Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

The child fell off the bicycle.

The cup fell off the table.

б off his bicycle с велосипеда

15 When he fell, he hit his head against the edge of the pavement.

Когда он упал, он стукнулся головой о край тротуара.

a he hit his head - он стукнулся головой

Как вы знаете, в английском языке притяжательные местоимения означающие принадлежность, употребляются гораздо чаще, чем в русском. В таких предложениях, как это, они при переводе опускаются:

he hit his head - он стукнулся головой.

The child fell off his bicycle. - Ребенок упал с велосипеда.

I 'm helping my father. - Я помогаю отцу.

I 'phoned my sister. Я позвонила сестре.

б against - против При столкновении, соприкосновении, предлог against переводится, в зависимости от глагола, как о, об, на, с, и т.п. В данном случае to hit against - стукнуться о, об.

16 His mother thought he'd broken his arm or his leg but he hadn't. Его мама думала,

что он сломал руку или ногу, но этого не случилось.

a he'd broken his arm - он сломал руку

he'd broken his leg - он сломал ногу

б arm - рука

Русскому слову рука в английском языке соответствуют два слова: arm - от плеча до кисти, и hand кисть. (Вам встречалось сложное слово handbag - ручная дамская сумочка.)

leg - нога Русскому слову нога в английском языке также соответствуют два

слова: leg - от бедра до стопы, и foot - стопа. ( Foot вам встречалось в сложном слове football - футбол букв. ножной мяч.)

в but he hadn't. - Букв. но он не (сломал).

17 Was the boy hurt badly? Мальчик сильно ушибся?

18 The blood had frightened her. Она испугалась при виде крови. (букв. Кровь

испугала ее.)

19 Yes, mothers are always worrying about their children. Да, матери всегда

беспокоятся о своих детях.

children - дети Обратите внимание на особую форму множественного числа от слова child - children.

20 Now, what's the matter with you? Ну, что с тобой случилось?

Заучите наизусть это выражение:

What's the matter with you? Что с тобой (с вами) случилось?

What's the matter with him? - Что с ним?

21 Do you feel tired? Ты чувствуешь усталость? (букв. Ты чувствуешь себя

усталым? )

22 I 've got a sore throat and a headache. У меня болит горло и голова.

a I 've got a sore throat - у меня болит горло (букв. у меня воспаленное горло)

б I 've got a headache - у меня болит голова.

23 My whole body feels weak. У меня слабость во всем теле.

24 I really feel terrible. Я действительно ужасно себя чувствую.

25 Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat. Широко открой pom,

чтобы я мог посмотреть горло.

a open your mouth - откройте рот В английском языке обязательно

указывается принадлежность:

open your mouth, I can look at your throat, (см. прим. 15 к этому уроку).

бso that I can look - чтобы я мог посмотреть

26 I 'll have to give you an injection. Мне придется сделать вам укол.

27 I advise you to have an injection. Я советую вам согласиться на укол.

to have an injection - букв. получить укол

I gave an injection. - Я сделал укол.

I had an injection. - Мне сделали укол.

28 You won't get better quickly unless I give you one. Вы быстро не поправитесь,

если я не сделаю вам укол.

a to get better - поправиться, выздороветь.

б unless - если не

unless I give you one - если я не сделаю вам (укол)

unless he tells me - если он мне не скажет

29 Simon's caught a cold. Саймон простудился.

to catch a cold - простудиться

Глагол to catch - неправильный: catch - caught.

30 I 'll be better soon. Я скоро поправлюсь.

to get better - поправляться

to be better - выздороветь

to get передает процесс; to be - состояние.

I am getting better - я поправляюсь, я выздоравливаю

I am better - мне лучше, я поправился.

31 What's your advice, doctor? Что вы советуете, доктор?

What's your advice? означает то же, что и What do you advise? Немного раньше

вам встретится глагол to advise: I advise you to have an injection. Обратите

внимание на разницу в написании: advise глагол, и advice - существительное.

