample of an essay)

At first I should say that it is not an easy thing to speak about yourself as it is hard to have a look at yourself from aside, but at the same time who knows you better than you do?

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Natalie Voronkova. I’m twenty-two years old.

I am a student of Kutafin Moscow State Law University.

I was born in Moscow where I live with my parents.

I have an elder sister. She has her own little family - a husband and a child. My nephew's name is Makar, he is two years old. I love him very much. Whenever I get free time, I visit him in Sokolniki, where he lives with his mom and dad, and we all go for a walk to the park. My sister is a lawyer, she graduated from MSAL with honours too.

When I was 2 years old, my parents and I went to Morocco. It was a business trip for my dad. He worked at the Russian Embassy. We had lived there for three years and during that period we made several trips to Spain and Portugal. I went to the kindergarten, where I met many children from different countries. With some of them we are still in touch. For example, a friend of mine, Artem Konovalov, lives in Austria now and plays hockey for the national team. We haven't seen each other for a while, but we often talk on the phone and communicate on the Internet. Morocco is a beautiful country, but mostly I remember the city where we lived. We lived in Rabat, the capital of the country. The only event that spoiled our stay was the terrorist attack by a suicide bomber who penetrated into our embassy and blew up himself in the Consular department. After that event we were guarded with extra security and we weren't allowed to drive to the city by ourselves.

When we got back from Morocco the most unusual thing for me was the weather. I could not get used to the winter frost, because in Morocco it had been very warm in winter. I went to school in Moscow. At the same time, I went to an art school and started learning English. I have always been on the top of my class, I have many diplomas and certificates. Several times I won in competitions among schools. I finished school with honours. Then I passed the entrance exams and entered one of the most prestigious universities in Moscow—Kutafin Moscow State Law University.

After the 2nd course I had a clinical training in court and the Public Procurator’s Office. It was very interesting to me. Later I started my practice as a trainee at “PRO BONO” Student Center of Legal Aid. Recently I’ve got my bachelor degree and now I’m working on my Master’s programme.

I also want to say some words about my interests. As they say ‘‘tastes differ’’. Different people like different things, so different people have different hobbies. I like to play tennis and swim in the warm sea. When I am free I meet with my friends, we go to the cinema, discuss books and walk around the city.





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