Послушайте снова эти предложения:

I advise you to have an injection.

What's your advice, doctor?

Отметьте разницу в произношении, она отражена в написании этих слов.

32 My advice is that he gets plenty of sleep. Я советую ему побольше спать.

a my advice is - я советую (букв. мой совет...)

б to get plenty of sleep - много спать

to get plenty of food - много есть

33 If he goes out, he'll probably catch 'flu. Если он выйдет на улицу, он может

заболеть гриппом.

a if he goes out - если он выйдет (из дому, на улицу)

б to catch 'flu - заболеть гриппом

Слово 'flu является сокращением от слова influenza -медицинского термина,

означающего грипп, инфлюэнца. В разговорном английском языке в значении

грипп употребляется слово 'flu - апостроф указывает на стяжение слова,

отсутствие некоторой его части.

34 Oh, I almost forgot. Ой, чуть не забыл.

Слово almost - почти, в сочетании с глаголами на русский язык обычно

переводится как чуть не.

I almost caught 'flu. Я чуть не простудился.

I almost went out. - Я чуть не вышел на улицу.

35 Here's a prescription for some medicine. Вот рецепт на лекарство.

to take medicine - принимать лекарство



Exercise 1



What would you do, if you had a lot of money? buy an island/be ill/cough

If I had a lot of money, I'd buy an island.

What would he do, if he hated injections? have an injection/ask for pills/hit the doctor

If he hated injections, he'd ask for pills.

1 What would you do, if you had a lot of money? buy an island/be ill/cough

2 What would he do, if he hated injections? have an injection/ask for pills/

hit the doctor

3 What would they do, if they wanted to book a table? ring the restaurant/post a parcel/

think about it

4 What would we do, if we left our jobs? go to sleep/take some aspirin/

look for other jobs

5 What would you do, if you felt ill? do some sightseeing/go to bed/

go to the theatre

6 What would she do, if she went to Geneva in winter? swim in the lake/watch football/

do some ski-ing

7 What would he do, if he couldn't have his suit cleaned? wear another suit/take it to the

launderette/buy a scarf

8 What would they do, if they went to a discotheque? buy a record/dance/see a film

9 What would we do, if it were wet? stay in the house/go for a walk/

have an injection

10 What would you do, if you had a sore throat? wash your face/buy a scarf/

go to see a doctor


Exercise 2



I went for a swim. I wanted to catch a cold.

I went for a swim so that I would catch a cold.

He caught a cold. He did not want to have to go to work.

He caught a cold so that he would not have to go to work.

1 I went for a swim. I wanted to catch a cold.

2 He caught a cold. He did not want to have to go to work.

3 She took a lot of photos. She wanted to remember her visit.

4 The doctor gave Simon an injection. Simon wanted to feel better.

5 She had plenty of sleep. She did not want to be tired.

6 They left the house at six. They wanted to be early.

7 I asked for another blanket. I did not want to be cold.

8 We phoned the restaurant. We did not want to have to wait for a table.

9 He left early. He did not want to have to have too many drinks.

10 He took some aspirin. He wanted to feel better.


Exercise 3



If he had bought a car, he... driven to Scotland. will/would have/would

If he had bought a car, he would have driven to Scotland

If they... a cheque, they will buy some tickets. had cashed/cash/cashed

If they cash a cheque, they will buy some tickets.

1 If he had bought a car, he... driven to Scotland. will/would have/would

2 If they... a cheque, they will buy some tickets. had cashed/cash/cashed

3 If I... him to stay in bed, he will be angry. tell/told/am telling

4 If the doctor tells him to go to bed, he... go. would/would have/will

5 If he gave Simon some pills, Simon... be ill for a few days. will/would have/would

6 If we had... a doctor, we would have told you. want/wanted/will want

7 If she wants an injection, she... ask for one. will/would have/has

8 If he... the medicine, he would not have taken it. hates/hated/had hated

9 If they like the play, they... go to see it again. would have/would/will

10I'll buy you a present, if you... me some money. gave/had given/give


Exercise 4



I suppose I'll go to the beach. he misses the train

I suppose he'll be at the station. it's wet

I suppose I'll go to the beach unless it's wet.

I suppose he’ll be at the station unless he misses the train.


1 I suppose I'll go to the beach. the weather is good

2 I suppose he'll be at the station. they hurry

3 I suppose he won't enjoy his holiday. we give them our address

4 I suppose they'll be late. he misses the train

5 I suppose we won't be able to drive there. you invite her to the party

6 I suppose she'll be cold. we buy the paper

7 I suppose they won't write to us. you leave before ten

8 I suppose you won't be here for lunch. we hire a car

9 I suppose I won't meet Mary. we give her more blankets

10 I suppose we won't be able to read about it. it's wet


Exercise 5



What has happened? He has hurt his leg./ It is the doctor.

He has hurt his leg.


1 What has happened? He has hurt his leg./ It is the doctor.

2 Who is this? It is the dentist./He is riding a bicycle.

3 What is the matter with Sheila? She has broken her leg./ She has got a sore throat.

4 What has he broken? He has broken his leg./ He has broken his arm.

5 Who is this? It is a nurse./It is a waitress.

6 What is the matter with Jane? She has got a headache./She has cut her hair.




(Below is an extract from the book " The Unwanted" by the world-famous surgeon Ch. Barnard and journalist S. Stander about the work of doctors in a South African hospital for children).


The telephone on his bedside table began to ring. He looked at it, then crossed quickly to the bed and took the receiver.

" Yes? "

" Professor van der Riet? "

" Yes, yes."

" Moolman, sir. I'm sorry to worry you, sir."

" All right, man. What is it? "

" You said to phone you when I'd seen the X-ray, sir."

" I know. What did they find? "

" The plate shows about two thirds of the right lung is consolidated1"

" Okay, I told you what to do. Have you got the kid in Intensive Care? "

The young man gave a dry, nervous cough.

" The nurse says she can't take the child into that unit, sir."

" The nurse says what? "

" She says she can't take a Bantu child because there's a white child in there, " Moolman told him unhappily. " I guess2 we'll have to go on with the treatment in the ward."

" Was that the only reason she gave? Only that there was a white child in the unit? "

" Yes, sir, " Moolman hesitated. " But I don't think it was the nurse's decision. The matron told her she couldn't take the baby."

" How did the matron come into this? 3"

'The nurse phoned about the new patient and the matron told her not to allow the baby in there."

" What right has the matron got to tell me where I have to treat my patients? "

" I think it was on instruction from the superintendent4, sir."

" But I've... never mind. Now listen. You go up to that ward and you pick up that baby in your arms and you carry him down to the unit. And God help anybody who tries to stop you. I'll be right over." Deon put down the receiver and turned to his wife.

" I have to go back to the hospital, but it shouldn't take me very long." She did not reply and refused to look at him.

As he did up his tie once more, he thought angrily about the hospital superintendent's interference. He had believed that he and the superin­tendent had sorted out that particular problem at least. When he had started to operate at the children's hospital, there had been room for only one intensive care unit5. Naturally the race question had soon arisen. So, to keep the races separate, he had to operate only on white children one week and only on coloured and black the next. In practice, of course, it was impossible. Disease did not respect the colour bar6. Often a child of the wrong colour would be too ill to be moved back to the ward at the end of the week. Or there would be a black emergence during the white week. He had explained the problem to the superintendent as tactfully as possible!

" It's not working and it's never going to."

The superintendent could see the problem but was afraid to commit himself. " That's all very well, Deon. But we've got to obey the law of the country. You know." "

" Well, if you want to be so strict about the law then I shouldn't be allowed to use the same operating room, the same instruments and the same staff on both white and black patients. The whole thing is a farce."

The superintendent had spread his hands. " Deon, I'm here to see that the hospital is run according to the rules."

" You know they are wrong. In future I'm not going to waste my time following rules. And I'll make sure that the parents understand that their prejudice has resulted in their child getting inferior treatment."

(After Ch. Barnard and S. Stande'r)



1 The plate shows about two thirds of the right lung is consolidated — Снимок показывает

затмение правого лёгкого приблизитепьно на две трети.

2 I guess... (амер.) — Я полагаю

3 How did the matron come into this? — Причем здесь старшая сестра?

4 superintendent— зд. главный врач

5 intensive care unit — палата интенсивной терапии

6 the colour bar — расовый барьер







Part 1


Mr. Fenton This morning the Hunts are coming here so that I can show them the college. Guy and Sarah hope their son'll like it. Simon doesn't want to go to college. If he likes it, perhaps he'll change his mind. He doesn't like studying. Guy thinks Simon's lazy but I don't agree with him.

I doubt if Simon's really lazy. It sounds as if he's interested in other kinds of things.

At his age I didn't want to study, either. You seldom worry about the future when you're

his age. I'll tell him about the advantages of a college education. Then I'll show him the sports ground. If he saw the boys on the football field, he'd want to go to college. And if he sees some of the girls, he'll change his mind very quickly. I hope he's easy to persuade.


Part 2


Mr. Fenton's office


Mr. Hunt Excuse me. Can you tell me where Mr. Fenton's office is?

Secretary The next door on the left is his. Here's Mr. Fenton now.

Mr. Fenton Hello, Guy. Where's the rest of your family?

Mr. Hunt They're outside. I suggested they waited out there.

Mr. Fenton What did you do that for?

Mr. Hunt I thought you'd probably be busy.

Mr. Fenton Nonsense. You ought to have brought them in.

Mr. Hunt They're walking round so that they can see where everything is.

Mr. Fenton I suggest you and Simon and I look round together so that I'll be able to answer his questions. If there are too many people around, you can't talk seriously.

Mr. Hunt Yes, I agree.

Mr. Fenton Let's go then.



Mr. Fenton Hello, Simon. How are you feeling today?

Simon I'm not sure how I'm feeling. Better, I think.

Mr. Fenton How do you like the college?

Simon I doubt if I'll like it but I like where it is and I like its size. It looks as if it's very small.

Mr. Fenton Yes, it's very pleasant. There are only about a thousand students.

Simon What kind of students come here?

Mr. Fenton That's a difficult question to answer. I suppose it's an impossible question to answer, really. There are all kinds. They're difficult to describe.

Simon What do they do in their spare time?

Mr. Fenton All kinds of things. There are a lot of different kinds of clubs to join. Some students meet their friends at the Union. Some go to the library to study

Simon Have they got to go to the library to study?

Mr. Fenton No, they can study where they want to.

Simon Do you know what sports they play?

Mr. Fenton Oh yes, there are teams for all kinds of sports.

Simon It sounds as if going to college is fun.


A good suggestion


Mr. Fenton What will you do if you don't go to college, Simon?

Simon I'm not sure what I'll do.

Mr. Fenton You really ought to go to college. If you have the chance, it's a shame to waste it.

Mr. Hunt That's my advice, too. We've suggested he tries it for a year.

Simon But I don't like studying

Mr. Fenton What do you like doing?

Simon Playing the guitar. I'd like to be a jazz guitarist.

Mr. Hunt That's a silly thing to say. You can't be a professional guitarist unless you're

very good.

Mr. Fenton Why don't you study music?

Simon I don't suppose you can study jazz here. You can only study classical music, can't you?

Mr. Fenton Of course not. You can study all kinds of music and there are a lot of groups to join.

Simon That's the best suggestion yet.

Mr. Fenton Now, let's walk towards the Union.


What Simon thought


Mrs. Hunt Do you know where the children are?

Mr. Fenton At the Union. I suggested they had some coffee.

Mrs. Hunt Do you know what Simon thought about the college?

Mr. Fenton It seemed as if he liked everything. I think we've persuaded him.

Mrs. Hunt Marvellous. How did you change his mind?

Mr. Fenton Well, I told him about the sports.

Mr. Hunt And then he told Simon about the music.

Mr. Fenton And then Simon saw a group of pretty girls.

Mrs. Hunt Why don't you send us a prospectus?

Mr. Fenton All right. And if you have any questions to ask, write to me. You know where the college is. Its address is on this card.

Mrs. Hunt Thanks. Now we ought to go, Guy. You're going shopping. Remember?


Part 3


John’s future


Bob John looks as if he's worried.

Pat I agree with you.

Bob Perhaps he's worried about his school work.

Pat Yes, if he wants to go to college, he's got to do well at school.

Bob And if he wants to do well at school, he mustn't be lazy.

Pat I agree.

Bob I think we've got to persuade him to think about his future.


Andrew’s present


Andrew What kind of things does Mary like?

Bob I suggest you ask her.

Andrew I can't ask her. I want to buy her a birthday present. I might buy her a novel.

Bob I doubt if she likes books. She adores all kinds of clothes. And most kinds of jewellery. Why don't you buy her a bottle of perfume?

Andrew That's a good idea.

Комментарий к двадцать четвертому уроку


1 College Колледж, высшее учебное заведение

2 If he likes it, perhaps he'll change his mind. Если ему понравится колледж, может

быть, он передумает.

to change one's mind - передумать, переменить решение

I'll change my mind - я передумаю

3 Guy thinks Simon's lazy but I don't agree with him. Гай считает Саймона ленивым,

но я с ним не согласен.

а Guy thinks Simon's lazy. - букв. Гай думает, что Саймон ленивый.

б I don't agree with him. Я с ним не согласен.

Запомните предлог: to agree with someone: I agree with you, he agrees with me.

4 I doubt if Simon's really lazy. Я не уверен, что Саймон ленив.

I doubt if... - я сомневаюсь в том, что...

I doubt if he'll come. - Я сомневаюсь, что он придет.

5 It sounds as if he's interested in other kinds of things. Он как будто бы интересуется

другими вещами.

a it sounds as if - кажется, как будто бы

б to be interested in something - интересоваться чем-то.

6 At his age I didn't want to study either. В его возрасте я тоже не хотел учиться.

7 You seldom worry about the future when you're his age. В его возрасте ты редко

беспокоишься о будущем.

you seldom worry Вам встретился пример предложения, в котором действие имеет обобщенное значение и может быть выполнено всеми, любым лицом, например:

You don't like going out when you're ill. - Когда болеешь, не хочется никуда выходить.

8 I'll tell him about the advantages of a college education. Я расскажу ему о

преимуществах высшего образования (или: о преимуществах учебы в вузе).

9 If he saw the boys on the football field, he'd want to go to college. Если бы он увидел

ребят на футбольном поле, он бы захотел поступить в колледж.

a the boys - парни, ребята Слово boy может означать и мальчика, и юношу

(ср. girl - девочка, девушка).

б on the football field - на футбольном поле

в to go to college - поступить в колледж, стать студентом.

10 I hope he's easy to persuade. Надеюсь, что его легко уговорить.


Часть вторая


11 Excuse me. Извините.

Заучите наизусть эту очень распространенную форму извинения в английском языке. Обычно она употребляется при обращении:

Excuse me. Where is the hairdresser's?

Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Marble Arch?

12 Can you tell me where Mr. Fenton's office is? He можете ли вы сказать мне, где

кабинет мистера Фентона.

Обратите внимание на порядок слов в этом предложении. Сравните:

a Where is Mr. Fenton's office? - прямой вопрос;

б Can you tell me where Mr. Fenton's office is? - косвенный вопрос

13 Nonsense. Ерунда.

14 You ought to have brought them in. Тебе следовало бы их всех привести сюда.

15 They're walking round. Они гуляют (букв. Они ходят вокруг).

16 If there are too many people around, you can't talk seriously. Если вокруг много

народу, серьезно не поговоришь.

a around - вокруг В предыдущем предложении вам встретилось

слово round в таком же значении.

б you can't talk seriously - еще один пример обобщенно-личного

предложения (см. прим. 7 к этому уроку).

17 Let's go then. Тогда пошли.

18 There are only about a thousand students. В колледже всего лишь около тысячи


19 That's a difficult question to answer. На этот вопрос трудно ответить.

20 They're difficult to describe. Их трудно описать.

21 What do they do in their spare time? Что они делают в свободное время?

22 Some students meet their friends at the Union. Некоторые студенты проводят время

с друзьями в Союзе студентов.

a some students meet their friends - букв. некоторые студенты встречаются со своими друзьями.

б the Union - Союз студентов Студенческая организация, объединяющая

студентов по интересам, имеющая много общего с домом культуры в советской системе образования.

23 Do you know what sports they play? He знаете ли вы, какими видами спорта

они занимаются?

24 It sounds as if going to college is fun. Похоже на то, что учиться в колледже

интересно, (букв. Кажется, как будто бы учиться в колледже забавно.)

Выражение it sounds as if уже встречалось вам в этом уроке (см. прим. 5 к этому уроку).

25 You really ought to go to college. Тебе действительно следует поступить в колледж.

26 If you have the chance, it's a shame to waste it. Если у тебя есть такая

возможность, жаль ее не использовать.

a if you have the chance - если у тебя есть такая возможность Интересный пример такого случая, когда артикль переводится на русский язык. The chance подчеркивает именно эту возможность, такую возможность, а не возможность вообще ( if you have а chance...).

б it's a shame to waste it - букв, означает стыд, позор: стыдно ее упустить. Однако слово shame звучит в этом контексте не столь категорично, как русское стыд, позор, поэтому правильнее при переводе смягчить это выражение, что больше соответствует и общему характеру речи англичан.

27 That's the best suggestion yet. Пока что это самое лучшее предложение.

28 Do you know what Simon thought about the college? Вы не знаете, как Саймону

понравился колледж? (букв. Вы не знаете, что Саймон думал о колледже? )

29 How did you change his mind? Как вам удалось его переубедить?

30 Why don't you send us a prospectus? Почему бы вам не прислать нам проспект?

a prospectus - имеется в виду брошюра содержащая сведения о колледже, об учебных программах, и т.д.



Exercise 1


If you go to university go to the theatre often

If you like plays get a good education

If you go to university, you get a good education.

If you like plays, you go to the theatre often.

1. If you go to university use the stairs

2. If you like plays eat meat

3. If you drink whisky have to book one

4. If you don't like lifts don't read this book

5. If you need money travel by train

6. If you're ill get a good education

7. If you're afraid of planes go to the bank

8. If you don't like English must not drive

9. If you want a good table phone the doctor

10. If you can't eat fish go to the theatre often

Exercise 2


You'll be able to persuade Simon, won't you?

Yes, he's easy to persuade.

They didn't find her, did they?

No, she's difficult to find

1 You'll be able to persuade Simon, won't you?

2 They didn't find her, did they?

3 You can't talk to Mr. Fenton, can you?

4 He can understand them, can't he?

5 You like Jane, don't you?

6 They cook chickens here, don't they?

7 He couldn't describe the car, could he?

8 You didn't dance with Mary, did you?

9 We didn't find their house, did we?

10 She won't be able to speak English, will she?


Exercise 3



I wanted to go to college. Book some seats./Make a list of colleges.

I suggested you made a list of colleges.

She wants to study music. Go to college./Buy more newspapers.

I suggest she goes to college.

1 I wanted to go to college. Book some seats./Make a list of colleges.

2 She wants to study music. Go to college./Buy more newspapers.

3 They want to play football at college. Have fun/Join the football team.

4 She wants to buy a birthday present for Simon. Buy him a guitar./Send him to the library.

5 I want to persuade Jane to go to the hairdresser's. Give her a pound./Read a magazine.

6 He wanted to bring her a present. Bring a bottle of perfume./Answer the


7, They wanted to go to a restaurant. Buy some tickets/Go to the Italian one.

8 She wanted to go to Piccadilly. Use a map./Go to the chemist's.

9 I wanted some money. Have a bath./Cash a cheque.

10 He wants to go to sleep. Take a bus./Go to bed.


Exercise 4


It seems as if Simon likes studying.

Is he really lazy?

I doubt if he is really lazy.

You can study music at most colleges.

Can you study music at that college?

I am sure that you can study music at that college.

1 It seems as if Simon likes studying.

Is he really lazy?

2 You can study music at most colleges.

Can you study music at that college?

3 It looks as if it will be wet tomorrow.

Will it be sunny tomorrow?

4 Mary lived in France for five years.

Can she speak French?

5 Bob does not like games.

Will he join the football team?

6 George is not interested in music.

Has he got a guitar?

7 It looks as if the college is very small.

Are there only about a thousand students?

8 That is a difficult question to answer.

Will Mr. Fenton answer the question?

9 I do not think we have persuaded him to study English.

Does he want to study English?

10 Mary adores all kinds of clothes.

Will you persuade her to buy a new skirt?


Exercise 5



Ann: Where is the college?

Bob: It's over there.

Bob knows where the college is.

Bob: What time is it?

Ann: I'm sorry but I haven't got a watch.

Ann does not know what time it is.

1 Ann: Where is the college?

Bob: It's over there.

2 Bob: What time is it?

Ann: I'm sorry but I haven't got a watch.

3 Mary: When are the Hunts leaving?

Joe: They haven't decided yet.

4 Sheila: How is Jane travelling?

Simon: By bus.

5 Fred: What does Harry look like?

Jane: I've never seen him.

6 Jean: Why is Ann leaving London?

Peter: She's going to work in Geneva.

7 Mr. Hunt: When are Tim and Sheila coming back?

Simon & Jane: They haven't told us.

8 Paul: Where is Bob going?

Clare: I'm sorry but he didn't tell me.

9 Dick: How is Mary feeling?

Keith: She's feeling better.

10 Carol: Why are Ann and Mary slimming?

Ruth & Helen: They think they're too big.


Exercise 6


That music sounds... jazz.

That music sounds like jazz.

It seems... Simon is interested in music.

It seems as if Simon is interested in music.

1 That music sounds... jazz.

2 It seems... Simon is interested in music.

3 It seems... a good idea.

4 It sounds... we have persuaded him.

5 That woman looks... she is angry.

6 John sounds... his father.

7 Sam's Place sounds... a good place to eat.

8 Your cousin seems... a nice man.

9 I sound... a weak old man.

10 Those people look... they have a lot of money.




Charlie Wintage ran up the steps of the Administration Building, hurried through the revolving doors and walked down the long hall to the Dean of Men's1 office. He was ten minutes late. Before he opened the frosted glass door he took out a pair of amber – coloured spectacles and put them on. Then he went in and handed his summons to the secretary.

The Dean will see you in a moment", she said. " Please take a chair."

Charlie sat down and gave a glance about the office. Three freshmen, holding their green caps, were waiting with him. He recognized none of them, so he picked up a week-old copy of a newspaper and started read­ing it. But the room was warm and he immediately went to sleep. The newspaper slipped down on the floor. His amber-coloured spectacles hid his eyes and no one could see that they were closed. He was awakened by the secretary shaking him.

" Wake up and pay for your bed, old man! " one of the freshmen called and everyone laughed heartily.

" I sort of drowsed off2. It's so nice and warm here", Charlie said, apologizing to the secretary.

The Dean of Men got up as he entered and said: " Ah, this is Charlie Wintage, isn't it? How do you like the university by now, Wintage? Eyes troubling you? "

" Pretty well, sir. Yes, sir, a little. I wear these spectacles." The secre­tary brought his folder and the Dean looked through it briefly.

" Well, Wintage, I suppose you're anxiousto know why I sent for you. The unpleasant truth is, Wintage, you don't seem to be doing well in your studies. Now, to be quite frank, Wintage, you're on the verge of flunking out3. Less than a third of the semesterremains, and you have an F grade4 in English and D grades in Psychology and Military Training. On the other hand, you have an A average in Spanish and а В in Eco­nomics. Wintage, how do you account for your failing English when you are an A student in Spanish? "

" To tell you the truth, sir, I got behind in my written work in English, and I've never been able to catch up. And I don't really have to study Spanish. My father is a railway section foreman in my home town and he's always had a gang of Mexicans working for him. I've been speaking Spanish ever since I was a kid."

" How about this В in Economics? That's a fairly high grade."

" Yes, sir. Our economics professor doesn't give exams. Instead he gives everyone а В until he calls for our term papers. And the grade you get on your term paper is your semester grade. We have to do a lot of outside reading for the term paper. But I'm counting on keeping that В in Economics."

" That's fine, Wintage. But it appears to me that it's high time you were getting busy on some of the other grades too. You made an unusually high grade at your entrance exams. Graduated from high school5 with honours. What's the trouble, Wintage? "

" I don't know, sir, except I work at night at a cafe."

" How many hours do you work? "

'Ten hours, sir. From nine till seven. The cafe stays open all night."

" Very interesting, Wintage. But don't you suppose that it would be ad­visable to cut down a bit on this outside work and attend a little more closely to your studies? "

" I couldn't work fewer hours and stay in school, sir. I pay my room rent and I've been paying out on a suit of clothes."

" Can you arrange for a little financial support from home? "

" No, sir. I'm afraid not. I have two brothers and two sisters at home younger than I am. It wouldn't be right for me to ask my father to send money out of what he makes."

" I see, but all this is beside the point. We're here to discuss the state of your grades, Wintage. As you must know, any student who turns in less than half his work is automatically suspended6 from the university and must return to his home. Now one more bad mark and out you'll go, Wintage."

" I'd hate to have to go back home like that. You know there are not many jobs nowadays, sir."

" Well, unless you can after your circumstances, I suggest that you withdraw from the university at once."

" I believe I'll try to stick it through, sir. I'll try to remove the F and D grades and maybe I can luck through on my finals7."

(After George Milburn)



1 Dean of Men — преподаватель-воспитатель, ведущий работу среди


2 I sort of drowsed off — Я вроде бы задремал

3 to flunk out (амер.) — быть исключенным за неуспеваемость

4 F grade — самая низкая оценка, которую студент получает за свои знания

в колледже, университете A grade — самая высокая оценка

5 high school (амер.) — средняя школа

6 to be suspended — быть исключенным

7 I can luck through on my finals — и как-нибудь сдам свои выпускные






Part 1

Simon Hunt Peter's brought Dad and me to a huge men's shop. Their summer sale began this morning. Peter thinks we'll get some good bargains. I hope so. At the moment Peter and Dad are in the shoe department, looking at shoes. There was a crowd of men waiting to buy shoes. I don't need shoes, so Dad suggested I looked at something else.

Peter thinks I ought to buy a new watch because some of the watches are half-price. I've found a watch I like but it's expensive. I doubt if I can afford it. Dad won't allow me to buy an expensive watch. I tried to choose a cheaper one but they're all ugly except this one. None of the others is as attractive as this one. I think it's a bargain. I'm afraid Dad won't think so.


Part 2



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